4 Pageant and Poison

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Authors: Cindy Bell

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Pageant and Poison


A Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery


Cindy Bell


Copyright © 2013 Cindy Bell

All rights reserved.


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This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious.  Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

Chapter One


Bekki was in the middle of a very tightly wound curl when her cell phone began to ring. She usually had it turned off while she was working in the salon as anyone who needed her could always contact her on the salon phone, but ever since Nick had been involved in busting a drug ring in the area she had kept her cell phone on. If anything should happen to him she wanted to know immediately. She knew that being a detective could lead him into dangerous situations, she just preferred not to think about it. So when her phone began to ring she released the curl that was finally set and glanced at the caller ID. It wasn't Nick. She was very surprised to see who the caller was.

Rafael was a name
that she hadn't thought of in over a year. He was her old boss from New York where she had worked as a beautician to the rich and famous. He was the one she had left high and dry to escape back home for some healing. In the midst of the chaos of finding out that Trevor, who was the man she expected to spend the rest of her life with was cheating on her, she hadn't thought much about giving notice. All she had wanted was out.

had heard several rumors from old colleagues she was in contact with in New York that Rafael was furious with her. It hurt her a little to think that, but she knew he had a right to be. She had abandoned him just before a big fashion show was about to take place and she was one of the most talented stylists and makeup artists that he had. At least, that's what Rafael had told her. Bekki was more modest about her skills, she just loved bringing out the beauty in other people, not only for the rest of the world to see but also for the individual to realize. Now he was calling out of the blue and it made Bekki too curious to resist.

“I'll just be a minute,” Bekki murmured to her customer as she handed her one of the latest fashion magazines t
o look over. The woman frowned a little at it, but accepted it anyway. The city fashions had yet to win over the small town of Harroway, which still preferred a more classic style.

“Hello, Rafael?” Bekki asked as she answered the phone.

“Bekki!” he replied breathlessly. “Oh I'm so glad it's you!” she could hear the hint of shrillness in his voice that always indicated he was aggravated.

“How have you been?” Bekki inquired politely, but her attempt at civility was bulldozed by the forcefulness of his words.

“I need you, desperately. I will do anything to have you,” the urgency in his words inspired a sense of urgency within Bekki as well.

“What is it? What's wrong?” she asked swiftly.

“I am in charge of this year's Miss Brilliant Beauty Pageant,” he announced with pride.

“Oh congratulations,” Bekki chirped, she knew that this was
one of the most sought after and influential pageants of the year. Designers and stylist all around the country battled to be part of it because it was run by the same people that organized some of the big New York fashion shows and it lead to a lot more high profile and lucrative work if they liked the work you did.

“Yes, yes, it's wonderful,”
Rafael groaned in opposition to his words. “But then Sonia got the flu, and gave it to my other beauticians!”

Bekki gasped into the phone
feeling compassion for him. To be selected for one of the most important shows of the year and then not be able to provide the beauticians he promised would ruin Rafael professionally.

“I'm sorry to hear that,” Bekki said quietly, her mind spinning. “How can I help?”

“You can help by getting your country loving self back to where you belong!” Rafael announced with his customary skill at insulting those he wanted something from.

, I don't know if I could do that,” Bekki said hesitantly. “I run my own salon now and…”

“And the blue haired ladies can wait a week for their
hairdos!” Rafael insisted. “Bekki, please do not make me beg, you know that it steals years off my life when I have to beg.”

Bekki fell silent as she thought of the
Miss Brilliant Beauty Pageant. She had always wanted to be part of the excitement. The shimmer of the lights and the beauty everywhere. But she had left that life behind when she left New York City, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face it again.

“Bekki,” Rafael repeated in a long drawn out whine. “I need you, don't forget everything I ever did for you.”

Bekki snorted at that. Rafael had been one of the harshest critics of her styling abilities. At one time she was certain that the man had a personal vendetta against her. Until she realized that he was only so strict and critical because he thought she was one of the most talented of his employees, and his harshness had caused her to be an even better stylist.

“Okay,” she heard h
erself say before she could stop herself. “When do you need me?”

Tuesday,” he said flatly.

“As in tomorrow?” she laughed out loud.

“Is that a problem?” Rafael inquired crisply.

“Uh,” Bekki glanced over at Sammy who had finished styling her customer's hair. “Well, I guess I could make that work,” Bekki frowned thoughtfully but she was starting to get excited. Just the thought of being able to shop in all of her favorite stores again,
and go to a few of her favorite restaurants brought to life a side of her that had been fairly quiet since she had returned to Harroway.

“Great, I'll expect to see you tomorrow, I'll make all the
arrangements and send you an email. Oh thank you Bekki! You're a lifesaver!”

Bekki smiled at that as she hung up the phone. It felt good to be needed. It felt really good to know that she was still as in demand as she had been when she
had lived in New York City.

Sammy was at the front register with the customer, and as they finished their conversation Bekki walked up to her best friend. “Sammy
can you please run the salon for me till next Monday? she asked with a hopeful half-smile. Sammy was always there for her when she needed her. It wouldn't matter if Bekki took off out the front door without saying a word, she would cover for her best friend. With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, and a light bounce of her head Sammy agreed.

“What's up,
are you and Nick whisking off on some romantic vacation?” she gushed with a dreamy smile.

Nick. Bekki hadn't even thought about Nick. She was sure he wouldn't care, as a detective he was busy with work. They spent every minute they could together,
but she would be gone for less than a week.

. I need to head to New York to help out a friend,” Bekki explained and then confided in a whisper, “with the Miss Brilliant Beauty Pageant!”

“Are you kidding?” Sammy squealed. She wasn't a fan of the city life, but she knew all about the
Miss Brilliant Beauty Pageant and knew it was one of the hottest beauty pageants of the year. For Bekki to be part of it was a huge deal.

“Nope,” Bekki grinned. “I'll take lots of pictures.”

“Oh you better,” Sammy giggled and then waved her hand. “Go on, have fun, I can handle the salon and I'm sure your mom will help out if I need her.”

The salon had been started by Bekki's
mom and Bekki had practically grown up in it. When she moved back to Harroway her mom had asked her to take it over.

“I'm sure she will,” Bekki agreed as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. “Thank you so much Sammy! Love you!”

Sammy waved to her again with a wide smile. Bekki's house wasn't too far from the salon but she had driven in today because she was running late. Everything in the town was fairly accessible by foot except for the mansions on the hill on the other side of town. Her quiet hometown was a big change from the bustling city she had run off to just after high school. It had been her dream to become a well known stylist, and she had. Only, she realized in the end, that the dream didn't mean that much to her. In the glare of the city lights, and the harsh and frigid environment of its modern culture she found that both her country manners and genuine affection for people, were a novelty. She soon learned to embrace the more detached lifestyle that the city demanded, but she always felt a little longing for the warmth and honesty of being back home where people knew her from the time she was born to the time she took off to New York City.




When Bekki arrived home from the salon she couldn't help but steal a glance in the direction of Nick's house. Nick Malonie was a detective for the local police. He was also the high school love of her life, who had broken her heart. Actually the scenario had turned out to be the fault of both of them, but none of that mattered now, because he had redeemed himself by being the most amazing man she had ever met, again! Their relationship had recently progressed despite her fear of being hurt again. Her only other serious relationship, with a lawyer in New York City, Trevor, had ended on a very sour note when she discovered that he had been cheating on her for quite some time.

and Nick were taking things slow, but she found herself growing closer to him each time they saw each other. Since they practically lived next door to one another, that was pretty much every day. Even though it had become old hat to see him on a daily basis, her heart still fluttered when she pulled into the driveway with the hope that he would be home as well. She was not disappointed, as not only was he home, but when he saw her pull in, he had walked the short distance down the street and begun walking up the driveway behind her.

"Hi," she smiled broadly at him as she stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Hi," he replied with a boyish grin that indicated he was up to something.

“You’re home early,” she said with a smile.

“We closed the drug investigation today. I was hoping you might get home early, too," he grinned.

"Oh were you?" Bekki asked arching one dark brow as she studied him. "And why is that?"

Nick smiled as he moved closer to her, one hand landed on the curve of her left hip, while the rest of his lean but muscular frame glided in front of her to keep her pinned between the car and himself.

"Can't I be happy to see you?" he asked with exagger
ated innocence as his dark green eyes met her blue gaze.

"Sure," Bekki replied slowly, obviously intrigued by his playfulness, and more than happy to be so close to him. She felt his fingertips play lightly at her hip with a gentle squeeze as he leaned closer still
, and drew her lips into a slow, sultry kiss. Her entire body awakened in reaction to the caress of his lips, as if in their absence she was missing some essential ingredient to being alive. He stirred within her such a deep desire that all other thoughts were swept right from her mind. With her purse clutched in one hand she encircled his waist with her arms, and drew him closer, enhancing the kiss.

"Mm," Nick moaned quietly through the kiss and reluctantly pulle
d away. "Gosh you make this difficult."

Those were not the words Bekki had been expecting. All of the heat that had been pumping through her veins in reaction to the proximity of his
muscular body and the deliciousness of his touch ran abruptly cold as all too familiar fears surfaced.

"I make what difficult
?" she asked, her eyes searching his for any clue as to what he was referring to.

"Well," he hesitated, though his lips were still
curled in that mischievous grin. "I had such a lovely plan for you, but now, I'm not sure if I can go through with it."

"A plan?" Bekki again felt a little uneasy, she tried to convince herself that this was Nick, and he was just trying to tease her, but as much as she had allowed herself to come to care for him, she still found herself questioning his motives. Nick's eyes narrowed slightly as he detected the change in her tone and expression. His lips twitched slightly as if he wa
s about to say something, but he paused and managed a more casual smile.

“You've been working so hard,” he explained mildly. “I thought it would be nice for you to have a couple days to just relax, and rejuvenate.”

Bekki felt a mixture of relief and guilt as she pushed a smile onto her lips. She was relieved her suspicions had been wrong, but frustrated that she had had them in the first place.

“That sounds delightful,” she laughed, her eyes shining with excitement. “What did you have in mind?”

He reached into the pocket of his black slacks and pulled out two tickets. “I bought a weekend at the spa for you and your mom,” he smiled proudly as he held the tickets up to her.

“Wow!” Bekki gasped out and snatched the tickets out of his hands with a laugh. “This is great!” she began to gush, then noticed the dates on the tic
kets. “Oh no,” her smile faded quickly. “Nick, these are for this weekend.”

“I know,” Nick raised
an eyebrow as this was not the reaction he was expecting. “Is that a problem? You said Sammy was working and you were having the weekend off.” Bekki noticed a hint of panic in his voice, but she was determined to ignore it.

I just agreed to go to New York City to work for the rest of the week and over the weekend,” she grimaced, wondering if he would be upset with her. “I'm so sorry.”

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