3:AM Kisses (31 page)

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Authors: Addison Moore

BOOK: 3:AM Kisses
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I pull back and admire Baya’s beauty under the spotlight just above the bar. “You know”—I press my lips together a moment—“I never told you this, but that day I bumped into you in Founder’s Square it was Steph’s birthday.”

Baya’s fingers fly to her lips. “Oh my, gosh—I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I press into her. “I was wandering aimlessly, and I remember thinking, I wonder what she would want me to be doing and with who—that’s when you flashed me.”

Baya’s face ignites a like a blowtorch.

“Really?” She blinks back tears. “You don’t think…” Baya bites down on her lip.

“I’d like to.” I give a sheepish grin. “She was always looking out for me. She wanted me to have the best. And I got you, didn’t I?”

“You’re amazing, you know that?” She rides her finger down my chest, and my gut cinches. “And, you’re also my new roommate, which means I have to apologize until I’m blue in the face to Laney.”

“About?” Laney comes around the counter to grab an apron with Roxy in tow.

“You just lost your roommate again. I’ve had a hotter proposition.” She bats her lashes into the girls. “Bryson took the apartment next to Cole’s.”

“What about me?” Cole comes up and thumps me in the chest. “Who’s going to cook and clean around the place with you gone?”

“Did you say, cook?” Roxy’s face lights up.

“Yeah.” Cole smacks me in the arm. “I had him whipping up five course meals and hand washing my boxers.”

Roxy narrows in on Cole. “I’m not cooking anyone a five course meal, and I promise I will
touch your boxers, but, if you’ll consider me, I can keep you in cupcakes.”

You can practically see Cole’s hard-on screaming, hell, yes.

“I like cupcakes.” He lowers his lids as if he’s luring her to the bedroom.

“Cool.” Roxy hikes her shoulder in his direction. “And don’t expect anything else.”

They take off into the shuffle of bodies, leaving me with Baya in my arms.

“It looks like it’s just me and you.” I hold her gaze stronger than steel. “I took a risk with my heart, and it paid off. Thank you for that.”

“Bryson,” she whispers. “I love you insanely, you know that?” Baya jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. “You know what I’m going to love the most about working with you—
with you?”

“Watching me walk around in my underwear?” I deadpan.

She wrinkles her nose and looks cuter than hell in the process.

“What? It’s the new dress code for bartenders.” I firm my grip under her thighs. “And I’m instating an apron-only dress code for you.”

“Just me?”

“Yes, but it’s limited to the apartment.”

“Very funny.” She tilts into me, her dimples cinch up on the sides, and my stomach bottoms out because she’s all mine. I’m the lucky one who gets to spend forever with her. “You know what I’m looking forward to the most?” She gives my waist a firm squeeze.

“Just hanging out—free to be you and me?”

“That, and those amazing 3 a.m. kisses.”

“To 3 a.m. kisses.” I lean in and brand my lips over hers. Baya tastes like strawberries dipped in sugar and every good dream I’ve ever had rolled into one.

“You know what I think we should do tonight after closing?” She gets a devious look in her eye, and, already, I like where this is headed. “Each other. On the bar.”

An approving groan rips from my chest. Forever isn’t going to be long enough for me to love Baya. “I double dog dare you.”





Thank you for reading,
3:AM Kisses.
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Look for
Winter Kisses
(3:AM Kisses Book 2)
Laney and Ryder’s story coming November 1
Sugar Kisses
(3:AM Kisses Book 3) Roxy and Cole’s story coming early 2014.
Whiskey Kisses
(3:AM Kisses Book 4) Holt’s story coming 2014.






I can’t even begin to thank everyone I need to for helping me with this book. My family has been my rock through every step of the way, and I’ll never be able to repay you enough for doing the dishes, helping with dinner, and, on those few occasions in which I do cook, for pretending to like it. We should go out sometime. Oh, and that whole laundry thing really isn’t working out for us. We’ll get it right someday.

To my readers: 3:AM Kisses was one of the best times I’ve had writing, and I’m thrilled to get to share it with all of you. I love all of your feedback, your comments, the time you take to let me know how you feel about my novels. I really do wish you could know just how much you mean to me. Big hugs to one and all!

To my sweet betas, proofreaders, and rockin’ editor, thank you once again for putting up with my insane antics which often results in multiple Facebook messages, texts, and numerous and sometimes disturbing emails. Delphina Miyares, thank you for saving me from pulling my hair out! As always your input changed the course of many a chapter. BIG thank you for saving me again!

Christina Kendler, you are worth your weight in gold! Thank you for pulling me from the clutches of ultimate disaster. Every time I see a peacock, I think of you! You’re just as beautiful inside and out. Thank you for taking the time out of your crazy busy life to help me. It really does mean everything to me.

To Rachel Tsoumbakos, thank you for pulling me out of a pickle and lending me your sweet eyes! You are incredible at what you do. I so appreciate it. And, to my rock star editor, Sarah Freese. There aren’t enough Wicked Whoopies in the world to say thank you, but I’ll keep trying. You’re amazing girl, and you know it. Ready for another book?

And a big giant thank you to Regina Wamba and her gorgeous cover models,
Dylan Prichard and Julia Plan. The three of you created magic together. The cover love for this book was through the roof, and it was all because of you. Regina thank you for putting up with me. I’m so glad I didn’t scare you off, but I’m sure I came this close. You rocked the cover like I knew you would. Big hugs and kisses for that!

To Him who sits on the throne

each day I smile with peace in my heart because I am forgiven. I owe you everything.



About the Author



Addison Moore is a
New York Times
USA Today
, and
Wall Street Journal
bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.


Feel free to visit her blog at:



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