33 Artists in 3 Acts (50 page)

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Authors: Sarah Thornton

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Almost all the artists featured in these pages waived their copyright fees. I am grateful for their generosity. Damien Hirst’s illustrations were kindly donated by Sotheby’s Department of Contemporary Art.


Gabriel Orozco
, Horses Running Endlessly
(detail), 1995, wood, each knight: 3 × 3 × 9 cm, chessboard: 8.7 × 87.5 × 87.5 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery.

Act I, Scene 1

Jeff Koons,
Made in Heaven
, 1989, lithograph billboard, 125 × 272 inches. © Jeff Koons.

Act I, Scene 2

Ai Weiwei,
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn
, 1995, three black-and-white photographic prints, 148 × 121 cm each. Courtesy of the artist.

Act I, Scene 3

Jeff Koons
, Landscape (Cherry Tree),
2009, oil on canvas, 108 × 84 inches.
Jeff Koons.

Act I, Scene 4

Ai Weiwei,
Sunflower Seeds
, 2010, 100 million seed-sized painted porcelain sculptures. Photo: Ai Weiwei. Courtesy of the artist.

Act I, Scene 5

Gabriel Orozco
, Black Kites
, 1997, graphite on skull, 8-1/2 × 5 × 6-1/4 inches. Courtesy of the artist, Marian Goodman Gallery, and Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Act I, Scene 6

Eugenio Dittborn
, To Hang (Airmail Painting No. 05)
, 1984, paint, monotype, wool, and photo-silkscreen on wrapping paper, 69 × 57 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Alexander and Bonin Gallery.

Act I, Scene 7

Ai Weiwei
, June 1994
, 1994, black-and-white photographic print, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist.

Act I, Scene 8

Zeng Fanzhi
, Self Portrait
, 2009, oil on canvas, 1200 × 200 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Act I, Scene 9

Wangechi Mutu
, Me.I,
2012, mixed media on Mylar, 42-1/4 × 69 × 3/4 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery.

Act I, Scene 10

(detail), 2011, two sheets of A4 paper, each 21 × 29.7 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

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