5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (15 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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I nodded. I wanted to try and just forget.  Sin had stopped them, and even though there were other women there against their will, I couldn’t help but be relieved I’d escaped.  “I would like to help those other women though.”

“You ladies let Sin and I worry about this.  I don’t trust Fowler, and this is something better handled by men.”

As sexist as his comment was, I couldn’t help but think he was right.  Obviously I was the only one that felt that way because Kera glared at him.  “It doesn’t take brute strength to bring down a piece of shit like him, you just need a brain.”

“You are one of the smartest women I know baby, but Fowler, he’s obviously a real piece of work.  Trust me on this, please.” 

The argument that started was definitely not what I’d intended when I stopped by. I really couldn’t deal with it. I wanted to be back in Sin’s arms.   “I promised Sin I’d be home before he left for work.  I’ll talk to you later.”

That stopped the bickering long enough to give me my exit.  I hugged Kera and Luke.  I’d never been so glad to be back in my car as I drove.  Those two were going to make one heck of a team, I thought.  Both stubborn and headstrong.  I couldn’t wait to see where it went.

Pulling up at Sin’s, I let the thought of them fade away.  I had enough to deal with on my own, and I wanted the security that he offered.  Walking back in the house I was shocked at the meal he’d prepared.

I discovered there was nothing my man couldn’t do and I sat down with him to eat.  Candlelight, roses, along with steak, baked potatoes and salad.  I was one lucky lady.






chapter twenty-f0ur


I discovered what little gifts Sin had brought home over the next few nights and was pleasantly surprised that the toys weren’t overwhelming.  I’d looked at the nipple clamps like he’d lost his mind, until he convinced me to at least try them first.  I’ll admit it.  I enjoyed the bite of pleasure they gave.

Sin slowly introduced me into his world of dark pleasures.  It was strange but it wasn’t that scary because I trusted him completely.  Things were perfect until he introduced me to bondage.  The fear of being held down was something that took me back to that horrible club.  I knew it was because of what happened at Gent’s but I couldn’t seem to separate it, even with Sin.

He had on nothing but a smile when he walked into the bedroom.  I noticed the leather cuffs he was dangling
from his fingers, and smirked.  “Are you putting me under arrest?”  I couldn’t help but tease him a little.  After the last three nights I felt more comfortable with him than anyone in my past.

“You have been a very bad girl, baby.” With a smirk he joined me on the bed.  I guess I had been a little needy the last three nights, and I giggled.  Sin had introduced me to so many pleasures but I always wanted more.

“I’ve been a very naughty girl, Master Sin.” Laughing I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

I discovered last night that calling him that was a really quick way to get him in the mood.  Something about the Master title and his penis worked on the same page. 

“What do you think we should do about that little lily?”  He twirled the cuffs around on his fingers and I giggled again.

It was hard to be scared when he was looking at me like a man starved for sex.  “I don’t know Master Sin, maybe you should spank me?”

He’d done that the first night and I discovered it was something I really liked.  I don’t know what that said about me, but honestly I didn’t care.  It made Sin happy and that’s what really mattered.

“Oh I think we can do better than that.”  He winked and gave me his mean look.  The one that used to scare the crap out of me, but now it just made me want him.  “Lay on your back and put those arms over your fucking head baby.” 

With a little smirk I did what he asked.  I wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing.  It was one of his new rules that when I entered his room the clothes came off.  It was still a little embarrassing.

Still smiling I looked up at him.  I was his completely.  It really didn’t bother me that I felt that way.  He was so tender with me, even when he was teaching me all the dirty things he liked, that I couldn’t complain.  A week ago I would have run screaming from the room if he’d asked these things of me.

“Don’t move those hands.” He growled at me and I nodded.  I was a little shocked when he spread my legs and secured them with cuffs, attaching them to the footboard.  Being splayed open like a virgin sacrifice for him was kind of sexy though.

“The things I’m going to do to that sweet little pussy.” He licked his lips, and I felt my sex drench. I knew just what he could do with that mouth of his. 

Moving back up the bed, he encased one wrist then secured it before moving to the other.  I froze.  Fear moved through my mind, and I struggled to get free.  It was like being stuck on that table with all those men groping me all over again.  I couldn’t speak. My mouth went dry and panic set it.

“Baby you look so fucking beautiful.” His mouth found my breast and he suckled deeply.  Inside I was screaming for him to stop, but the words just wouldn’t come. I closed my eyes tightly and the memories flooded
through painfully.  I wasn’t even aware I was sobbing, until Sin released me. 

He held me in his lap like a child as I cried.  I hated myself for being so weak.  “Fuck baby, I’m sorry.  We won’t do that again ever.  Tell me you forgive me.”

His words didn’t register for long minutes.  I was lost in my own hell.  I thought I was over that crap.  Obviously I wasn’t.  It had only taken something like this to bring it back again.

I clung to him as my breathing came back to normal.  I felt horrible for making him feel guilty.  It wasn’t his fault I associated his game with the hands of those creeps.  “I’m sorry.”  I didn’t let go of him.  I was afraid he’d be angry.  The thought of him being mad at me kept the tears falling down my face.

He held me for the longest time.  The words he whispered were some of the sweetest that ever left his lips.  I loved this man so much.  I wanted to forget everything but my incredible Sin.  Part of me was angry as hell that those memories invaded our time together.





chapter twenty-five


Someone was getting the fuck beat out of them.  My precious Anya deserved retribution.  I had let the rage subside over what they’d done to her when she’d come home with me.  That ugly fucking beast wouldn’t be held back now.  They’d hurt what was mine.  No one fucking hurt my girl.

I held her until she fell asleep that night.  It had taken almost an hour before she calmed enough to sleep.  Keeping my hatred to myself, I gave her the tenderness she needed.  She was all that mattered.  Now it was time to act. 

Careful not to wake her, I got out of bed and walked downstairs.  I needed to make a plan, and fast.  Kera had already made her opinion of what needed to happen known at the club the other night.  I hadn’t realized just
how intelligent she was until I spent a few hours in her and Luke’s company after we closed down for the night.

Anya was not working at the moment.  I’d asked her to give me a few weeks of her devotion outside of school.  It had taken some serious discussion, but she’d finally agreed.  She came with me to the club and we enjoyed private time together in my office.  That office had seen a lot of action lately.

I decided to call her up. I knew Luke wasn’t on board with getting her involved, but I didn’t think he gave her the credit she deserved.  I would keep her out of any physical part of a plan, but I needed her mind.

She answered, still sounding wide awake and I was pleased.  I didn’t give much explanation on why I wanted to do something now, but it didn’t seem to matter to her.  She told me she was in.  I told her to let Luke know, because I knew they were now an item and that was just how I rolled.

Kera apparently had friends in law enforcement, and most of her classmates in school were studying law.  All of that would definitely be on our side.  I wasn’t sure how deep Fowler’s ties were, so we needed as much help as we could get.  She promised to do research over the next few days.  For now that’s all either of us could do.

Fowler was going down.  Of that I was fucking determined.  I had a few contacts of my own that I could pull my way if needed.  It was ironically funny that I was considering calling in favors from the same women who’d
make me the fucked up piece of work I was.   Guess life just throws you a goddamn irony every once in a while.

Until I had a solid plan I wouldn’t move.  Fowler may have been a cock sucking piece of shit, but he also had connections.  I wasn’t willing to do anything that would hurt my little lily.  It would be just like that piece of shit to use her to hurt me.  I knew his type well.

I went back to bed feeling a little better about the situation.  I knew instinctively that Kera wouldn’t let me down with information.  Fowler was going to pay.  I didn’t care how, but one way or another that fuck wad was going to get his just desserts!

Anya was her normal carefree self when she woke up the next day.  I refused to let her be embarrassed by what had happened, or let her in on what I was planning. I knew her well enough that it made no sense to give her cause to worry.

I didn’t bring out those cuffs again when we played.  I wanted her to feel safe with me beyond anything else.  We still played around with other things.  My little lily enjoyed sensations, and I was having fun discovering what really turned her on.

Kera and I met when she taking classes.  I was thankful they didn’t have the same schedule at school.  In less than a week she’d have her degree.  My fucking baby was going to be a college graduate.  I can’t tell you how proud I was. 

We took a trip down to visit her mom and brother, and I discovered why she was such an incredible woman.  Her mother had me wrapped around her finger after only a few hours.  Even her brother was a pretty cool kid.

I took her to meet my old man.  That hadn’t been as pleasant as hanging out with her family, but Anya had been incredible.  My dad was a real piece of work, so anyone who could charm him was a miracle worker.  She’d managed to do it easily.

Being in love with a woman who loved me back was changing me.  I couldn’t imagine what a life without Anya would be like anymore.  She was like the goddamn sunshine on my fucked up heart and I wanted to be a better person when I was around her.

Don’t get me wrong, any man looked at my little lily, I’d knock their asses to the ground in five seconds flat.  I was happy, but I still wasn’t a pussy!  My past just didn’t seem to matter when we were together.  We had that once in a lifetime shit that fuckers like me rarely get the chance to have.

I dropped Anya off at the campus, and was itching to see what Kera had dug up.  The conversation on the phone make it sound like some ground breaking shit.  I was ready to bring that prick down.

I drove over to Kera’s with adrenaline pumping through my brains.  Luke was sitting on the couch looking pissed as hell as she let me in.  I gave him my best
get the fuck over yourself look back.  “So what’s the news?”

“If the two of you will stop trying to have a pissing contest I’ll tell you.”  She glared at Luke then invited me with her hand to have a seat.

I was restless when I sat down and Luke’s pissed off attitude wasn’t helping. He needed to remember who signed his fucking check, I thought before turning my eyes back to Kera.  I was in the mood to beat the shit out of someone.

“So here’s the deal.  Apparently the Feds have been trying to bust this place open for years, but Fowler is paying off the right people.  They are all in on doing a raid, but they want to get one of their agents inside the ring.  They want to speak with Anya.”

The need to break something raged through me and I stood up.  “No fucking way is she getting involved, you feel me?”

“Not so fucking egotistical when it’s your girls ass on the block are you?”  Luke smirked, and I had to mentally stop myself from knocking him flat on his ass.  The problem was he was right.  I didn’t mind Kera risking her neck, but Anya?  That was a whole different shit load of worms.

“Boys put your dicks away.” Kera rolled her eyes.  “They aren’t asking her to go undercover.  All they want is information to get their person inside.  No one needs to know how they got their Intel.” The look she gave made me feel like a five year old.

“Kera’s been talking with them for days now.  As much as I don’t like her being involved, nothing negative has happened.”  Luke smirked again, and the pissing contest wasn’t over yet, I thought.

“We do this, it’s going to be my way.  I don’t want no fucking fingers pointed her way if this shit goes down in a bad way.”  Hell, I had no idea how I was going to tell her what we’d been doing behind her back.  She was going to be pissed.  In my mind pissed was better than dead.  I didn’t put it past Fowler to fuck up someone if he felt threatened.

“I don’t care how you do it, just make it happen.  They want to move on this quickly.  Apparently someone’s daughter is involved with the scum and it’s got them ready to jump.” Kera’s eyes showed her disgust.

I felt the same way.  It took a personal investment to even get the law off their ass.  “I’ll talk to her after classes and you guys can stop by for dinner.  She’s going to want a piece of all of us for keeping her in the dark.”

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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