5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (76 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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"They'll all know what we're doing," she didn't really care but the tremor of need that moved through her body frightened her more than being on stage in front of thousands of people, even if she wanted it more than anything else at that moment.

She was against the wall, with nowhere to run, and he smiled devilishly as his hands went to either side of her body, pinning her.  "Then they can dream it's them in here with you, of course they'll never be that fortunate because you're mine." Lowering his lips to hers again, he kissed her deeply, daring her to deny him.

When he kissed her that way, she couldn't think about the rest of the world, only the amazing feelings he created.  "I want you," she whispered as his lips finally broke away.

He wasted no time, unzipping her dress, he slid it from her shoulders allowing it to pile carelessly on the floor.  His hands made quick work of her bra, and he cupped the full mounds before lowering his head to take one rosy peak deeply into his mouth, suckling and nipping the sensitive bud.  Raising his head, his hand moved to the vee between her legs and cupped her sex. "Are you sure I'm what you want Angela?"  He didn't have the ability with her to be gentle at the moment, it had been too long and he needed her desperately.

"Nolan just shut up and take me," the pressure of his hand against her wasn't nearly enough and she had thought of touching him for months.

He chuckled softly at her demand, allowing his fingers to trail under the band of her panties, and stroke her damp flesh.  "Is this what you need sweetheart?" He kept the pressure of his fingers light and knew he was doing little to alleviate the ache she obviously had for him at that moment.

Whimpering as he stroked her lightly, she shook her head no and strained against his fingers.  When one lone digit slid inside her tight sheath, she cried out at the overwhelming pleasure.  "Nolan please!"  She didn't want his slow, tender lovemaking, she needed him with a desperation she couldn't explain.

He was trying his best to control the beast that demanded he rip the flimsy fabric to shreds and drive into her tight heat, her words were not helping.  Pumping his finger slowly in and out of her drenched core, he fought against his own needs desperately.  If this beautiful woman could love him, then he owed her at least the one thing he'd never had before, patience.

The slight pull and push of his finger was driving her crazy, and he was taking too long.  Lowering her hand, she rubbed against his shaft through the material of his pants, desperate for him to hurry.  "These have to go now, Nolan." He could be sweet and tender some other time, she needed him now.  All rational thought was gone from her mind as need consumed her.

His best laid intentions went straight to hell as her small hand rubbed over his cock.  He wasn't going to last and control
had always been something he prided himself on.  Stepping back, he quickly divested himself of his pants, and took a few deep breaths.  "You can't touch me right now baby," he slid his underwear off and tried to gain some semblance of control over his own needs.

The hell with that, she thought as her hand slid around his thick length, stroking the velvety steel in desperation.  "I want you inside of me now," she demanded, squeezing him.

There was no way he could resist the temptation of her hand and he pushed her against the wall with barely negligible restraint.  Lifting her easily he spread her legs and she wrapped them around his waist as he sank deeply into her clenching core with one savage thrust.

She gasped as his body stretched hers deliciously and cried out softly.  Her nails bit in to his shoulders through his jacket and she held on as he took her savagely.  This was what she needed and she felt her body clench and release with every powerful thrust of his body.  The rest of the world faded away as her cries of ecstasy filled the room.  This moment was perfection, each incredible slide of his flesh inside of her drawing her closer to that moment of heaven that beckoned right on the edge of sanity.

He was no longer in control as her core clenched him like a glove demanding fulfillment.  Her body fit his perfectly and like a madman he drove on, determined to find that paradise that lay just beyond his reach.  "You belong to me, Ang, tell me you're mine!" Thrusting deeper and faster, he felt the plateau coming faster and needed her to admit he owned her passion.

As her body shattered with the beauty of release, she cried out loudly. "I've always been yours Nolan." Holding on to him desperately she felt the tremors continue as he found his own fulfillment and filled her with his desire.

As the last drop of desire escaped him, he remained deeply embedded in her silken sheath.  This was pure perfection and he wanted to remain so lost in her that she could never be free again.  He could feel the trembling of her legs around his waist and that was the only reason he forced himself to pull out and allow her legs to find the ground.  The one thing he never wanted was to cause her any pain, she deserved to be treated like the goddess she was to him. The soft whimper as he pulled from her flesh, reminded him how innocent she truly was, and he again felt grief for how little control he had with her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him to her, afraid he would disappear like he had last time.  Yes her body was a little sore, but it was a delicious feeling that she wouldn't give up for anything in this world. "Thank you," she whispered softly, resting her head against his chest.

Amazed that she would thank him, when he had just taken her like a savage again, he could only hold her tightly against him.  "I have no control with you, forgive me."  The self-doubt entered his mind again and he wanted to run, but her hold on him refused to allow him escape.

"Don't you dare apologize for giving me exactly what I needed Nolan," she refused to allow him to do this again.  "I wanted this, and I needed you." If he tried to run this time she decided she'd trip him and make him fall on his face first.  The
man confounded her in ways she couldn't even begin to comprehend.

He caressed her hair, and shook his head at the urgency to take her again.  "Baby don't you see I can't be the tender lover you need." 

This was his hang up, she thought incredulously?  He was worried that she needed tenderness? "Nolan, I love the way we make love." She looked up into his beautiful eyes and could see that he really thought he was not good enough for her, and it amazed her.  "I wouldn't want you any other way." 

"You don't need to lie to me sweetheart, I know you want to please me, but I'm the one that needs to learn to control my needs." She was just more than he ever deserved, and somehow he would be the man she needed him to be if it killed him, he decided.

She shivered as the cool air caressed her skin, and shook her head.  "Nolan what I don't think you understand, is I really do enjoy the way you take control when we make love."  She couldn't explain it to herself, much less to him, but the way he commanded her body, she couldn't imagine it ever being any better than that.  When they were together she didn't have time to worry about if she was doing things the right way, only what he made her feel.

The pounding on the door stopped their discussion, and Angela's face turned bright red at the thought of all the people outside of this room having heard their passionate encounter.  "Well this should make for great headlines tomorrow," biting down on her lip to stop a giggle, she raised her eyes to his, the laughter fading instantly.

What the fuck had he just done, he thought incredulously as he barked out they'd be out in a minute.  "Damn it I just can't do things right with you." Sliding his clothes back on, he helped her dress with a lot less urgency than the way he'd dressed himself.

"The hell with them," she was not going to let him retreat into some shell again with her.  "We did nothing wrong Nolan."  Maybe it wasn't the right time or place, but she enjoyed the knowledge that he couldn't resist her any more than she could him.

Shaking his head at how easily he'd lost control, he knew this wasn't the place to have this conversation.  "We need to get back out there Ang, we'll talk about this at home later."

The way he said home made her smile, she wondered if he even realized his words.  "Your place or mine," she couldn't resist teasing him a little as she walked over to the mirror and tried to make her hair look a little less like she'd just been loved intensely.

Chuckling at her untimely sense of humor, he swatted her ass lightly, "How about you get that sexy little ass in gear and I'll try not to remember that you coerced me into playing tonight, and I won't take you over my knee?"

The thought of him spanking her really turned her on for reasons she couldn't even begin to understand, and she smirked as she opened the door and flung back these words over her shoulder, "Maybe that isn't the threat you want it to be Mr. Fitzgerald."

Her words shocked him, but he had no time to respond as he followed after her and was immediately engulfed by the backstage crowd.  This conversation wasn't over, just delayed, he decided as he gave his trademark smirk, and walked back toward the stage following the lovely little ass that now had all his focus.

Trisha had been awarded the title of Overnight Sensation, and while she wasn't thrilled that the catty little witch had won, even she couldn't deny that the woman had put on a great show.  As balloons and confetti fell on the stage, she and Nolan joined the rest of the cast on stage as the last scenes of the season were filmed.  Lizzie and Devon both appeared not to be broken hearted over losing the competition, as she knew it was because of this show they would both have more fame than they ever had before it.

The after party was incredible, and the room was filled to capacity with record producers, journalists, and longtime supporters of the showcase.  The champagne flowed freely, and Angela enjoyed the bubbly little treat a little more than she should have.  Nolan's arm had never left her waist the entire time, and she giggled at how overly protective of her he seemed.

"I do believe Ms. Storm, that you are a little inebriated," he grinned thinking of how he would sober her up later. 

"And I believe that you owe me an apology for running away from me Mr. Fitzgerald."  She knew it was the alcohol making her so loose lipped, but she really was angry that he had been able to walk away from her so easily before and the champagne was making it easier to talk about.

"Well what do you say we blow this Popsicle stand and go talk about that somewhere more private," he held her up as
she almost tripped over her own shoes, and knew he needed to get her home.

Giggling again, she nodded.  "Unless you plan on carrying me out of here later, that might be a good idea."

Nolan made their excuses and led them out of the overly crowded room, and with the security teams assistance they finally ended up in his car.  The way Angela laid her head on his shoulder as they were driven back home, made his heart ache with the rightness of the feeling.  Maybe he hadn't given her enough credit, he pondered as they rode silently.  He had some screwed up ideas about what he needed in a relationship, and he'd never considered that she might be able to handle those needs.

She was sound asleep by the time they reached the mansion, and he had no intention of waking her so he carried her inside.  He shouldn't have allowed her to drink so much, he chided himself, but he was glad for the time to think about their relationship, and maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

Carrying her upstairs, he slowly lowered her body to his bed, careful not to wake her.  She'd suffered so much already in her young life, that the thought of saddling her with his baggage seemed too much. There was a part of him that wanted to walk away and let her find someone less screwed up to have a relationship with, but the thought of her with anyone else pissed him off more than he could admit.

With tenderness, he removed her heels and attempted to make it more comfortable for her to rest.  The formal gown looked uncomfortable as well and without much thought, he carefully turned her on her side to unzip it, her only movement
was a soft grunt of being disturbed.  She definitely couldn't hold her liqueur he thought with a warm smile as he slowly lowered the straps of the gown and slid it from her non-responsive body.  He removed her bra as well, leaving her clad in only the small scrap of lace that covered her sex, and he knew seeing that temptation was not in either of their best interests at the moment.

Gazing over her incredible body, he felt his own passion stir and he quickly pulled the duvet over her delectable flesh. Sitting in the oversized chair by the bed he watched her sleep and for the first time in as long as he could remember, he felt that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.  There was no desire to run away, or deny the emotions that were welling up inside of him.  She felt like home, he thought with a small laugh.

How long he'd sat there watching her, he had no idea, but when she finally stirred he felt as if a part of him awakened as well.  A part that he had hidden from for more years than he cared to remember.  Her drowsy smile made his heart ache, and for a brief moment he felt the urge to protect her from himself again.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you," her cheeks reddened as she noticed she was almost completely undressed under the blanket.

"I think it's probably a good idea that you did," he joined her on the bed and his fingers lightly grazed over her cheek with a tender smile.

Remembering their conversation earlier tonight, her blush deepened.  "You wanted to spank me." With a small grin, she
wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she sat up looking into his eyes, trying to read him.

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