9781631055577NiKohsChosenMichaelsNC (18 page)

BOOK: 9781631055577NiKohsChosenMichaelsNC
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met.” OkVei’s warm breath tickled the back of her neck, causing GiNae to

laughed, throwing back her
head. “Exactly my point.
He only has a week, then he’ll be gone for a few more months.” She placed her
hand on GiNae’s shoulder. “I’m serious. It’s been a slow day, and you had
planned to take XaDie for a long run this afternoon. Go, spend time with your y
oung man.” Winking, she turned and disappeared back into
the office.

what I like, an understanding boss.” Soft lips landed on the side of her neck,
causing her knees to feel weak.

don’t know what you’re doing, but could you wait until we’re some
where more private?” She sighed. “Since I now have the
afternoon off, I guess I’m all yours now.”

really like the sound of that.” He turned her head and kissed her lips. “Do you
need to grab anything before we go?”


Let’s go.” OkVei released
her, took her hand, then
teleported back to his house.

brought me here? OkVei…my mother is home.” GiNae worried her bottom lip.

is my father. How about we teleport either to my room or yours?” OkVei stroked
her cheek.

we’re in mine, my mother
will see the privacy
setting.” Ducking her head, she felt her face flame. “NiKoh spends the majority
of his time in his home office, so…” Her voice trailed off. “We’re going to
take this slow, right?” GiNae leaned against his chest, suddenly shy. The new
feelings stirred up by his kisses had her curious, yet
frightened at the same time.

circles eased the tension up and down her back. “You bet. There’s no rush.” He
lifted her chin and smiled down at her. “Want to come up to my room? We can
just sit
on the couch. You can go first, and I’ll
grab some drinks—”

if you run into my mother?”

won’t know I’m up there with you.”

out a breath, GiNae nodded and transported upstairs. She entered the green
painted room and looked around, too an
xious to sit
still. A cabinet held trophies from various sporting events he’d played while
growing up, and drawings of planets, military equipment, and landscapes hung on
the wall. Stepping closer, she realized some of the drawings were the ones
she’d done
with him, when cooped indoors on rainy
I always wondered what had happened to
those. I thought they’d been thrown away.
GiNae reached out to touch one
particularly colorful painting, depicting animals and trees on one side, a huge
military outpost w
ith soldiers and weapons on the
He argued with me, saying my animals
didn’t belong near soldiers, but I insisted that even officers needed something
to take their minds off of war. How silly we were back then!

ah, hope you don’t mind that I kep
t that one.” GiNae
whirled to find OkVei holding two goblets, his silver ears tinged with purple,
a sheepish grin on his face. “I’d forgotten it was up here.”

thought some of these had been thrown away.” Walking toward him, she took one
of the cups he
offered and sipped, then seated
herself on the leather couch. “What did you tell my mother?”

took the seat next to her. “I said it was for a friend. She didn’t question

strange look, no nothing?”

shook his head, then placed his cup on the
end table.
“I’ve activated the privacy setting, so we’re completely alone.” He smoothed
her hair behind her ear and smiled.

gulped, placing her goblet on the nearest table before turning toward him. “One
thing. You realize I’m four years older than
You’re, what, sixteen?”

you’re twenty. So what?” OkVei cupped her cheek. “Boys enter Maturity sooner
than girls, so technically speaking, we’re the same age, maturity-wise. You’re
not going to have any hang ups because I’m still in school, are yo

I’m an Academy drop out.”

what?” OkVei shrugged. “You’re doing something you’ve always loved. I was
thrilled when I found out you’d taken my advice.”

wasn’t actually your advice.” GiNae pulled away. “I’d gotten into an argument
th my advisor and he’s the one who dragged me to
the dean’s office. All because I refused to take that stupid math class.”

doesn’t matter. You followed your heart, which takes a lot of guts.” She felt
his arm curve around her waist and turned her hea
d to
see his somber expression. “I know a lot of guys who are doing things only
because their proficiency tests placed them in a specific area. In fact,” he
swallowed and looked down. “If after my Linguistics rotation, they decide I’m
better suited toward
Security,” he grimaced. “I don’t
know if I’ll have the courage to refuse. That was so stressful, and I’m
thankful to the guys who do it every day, but I don’t want that job.”

placed her hand over his. “I’m sure your supervisors will make the right ch

looked up. “I hope so too. I’m looking forward to the Linguistics rotation.
Right now, there is no universal translator, so interpreters are needed, as
well as people to install the languages once the translator has been built. I
wish you would
consider taking a shuttle up with my
father soon, GiNae. TriJupe looks spectacular from the station, plus you can
see Xaxa on the other side, plus Jorba and CurMey off in the distance.”

don’t know. Space flight gives me the willies.” GiNae grinned. Turn
ing, she lifted her goblet for another sip, then set it
back down. “If we’re each other’s Chosen, then what happens next? I was so sure
I was never going to Bond, I really never paid attention. All I know is at some
point, we have to go before the elders.”

nodded. “That’s my understanding. Father gave me the Mating Pin last year,
saying I was old enough to have it, and to present it to my Chosen when the
time is right. Since it will be some time before we can Bond, I don’t see any
reason to give it to
you just yet, since we’re
technically still getting to know each other.” His eyes grew wide. “Oh oh…did I
just insult you? I am sorry, GiNae.”

laughed. “I’m in complete agreement, so don’t worry.”

a relief.” OkVei shook his head.

in the air for a moment.


what—” They spoke at the same time.

laughed. “You first.”

ears turned purple again. “I was, uh, going to ask if I could kiss you again.”

like that.” GiNae felt her cheeks heat.

angled his
head toward her. She closed her eyes as
their lips touched, then opened her mouth to accept his tongue and wrap it with
her own. GiNae felt herself falling backward and clutched his shoulders as he
eased her down and stretched out on top of her.

nice. Are you comfortable?” she whispered, tangling her fingers in his violet

He pulled his arm free and smoothed her hair. “I’m not crushing you, am I?”

pulled one of her legs out from under him, arched her back, and felt her pel
vis rub against a solid bulge. “Not anymore—Oh!”

looked surprised. “You like that?”

bit her lip as he shifted his lower body against hers. Not trusting herself to
speak, GiNae wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him.

I never thought kiss
ing a man would be so nice.

I’m glad you think so. Your skin is so

felt warm fingers tug her tunic up, then settle on her bare skin.

Don’t tickle me…

I won’t. I just want to touch you.

felt his fingers brush against the soft binding she wo
across her chest.

What’s this?

It keeps my…chest in place when I’m
exercising the panneis.

breath hitched when one finger slipped inside, then tugged the elastic garment
down, freeing her breasts. His palm cupped the underside of one breast, and she
felt her nipple harden as his thumb brushed over it.

They’re as soft as I felt in my dreams.
A finger traced the contours, then his
whole palm slid upward in exploration.

That feels good…

It’s supposed to.
His lips left hers and traveled to her
I wa
nt to kiss
you there. Is it all right?

arched her back.

felt her shirt being pushed to her armpits, then his warm mouth fastened around
one nipple. “Ohhhh…yes…” Flutters of contentment and desire rallied in her
lower belly. “That feels so
much better. Don’t stop.”

why you have two.” His voice, muffled from being pressed against her chest,
sounded amused. His tongue licked the peak of her breast, then his mouth
traveled to her other one and suckled.

Oooohhh…ok’che’lo’vey…I like it w
hen you do that…
GiNae sighed and clutched his head.

let go with a
and braced himself with one arm, while
the other worked his own shirt over his head. “I want to feel you against me,”
he rasped.

helped him, delighting in the sight of the light
sprinkling of lavender curls across his pectoral muscles, sculpted from his
hard work. She reached out and stroked his muscles, scraping a fingernail over
his own beaded nipples. “You like that also.” She rose up to press her lips to
each, hearing his qui
ck intake of breath when she
flicked her tongue lightly over them.

groaned and eased her back into the cushions, causing her to gasp when his skin
touched hers.

didn’t know how good that would feel.” She kissed his temple.

know. You feel wonde
rful.” His hips slowly thrust
against hers.

There’s that feeling again!
She tried to match his movements, even
when his tongue slid into her mouth again, mimicking the dance of their lower

What feeling?

I don’t know…it feels so good…don’t
stop…wait, let me do this.
She bent one leg and hooked it around his hip, pulling him
closer. “Oh my! Yes…” GiNae bucked her pelvis against his, loving the rubbing
sensation where her
lay. “Oh…oh…oh…OkVei…keep doing
that…” She panted, wanting the same feeling as she’d
previously experienced with the toy. “Oh gods…”

increased his movements. She grabbed his shoulders and held on as the knot of
desire uncoiled in her belly. “Damn it…why…can’t…it…ohhhhhh…” A weak c
limax washed over her and she went limp against the

felt him slow his movements, then stroke her hair while panting also. “That was
You’re a beautiful, desirable woman.”
proud to call you my Chosen.

smiled and op
ened her eyes at his tender words, then
felt a wave of embarrassment and hid her face in his chest.

okay. Remember? I’ve been watching you for several weeks now.” His reassuring
words calmed her.

just, I thought that was a private thing fo
r me.”
Slowly, she raised her head and looked up into his kind eyes.

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