48 Hours to Die (2 page)

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Authors: Silk White

BOOK: 48 Hours to Die
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Each murder was worse than the last one and he knew if Anthony Stone didn’t catch this scumbag, he would surely strike again.

“Don’t worry about it captain, I’m on it,” Anthony Stone said looking down at the letter again. Whoever this Uncle Sam guy was, it was clear that he had a serious problem with police and wanted to make every law enforcement agent out there look like a fool.

Anthony Stone exited the house and was immediately swarmed by the media.

“Is it safe to say that we have a serial killer on the loose?” A reporter asked shoving a microphone up to Anthony Stone’s mouth.

“I wouldn’t say that,”

“This is the third victim in two months, how can you or the police department assure us that we will be safe with a serial killer out here chopping up his victims left and right?” Another reporter asked.

“The only thing I can assure you is that I will catch this guy,” Anthony Stone pushed through the crowd, slid behind the wheel of his all black Dodge Charger, and drove away from the crime scene in a hurry. Images of the last victims chopped up body played over and over again in his head. When Anthony Stone left the crime scene, he knew right then and there that he was going to have to personally take down the so-called Uncle Sam.

Anthony Stone pulled up in front of his apartment building, killed the engine, and headed inside. It had been a long day and all he wanted to do was relax and have a drink. Anthony Stone entered his apartment and quickly pulled out his 9mm when he heard movement coming from the kitchen area. He eased his way towards the kitchen and aimed his gun at the intruder.

“Oh my god!” Tasha said holding her heart. “You trying to give me a heart attack or something?”

“Tasha what are you doing here?” Anthony Stone said holstering his weapon.

“Sorry I was just trying to surprise you with dinner,” She said innocently. “I saw you on the news, and it looked like you were having a bad day so I figured that you could use a nice home cooked meal along with some company.”

Anthony Stone shook his head. “I almost shot you,” he had given Tasha the keys to his apartment over two months ago, but since she never used them he had forgotten that she even had them. He was taking his time with this relationship, it seemed like every time he found someone he really liked, and his job would somehow get in the way or ruin the relationship. But not this time, this time he planned to take his time and make sure that Tasha was the right one for him. Anthony Stone leaned in and kissed Tasha on the lips. “It smells good baby, what you cooking?”

“It’s a surprise,” Tasha smiled, and then pushed her man out of the kitchen when she caught him trying to peek inside one of the pots. Tasha stood at 5”7 with jet-black hair that came down to the middle of her back. Her skin complexion was a shade darker than caramel. She favored the actor Nia Long. Tasha weighed 180 lbs. and carried it well.

Anthony Stone sat on the couch as Fabolous new album hummed through the speakers on the entertainment system. He poured himself a glass of vodka and mixed it with orange juice. The drink was just what he needed to calm his nerves. Twenty minutes later, Tasha emerged from the kitchen and placed two plates down on the kitchen table.

Anthony Stone made his way over to the table, as he and Tasha held hands while he said a quick prayer over the food. Once that was done the two dug in.

“This ain’t bad,” Anthony Stone said.

“I used my grandmother’s recipe,” Tasha smiled. This was her first time making lamb chops and she was hoping that Anthony liked them. As Tasha ate her food she noticed that Anthony was drinking a lot and seemed to have a lot on his mind, she had been watching the news so she knew what was going on. “Want to talk about it?”

“Sorry baby,” Stone apologized. “I don’t know how someone could kill a person and then chop their body up like it’s nothing, images of that woman’s body keep popping up in my head.”

Tasha walk around to the other side of the table and rubbed Anthony Stone’s back. “It’s going to be okay, I’m sure they’ll catch him sooner or later.

“I got assigned to the case tonight baby,” he announced. He knew that Tasha would be upset because that meant longer hours and less time that they would be able to spend together.

“I understand,” Tasha rubbed his back. “If anybody can catch him it’s you,” she didn’t like the idea of him having to track down a serial killer, but that was his job and it was her job to support him.

“Thank you baby,” Anthony Stone kissed, Tasha on the cheek, walked over to the couch and fired up his laptop. He was determined to find out who this Uncle Sam guy was. He knew the faster he found out who the man was, the faster he would be able to stop the murders.

It’s Not Safe

Uncle Sam sat upstairs in the office of the club that he owned watching CNN. He grinned when he heard the reporter announce that the police had no leads on who the suspect was. Reggie ran a successful nightclub as well as a few other lucrative businesses by day, but by night, he turned from Reggie the businessman to Uncle Sam the serial killer. Reggie began his killings about six months ago when his fiancé at the time was murdered in a hostage situation. The detective on duty the night that his fiancé was murdered was none other than Anthony Stone. Reggie remembered the detective apologizing for not being able to save his fiancé, but he paid the detective no mind, in his heart he felt that detective Stone along with the rest of the police department could have done way more but they chose not to. From that day forth, Reggie planned to make the police do their jobs. He planned to kill as many people as he had to in order to make his point. Reggie’s victims were all women, the police had failed to protect his woman, and now he wanted to see just how many women had to die in order for them to finally start doing what they were being paid to do, protect and serve.

Reggie exited his office, stood out on the balcony area, and looked down at all the people on the dance floor. The club was packed wall-to-wall with partygoers dancing, drinking, and having a good time. The sad part was that one of them was going to be Uncle Sam’s next victim and they didn’t even have a clue.

Reggie sipped his drink when he heard a knock at the door; he turned around and saw Lisa standing in the doorway. He had hired Lisa to manage the club and to basically do all the work that he was supposed to be doing or too lazy to do. Lisa was a Latin woman who had a great personality, not to mention she was easy on the eyes, with a nice coke bottle figure.

“Numbers are looking real good tonight,” Lisa smiled. “We got a full house tonight, with plenty of people outside dying to get inside.”

Reggie sipped his drink and nodded. “You’ve been doing a phenomenal job keep it up.”

“Thank you,” Lisa said with a smile. She had been working with Reggie for over a year and she still wasn’t able to read him. Reggie never said more than necessary and seemed to be strictly all about business. Lisa had even asked to take Reggie out on a date a few time, but he always declined. “Is everything alright? Seems like something is on your mind.”

“I’m good, Lisa thank you,” Reggie sipped his drink. “Close the door on your way out,” he dismissed her. Lisa was a good worker and a good friend, but Reggie refused to let the people who he worked with into his world, just In case the cops ever came around asking question they would have nothing but good things to say about him. The less they knew the better.

Reggie looked down at the crowd when he noticed a blonde haired woman throw up on the bar. Immediately two of his bouncers escorting the woman out of the club. Each bouncer was given specific orders to throw out anyone who couldn’t control their alcohol and women were no exception.

Reggie grabbed his suit jacket and headed for the exit. Usually he never shits where he eats, but tonight he just couldn’t let the drunk blonde slip through the cracks. He exited his office and trotted downstairs to where Lisa stood talking to one of the club promoters “Something just came up. I have to go, I’ll call you in the morning,” he told, Lisa when he made it downstairs then quickly made his exit.

Don’t Do It

The lady with the blonde hair only made it a couple of blocks away from the club before she was throwing up again. She ran in between two parked cars and let it out in a painful sounding heap. The cocaine, alcohol, and heat all combined wasn’t a good mixture for the young lady. She sat down on the curb trying to gather her thoughts and take in some fresh air when a black 911 Porsche pulled up to a stop directly in front of her. The blonde woman eyed the fancy car hoping it may of been someone she knew, but the tint were so dark she couldn’t see inside the car.

The woman spit on the ground when the passenger window to the Porsche slowly rolled down. “You alright?” The driver asked.

“Do I look okay?” Blonde slurred with an attitude.

“It’s late why don’t you let me give you a ride home,” the driver offered.

“Fuck off asshole,” she waved the driver off. She figured he was just some rich creep looking to have easy sex with her because she was drunk.

“You’re in no condition to be out here by yourself,” the driver pressed. “I’ll give you a ride home free of charge.”

Blonde was just about to curse the driver out when all of a sudden it began to pour down raining out of nowhere. Within five second, she was drenched. Blonde quickly hopped up off the curb and hopped in the passenger seat of the Porsche.

“Reggie,” the driver held out his hand.

“Melissa,” blonde shook his hand, as the Porsche pulled away from the curb in a hurry.


“Not really I just want to go home and get some rest,” Melissa said with a slight attitude. “Can you believe those assholes at the club kicked me out?”

“Really?” Reggie asked faking ignorance. “Why did they do that?”

“Because I threw up one time,” she fumed. “One bottle of water and I would of been fine,”

“There’s another party going on tonight over on the west side if you’re interested,” Reggie threw it out there hoping that Melissa would take the bait.

Melissa sucked her teeth. “Dude I’m covered in throw up, I’m not going nowhere like this,” she huffed. “What are you some kind of weirdo or something?”

“I understand,” Reggie said as he drove. He tolerated Melissa’s disrespect because he knew the payoff was going to be great. “Your address?” He turned and looked at, Melissa. He pretended to punch her address in the GPS as she slurred it out.

Fifteen minutes into the drive, Reggie looked over and saw that, Melissa was knocked out cold. All he could do was shake his head at her stupidity. Ten minutes later, he pulled up to his mansion and killed the engine. He turned and shook Melissa until she stirred awake.

“Where are we?” Melissa asked in a dry voice.

“I had to stop by the house real quick to grab something,” Reggie told her. “I’ll only be a second.”

Melissa stepped out the Porsche and stretched her legs. “This your house?”

Reggie nodded. “Sure is.”

Melissa’s eyes went from the big house to the expensive suit that Reggie had on. “So what are you like some rich Wall street geek or something?”

Reggie opened the front door and ignored Melissa’s last question. He’d had about enough of her mouth. “Make yourself at home I just have to grab something from upstairs. I’ll be right back,” he said before disappearing around the corner.

Melissa walked over towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She grabbed a bottle of water and a bowl of grapes. She tossed grapes in her mouth one by one, as she nosily walked around the mansion looking for anything that she could steal. Melissa stood looking at a picture on the wall of Reggie with an NBA basketball player when she heard movement behind her, she spun around and saw Reggie standing there wearing a blue mechanic jumpsuit, his hands were slipped into a pair of latex gloves and he held a baseball bat by his side.

“What are you doing?” Melissa asked with a confused looked on her face. Without warning, Reggie swung the baseball bat with so much force that it could be heard cutting through the air until it make contact with Melissa’s skull.


Reggie smiled as he watched Melissa’s unconscious body laying at his feet. He whistled tunelessly as he picked Melissa up and her tossed her body over his shoulder and carried her downstairs to his basement. He violently tossed Melissa’s body down to the basement floor. When Reggie had first began his killing streak he did it with hopes of teaching the police a lesson, but the more he killed the more he began to enjoy it. Reggie walked over to the closet and removed an ax. He stood over Melissa and shook his head with a disgusted look on his face. Reggie raised the ax over his head and brought it down with authority. He swung the ax repeatedly until his arms finally got tired. Reggie looked around and saw blood everywhere along with several of Melissa’s body parts scattered across the floor. “See what you made me do,” he whispered to Melissa’s head that was over in a corner detached from her body.

Surprise, Surprise

Anthony Stone pulled up to the crime scene and immediately he could see a crowd of people pooled on the sidewalk with their cell phones out recording and taking photos. He pushed his way through the crowd of bystanders and several members of the media. There were two cruisers and an ambulance parked out front. “Get this street roped off right now!” Anthony Stone yelled to one of the officers. He walked up to the other officer who had a look on his face as if he had just threw up.

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