5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (33 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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He couldn't deny Carolyn had been right about his lack of understanding concerning the female mind.  As a dominant, he prided himself on being able to read a submissive’s face during a scene, but he obviously had a long way to go before understanding a woman's heart.  He'd decided to start reading some of those romance novels women seemed to enjoy, and had been amazed at the space allotted to the characters’ feelings.

He’d also been appalled at how, in one particularly popular novel, the master had treated the innocent submissive.  It made him wonder why there were so many people interested in this lifestyle now. The degradation depicted should have made them not want anything to do with BDSM.

His thoughts were interrupted as Carolyn entered the room, letting him know Jessie was preparing for their meeting.  His heart lurched at the thought of what he was about to do tonight with her.  The last thing he wanted was to give her an experience that would turn her away from this permanently. 

He always planned out everything he did in a scene carefully.  Chase enjoyed having the ability to be in control, but in the end, it was all about what made the submissive enjoy the experience.  This time that person was Jessie, so what had always mattered in the past was even more important because if he disappointed her, he destroyed himself in the process.

Carolyn had taken the form-fitting biker shorts and sports bra he'd picked out for her tonight back to the room.   He'd chosen the outfit because he knew she'd never agree to be nude with a stranger.  The material would allow him to access all her pleasure points and not have her feel completely vulnerable. 

Waiting outside the room for Carolyn to let him know she was ready, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves.  He'd never known performance anxiety before, but his confidence was shaky, considering what rested on the outcome of tonight.  When she opened the door, the sight of Jessie tethered to the cross almost took his breath away.

"Jessie, your master is here, and I want to remind you that during this scene he's asked you not to speak unless you are ready to stop the scene."  Carolyn gave Chase a wink for good luck and left the room. 

Jessie clenched her hands into fists. They were raised over her head and attached to the cross by cuffs.  Taking several deep breaths, she almost opened her mouth to stop this before it started.  She was so nervous, her heart was racing in her chest and her mouth felt so dry, she could barely swallow.  At the touch of a strong finger tracing gently down her cheek, she caught her breath. 

Her body was so stiff, he wanted to encourage her to relax, but giving away his identity would destroy his entire plan.  Instead, he focused on allowing his large hands to trail from her wrists to her shoulders, attempting to soothe her with the innocent caress.  From her shoulders, his hand moved with unhurried movements to her throat and up to her jaw.  Lifting her chin, he allowed his head to lower and moved his face to the exposed flesh of her neck, inhaling her soft floral scent.  His other hand moved quickly across her breast and rested on her abdomen, making a soothing circular motion. 

His tenderness was comforting, and without thought, she arched her neck back to rest on the hard chest behind her.  Feeling his lips splay small kisses against the tender flesh of her neck, then move upward to lightly nip her earlobe, she trembled.   His mouth did things to her body she'd never expected from a stranger.  His actions
sent tiny sparks of pleasure through her limbs, and she sighed softly.

Pleased that she was enjoying his touch, he allowed a hand to cup her bra-covered breast.  Her gasp of shock as his thumb and forefinger rolled the coral peak before pinching lightly was sweet music to his ears.  It let him know she was responding to him, and it was something he'd worried she wouldn't be able to do under the circumstances.

A stranger's hands shouldn't feel this good; her mind told her even as her body accepted the pleasure.  Closing her eyes behind the blindfold, she refused to listen to her mind and just felt.  His hands were magical, she thought as one traveled across her abdomen again, and cupped her sex. 

He wanted to slide his hand beneath the waistband of the form-fitting shorts and caress the silken smoothness of her sex, but he knew that would be too much for her.  Instead, he allowed his finger to run slowly over her, massaging gently until soft gasps of pleasure fell from her lips.  The dampness through the material was evidence she was enjoying his touch.  He continued until he felt her begin to tense.  Pulling his hands away, he backed up to retrieve a thick, butter-soft leather flogger. 

The loss of his hands on her flesh made her ache when she'd been so close to finding release from his touch.  All thoughts of not being able to enjoy something like this with a stranger were erased from her mind.  Her body craved this, and wrong or right, she wanted more.  Twisting her wrists in the restrictive cuffs, she whimpered. 

The image of her beautiful body writhing against the cross would remain in his memories for as long as he lived.  Walking back to her, he arranged her silken hair over her shoulder before lightly allowing the flogger to swoosh against her back.  He wanted her to find pleasure in the ministrations, and slowly built up his tempo as the dance began.  It was amazing how her body moved for him as he increased the pressure with each stroke. 

She had no idea that this could be so enjoyable. The increasing intensity of the flogger had her gasping, but not in pain.  There was just an incredible sensation of being slightly pushed forward and then her body recovering.  She gave herself over completely to the experience.

The soft sounds escaping her beautiful lips encouraged him to continue.  A soft sheen of sweat covered his brow as he masterfully conquered her body.  Only when Jessie began to slump against the cuffs that held her up did he finally stop the dance.

In that brief, still moment, a feeling of pleasure overwhelmed her.  She cried out.  Then nothingness overcame her, followed by peaceful lethargy.  It was singularly the most beautiful experience she'd ever had.

Unclasping the cuffs that bound her, he lifted her easily into his arms and placed her face up on the large, leather covered table.  He caressed the strands of hair away from her face and rubbed her arms softly until she was focused once more.  She had found sub-space so easily and again, he was amazed by the beauty of the woman surrendering to him.

Capturing her wrists carefully, he attached them to the large clamps on the table.  His large hand encircled her ankle, and he expertly clasped it to the table, then spread her beautiful thighs wide and bound the other ankle with the same ease. 

Allowing his eyes to roam over her, he wished she could see how sensual she looked, even partially clothed, splayed out this way. It was another vision he knew he'd remember always.  The subspace had probably altered her perception of what she could handle, so he decided to not attempt anything overwhelming.  Instead, he once again focused on bringing her body pleasure.

His mouth closed over her breast through the fabric and she arched off the table to push against him.  Biting down gently on the stiff coral peak, he was awarded with a soft cry of pleasure.  His hand moved down between her parted thighs and stroked her heated flesh, finding great pleasure in how wet she was already.  The flogger was obviously a toy she enjoyed and it pleased him to know that his world was now becoming hers.

Her mind and body were flooded with sensations. His touch was only enflaming her more.  She wished she could continue to experience the bliss.  Jessie couldn't believe it was possible to feel this way.  It shocked her that it no longer mattered who the stranger was giving her the feelings, only that they continued.  It felt like she was on a drug-induced high that she never wanted to come down from.

Sliding his fingers under the band of her shorts, he slowly worked them across her bare flesh.  He had so many more things to share with her tonight, but at the moment he just wanted to watch her come undone.  He allowed a lone digit to push into her tight sheath, and almost groaned at the tightness of the velvety chamber as it resisted his entry.

Tensing at the feel of his finger inside her, she slowly came back to her senses.  The pleasure was incredible, and she wanted it to continue, but this wasn't right.  Tightening her pelvic muscles she pushed against the invasion.  "Stop," she whispered, caught between the incredible sensations and knowing she didn't know this man well enough to allow it to continue.

He felt her flesh grip his finger as he slowly withdrew, and knew he had to give in to her command.  Without doubt, he could have continued to stroke her and possibly encouraged her to give in, but that went against everything he believed about his lifestyle.  "Are you sure that's what you want?" He spoke the words softly, giving her one last chance to change her mind.

The voice was hauntingly familiar, although through the haze of what she'd just experienced, she was having trouble placing it.  Nodding her head slightly, she knew this had to end, even if her body ached for fulfillment.

Moving to the head of the table, he lifted her head and removed the blindfold.  He had no idea what her reaction would be when she discovered it had been him giving her pleasure.  He kept her tethered to the table, wanting to at least have a chance to talk with her if she was angry.

"Chase?" A small part of her was pleased a stranger hadn't unleashed such passion, but the other part was infuriated that he had deceived her this way.  "Why?"  She couldn't seem to form more than one word responses at the moment.

"I couldn't stand the thought of another man pleasing you this way, Jessie." He couldn't be anything other than honest with her.  Seeing the pain in her eyes made him feel like the ass he was at the moment.

They had both played her.  That was the first thought that crossed her mind at his answer.  How could she trust Carolyn, but more importantly him, ever again? "Untie me," she demanded softly, not sure if she could control her anger much longer, or the tears that threatened to fall at being played so well.

"I'll do that, Jessie, but first I want you to hear me out."  He could see the fire that filled her eyes and decided if he wanted to offer an explanation, he’d better begin now.  "I love you, Jessie."  The words escaped his lips before any other thought could form in his mind.

Her eyes widened as he spoke the words she had longed to hear.  Everything in her wanted to say the words back to him, but something held her back.  "No, Chase, you don't."  It wasn't possible that this beautiful man loved her. It was probably just his way of making up for this deceitful trick.  Her heart was aching, wishing that it was possible, and knowing without doubt he just couldn't feel that way about her.  "Let me up, Chase." She was two seconds away from losing it, and being chained to this table wasn't how she wanted it to happen.

He could see in her eyes she didn't believe him, but he had no idea how to prove he was telling her the truth. "Jessie, I'm going to untie you, but for the love of God, don't go storming off again before we have the chance to talk."  He didn't wait for her agreement, since holding her against her will was not something he wanted.  He quickly released the binds.

Standing up, she walked over to where her clothes were neatly folded, and slid them over the outfit she was wearing.  She needed a few minutes to collect her thoughts because at the moment she wanted to slap his face for lying to her about his feelings.  Whatever game
he was playing with her, she didn't appreciate it at all, and as soon as she collected herself, she planned on letting him know just that.

He watched her dress, and felt his heart ache, knowing how deceived she felt.  Tonight was not supposed to end this way. He'd hoped to show her how much pleasure he could offer her, confess his feelings and assure her they could live happily ever after.  Obviously, she wasn't on board with anything he was thinking at the moment.

When she felt she could speak without screaming at him, she turned to face him.  "Okay, you want to talk, let's find some place other than here to do it.  I honestly don't want to be in this room one moment longer."

"Would my office here suffice?" Technically it was Carolyn's office at the moment, but he was sure she wouldn’t mind.  He was just pleased Jessie wasn't running away from him.

"No, it will not. I want to leave this building.  I'd prefer not to be anywhere close to this place."  Every second she stood here, she grew angrier.  She had thought Carolyn was becoming her friend, but obviously that wasn't the case or she wouldn't have betrayed her trust in such a way.  And him--well, she wouldn't even be able to put into words how pissed off she was without screaming.

"Where would you like to go, Jessie?" Considering the way she was looking at him right now, he knew where she'd like to send him, and he wasn't sure he didn't deserve it.

"The overlook," she decided on a whim.  That was where this started; what better place for an ending?  The thought hurt her heart more than she was willing to admit.  "Follow me in your car." With those words, she stormed out of the room and the building.  Carolyn, she would talk with later, and hopefully she’d be in a much better frame of mind than she was at the moment.

As she slid behind the wheel of her car, she decided she really didn’t care if he followed her or not.  It had taken all her bravery to explore the new feelings she had and she felt cheated by the hand she'd been dealt tonight. Maybe she was being unreasonable, she thought as she drove, but she wasn't a person who trusted easily, so having her trust betrayed wasn't an easily forgivable offense.

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