5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (80 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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Her hands begin to tremble again as she put hers in his.  His large hand swallowed up hers easily and her eyes moved to his face nervously.

"It's time we get started, Cait, you can trust me, I won't take this further than you are willing to go." The look of fear in her eyes he would banish with the session tonight, he told himself.  He wanted her to enjoy their time together as they trained.

Leading her down the hall he opened a door that led down a long flight of stairs.  When they reached the bottom it took everything she had in her not to bolt.  The pictures online had nothing on the dungeon she was introduced to here. 

"There's a changing room to your right," he pointed his finger to a door, "take everything off and meet me back here when you're done."  He smiled again hoping to reassure her.  The first time with a new Master was always difficult for the submissive, he knew from several conversations with the women he had trained in the past.  The best way to get them over their modesty was to do it all at once.

Cayce nearly ran to the room he pointed at and closed the door before almost hyperventilating.  She couldn't do this, she told herself sitting on a bench and putting her head between her knees trying to catch her breath.  If she stopped now she would never know what happened to Cait, she reminded herself.  How many men named Lawrence lived in this area, she thought to herself?  Hundreds? 

Her body trembled violently as she knew what had to be done.  Her fingers fumbled on the zipper as she slowly slid it down.  Knowing if she didn't hurry she wouldn't be able to finish, she quickly slid off the dress, and then her lingerie, hose and shoes.  Walking over to the door and opening it was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life.  Her face burned in embarrassment as she forced her feet to walk back to him. 

"Beautiful," he spoke softly sensing the tension in her.  Her small hands were clenched into tight balls at her sides and she refused to look at him.  Reaching out his hand he pushed her long blond hair behind her so he could see how lovely she truly was.

She tensed at the touch of his hands and had to force herself to remain still.  No man had touched her since her stepfather and she had never wanted that contact again.  She didn't feel beautiful, she felt shamed and just wished this horror would end.  Tears slid down her cheeks at the humiliation.

Her body was absolute perfection he thought.  His eyes skimmed over her full breasts and pale pink nipples.  She had a small waist, and softly rounded hips and legs that were long and supple.  Her skin, where his hand had slid against her shoulder was as soft as silk and the color pale against his dark tan.  The soft patch of downy curls at the apex of her thighs, he couldn't wait to remove those for her.  As his eyes lifted toward her incredible face, he could barely breathe.  The tears that fell made her even more beautiful and he would have never believed it possible.  His long fingers traced the trail of tears gently, "Perfection." The words were whispered in reverence. 

She had no idea why his words spoke so deeply into her heart, but it had been so long since anyone had called her beautiful that she pushed herself into his arms.  Holding on to him, she could make no sense of the strange comfort it gave her but it felt nice for once to not be the one who had to make sure everything was alright.  All her life she had tried to take care of Cait, and hide from the world all the pain she kept inside.

His strong arms wrapped around her as he allowed her emotions time to adjust.  He was more than a little shocked that a woman as beautiful as she was had such a problem with showing off her body.  He could never recall another submissive coming undone so completely in his presence over something so minor.  A strange feeling of protectiveness overwhelmed him as her tears subsided.

Pulling out of his arms the shame of her actions hit her full force.  "I'm s-sorry," her arms crossed over her breasts defensively and she looked at the floor.

"There's no need to apologize, Cait," he took a few steps back trying to control his own thoughts.  "Never hide your body from me, lower your arms to your side," he spoke more roughly than he intended because he was more affected than he cared to admit.

Her hands automatically lowered to her sides at the tone of his voice and she stiffened.  What was she doing, she questioned herself?  How far would she have to carry this out to get the answers she needed, she wondered.  She wanted to ask him so many things, but at the same time she thought to earn his trust before she started.  This was uncharted territory and she could really use a guide, she waited for his next command.

"Kneel for me," he spoke with a softer command. Feeling more in control he crossed his arms over his massive chest and waited patiently.

Cayce awkwardly knelt on the cool tile, she had seen this on one of the sites online and felt like she could imitate it easily.  Lowering to her knees, she placed her hands on each of her thighs, resting her rear on her calves. 

"Push your shoulders back," he commanded watching as she complied, pleased.  "Your eyes should always be lowered, but your back straight and your head up."  Moving behind her he patted her back until her spine was completely straight.  "Good girl," he complimented when she finally got the position right.

"A different kneel," he moved in front of her and lowered to his knees before her.  His large hands moved in between her closed knees and pushed at them until she spread them apart. 

Biting her lip at how open this position left her she did her best to comply.  It was strange to feel the slight breeze from the air-conditioning on her breasts and she shivered.  His hands on her thighs were warm and strong and she tensed again.

"Spread further, Cait," he demanded softly his hands pushing her knees wider until they were as far apart as her legs would allow.  "This position makes you ready for your Master's touch," to demonstrate his hand cupped her warm heat.

She gasped at the unfamiliar touch and was shocked to not be disgusted by it.  In fact she wasn't disgusted at all and felt
a strange heat building between her thighs that she could never recall feeling before.  Whimpering helplessly, she struggled to close her legs.

His open hand slapped her thigh with little force and her movements stopped. "Never resist me," he spoke deeply.  As her thighs widened again, he smiled.  "Good girl", she was wet and it was more than apparent that these simple exercises were turning her on. He had been concerned earlier that she wouldn't respond to him, he was glad to be proven wrong.

He continued on teaching her the way to stand for him and she was a fast-learner.  It pleased him greatly how easy she was to mold.  Not once in the last hour had she complained or showed any sign of fatigue.  There was only one more thing he would do this night and he hated the idea that it was time to end their session.  "You've done very well tonight Cait," he smiled, "one more lesson and we'll call it a night."

She had no idea why she was smiling at his praise but chalked it up to him being willing to tell her what she needed to know.  Finally they could talk, she told herself as she followed him to the back of the dungeon.  When they walked into a bathroom she looked at him in confusion.

He patted the long counter, "Hop up." He smiled as she sat primly on the edge of the counter.  With unhurried movements, he slid his hands under her shapely ass and pushed her back against the mirror.  Lifting one of her shapely legs he lifted it and placed it on the counter, moving to the other leg he spread her widely as her other leg was placed on the counter as well.

"Sir, Dylan, um, wait," she stuttered nervously at her body being displayed out on the counter so wantonly.  She had no idea what he intended but fear shot through her with a rush of adrenaline that had her shaking.  For reasons she couldn't comprehend she didn't move out of the position he placed her in.

"Trust, Cait," he smiled wickedly and reached into a drawer pulling out a can of shaving cream, a razor, and a small vial of liquid, sitting them on the counter between her parted legs.  He turned the water on to warm it up then plunged his hands into it.

She bit her lip nervously as she watched him, having no idea where this was going.  As he squirted the shaving cream into his hand and then covered the patch of hair covering her core, her hips lifted off the counter in shock.  Surely he didn't mean to shave her there, she thought?

Never in her life had she felt as exposed as he began working the razor over her mound.  Her body trembled violently as words escaped her mind.  She could only watch as she was left as bare as a baby’s bottom in complete fascination.  The touch of his fingers against her skin had taken away any embarrassment as longing overwhelmed her. 

Retrieving a wash cloth, he washed away the remaining shaving cream and stroked her tenderly.  The way her body tensed it was easy for him to see that she wasn't used to being caressed this way.  He thought to himself that Lawrence was a fool as he stopped the gentle torture.  Lifting the small vial of liquid he dropped a few droplets on the nub of her sex and waited with a smirk.

The heat that spread over her tender folds had her gasping in agony.  When his mouth lowered to her core she could only cry out in relief.  Where there had been searing heat, his tongue was strangely cool, never had anyone kissed her in such a way.  She cried out at the overwhelming pleasure, and felt her body reach toward fulfillment.

Without thought her hands tangled in his hair, holding him against her.  "Please," she cried out softly aching to find release.

Pulling away he stood up and looked down into her pleading eyes.  "Please what, Cait," he demanded as his fingers found her heated core and stroked lightly.

She had no idea what he was asking her, all she could do was whimper again as the heat found her flesh again.  Her hips arched off the counter, and she tightened her inner muscles trying to stop the sensation.

"Who am I Cait," he demanded harshly, knowing what she needed as his hand moved away.  Her cored was soaked with desire and he refused to give in until she submitted.

Her mind suddenly filled with the answer he wanted and on another whimper she begged.  "Please Master!"

He winked at her, "Good Girl." Lowering his mouth to her drenched core his tongue delved in deeply bringing her over the edge in only seconds.

The force of her release was so overwhelming it brought tears to her eyes and she fought to gain control again.  "I never knew it could feel like that," she whispered in awe when she could breathe again.

Surely he had heard her wrong, he thought.  There was no way in the world Lawrence could be that selfish.  Something here just wasn't adding up.  "Are you trying to tell me you've never came before?"  It was a stupid question, but he had to ask anyway.

When she didn't answer him immediately he knew without doubt that there was something she wasn't telling him.  "Cait, I asked you a question." He spoke harshly, demanding her to speak.

She shook her head no and shifted her position so she sat up on the counter properly.  "I'm, I'm n-not C-cait."  She whispered the words hating how it made her feel.  There was no way she could not be honest with him after what they'd just shared.

What kind of game was the girl playing with him, he thought feeling anger at her lies.  "Of course you're Cait, what kind of game is this?"  He lifted her chin forcefully, "Do you want me to punish you?"  That made sense he thought, he'd known a few submissive's that couldn't allow themselves to feel pleasure without pain.

"I'm her twin," she kept her eyes lowered even as the grip on her chin became almost painful.

He let her go like he'd just been slapped.  "I think you better start talking girl," walking over to a cupboard he pulled out a towel and tossed it at her.  Whatever game was going on here, he was determined to get some answers.

Lowering her shaking legs to the floor, she wrapped the towel around her securely.  She spoke quickly to cover up the strange sense of disappointment in displeasing him. "Cait's missing, and the police won't help me find her.  I thought if I could pretend to be her tonight, you would give me some answers." Nibbling on her lip she kept her eyes on the tile floor and waited for him to answer.

"Have you ever done any of this before," he demanded pulling his temper back under control.

"Never," she trembled under the anger in his voice.

"Do you have any idea what could have happened tonight Cai..," he mumbled a curse under his breath, "what is your name?"

"Cayce," her voice was a bare whisper, "and I looked up some things online."

He had just introduced a neophyte into his world, he shook his head in disgust.  Had he known that the girl was a novice, things would have been done a hell of lot differently, he thought to himself.  Thankfully she had been nervous enough that he hadn't pulled out all the stops, he reminded himself.  "You're going to get dressed and we're going to walk back to my office, understand?"

She nodded miserably and walked off to find her clothes.  Her body still tingled at the incredible release he had given her.  If nothing else came of this night she thought, at least she knew now what she'd been missing by not dating.  The thought did little to cheer her up.

After she dressed she walked back out into the dungeon, and noticed him tapping his foot impatiently.  She followed behind him without a word as he led her back upstairs.  She hoped he wasn't so angry that he refused to help her now.

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