2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (5 page)

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getting dark. How could you possibly…” Becky paused, taking a plump lip between
her teeth. “You have heightened senses and I’m going to take a leap and say
that it includes improved sight.”

nodded. “We don’t need light to see. Just like I can sniff you out anywhere.”

so cool.” The human upfront gushed. “What else can you do?” She directed the
question at Griffin who kept his eyes focused on Ross.

will tell you all about it, human. Griffin, you stay here with the females. I
want to check it out.”

you sure?” Griffin’s frown deepened. “There are three of them.”

narrowed his eyes and grinned broadly. “Come on, they’re a bunch of elf
pussies. I don’t plan on confronting them. I just want to find out what they’re
up to.”

gently placed Becky on the seat next to him. She clung to his arm for a second.
“Be careful.”

warmed his heart to know that she cared. “Don’t worry female, I’ll be back in
no time. I’m glad that you are worried about me though.”

like worried about the kings tearing me a new one if anything were to happen.
You are in this town because of me.” Becky rolled her eyes.

would not blame you. Just admit that you care.”

shook her head and made a negative noise.

don’t believe you.” He didn’t have time to argue so he kissed her to shut her

hoping elves are tiny, spindly creatures,” Elisabeth said.

Griffin snorted, which resulted in Becky giving him a worried look as he
released her.

wear silk robes and pointed shoes for fuck sakes, I will be fine.” He crushed
his lips with hers in a second searing kiss that had his dick hardening despite
the circumstances. “Besides…” Both their breathing had turned a little choppy
when he released her moments later. “I still plan on spending the night with
you, in your bed, buried deep inside of you. Nothing could keep me away.” He
pecked her lips before turning back to Griffin. “If I’m not back in fifteen
minutes, call Zane and inform him of the situation then get your asses to
Becky’s place.”

Becky tried to grab his arm but he slid from the SUV. Ross was out of time, if
he didn’t act now he might miss the opportunity to do so. Skulking around in
the shadows at night, dressed like humans, whatever it was that they were up
to, it had to be devious.

took off in a slow jog in the direction that he had spotted the elves, the
street was clear. Stores lined either side of the quiet road. Though they were all
long since closed. What could they possibly want in Sweetwater? He moved
quickly and quietly, soon picking up their distinct scent up ahead. They
smelled of the earth and fresh pine. The females of the species tended to scent
more of freshly cut grass mixed with floral undertones. Not that he had met
with many elven females in his life. Esral was the only elven female he had
ever spoken to and even those conversations had been brief since Xavier threw
him looks that could kill. Didn’t the male realize that he wasn’t interested in
making a move on the princess, not when a delectable human female had already
caught his attention?

his head, he focused on the scent instead which led him to one of the stores.
He carefully edged his way to the window and glanced in.

human male handed one of the elves a single wrapped package. Ross could scent
blood and raw meat that was typical to a human butchery. An array of different
meat types were on display behind the counter and numerous whole carcasses hung
behind a glass window to the back of the store.

the fuck?

could not scent anything other than the iron tang of blood. That must be what
was inside the package. Unless something with very little scent was wrapped
inside the meat in order to disguise its scent. The package was small, there
wouldn’t be space to hide much. Something was off, that much was clear. They
couldn’t be here for something as simple as meat. Money changed hands.

had seen enough, he jogged up the sidewalk and slipped into a side alley where
he would be able to observe any further movement. During this time, several
vehicles passed. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed Griffin. “Hold tight. I
want to watch them a bit longer. We need to extend the fifteen minute timeframe
to twenty five.”

are—” Griffin started to ask.

talk later.” Ross ended the call.

dialed again. Xavier answered after the second ring. “Yeah?”

Ross. I need some information. If memory serves, Esral is a vegetarian. Is that
true of all of her species?”

a long pause. “What is this about?”

spotted three elves in Sweetwater at the local butchery. It looks like they
were buying meat.”

long pause. “The elves normally stay clear of town.” He sounded confused. “They
stay far away from the humans.”

know, that’s why I decided to follow them. There is something wrong with this

They are all vegetarians that only eat what is
given freely by the earth
Xavier made it sound like being a vegetarian was a load of bullshit. Ross
didn’t comment on his definite dislike for the life choice.

either they’ve decided they actually quite like a bit of meat with their veg or
there is something more serious going on here.” Ross watched as the elves left
the store and walked in the opposite direction of where he was hiding. The elf
in the middle carried the package in one of his hands.

growled lightly. “I highly doubt that they plan on barbequing anything other
than veggie burgers for the foreseeable future. So why the need for meat?”

was a low rumble far up ahead as a sleek black Bugatti pulled out from a side
road. “There must be more to it. They are leaving and I want to tail them. I’ll
inform Zane when I get a chance. Chat later.” He disconnected the call and ran
back to the waiting SUV as fast as his legs would carry him. Thankfully, being
a vampire, that was less than four seconds. The elves didn’t have much of a
head start.

shrieked as he jumped in the vehicle. “Where the hell did you come from?” She

her, he turned to Griffin. “They are headed in that direction.” He pointed.
“Floor it but keep a safe distance.” He pulled Becky onto his lap. “I want to
know if they make any other stops before leaving.”

pulled out fast. Becky grabbed ahold of him and white knuckled. Elisabeth
gripped the sides of her seat. “Oh my gosh…is this really necessary?”

Ross tried not to growl. He didn’t want to scare the human any further.

floored it and Elisabeth whimpered. The male put his hand on her leg and
squeezed. “Fear not, I am an advanced driver. You are safe.” He glanced her way
and winked.

on the fucking road.” This time he all out growled. The Bugatti was up ahead.
“Slow down.” He added, less harshly this time.

that their car?” Elisabeth asked, sounding impressed.

seem to like flashy cars. Ferraris, Porches…Lamborfuckingghinis…” Griffin made
a sound of disgust. “They must have small man syndrome or something.”

thought you said that they are not small and spindly.” Becky stated.

was not talking about their height.” Griffin glanced in the rearview mirror.
“Fucking pussies,” he added.

sound jealous,” Becky said.

if. Why would I be jealous of pixie boots and silk?”

saying,” Becky added.

snorted. “I could so have a Bugatti if I wanted…I don’t. I don’t need one.” He
put a hand between his legs suggestively.

on the wheel. Stop your shit, Griffin.”

male met his eyes in the rearview mirror for a second before dropping his gaze.
Keeping a safe following distance, they followed the elves until the outskirts
of town. At that point the elves gunned it, disappearing in the direction of
their territory. “Don’t follow them.” Ross said even though he could feel that
Griffin had eased off the gas and was preparing to make a U-turn. “Wait until
they are out of sight before you turn back.”


pulled out his cell and dialed Zane, relaying the events of the last half hour
to his king.

strange but might not mean anything,” Zane said.

you really believe that?” Ross asked.

no! I’ll put a couple more eyes on the ground in Sweetwater just in case.” Zane
paused, “Don’t come back to the castle tomorrow. Go to Sentinel Point for a
couple of days.”

would I do that? No one has kept watch at Sentinel Point for many years.”

stink of human pussy. Just do as I say,” Zane growled. “No one is to find out
about this.”

A familiar female said, sounding irritated. “I thought you liked the scent of
my pussy and I’m a human.”

hand muffled the phone, but unfortunately he could still hear just fine. “I
the scent of your pussy and could lick it all day and night, Ysnaar, I
don’t want anyone scenting that Ross spent the night with Becky. Do not be mad,
as I didn’t mean it like that.”

did you just say?” Tanya shrieked, sounding overly excited. “Ross and Becky?”
Another shriek.

will speak later.” Zane ended the call.

shoulders shook, he had obviously heard the entire conversation.

wasn’t twenty seconds later and Becky’s phone rang. “This is a bad time,” his
female said as she answered.

felt his brow crease when he heard Tanya call Becky a slut.


too,” his queen threw back. “I just heard that Ross is spending the night.
O.M.G! Zane finally gave permission.”

can’t really talk.” Becky smiled at Ross, oblivious to the fact that he could
hear everything Tanya was saying. Tanya obviously was having one of her
pregnant brain moments. The female had been around vampires long enough to know
better. Surely she knew he and Griffin would be able to hear the whole
conversation. He clenched his jaw and shook his head, the queen was the
mischievous type and could just be causing shit for giggles.

I was very worried at first but Zane assured me that Griffin is with you guys
and that he will make sure that nothing happens to you. After all your whining
and moaning about wanting vampire dick, I really hope you don’t go all prim and
proper on me. This might be just what you need to forget that wolf. So”—she
sighed—“are you going to let him fuck you?”

rolled her eyes. “I kind of already have.”

of? Or, have already let him fuck you?”

squeezed her eyes shut. “Have.” She chewed on her lip.

Tanya shrieked on the other end of the line, Ross had to work hard not to cover
his ears. Griffin and Ross locked eyes in the rearview mirror and the other
male was actually wincing.

a score of one to ten, how was he?”

do this now,” Becky said between clenched teeth.

on, just say a number.”

Becky huffed.

was his turn to wince. Maybe he should inform his female that they could hear
exactly what Tanya was saying. “Um…about a nine.”

erupted into a coughing fit that Ross knew was actually laughing. The male was
laughing at him because his score had been less than full marks.

stared daggers into the rearview mirror but the other male refused to look up.

wow really? So, not as good as the wolf then?” Tanya asked.

hands tightened on Becky and he had to really work to make himself ease off.
This time when Griffin’s questioning gaze tried to catch his, he ignored it.

sure he can do better. Is round two on the cards?”

female cleared her throat. “Maybe.”

broke out into another coughing fit. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his
shoulders shook.

you okay?” Elisabeth asked, looking concerned. “Maybe you’re coming down with

shook his head. “I’m fine.” He finally said, “Just went down the wrong way.”

did?” Elisabeth asked, totally oblivious.

shrugged, his face turning red as he tried hard not to laugh.

clenched his jaw, fighting hard for control. A fucking nine.
A nine
Even though he had only had a few minutes, anything less than a ten for his
Becky was still unacceptable to him. Especially considering a mangy beast had
done better. Ross would do everything in his power to prove to her that he was
a worthy mate, fully capable of pleasing her in all ways.

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