8 Weeks (11 page)

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Authors: Bethany Lopez

BOOK: 8 Weeks
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“Like I said, we didn’t want to ruin our relationship, or mess up the group. Plus, I was going to culinary school, and he was going away to study business … The timing wasn’t right. Then, it seemed like one of us was always dating someone, so it never worked out.”

“Did you want it to?” Sasha asked.

“Yes,” Gaby admitted sadly. “I never stopped wanting him. That’s why I’m telling you guys this now. I don’t know what to do … Scott is about to make a big mistake and marry that horrible woman.”

Sasha and I nodded in agreement; none of us had an ounce of love for Victoria.

“What do you want to do?” Sasha asked.

“I want to stop him,” Gaby responded.




Chapter 23 – Cal


“I had sex with Shelly,” I said quietly, so only Scott and TJ could hear me. We were in the bleachers at the high school, waiting for Craig’s opening game to start. We’d gotten there early to get good seats, but people were starting to fill in around us, and I didn’t want anyone to overhear my words, least of all my mother, who was sitting in the bleachers above us.

“That’s great, man,” TJ said with a grin as he took a bite of his loaded hot dog.

Scott made a face at TJ, then turned to me seriously and asked, “How’d that go?”

“It was rough,” I admitted softly. “I mean, the sex was fantastic, but afterwards …”

“What happened?” TJ asked around a mouth full of food.

Scott hit him in the arm and asked, “What happened?”

“Ow,” TJ protested, then took another bite.

“It turned awkward,” I replied. “I wanted to stay, you know … Talk stuff out and sleep over, but she didn’t want me to. She said she couldn’t handle it.”

“What are you complaining about?” TJ asked. “Sex without having to cuddle afterwards … That’s the best.”

Scott hit him again.

“Do that one more time, bro, and I’m hitting back.”

“This is my wife, TJ, not some one-night stand. I’m not looking for a quick lay, I’m trying to get my marriage back.” My voice began to rise as I finished my sentence, and my mom cleared her throat behind us, indicating that she could hear us. “Just forget about it,” I spat out.

“Cal, I’m sorry, man, you know I didn’t mean it like that,” TJ replied. “You and Shelly are gonna work it out.”

Scott nodded and clapped me on the back. “You’re gonna get her back.”

The game was starting, so we turned to the field.

I stood up and clapped, shouting as Craig rounded the bases after hitting a triple.

“He’s so good,” Scott said with a grin as he put his fingers to his lips and let out a shrill whistle.

“Yeah, he’s going to go far,” I said with pride. “He’s not destined to be a grease monkey, I can tell you that.”

“Hey,” TJ responded. “Nothing wrong with turning a wrench.”

“Shit, I know that, but it’s not the most dependable way to earn a living,” I said wryly. TJ made a face and took a pull of his root beer.

Our shop was in a bit of a slump. We weren’t getting as many appointments as usual, and walk-in business hadn’t been good. It looked like we were about to get fewer hours, which wasn’t good news for TJ or myself.

“Speaking of which, you remember my buddy Brock?” TJ asked.

“From the west side store?” I asked. TJ had started out years ago at a store on the other side of town, before he’d moved to work in the shop with me.

“Yeah,” TJ confirmed. “He left a couple years ago and started his own painting business. It’s been going pretty good. He said if I needed the cash, he could bring me in for some jobs. I’m gonna start next week. If you’re interested, I can throw your name in.”

I’d never been a painter, but if we were losing hours at the shop, I’d need to pick up a paycheck wherever I could. “Sounds good, thanks.”

“Brock is the dude that was hitting on Gaby at the New Year’s Party a couple years back, right? The stupid masquerade one at the bar?” Scott asked with a frown.

“Yup, that’s him,” TJ said with a chuckle. “Dude is smooth with the ladies.”

I remembered the party that Scott was talking about. Shelly and I had gone dressed in all black, with black masks. Scott was right, it had been a ridiculous party theme, but the girls had liked it, and Shelly looked totally hot. We’d ended up sneaking into the backroom and having sex on the manager’s desk. I smiled at the memory. I also remembered how much Brock had seemed to piss Scott off that night.

I turned to ask him about it, but the sound of my mom going crazy behind me had me turning to the field instead. I looked up in time to see the ball Craig had hit sail over the fence, and see his grin as he jogged slowly around the bases.

My mom was going apeshit. I turned to her with a laugh and said, “Calm down, Killer, you’re going to embarrass him.”

My mom turned to me, her face flush with pleasure, and said, “Oh … Shush.” Then she started clapping and screaming Craig’s name even louder.

I laughed at her exuberance, and joined in the cheering.

Once we’d calmed down, I nudged Scott and asked, “Hey, I remember that night. You and Brock seemed to get off on the wrong foot. What was that about?”

Scott kept his eyes on the game and replied, “Nothing. I just thought he was an ass. No big deal. It was a long time ago.”

“An ass?” TJ asked, surprised. “Brock is one of the most laid-back guys I know. I don’t remember you guys even talking that night. He’s a good dude.”

Scott shrugged and said, “Like I said, it was a long time ago. I’m sure he’s cool.”

I wondered what the real issue was. Scott wasn’t usually quick to judge, and he was a pretty easygoing guy himself. Usually got along with everyone. Maybe if TJ and I started working with Brock, we’d invite him to hang out sometime. I was sure that he and Scott would get along great, if they just took a minute to get to know each other.

I glanced at TJ. He looked like he was relaxed and enjoying the game, but I knew the troubles at the shop were getting to him. Not only did he love working there, but he lived in a little apartment off the back of it, so if things got as bad as the boss had implied and the place closed for a while, TJ was worried that he’d not only be out of a job, but that he’d also be out of a place to live.

TJ’d been raised by his grandparents, and they’d both passed away about a year before. They hadn’t had money, and the house they’d lived in for their fifty-plus years of marriage had been mortgaged to the hilt, and TJ hadn’t been able to save it. Stability was very important to TJ now, since he’d never had it as a child, and I really hoped that our boss was going to be able to keep his business afloat … for TJ’s sake. Yeah, I was worried about keeping the job myself, but TJ had worked hard to be where he was now, and I hated to think of him being forced to take a step back.

“You good?” Scott asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, brother,” I responded with a smile.

“Craig’s got a gift, man,” TJ said when Craig made a double play.

“That he does,” I replied, and I was going to everything in my power to make sure he took advantage of that gift.




Chapter 24 – Shelly


“Shit!” I exclaimed when my truck began to slow down to a stop, barely giving me enough time to pull over to the side of the road. I slapped the steering wheel with my hands and groaned.

I was going to be late for work.

I looked around the car, helpless, as if surveying the interior would give me some idea as to what went wrong.

I knew next to nothing about cars. I was married to a mechanic, it had never been something I’d had to worry about. Cal always took care of it for me.

I picked up my cell and dialed Sasha, without bothering to look at the time. Gaby had to be to the bakery early every morning, so I knew she’d already be at work. I had a better chance of catching Sasha.

“Hello?” a male voice said over the line.

I pulled the phone away from my ear to look at the display. It said Sasha.

“Hello, is Sasha there?” I asked.

“Uh … Yeah,” came the reply. The sound became muffled, so I assumed he placed his hand over the speaker.

“You Sasha?” I heard him ask.

I put my hand over my mouth to contain my laugh when I heard her reply, “You bet. Give me the phone, big guy.”

“Shel?” Sasha said sleepily when she got her phone.

“Hey, Sash, I hate to bother you,” I said with a barely repressed giggle. “But something’s wrong with my car. Do you think you could come get me?”

“I’ll be there in ten,” she replied.

I gave her the cross streets and hung up.

I loved Sasha more than I could ever say, but I never understood how she could handle the casual relationships she had with men.

I’d always been a one-man woman.

Whereas Sasha made sure that no man was ever around long enough to matter. The only people she let in were Gaby, Cal, TJ, Scott, and me.

She’d moved around a lot as a kid. Her parents were big in the world of fashion, so she’d spent her childhood all around the globe. Paris, Florence, England. When her parents divorced, she’d moved here with her father, and begged him to let her stay here to finish out high school. He had, but he’d never been around much. Sasha had been mostly left with the housekeepers, but at least she’d gotten to stay and graduate with us. Her dad moved soon after she graduated, but he’d bought her a townhouse, and she’d stayed.

Although Gaby and I always envied the places Sasha had gotten to see, Sasha always envied the fact that we had been born and raised here.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a knock on the window. Sasha managed to look fabulous, even with no makeup and her hair pulled back and covered by a hat.

I opened the door and got out, grabbing her in a hug before pulling back to say, “Thank you!”

“No problem, I needed that guy to hit the road anyway,” Sasha replied with a grin. “Hey, I knew you wouldn’t want me to call Cal, so I called TJ …”

“You did?” I asked with a frown. TJ was just going to run and tell Cal. I wondered if he would be upset that I didn’t call him.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, but you know I’m even more inept than you when it comes to cars. Do you want to wait for TJ, or do you want me to take you to work?”

“I’ll wait,” I said with a sigh. “So, who was the guy?”

“The guy I was telling you about the other day, the one I sold the house to,” Sasha said with a shrug.

“Again?” I asked, surprised. “What’s his name?”

“Sean,” Sasha replied. “But don’t get your hopes up, it’s no big deal.”

I nodded, but I couldn’t help but get my hopes up a little bit. I wanted Sasha to settle down and be happy. I just wasn’t sure if she would allow herself to.

At the sound of a car coming up the street, we both looked up. TJ’s latest salvage, a beat-up old El Camino, came rolling up to a stop behind us.

“Where did you get that piece of shit?” Sasha asked when TJ got out of the car.

“Woman, this fine piece of machinery is a classic,” TJ said with a grin, running his hand along the hood as he walked toward us. “When I get her fixed up, I’ll let you take her for a spin, and I guarantee you’ll eat your words.”

Sasha didn’t reply, just watched him walk toward us with narrowed eyes.

TJ stopped in front of us and pushed his sunglasses up to the top of his head before giving Sasha a wicked grin. “Got an itch that needs scratchin’, Red?”

“Nope,” Sasha said with a popping sound on the p. “I’ve already had a
man take care of that for me this mornin’.”

TJ just gave her a wink, then turned to me, all traces of humor gone, and asked, “What seems to be the problem, babe?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted, feeling like a first-class idiot. “It just stopped working.”

TJ held out his hand and I dropped the keys in it, stepping back to give him access to the truck. He opened the door and sat down, putting the key in the ignition and turning it slightly.
I looked over at Sasha when TJ got out of the truck, eyes bright and looking like he was trying not to laugh.

“What?” I asked.

“When’s the last time you put gas in it?” he asked with a chuckle.

“No …” I said softly, mortification slowly taking over.

Sasha let out a bark of laughter, and before I knew it, we were all bent over laughing.

“Shit, Shel, even I know to put gas in the tank,” Sasha said, tears forming in her eyes.

“Shut up,” I managed to yell between breaths. “Cal always took care of everything with my truck.”

“Even the gas?” TJ asked incredulously.

I nodded, bringing my hand to my side as it began to cramp.

“Wow, that boy really was whipped,” Sasha said with a giggle.

I sobered instantly, suddenly feeling stupid and ridiculous. What was I doing? How was I going to move forward and get through life if I couldn’t even fill up my own tank?

TJ’s arm came up around my shoulder, and he pulled me to his side. “I gotcha, Shel. I have a gas can in my trunk. I’ll run and get some gas and we’ll get you to work in no time.”

I nodded and put my arm around him, pulling him close for a half hug. “Thanks.”

When he pulled away, Sasha wiped her face and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s not your fault. It’s stupid that I didn’t think of it.”

“Hey,” she said, putting her finger under my chin so I was forced to look her in the eye. “You aren’t stupid. You’re just trying to figure out how to be on your own. You guys were together for six years, Shelly. It’s going to take some time. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

I smiled up at her, but couldn’t help but wonder … When was it going to get easier?




Chapter 25 – Cal


I’d been planning this night since before our anniversary. It was the gift I was going to give Shelly, but hadn’t had the chance to. I bought floor seats to the Hunter Hayes concert. She was going to freak out. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face. The look I should have seen on our anniversary, before I’d ruined everything.

I’d been thinking about our last date every night since. I couldn’t get Shelly out of my mind. Now that I’d had a taste of her again, I was more determined than ever to convince her that we had to be together.

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