4 Pageant and Poison (8 page)

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Authors: Cindy Bell

BOOK: 4 Pageant and Poison
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Nick had just pulled away from her far enough to lean in for a kiss, his lips hovering just a breath away from hers, when she heard someone call her name.

"Bekki," Liam called out as he jogged towards the front of the convention center. He came to a stop when he saw the position she was in, with Nick's kiss interrupted by her turning her head in Liam's direction. She glowered at the young cop for a moment before looking back at Nick.

"Hold that thought?" she said
with a sheepish smile.

"I don't think I can," Nick
protested quietly, but when he looked up and saw the uniformed officer walking slowly in their direction he sighed and relented. He stepped back from Bekki but kept his arm around her waist.

"Is this him?" Liam asked eagerly, his eyes shining as he looked at Nick. Nick shot a quizzical look in Bekki's direction, while Bekki nodded proudly,

"This is him," she declared happily. "Nick, this is Liam, I told him about what a wonderful detective you are."

"Oh really?" Nick asked.
"Did she tell you how she solves all my cases before I have a chance to figure them out?"

"No," Liam laughed, but then his laughter faded. "Well
, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it wasn’t Jane."

The words struck Bekki like a sledgehammer. She had been so certain that she was right.

"How do you know?" she asked skeptically.

turns out that Jane Lincolns passed her lie detector test. She's not the one who poisoned those drinks," he frowned. "And this leaves us back at square one."

"But if it wasn't Jane," Bekki's voice trailed off with confusion. She had been so convinced. "Is it possible that she fooled the test?" she asked with a frown.

"It's very hard to," Liam explained. "It is possible, but most people can't. She passed with flying colors. I really don't think it was her."

"He's right," Nick nodded as he released her waist. "It is very unlikely that she could have faked the test. Do you have any other suspects?"

Liam sighed, "Everyone."

"What?" Nick as
ked, thinking he didn't hear correctly.

"Everyone," Bekki

Nick's eyes widened at that. “Okay,” he frowned and then rubbed his chin. “Let's figure it out.”

“So you don't have to get back to Harroway?” Bekki asked.

“Nope, investigation is over,” he said with a smile of relief.

“We can certainly use all the help you have to offer,” Liam said with certainty as he looked at Nick. “I'm not into beauty pageants myself, but there’s been a lot of publicity about the case, and there's a lot of pressure for the department to wrap this case up.”

“I just need to think,” Bekki insisted. “I just need a minute,” as she walked away from Liam and Nick and back towards the stage she heard them speaking quietly to one another. It was t
hrilling to know that Nick was here, and here to stay, but it bothered her that she had it wrong. Could it have been Martin, Jemma, or even Marissa after all? But none of it made sense to her. She was certain she had been right. Was it possible that her instincts were off about more than just that?

recalled the scene of Candy's death, and the scene of Suzanne's. She was trying to start from the beginning again, to form a different theory about what had happened. There was no question that the drinks had been poisoned. The bottles had tested positive. But who had poisoned them? The truth was, anyone could have. They all had access to the drinks. Bekki was relieved she hadn’t even considered opening hers. By the time she made her way back to the central area behind the stage she was only getting more frustrated. She felt as if she should know exactly who the killer was, and she just couldn't put her finger on it. Nick was waiting for her at a table and chairs that had been set up for some of the staff. Bekki dropped down into the chair beside his.

“I just don't know,” she sighed before he could even ask her.

“Bekki, why don't we just go back home?” Nick suggested as he leaned forward. “We can just let the police handle it.”

Bekki shot such a glare in Nick's direction that he couldn't hide his laughter.

“I was kidding,” he smiled and leaned close enough to give her a light peck on the lips. “Look, you've been so focused on this for so long, you just need to let your brain relax a little,” he stood up and slid his chair behind hers. “Please, allow me,” he murmured and began gently stroking the slope of her neck as well as the rise of her shoulders. Bekki could feel the tension slowly disappearing from her body.

"Why don’t we see if we can look at the tapes?" Nick asked as he rested his chin lightly on her shoulder. She could tell from the tilt of his head that he was trying to resist kissing her neck. They hadn't been apart for very long, but apparently it was long enough to make them both miss each other very much.

"The tapes?" Bekki asked as she glanced over at him, nearly brushing her lips against his.

"The security tapes," he explained as he pointed to the security office a few doors down from where they were sitting. "In a place like t
his they have cameras everywhere. I’m sure Liam already looked at them but maybe he missed something."

“You wait here and I’ll go ask Liam if he’ll let me have a look,” Nick said.

Nick returned shortly afterwards, “Liam has arranged for me to get access to the tapes.”

he nodded and they walked towards the security office. Nick had been right there were lots of tapes to go through. Now that Bekki was on a mission she was determined to go through all of them. As she did, Nick dozed in the chair next to her. She couldn't help but think his subtle snoring was adorable.

"There it is!" she suddenly announced, causing Nick to jump and nearly fall out of his chair.

"There's what?" he asked with surprise.

"Watch," Bekki said quickly as she rewound the tape. "Suzanne is standing right here in the
hallway, and she reaches out. When she pulls her hand back she has the two bottles of herbal drink."

"But you can't see who gives them to her," Nick frowned as he peered closely at the screen.

"The camera can't see it," Bekki whispered and then studied the image in front of her.

“Here look,”
Nick tapped a few buttons and the screen began to zoom in until they had a clear view of the reflection in a mirror of the person who gave Suzanne the drinks.

"Oh no," Bekki gasped when she saw who was reflected in the
mirror. "Oh no, it can't be," she frowned and felt her stomach twist. Of all of the suspects that she had, this person was not someone she had even considered, nor did she want to have to consider it. She felt as if she'd rather they hadn't figured it out.

"Bekki," Nick looked at her intently. "Do you know her?"

"Yes," Bekki sighed as she sat back in her chair.

“Not good news I take it,” Nick said as he reached out to rub the back of her hand. “Want me to tell Liam for you?”

“No, I'll tell him,” Bekki said quickly. She didn't add that she'd tell him after she learned the full story of course.

“Bekki, be careful. She might look innocent, but she's killed two people,” Nick warned.

“I will be,” she assured him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Chapter Seven


Most of the contestants and staff were scattered about the convention center preparing for
the next day. None of them was really certain that it was going to open at all, but it was something to keep them busy in all the chaos. Bekki didn't have to look for her suspect for long, as she had planted herself in the middle of the stage. She was just sitting there, staring out across the empty chairs arranged around the runway. Bekki walked up to her slowly, she didn't want to alarm her, but from the way her shoulders were trembling it was clear that she already knew.

“Abby,” Bekki said s
oftly as she looked down at her. “Why did you do it?”

Abby was silent at first and just continued to stare out at where admiring fans should have been.
Instead there were only empty chairs.

“It wasn't supposed to be like this,” she confessed. "I was so sure that I was going to be able to win," Abby said tearfully as she looked up at Bekki from where she was sitting in the middle
of the stage. "I just wanted to win so badly. I watched my sister and mother tortured over the loss all year. They then asked me to try this year. I wanted to win, not so much for me but I wanted to win for them.”

She sighed as she looked up at the s
parkling lights above her. "My mom lost so much money on the last pageant. I thought if I could win, it would fix everything. I even went to Martin and bribed him with my college money," she lowered her eyes shamefully.

dropped down to a crouch beside the girl.

"I know," Abby groaned and shook her head. "It was wrong, I just thought if Suzanne was on Candy's side, and I made sure I had Martin on my side, then Justin would be the last vote, the honest vote, and I was sure that I would win."

"So what happened Abby?" Bekki asked gently. She could see fresh tears bursting past her thick lashes that were layered with mascara. "Did Candy find out about Martin?"

"No," Abby sniffled and wiped at her eyes. "Candy wasn't even supposed to be involved, that was a mistake."

"So it was Suzanne that was your target, all along?" Bekki asked.

"She wasn't a target," Abby gasped out. "It wasn't like that," she whimpered. "I swear. It's not like I just decided I'm going to poison her. It's just, I was so angry. Martin had promised me that he would be on my side, and then I saw him and Suzanne alone together," she shuddered at the memory. "He was playing both of us, and I knew then, I was going to lose
. My mom would be crushed, and my sister would lose it, and I would have to live the rest of my life knowing that I had given up my college education in exchange for nothing!"

She closed her eyes against a fresh barrage of tears. “I just couldn't let that happen!”

Bekki frowned as she studied the young girl. She was barely eighteen, and certainly a beauty. She had the world at her feet, and yet this was what she had been driven to.

“I honestly didn't think it would kill her,” Abby squeaked out. “I thought the drink would dilute it enough, just to make her sick. Then they'd have to replace her as a judge. I had no idea she would give one of the bot
tles to Candy! Candy must have drunk hers first, and, and…” she shook her head slowly. “Even when she died, I didn't think it was because of me, I mean how could I know? And then when Suzanne died too...” Abby choked on her words, making them difficult to understand. “What have I done Bekki?”

Liam stepped out onto the stage behind the two of them. Bekki instinctively knew that Nick must have call
ed him. He knew her too well. He expected her to confront Abby alone.

“Abby,” Liam said quietly as he paused beside her. “I need you to stand up please.”

Abby stood up slowly, her body trembling as she did. Just then the doors to the entrance of the auditorium burst open and Monica came running in.

“Stop!” she shouted at Liam who was putting cuffs on Abby. “Stop it! You've got it wrong again! Please stop!”

“No,” Abby said thickly. “He doesn't have it wrong Monica. Not this time. Remember when you said Mom must have done it for us?” she stared into her sister’s eyes. Monica nodded slowly. “I did this for you,” Abby whispered with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please forgive me.”

Bekki had to look away to keep from tearing up herself. She couldn't imagine what had gone wrong in Abby's mind and heart to go to such lengths just to win a pageant.

As Bekki walked away from the stage Nick was there waiting to hug her. She felt her entire body relax as his arms wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder, listening to his breathing. She wished everyone and everything would disappear and they could simply be together.

"Let's get out of here," Nick murmured in her ear. "I don't think the show is going to go on, with two dead bodies and a contestant arrested for their murder."

"I think you're right," Bekki nodded as she saw Rafael and Jemma arguing with the police officers. “Let me just say goodbye to Rafael,” she murmured. Rafael was already walking towards her, looking very out of sorts.

“I'm sorry
Rafael,” Bekki said with a frown. “I know how much this meant to you.”

“Well,” he sighed and r
ubbed his hands together. “There's always next year.”

Bekki grinned at that. “Well
, you know my phone number.”

“I don't know,” Rafael eyed her with playful suspicion. “It seems wherever you go, mystery follows.”

“Good point,” Bekki smiled. “But really, if you need me, feel free to call.”

“Thanks Bekki,” he gave her hand a light squeeze and glanced past her towards Nick waiting for her. “I'd say take care of yourself, but it looks like you've been doing just fine.”

Bekki smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye.

When she joined Nick, he offered her a comical scowl. “Kissing other men I see,” he huffed.

“Only you,” she replied and kissed him softly. When she pulled back from the kiss he was smiling that easy smile that always made her head spin.

“You did well
Detective Bekki,” he grinned. As she stared into his eyes she realized she had nothing to worry about. Nick was looking at her the same way she was certain she always looked at him.

"You know I'm sorry about scaring you," Bekki said quietly as she thought about how worried she
had been about him. "I really wasn't thinking."

"It's okay," Nick said quietly as he took her hand and led her out of the convention center. They paused beside Bekki's car and he opened the driver's side door for her. "Your mind was somewhere else."

He got into the passenger side and Bekki began to drive. It was just nearing sunset and the city was very congested.

"Bekki, take me to your favo
rite place," Nick suddenly said.

Bekki glanced over at him.

"I know your favorite place in Harroway," he smiled faintly. "At least I think I do. It's my favorite place, under the stars. But I've never
been to see your favorite place here. I want to know where you would go for some peace."

Bekki smiled a little as she recalled just where that was. In fact she had often found herself there, thinking of Nick. Even when she was with Trevor, she would think of Nick and the summer they had shared.

"Okay," she agreed and headed for Lincoln Center. She parked in a rare metered spot and led Nick towards the fountain. It was nearly dark, and the lights were on in the fountain, as well as in the large archways of the building beside it.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Nick admired the sight as Bekki sat down on the edge of the fountain.

"So this is where you would come?" Nick asked as he stood before her and looked down into her eyes.

"Mmhm," Bekki replied and smiled to herself. "Sometimes I would be so lonely for the stars of Harroway that I would close my eyes and imagine them here, while I listened to the water."

Nick sat down beside her and soaked in the balmy evening air. "It's beautiful here, I can see why you love it," Nick said quickly. "New York City I mean."

"I do," Bekki said with a nod. "But it's not the same."

"Too many memories of Trevor?" he asked sympathetically as he met her eyes.

"Not enough memories of you," she replied and leaned close to kiss him slowly. The sensation of their lips gliding together seemed to ignite the fountain behind them, and the sprays of water shot straight up into the air.

"Did you solve your case?" Bekki asked when she broke the kiss and brushed her fingers through his brown hair.

"No," Nick shook his head slightly.
"Not exactly."

"Cold cases are tough," Bekki admitted, but Nick only glanced away from her. Even though the moment was perfect, and he was so attentive, Bekki couldn't help still feeling that something wasn't right. It made her heart ache to think that there
was something that Nick felt uncomfortable telling her.

"Do you ever think about moving back here?" Nick asked her casually.

"Sometimes," Bekki admitted as she glanced around at the people walking by. "I was so sure I belonged here, even when I didn't. Now, it just feels more like I belong in Harroway."

"It's hard to trade in
so much glitz for a little town," Nick said as he nodded a little.

"Not if that little town has you in it," Bekki teased and kissed him again.

“Do you mean that?” he asked as he lost himself in the blue of her eyes.

“Of course I do,” Bekki smiled faintly, but her smile faded as she realized that Nick was feeling as insecure as she was. It was new territory for both of them.

“I just mean,” Nick drew her hand into his and held it firmly. “If you were going to make other plans for the future, you'd tell me right?”

Bekki felt her throat tighten slightly with anxiety. She knew what he was wanting to hear. He wanted her to declare that she would never leave him, that he was her future. Was she ready
to tell him something like that? Could she say it and honestly mean it? She waited another moment expecting him to dismiss his question, but he didn't.

“I'm not asking for a commitment Bekki,” he said firmly as he slid closer to her on the fountain. “I just want to know if we're thinking the same things. Because when I see my future, you're the biggest part of it.”

Bekki smiled at that. Her entire body grew warm at the thought of Nick truly wanting a future with her.

, you'll get sick of me,” Bekki laughed with a mild shrug as she glanced away from him. She was trying to lighten the mood as well as change the subject. But she felt his fingers curve softly along her cheek, guiding her face back towards him so he could look into her eyes when he spoke.

“No I won't,” he whispered as he held her gaze. “I won't ever. And you're not getting out of this one. It's okay if you don't think the same things, just tell me the truth.”

“The truth,” Bekki nodded slightly. “We both have our secrets, don't we?”

“Bekki,” Nick frowned and closed his eyes for a
moment as he drew a deep breath.” If this is about the case, it's not what you think.”

“Nick, I
was given one of those herbal drinks too,” Bekki said quietly. “It wasn't poisoned,” she assured him. “At least I don't think it was, and I didn't drink it. But it made me think about how easily everything can change. One minute you're gulping down a drink, the next you're gone.”

Nick nodded silently, listening as she continued to speak.

“It made me realize that there's only one thing I would truly do differently in my life, and that would be going back to that summer, and speaking up about how I felt then,” she frowned a moment and then moved her head slightly to the side. “Does that tell you enough?”

“I don't need promises,” Nick said before kissing her gently. “I won't give them either,” he added. “I can't make you promises about the future, we're not there yet,  but I can tell you right now, there's only one way I want to have a future, and that's with you.”

“Me too, Nick,” Bekki said with a delighted sigh.

“I love you, Bekki,” Nick said firmly and held her gaze until he was sure she had heard him and believed him, then
he gave her a quick kiss. “Now, about this bathtub?”

Bekki grinned in anticipation. “Race you to the car!” she called out and headed for the car. Nick was right on her heels.




When Bekki and Nick got back to the hotel she wast
ed no time showing him the bathtub. She had promised him after all.

"That is huge!" Nick laughed and shook his head.

"Listen I'm going to go grab us some dinner," Bekki said. "You relax, find something on television if you like. I know this great take out place and you just have to try the food."

Nick smiled and held her gaze for a moment. "Leaving me already?"

"Ha ha," Bekki smiled and hugged him fiercely before hurrying out of the apartment.

When Bekki
returned with the delicious food, Nick wasn't in the living area. He wasn't in the bedroom. She heard the water running in the bathroom. When she pushed open the door she saw him sprinkling some rose petals on top of the water in the bathtub which was almost filled to the brim.

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