5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (32 page)

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"I think the whole sex with stranger's thing pretty much takes any chance of me going that route away."

"I rarely have sex with my slaves.  People just assume that's what happens."  Sipping on her wine, Carolyn smiled warmly.

"How can it not be sexual?" That thought hadn’t even registered as a possibility.

"I didn't say it wasn't sexual, only that I didn't normally have sex with my slaves. There's a difference.  They derive pleasure from the things I do to them, and vice versa, but intercourse isn't mandatory."

"There are other people who keep sex completely on the outside?"  That might be something she was willing to consider.

"More than you would imagine.”

  "That's interesting."  It was more than interesting, Jessie thought.  She couldn't deny she was interested in hearing more.

"I know someone who might consider mentoring you." 

"I don't know. I really want to learn more, but I'm not sure I'm really ready for any of this."  She had enjoyed exploring with Chase, even if she couldn't keep her heart out of it, but a stranger…

"Of course it's your choice. I just don't want you to think every relationship in my world has to be so complicated." 

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least talk with another dominant."  Saying that was a huge leap for her.  A few weeks ago she would have turned her lip up and considered people into this strange.  She glanced at her watch and realized they'd been talking for over an hour.  "I guess I need to be getting home."

"I'll walk you out."  Looking at her distracted, she led to the front door.  "I'll talk to my friend and let you know when he can set up something."

Jessie nodded her agreement as she walked back to her car.  Talking with Carolyn had been a good idea and she felt better.  Even if she still wasn't over Chase, she wasn't feeling as overwhelmed as before.






























16 Deception



Hanging up the phone, he sat down and stared at it.  Chase was shocked by Carolyn’s conversation.  He considered himself a man who played by the rules, and what he was considering couldn't be labeled honest. Knowing Jessie was willing to speak with another dominant, even if in a mentorship capacity, had angered him since she
wouldn't even return his calls.  Jealously wasn't an emotion he normally experienced, but in this instance, it forced his hand.

For hours he'd debated over the plan going through his mind.  He debated the possible outcomes until his head was pounding.  Finally he concluded that this was the only option that he could live with.  It would only be a small deception, he decided.

The charade would be brief.  Chase only intended to spend a few minutes talking to her alone, but over the next several hours, his mind considered taking things to a level that would demand she at least be honest about her feelings toward him.  He only hoped his little plan didn't backfire and make Jessie mistrust him more than she already did.

When he called Carolyn back to explain what he wanted, she attempted to dissuade him.  She was adamant about not betraying Jessie's trust.  Carolyn also made it very clear she was not pleased she'd decided to confide in him.  None of her arguments deterred him from the path he'd chosen to take.

He convinced her after a long argument that he only had Jessie's best interests at heart.  Hoping it wasn't just a selfish need on his part to be the only man in her life, he thought about how he would play this tonight to make sure she wasn't hurt.  All he wanted was an opportunity.  A chance to show her he was capable of bringing her body to incredible heights, but also to tell her his heart was just as involved.

Tonight he would at least know if there was any chance.  If there wasn't, he would let her walk out of his life knowing he cared deeply. 

He called Carolyn again and gave her explicit instructions on how to set up the personal room at the club.  He wanted to bring her back to his own dungeon, but until this was settled, the club would suffice. 
She wasn't walking out of the club tonight until she understands how much I care.

If he had to tie her down to make her listen, he was going to make his feelings clear.  The rational side told him he couldn't keep her in the dungeon against her will. 
Why don't you club her over the head and drag her to your cave,
his conscious mocked. 
I just want to show I love her,
he argued back mentally.

The plans he made were going to be very difficult to pull off without talking, and Jessie would assume that was all that was going to happen tonight.  He wracked his brain for a solution, knowing even as he planned if she forgave him, he was going to be kissing her feet for a long time.  Carolyn was going to be sick of hearing his voice, he thought as he called her yet again.

He knew he had her at a disadvantage because she couldn't argue any of his ideas with Jessie in the room.  She'd agreed to all his demands and told him she and Jessie would be waiting for him tonight at eight.  Hanging up with her, he attempted to focus on work again.

During his lunch break, he went to the club, and left a detailed list for Carolyn in the private office.  He knew he was being overly cautious, but tonight had to be planned out perfectly.  He felt like a dick for the game he was about to play, but he fought off the feeling, convincing himself the end result would be worth it for both of them.

He managed to drag himself back to the office, his mind anywhere but on the job.  A board meeting later and he felt ready to curse in frustration at being stuck here when he had a beautiful woman to convince to give him another chance.  As soon as it was professionally possible, he left the dull business world behind and went home to prepare for the meeting he wanted to attend tonight.














17 Games




Carolyn hung up with Chase, and joined Amanda and Jessie again for lunch. 
He wouldn't give someone an impossible task
, she thought to herself as she tried to pay attention to the conversation at the table.  When Amanda excused herself to return to work, she knew it was time to play her part in this deception. She only hoped Jessie would forgive her later.

"Now that she's gone, I wanted to let you know I've set you up with the friend we discussed."  She saw Jessie's eyes widen, and smiled comfortingly.  "Trust me, Jessie, I wouldn't hesitate to entrust anyone to this man.”

"Maybe this was just a bad idea, Carolyn. This is all just happening a little too fast." Nibbling her lip, she frowned.

"Of course it's your decision Jessie, but you'll never really know if this is something you want unless you give it a chance."  If it had been anyone other than Chase, she would have simply backed off.  But she knew both Jessie and Chase needed tonight.

"Did you talk to him about the no sex clause?" Flushing, she looked at her hands.

"He was completely agreeable with your terms, and also stated he didn't have sex with a submissive unless she agreed to be his long term."  That was the truth, Carolyn told the little voice chiding her for being part of this ruse, no matter what was at stake.

"And you'll vouch for this guy? I mean, he's not some pervert who just gets his kicks from hurting women, right?"  Jessie shivered at the thought.

"Well, we all consider ourselves pervs." She chuckled. "But I would stand by this person with my own life, if need be. That's how much I trust him."  Again, she was telling the truth, which made this a little more palatable for her.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded.  "I guess I'm meeting your friend tonight." 

She could see the worry in her eyes and smiled.  "You won't regret this, Jessie. He's an incredible dominant and I think if anyone would be a perfect fit for you, he is."   If Chase screwed this up, she would personally kick his ass.  "There are a few conditions."

"That doesn't sound like something I'm going to like. What are they?"

"Well, he expects a submissive to be blindfolded and tethered when he enters the room.  He will run you through his paces and if at any time you decide you want to stop, that's the end of it." 

"I thought I was just going to talk to the man?”  Jessie's voice rose in panic.

"He just wants to make sure anyone he mentors truly wants to explore her submissive side. Trust me, this isn't that unusual." 
You’re going straight to hell
, Carolyn’s conscience screamed at her.

"So I can't even see the person?  How am I supposed to know what he's going to do with me?  This really doesn't sound safe.  It doesn't even sound logical."

"Like I told you before, I know this man well, but if you'd feel better, I could stay in the room with you."  She had no intention of doing that, either, because Chase would never hurt Jessie, but something told her that Jessie was on the edge of refusing to go through with this.

"I guess you being in the room would make it safe.  How does this guy, um, play, I guess would be the word?"

"He's really into the sensual side of BDSM, Jessie, so don't worry about the pain thing. It's not his style.  That's why I think the two of you will probably enjoy each other." 

"I guess as long as you don't leave us alone, that's acceptable."


They said their goodbyes and Jessie drove home to finish her work before the event later tonight.  Nervous didn't even begin to explain how she felt about what she was going to do.  Every logical part of her mind screamed at her to call off this insanity.  Meeting some
strange man to explore her sensuality was so far out of character, she began to wonder if she didn't need counseling. 

She couldn't focus on work, and decided she'd have to concentrate on it after this thing tonight.  Her mind was all over the place, wondering what it would feel like to experience this with someone she didn't really know.  What would he expect from her?  Knowing Carolyn wouldn't leave her was the only comforting aspect of this entire situation. 

She wasn't sure how she felt about Carolyn witnessing what was going to happen though.  Oddly enough, the thought didn't disgust her.  Maybe she was a just a closet deviant, she thought.  Deciding a long bath would calm her nerves, she soaked for almost an hour.    She wanted to call Amanda, but knew this was one topic they couldn't discuss.  Even after Amanda's words at the book club meeting, she wasn't sure she didn't harbor bad feelings against the leather community.

Stepping out of the bath, she laughed at how intelligent she sounded about the subject.  After drying off she found Sebastian and they had a nice long talk together.  Her laptop, she discovered had tons of research on the topic of alternative lifestyles.  With her feline companion by her side, she read and spoke to Sebastian like he was human.  Most of what she saw online made her sneer, but there were some aspects that resonated in her
I might be willing to explore this

Jessie's nerves were strung so tight that when she put her laptop away, she considered calling tonight off.  Sebastian watched her in apparent boredom as she dressed meticulously.  "I know what you're thinking," she glanced at Sebastian with accusation, "but you can't be the only man in my life."  Reaching down to stroke the spot behind his ears, she smiled.  Sebastian didn't seem convinced.  Before she left for the club she placed a can of tuna in his food dish in the kitchen. 

Pulling up to the club she continued to second guess her decision.  Sipping on a glass of wine, enjoying a great book, that's what she was missing out on by being here.  Taking a deep breath, she forced her feet to walk inside Sensation's.












18 Welcome to My Dungeon



Chase nervously paced the office at the club as he waited on Jessie to arrive.  Knowing her, he wasn't even sure she'd show up.  He'd already decided if she didn't come, he was headed straight to her apartment to at least explain how he felt.  Leaving things unsettled was something he never did, and he certainly couldn't do that with his Jessie girl.  Communication was the most important part of any relationship, so even if this did work out tonight, he would still have to bring that up and drive the point home.

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