A Betty's Pledge: Volume One (19 page)

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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“So what else do we do at the mansion? Are the other days open for play?”

“The weekends are usually reserved for play time, Mady. Didn’t I go over this earlier

I shrugged, because even if she did, I honestly didn’t think I could have remembered
it after everything that happened since we’d entered the playroom.

Diane laughed. “I guess it’s worth repeating. Like Nate said, Mondays and Tuesdays
are usually reserved for some sort of bonding time. I know it sounds silly, but we
really do become like a family here. Thursday is the day we go out as a group; the
rest are open.”

“Why is play reserved for only weekends?” I brought my knees up to my chin, resting
my head atop the covers draped across my lower half.

Diane nudged my shoulder with hers as she answered. “Not all of us work from home,
Mady. Some of us still have careers to think about.”

“Oh.” That made sense. “I guess I didn’t think about it that way.”

I left the mansion shortly after our conversation and spent the rest of the day at
home, trying to organize my thoughts on what had just happened. I’d experienced and
done so much over that last couple of hours that the logical part of my brain was
taking a while to make sense of it all. I knew it would probably be a little bit of
an adjustment once things got going at the mansion, but I, in no way, thought I’d
have sex with a woman the first day there. And technically, that wasn’t even my first
day; it was like an orientation day or something. Kind of like what I got when I went
to college as a freshmen—but I’d never had sex with my college counselor.

In any case, I was thankful that I had the week to prepare myself for moving in to
the mansion. Not only so I could finalize the moving details, but also so I could
reevaluate that day I spent with Diane and Nate.

There were some things I learned about myself during that experience that really surprised
me. I’d been more assertive in the bedroom than I thought I would be. Perhaps it was
the environment that made me feel so willing to explore, but when I’d originally put
down what my sexual fantasies were in the Grant application, I didn’t think that I’d
actually have the balls to go through with them. Now, having already participated
in the one that I thought I’d be the most hesitant about, I found myself mentally
going through my list and analyzing the others.

I was excited to move in with my fellow Betties. Living on a huge estate for six weeks
seemed daunting in reality, but I was thrilled. Maybe I’d be there even longer than
that, who knows? I didn’t know what the deal with the whole mating thing was, but
perhaps if it happened to me, I’d be asked to stay on with the program like Diane
and Nate.

I was all grins about that thought, although out of all the Consorts, I didn’t know
which one I’d mesh with the most. My personality was different than anyone I’d met
thus far, save Marissa. She seemed a closer fit than anyone else.

And the guys were all so . . . yummy that I didn’t know if I could actually pick a
favorite one out of the bunch. Okay, that was a lie. Both Carson and Isaac had made
my tingle in the girlie region extra special. Especially Isaac.

In truth, I’d spent the night after the party jilling off to thoughts of Isaac. I’d
occasionally think of the other hot guys I’d met, but my mind would always return
to him. He was incredibly sexy—drool-worthy on several different fronts—but there
was something about him that caused me to pause. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though,
and as a result, I found myself more curious about him in particular compared to the
other men.

Friday morning couldn’t have come fast enough. I was packed and ready to go. A moving
van had arrived at eight o’clock that morning to load up the heavier things I wanted
to take. It wasn’t much, since the rooms were fully furnished, and I planned on keeping
my apartment like Diane had recommended. So I was only loading the major valuables
I didn’t want stolen in my absence into the truck: my hope chest filled to the brim,
a flat screen television, my laptop, and three heavy boxes loaded with books I’d yet
to read.

I had dug into my savings as well, purchasing a gently used Lexus to replace my old
Honda Civic. Call me a sellout, but I cringed every time I thought of pulling up to
the mansion in a beat-up jalopy when everyone else was driving something that cost
more than my life was worth. I debated all through Monday and Tuesday, finally making
the decision to spend my money on Wednesday. I even called Mina to get her take on
the idea. Part of me felt guilty knowing that she’d shelled out a huge amount of money
for my tuition into the program, and there I was, thinking of spending a good chunk
of cash on a new car I really didn’t need. But Mina seemed more excited about my idea
than me. She’d even offered to go shopping with me later that evening to find one
that fit me perfectly. She squelched any bad feelings I had toward it, reminding me
of my plans to pay her back the money eventually anyway. At the end of the night,
I’d pulled away from the Lexus dealership with a 2008 SC 430, in silver. I was happy
with my purchase.

After taking one more look around the apartment, I closed the front door and locked
it. I approached my new piece of glorious machinery and sat down on the plush leather
seating. The engine hummed softly, nothing like the sputtering the Honda sang to me
every morning.

Pushing down my anxiety and expectations, I enjoyed the drive over, taking a confident
look back on my decisions and rationale that led me to this moment. I was excited
and thrilled, not willing to hold anything back. This was going to be an experience
of a lifetime, and I was really looking forward to getting started.

I pulled into the side of the mansion where there was a large warehouse. It had several
garage doors along the outside of it, looking like it could store maybe twenty vehicles
or so. I parked along the outside perimeter, per Diane’s instructions. She’d told
me last week that a garage door opener and assigned parking spot would be part of
the care package I’d receive today, and for me to just park along the curb for now.

Getting out, I noticed a rebuilt classic Porsche pull up next to me. Wondering to
whom it belonged, I admired the curves and lines of the beautiful vehicle. Diane stepped
out of it a moment later, a huge smile on her luscious lips.

“Hey, Mady,” Diane beamed. “You look nice this morning.”

I hadn’t really dressed for the occasion, it seemed. Thinking I’d be spending the
day working hard, getting my stuff moved in, I’d worn an old black tank and Chucks.
I didn’t look anything close to the bombshell Diane. I instinctively ran my palms
down the front of my jean skirt, both to rid myself of invisible wrinkles and to wipe
the sweat off my palms. I wasn’t sure if I was perspiring because of the heat, my
nerves, or the fact that Diane looked absolutely delicious in her summer dress. In
any case, I stepped forward after a second to give her a warm hug in greeting.

“Hi, Diane. You look amazing.”

“Thanks. Think you can give me a hand?” She gestured to the back of her car.

“Sure. I’ll just come back and get my bags.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” she said, rounding her car and opening the passenger
side door. “The guys can come back and get your stuff.”

“Okay.” I shrugged, following in her wake. She bent over slightly to pick up two large
platters from the front seat, giving me a nice view of her ass. I could see a small
glimpse of bright pink lacy cheekies, and I groaned at the sight, probably a lot louder
than I intended to. But really, how was I supposed to respond?

“Did you say something?” Diane said as she straightened, handing me a couple of the

“Umm, I was just thinking how nice your car is.”

“Thanks,” Diane replied with a smirk, not buying my diversion for one second. I quickly
wondered if she was being incredibly sexy on purpose for some reason, like maybe she
wanted to get me all hot and bothered over her.

“Come on,” she said, closing her car door with her hip. “Everyone is around the back.”
I followed Diane toward the mansion, each of us loaded with several platters of incredible
smelling food.

As we approached, I saw that several moving vans were parked at the side of the mansion,
the cargo holds opened for unloading, although I didn’t see any of the movers. Off
to the side, all the girls were sitting at a large table and several chairs under
huge umbrellas. Each wore various amounts of barely there clothing to suit the heat
of the day. Mina had on a bikini and was lying out on a lounge chair with a pair of
overly large sunglasses perched on her face.

I was about to ask Diane what the hell they were doing, but just then, the back door
opened, and my jaw pretty much hit the floor.

The men of the Grant Mansion came striding out into the yard, shirtless and sweaty
from a day of unloading the trucks in the California sun. My mouth watered.

“Ho-ly sh-shiiit,” I slurred, my eyes wide open as I took in the bare-chested magnificence
before me. “Fuck me . . .”

I could tell Diane was looking at me, chuckling at my reaction. “I know, Moving Day
is always my favorite day of the year.”

“Better than Christmas,” I said absentmindedly as I watched Isaac and Nate unloading
one of the trucks, working in conjunction to lift my heavy hope chest from the back
end of it.

“Oh yeah,” Diane agreed. We watched silently as both juicy men bent down to set the
chest on the ground so that they could grasp the edges of it differently. Simultaneously,
Diane and I bent our heads slightly in order to gain a better angle.

Nate glanced in our direction, a wide smile on his face, and said something to Isaac
I couldn’t make out. Both of them turned toward us and headed over, and I couldn’t
take my eyes off Isaac.

His chest was etched and defined by tight muscles. His golden, sun-kissed skin was
shining from the slight sheen of perspiration. His hair was a mess, but in the sunlight,
I could see more of the golden highlights than I noticed the night of the party. It
was a unique shade, and I felt myself wondering if it was natural or not.

But the biggest thing I noticed was the way I began to sweat as he came toward me.
My breathing became shallow, my heart rate pounding out a hurried cadence. It was
a sympathetic response to one steamy and sensual night with him, add to that his smokin’

In the time it took for him to arrive where we were standing, my mind had flitted
through several scenarios, all with me panting and writhing while being pleasured
by that man. I could almost feel his skin on mine, his magic fingers taking me to
a place I could only read about in one of my erotica books, just like he had done
the night of the party.

Hmm . . . the party.

I quickly wondered if there was any way to get some alone time with him at some point
during the day. Maybe do a little rule breaking before dinner that evening.

“Hey baby,” Nate said to Diane, kissing her on the cheek and taking the platters from
her hands. “I was wondering when the food was coming. I’m starved.”

“Nate, can you go with Mady to grab her bags from her car? I’ll take the food over
to the tables.”

“I’ll go with her,” Isaac offered, catching me by surprise. I’d still been staring
at him, and I quickly averted my gaze to Diane. She was watching me with a knowing
expression, her little lips turned up in a smirk.

“Thanks, Isaac,” she told him politely, and then reached for the platters I was carrying
to free my hands. Before I knew what was happening, Diane and Nate were walking toward
the group, leaving me alone with Isaac.

“Where’d you park?”

“Um, over here,” I answered, surprised my voice didn’t crack from my suddenly dry
throat. He followed me silently over to my car, the tension surrounding us increasing
with every step.

I was almost glad for the quiet, though, because it gave me a chance to get my bearings.
It seemed that he was being silent for a reason, perhaps not wanting to bring too
much attention on the fact that we’d shared a moment together that night. Of course,
my overanalytical brain started worrying if he perhaps regretted being with me. Maybe
he didn’t want to put me above the other girls there so early in the program. Or maybe
he’d shared a similar experience with the other girls that night, too. I didn’t think
that was likely, but I guessed it could happen. We were there for sexual exploration.

Isaac’s continued silence started to grate on my nerves, though. It wasn’t as if we
hadn’t spoken before. This was the last thing I wanted to happen with any of the people
I’d become involved with at the mansion. I mean, yes, we had fooled around the night
of the party, but wasn’t that to be expected? There was no need to feel like I owed
him any kind of explanation for my behavior, and vice versa. I was actually kind of
surprised that Isaac acted uncomfortable. I didn’t peg him as the silent type.

“This is me,” I said, gesturing to my Lexus.

“Nice car,” Isaac replied, looking over my convertible like it was a nude woman spread
before him. He even licked his damn lips.

“Uh, thanks.”

I pulled my keys from my back pocket and opened up my trunk. I had two large suitcases
and a duffle packed with clothes. Everything else was in the moving van. I reached
in to grab one of the bags, but Isaac beat me to it. He swung the duffle over his
shoulder then pulled both bags from the trunk simultaneously.

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