A Betty's Pledge: Volume One (16 page)

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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“I never said I didn’t enjoy it,” Trent replied with a cocky smile. “I just seem to
have more respect for the underlying rationale behind the program, that’s all.” The
way Trent sounded like a scolded adolescent with his hand caught under the neighbor’s
skirt made us all laugh hysterically. It was only made worse when Trent flipped us
off in irritation.

“What about you, asshole?” Trent asked Carson, who’d been sitting near the back. “You’ve
been quiet during this little discussion. Care to weigh in?”

Carson stared straight ahead, seeming to have not heard him, though we all knew he

“Carson’s with me and Isaac on this one,” Brad answered smugly, and again I cringed
at finding myself in league with a jackass.

“I can see both points of view,” Carson replied, still maintaining his trance straight
ahead. “I’ve seen love bloom here, but I’ve also seen both men and women destroyed
by this place.”

“So why stay?” I said, truly curious. “If there’s nothing but loneliness at the end,
why go through the rounds again and again?” I wanted to know because it was the same
question I’d asked myself countless times.

Carson turned to me then, looking at me for a moment with a blank expression.

“Hope,” he said after a moment.

“Hope,” I repeated flatly, thinking that it was such an asinine reply.

Carson just nodded, returning his gaze back to the object of his focus. “Hope that
there is something to this whole Grant logic. Hope that I haven’t wasted all these
years seeking something that doesn’t exist. Hope that she is here among this group,
waiting for me to touch her and know she’s meant to be mine.”

 . . .

Had I lost all of mine?

“That’s a lot of hope,” Brad replied with a humorless chuckle. “Too bad it’s based
on a load of bullshit.”

Trent sighed at his comment, shaking his head exasperatedly. “I feel sorry for you,
man. Both of you.” He looked at Brad and me with pity. “To be here and have to go
through all this for nothing. I guess it’s made you jaded.”

“For nothing?” I asked him, surprised by his choice of words.

Trent nodded. “Well, yeah. I mean, there’s no way you are going to be open to being
mated with that big of a chip on your shoulder. I just think that if you honestly
thought you were wasting your time, you would’ve left by now. Moved on with your life.”

“And give up the opportunity to bang all that fine pussy?” Brad asked with a chuckle.
“Wilson’s not that stupid. He’s like me. He plays his shit smart.”

“Shut the fuck up.” I snarled, sick of his fucking crap all of a sudden. Brad just
stuffed his mouth with more popcorn, seemingly oblivious to my agitation. I turned
on Trent just as annoyed. “And I don’t see the two of you all head over heels. You
met all the Betties just like I did last night, and I don’t see either of you claiming
you found the one. Isn’t love supposed to happen at first sight or some shit?”

“You watch too many movies,” Trent scoffed lightly.

“I don’t know. There was a couple that I’m pretty interested in,” Carson said with
a smirk. “They had potential. Especially this one. My God, she’s gorgeous.”

We all turned our attention toward his line of vision, each of us silent for a minute
or two as we took in the scene.

“Are they going to fuck now?” Brad asked suddenly, making me roll my eyes while simultaneously
fighting the urge to junk punch him.

“They’re just talking,” Trent said in an irritated tone, and I inwardly smiled at
the thought that Brad was finally starting to grate on his nerves, too.

“They are awfully close to each other to be just talking,” Brad replied, and I could
hear a hint of hope in Brad’s voice that made me want to laugh. He was such a doofus,
but like any red-blooded American male, he wanted to see two hot chicks get it on.

“She has to set the ground rules, moron,” Trent said. “You know that. Same thing with
Marissa this morning.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Will you two shut the fuck up,” Carson said heatedly. “I’m trying to listen to what
they’re saying.”

“I’m serious, Mady. Your pleasure is important. It is what will make you feel calm
and balanced, cared for and desired. It will make you feel sexy, powerful. Give you
that extra edge when you need it, and it will make you feel understood by the person
who is willing to care enough to learn what pleases you. And if all of that isn’t
enough, it could be the one thing in this world that can make all of your stresses
seem manageable. A properly educated man could hold the key to not only our hearts,
but our sanity.”

Brad laughed. “That’s a load of shit. Like I give a flying fuck about her pleasure.”

“Shhh,” we all hissed at the douche. Carson even went as far as to kick the back of
the fucker’s seat, all while giving him a death glare.

“This is just about feeling, Mady,” Diane told her as she inched closer to her on
the bed, making the four of us sit forward slightly to get a better view. “I know
it’s your first time, both with a woman and being watched. You set the pace, show
me how far you want to go.”

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” Brad whisper yelled. “We get to see two hot chicks! It’s
been forever since I’ve seen a pussy-licking virgin.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I growled at him. “Or I’ll kick your ass out of here . . .”

There were two decks running right now that Brad could observe from. We’d been in
the other one earlier to watch as Kaitlin formally introduced Marissa to her partner
Leif and went over the rules. But once Kaitlin and Leif started to get hot and heavy,
we moved on to the other one so that we could watch Mady’s intro to the Grant Mansion.
Usually these meetings were pretty bland; not very exciting in the entertainment department.
But now, watching Diane getting fresh with Mady, I’d have to say that my interest
was definitely piqued.

“Do you want to touch me, Mady?” Diane asked in a tone that automatically had my pants

“Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes . . .” Brad chanted like an eager
child, pulling my attention reluctantly away from the scene playing out before me.

“Shut the fuck up, Brad!”

“I’m going to kick your fucking ass!”

We all made similar threats, meaning every fucking one of them if that asshole opened
his mouth one more goddamn time.

“All right, all right.” Brad made some fucktard gesture about zipping his lips. I
turned my attention back to the room on the other side of the glass, mesmerized by
the scene playing before me.

I watched as Mady tentatively made her move toward Diane. She looked so hesitant at
first that I thought she’d most likely chicken out. But again, she surprised me with
her boldness. Instead of playing it safe and taking one step at a time, Mady dove
right into the thick of it, taking one of Diane’s breasts into her mouth.

I knew by reading Mady’s profile that she had an interest to be with a woman. When
I read it, I honestly thought it was a casual fascination, like she was just going
with the trend, as it seemed delving into casual lesbianism was the thing for females
of our generation. I thought for sure that she’d try a passionate kiss with a woman
and that would be it.

On paper, Mady didn’t seem the type to follow through with her idle fantasies. She
was a quiet, docile type who seemed too shy to be adventurous in the bedroom. She
was an introvert, at least her personality profile diagnosed her as such. So to see
her so brash with Diane, taking the proverbial bull by the horns, doing exactly what
her body craved, was a huge turn-on for me.

Usually it would take weeks for a Betty to come out of her shell, but Madeline came
here to play. And before long, she was spread beneath Diane, her silken blond hair
spread all out onto the bed, writhing under her Dame’s skilled tongue.

“Does this feel good, Betty?” Diane asked her from between her parted legs, her lips
tickling Mady’s plumped, swollen sex as she spoke. That statement was one I’d said
countless times myself to whatever Betty I was with, but it always sounded different
coming from a woman. More sensual, more endearing. And for some reason, it rubbed
me the wrong way to hear Diane say it to Mady.

I could tell myself it was because I was a man, and by rights as a Consort should
have had primary dibs on the Betty I chose. It’s not like I wouldn’t have Madeline
beneath me soon enough, but I wanted her first.

I’d meant what I told her last night, that I wanted to be the first person inside
her. I was staking my claim, calling my ownership of her pussy like some pioneer of
an undiscovered frontier. In fact, as soon as I’d left her in that bathroom, I’d jetted
upstairs and sent in my invitation to Diane for one night with Mady.

But being the first person to put my dick inside her was no longer good enough, not
with the noises she was making as Diane worked her over. Not as I watched the euphoria
creep over her face as Diane brought her to completion. Not as Mady sat up, watching
heatedly as Diane started her panting all over again.

“That was fucking awesome!” Brad exclaimed. “Why can’t all introductions start off
like that?”

The guys started a low conversation, each describing the high points of watching two
women together. Part of me wanted to hear what they were saying because I wanted to
see if any of them had plans to send Mady an invite after watching her with Diane.
I didn’t feel threatened, of course. I just wanted to be the only invitation Mady
received so there was no chance of her turning me down for another Consort.

I kept watching Mady as the others talked, staring at her face intently. She was working
up toward another climax quickly, and I wished for some reason that I could be closer
to her so that I could see exactly how her pupils dilated when she reached that high.
I watched as the corners of her mouth puckered, her eyes clamping closed, her head
tilting back as Diane continued using her pussy as a licking plate.

“What the fuck is he doing?” Trent asked, looking through the one-way mirror with
a horrified expression. I glanced at him quickly, then turned my gaze back to the
room where Mady and Diane were.

That’s when I saw him. Nate was standing behind Diane, rubbing up the back of her
thighs as he inched up her tight skirt, exposing her bare ass. It was when he reached
for his fly that we all simultaneously groaned.


“Oh God . . .”

“I’m blind.”

“That’s horrible.”

And there it was, Nate’s hairy ass on display as he quickly sheathed himself into
Diane, all while she continued her work on Mady.

“Why does he get to have all the fun?” Brad whined.

“You know Diane doesn’t like to do anything without Nate,” Trent told him with a grimace
on his face. His expression matched the rest of ours. We all wanted to watch—hell,
who wouldn’t?—but seeing Nate in the buff was something that was slightly nauseating.
Especially for me, since he was my brother and all.

So instead, I watched Mady. She fascinated me: her beauty, her delicate curves, the
way her chest rose with every little breath she took. She was erotic and sensual,
and I couldn’t wait to be with her. Moving day could not come fast enough, that was
a damn fucking fact.

I watched as Mady rose up from the bed slightly, positioning herself on her elbows
so that she could watch what was happening in front of her, what was happening
her. Her gaze was mostly trained on watching Diane, but she’d occasionally peek up
to see Nate plowing into his mate’s raised backside, admiring the way they both looked
as she enjoyed the view.

I saw a couple of times when Mady’s gaze would meet Nate’s. She’d smile shyly through
her pleasure, her plump lip caught between her teeth as she enjoyed the high of a
threesome. I idly wondered if it could be considered a threesome, though. I knew my
brother wouldn’t touch Mady, not only because his woman wouldn’t allow it, but he
truly had no desire to be with anyone but Diane.

We’d had an in-depth conversation about it once. I asked him how he could be okay
seeing Diane with women in front of him and not being able to participate.

“She lets me have my fun,” he’d told me.

“Yeah, but doesn’t it bother you to see her intimate with another person?”

“Nah,” he’d said. “Mine’s the only dick she comes around. So she really is all mine.”

I didn’t argue with his logic on that one . . .

The door creaked open slightly, and I saw a figure at the end of the long hall inch
his way into the Observation Deck and make his way toward us. I knew immediately who
it was, and I felt my guard come up instantly.

“Is our new Betty making herself at home?” the newcomer asked as he approached our
group, his tone mellow and warm as always.

“I’ll say,” Trent answered on a snort, his gaze still fixed straight ahead of him.

“Oh,” Jackson Grant, owner of the program, came into the room and took in the scene.
He tilted his head to the side slightly to catch the new angle our threesome decided
to try. Mady had pulled herself off the bed to allow Diane to lie down on her back.
Nate continued to work his woman over, but Mady had joined in by running her tongue
along Diane’s clit, her ass high in the air and giving us a marvelous view of her

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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