33 Artists in 3 Acts (52 page)

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Authors: Sarah Thornton

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Biography, #Art

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Afghanistan, 167

Afghanistan war, 97

African Americans, 357

artists, 58, 101, 217–23

Africans, in art, 56, 217–18, 251

Afrocentrism, 218

After Dark (gay bar), 118

age, aging:

for artists, 65, 100, 156–58, 230, 249, 253, 289, 317

“social,” 299

as subject of art, 213, 240

Aggregation: One Thousand Boats Show
(Kusama), 315

AIDS, 62

AIG, 350

Ai Lao, 91

Ai Qing, 24–26, 46, 47

“airmail paintings” (Dittborn), 34,
, 37–41

Ai Weiwei,
, 9–13,
, 23–26, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38,
, 43–46, 47, 53, 58, 65,
, 83–88, 96,
, 111–14, 190

architecture of, 43–44

artists defined by, 24–25, 45–46, 112–14

childhood of, 25–26, 46, 87, 111

disappearance and imprisonment of, 43–46, 53, 83–86, 113

disparagement of, 53

Hirshhorn exhibition of, 86–87, 111–13

home/studio of, 43–45, 49, 86

injuries sustained by, 10

Koons compared to, xv, 9, 91–92

studio of, 43–45, 49, 91

Zeng Fanzhi compared to, 49

Ai Weiwei—Never Sorry
(Klayman), 91–92

Alan Measles (G. Perry character), 303–4, 306

alchemists, as analogy for artists, 138, 152

alcohol abuse, 348

of Hirst, 260, 261
, 268, 296, 368

Alemani, Cecilia, 234

(Cattelan), 189,
, 200

Allen, Woody, 207, 358–59

Alÿs, Francis,
, 163–69, 190, 249

artists defined by, 168–69

in Hurricane Sandy, 227

studio of, 163, 164–66

Ambassador, The
(Alÿs), 249

ambiguity, 172–73

American Academy (Rome), 241

(Hirst), 259

ancient art, 107, 142

ancient readymades, 11, 92

Anelli, Marco, 291

annihilation, 313

anti-intellectualism, 25, 41

“Antiquity” series (Koons), 79–80, 106

antiwar movement, 95, 97–99, 296

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 172

Anyone Can Draw
(Loomis), 39

Anything Helps
(Leinonen), 119

Arab Spring demonstrations, 78

architects, architecture, 12, 43, 92, 165, 331

artists and, 200

Arnault, Bernard, 350, 358, 370

Arnold AG, 107

Arsenale, 245, 247, 249–51


artist vs., xiii, 5, 111, 118, 280

commercial aspects of, xiv, 16, 17, 33, 46, 64, 73, 87–88, 174, 236, 260, 262–63, 266, 268, 273–75, 280, 291, 307, 321–23, 325–26, 332–33, 343–44, 353–60, 365, 366, 376

craft vs., 80, 305, 308, 337

damage to, 225–28, 250

defined, 12, 18, 24–25, 46–47, 53, 55, 63, 64, 66, 112, 138, 159–60, 235, 249, 254, 263, 276–77, 351, 360, 368

didactic, 97–98

and foreign affairs, 65–66, 78

history, 314, 317, 341

mass-market, 341

politics, art driven by

as practice, 73, 135

as primary source of income, xv, 30, 180, 194

restoration and conservation of, 226–27

shock value of, 159–61

as surrogate family, 153

Art Basel, 194, 248

art brut
(outsider art), 248

Art Deco, 342

, 5, 96, 130, 138, 271, 350

artifice, 7, 33

Art in Amer
, 5


artists vs., 166

as collaborators, 15–16, 18, 24, 30, 38–40, 57, 80, 87, 107, 137, 149, 150

Artist Is Present, The
, 287–88, 290–92, 376


and activists, 112–14

aging of, 65, 100, 156–57

alternative means of income for, 70, 73, 129, 180–82, 291

artisans vs., 166

art vs., xiii, 5, 111, 118, 280

authority of, xiii–xiv

business, 88, 262, 268, 321, 323, 368

comparing and contrasting of, xv

continuum of credibility, 179

control of artworks, 325–28, 355

defined, 16, 46, 52, 55, 59, 63, 72–73, 100–102, 112–14, 137, 145–46, 151–52, 155, 168–69, 175, 187, 190, 191, 195, 201, 206–7, 228, 235, 246, 253, 266, 289, 295–300, 308, 310, 337, 344, 358, 374, 376–77

emigrant, 163–64

evolving status of, xvi

expectations of, 72

hands-on, 57, 80, 257, 283, 304

insecurities of, 159

men vs. women as, 179–81

outsider, 101, 138, 149

popular preconceptions of, 134–35

real, 101, 146, 190

sense of community of, 182–85

serious vs. unserious, 194

as subject of artwork, 96, 128, 129, 171–77, 179, 211–14, 288, 348

three kinds of, 295–97

see also specific indiv

Artist’s Breath
(Manzoni), 367

“Artist’s #1 Source of Income” (Dalton), 180

Artists Space, 176, 240

art market:

artists’ discomfort with, 297, 343–44

Chinese, 13, 49

control of, 13, 126, 128, 273–74, 325

criticism of, 184, 307, 326–27

evolution of, xvi

feminism in, 100

film in, 63–64

high end, 15–20, 46, 49, 51, 56, 58, 78–79, 80–81, 87–88, 144–45, 174, 195, 205, 258, 260, 262–63, 268, 273–74, 277, 307, 321–23, 341, 347, 363–70, 376

as medium for art, 271

output and, 260–61, 332

politics eschewed by, 31, 99, 100

primary and secondary, 79, 273–74, 323, 341

as primary source of artists’ income, xv, 30, 180, 194

rationing of reproduction in, 281

strategies of, xv

wealth and income gap in, 350

Art Must Hang
, 348

, 5, 350

Art Newspaper, The
, 274, 322

Art on Paper
, 129

“art workers,” 113

, 314

assisted readymades, 30

Ataman, Kutlu
, 61–66, 69

artists defined by, 63–64

studio of, 64

athletes, artists compared to, 19

auctions, 174, 341

art flipped at, 81

controversial, 261–62, 273–75, 276, 323, 325–27, 335, 366, 368, 370

see also
Christie’s; Sotheby’s

Auder, Michel, 172

audience, interaction by, 11, 13, 97, 287–88, 373

Aura (L. Dunham character), 134–36

Auriti, Marino, 251

Austin, Tex., 156


for Ai Weiwei, 43–44, 88

of artists, xv, 33, 101, 146, 168, 190–91, 248

of Ataman, 63

of Cattelan, 191

of Koons, 33

of Orozco, 33–34

authorship, 80, 185, 233, 327

anonymity and, 308

autonomy, of artists, 325–28, 355

avant-garde, 64, 108, 144, 146, 159–60, 240, 376

Ayad, Myrna, 365–67

babies, 254, 299–300, 304, 364, 365

Baby Makes Three
(General Idea),

Bacchus, 175, 212

Bacon, Francis, 40, 52, 259, 261, 314

Baer, Martha,

Bahrain, 78

Baidu, 13

Baldessari, John, 127, 156, 181

Ball, Lucille, 174

Balloon Venus
(Koons), 106, 108

Balthus, 50

Baltimore Museum of Art, 4

“Banality” series (Koons), 4–5, 92

Bancroft, Shelley, 128–29

Bankowsky, Jack, 271–77

Barbara Gladstone Gallery, 142, 225–26

Barbie dolls, 96

Baroque art, 80

Bartlett, Morton, 138, 144, 248, 250

Basel, 91

Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 56

(film), 306

Baziotes, William, 157–58

bear, taxidermied, 258

Beautiful, childish, expressive, tasteless, not art, over simplistic, throw away, kids’ stuff, lacking in integrity, rotating, nothing but visual candy, celebrating, sensational, inarguably beautiful painting (for over the sofa)
(Hirst), 364

“Beautiful Inside My Head Forever” (Hirst auction), 261–62, 273–75, 276, 323, 325, 335, 366, 368, 370


aesthetic, 4, 191, 307, 339–40

politics of, 57

in women artists, 174–75

Beckmann, Max, 50

Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, as cultural hub, 55

beds, 63, 69, 121, 122, 135, 181, 276

day-, 217–18, 221

Beijing, 9, 26, 45, 85, 87, 111, 114

airport, 43, 84

belief, as artistic concern, xiii–xiv

belly dancing, 66

Bergman, Ingmar, 66, 120

Berkeley, Calif., 296

Berksoy, Semiha, 63

Berlier, Terry, 73

Berlin, 32, 348

art scene in, 3, 87, 119, 163

Berlin Biennial, 235, 248

Beuys, Joseph, 33

Beyeler Foundation,
Fondation Beyeler

bicycles, 30


biennials, 61–62, 64–65

see also specific exhibitions

Big Ben, 281

Bikini Kill, 71

billboards, 247, 347

art installed on, 5, 69

“biological narrative,” 18

Bird’s Nest stadium, 9

Black Kites
, 30, 332

black soap, 218, 220, 221

Black Tail
, 57

Blakey, Art, 220

Bleckner, Ross, 377

blogs, Ai Weiwei’s, 13, 24, 25, 47

Blume, Félix, 166

Boetti, Alighiero e, 246

Bogart building, 182

Bollywood, 281

bombastic boasting, 222

Bonami, Francesco, xvi, 150, 188, 234, 236, 251, 267, 328

and Cattelan, 187–91, 200, 247

and Hirst, 364–66, 368–69

borders, 167, 168

Borges, Jorge Luis, 29

Bosphorus, 61

Botero, Fernando, 167

Botticelli, Sandro, 96

Bound, Robert, 365, 366

Bourdieu, Pierre, 298–99

Bourgeois, Louise, 100, 317

brands, branding, 92, 119, 174, 185, 274

Brant, Peter, 130

Brătescu, Geta, 249

Brazil, 339–41

Breton, André, 2234

Brilliantly Endowed
(Johnson), 222

Brinkmann, Vinzenz, 105

British Museum, 303, 308

Broad, Edythe, 297

Broad, Eli, 297, 350

Broad Art Center, 296–97

Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy: The Secret World of Corporate Espionage
(Javers), 327

bronchitis, 225


art scene in, 55, 58, 217, 282

see also specific neighborhoods

Brooklyn Preparatory High School, 182

Brooklyn Rail
, 184, 276

Brown University, xvi, 156, 195, 242

Bruce High School Quality Foundation, 185

Brummer, Carl, 119

Buchloh, Benjamin, 191, 267

Buddhism, Buddha, 53, 167, 290, 304

Burden, Chris, 298

Bushwick, Brooklyn, 55, 182, 221

business artists, 88, 262, 268, 321, 323, 368

butterfly paintings, 257, 258, 368

Byrne, David, 172

“Cady Noland Approximately” exhibition, 328

Calder, Alexander, 6

California, University of:

at Irvine, 9

at Los Angeles, 63, 180, 295–99, 348

at San Diego, 95

California College of the Arts, 70

calligraphy, 39

Cameron, Dan, 183

Cameron, David, 101–2

Campbell, Naomi, 369

Canal, Ramón Alva de la, 333

Cannes Critics’ Prize, 355

, 365

Caochangdi, 9, 43

Caravaggio, 175, 212

Card Players
(Cézanne), 364

Carland, Tammy Rae,
, 69–74

artists defined by, 72–73

Carnegie Prize, 63

Cartier-Benson, Henri, 72

Castelli, Leo, 335

Castro, Fidel, 51

Catholicism, 39, 58, 113, 127, 129–30, 167–68, 184, 332

cats, 44–46, 83, 113, 181, 261

Cattelan, Maurizio, xvi, 119,
, 125–31,
, 149–53,
, 199–202, 205,
, 258, 272–73

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