A Betty's Pledge: Volume One (13 page)

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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“What’s all of this?” I whirled on Diane, floored at my new digs. “Those aren’t all
mine, are they?”

“Every one of them,” she said with a wicked gleam in her eye. “The dresser is loaded
with lingerie from the top boutiques in town. We have certain events here at the mansion
and we want to make sure our Betties are equally prepared. There are evening gowns,
certain attire for designated styles of play. Everything a girl could want.”

I stared stupidly, turning around in a large circle to take everything in once more.
That was when I noticed a large portrait on the wall in the bathroom, right next to
a little vanity station. It depicted a nude woman, her back toward the onlooker as
she sat in front of her lover. They were caught in an intimate embrace, and it was
the most beautifully sensual picture I’d ever seen.

“That’s one of my favorites,” Diane said, coming to stand next to me admiring the
artwork. “It’s so, I don’t know . . .”

“Passionate,” I answered for her, my eyes following the soft lines of the woman’s
back and how the man was holding her closely.

“Yeah,” Diane agreed. “Passionate. There are several photographs like this throughout
the house, mostly in the upstairs chambers for the sake of our guests, but each of
them is stunning.”

“I love it.”

“Come on,” Diane said after several moments. “There’s more to see.”

She began a general tour of the estate, showing me the kitchen and vast lounging areas
for the inhabitants, educating me on the schedule for eating and relaxation times.
Apparently, the Mansion was fully staffed with a cooking team. Gourmet meals were
made three times a day and served at nine, one, and six o’clock on the dot. The kitchen
didn’t close or anything, but she just said that we were responsible for heating up
our own food outside the scheduled times.

The backyard I had already seen the night before. Well, a part of it, at least. Off
to the east side of the house was a large veranda, equipped appropriately with Greek-style
columns covered in ivy, small gardens, and a huge rounded fountain in the middle.
Beyond that was a large eternity pool, giving the illusion that the end of it was
falling off the hillside the mansion sat upon. It was breathtaking.

“If you want a private evening in one of the pools, just make sure to tell me and
I can arrange for one to be booked,” Diane said quickly, as if in passing.

“Private pools?” I asked in a stunned tone, glancing around quickly to see where said
pools could possibly be.

“Over there.” Diane laughed, pointing toward a group of trees that looked like the
beginnings of a large forest. “There are several guest houses with indoor pools on
the premises. One day when we have enough time, I’ll take you over there.”

I looked closer. I could see the tops of a couple of roofs sticking up above the tree
line, and I started to wonder exactly how much money the Grants had to have in the
bank in order to afford staffing and maintenance for the grounds.

We paused on the back patio by the eternity pool for some drinks that one of the staff
brought out to us as Diane started explaining more about moving day.

“It’ll be next Friday,” she said as she poured herself a margarita from the pitcher.
“That will give you a week to pack and finalize any business you may have about address
changes. Most pledges keep their apartments, which I think is the smartest thing to

“Why is that?” I remembered how Mina had done the same thing while she was a pledge

“Well, just in case things don’t work out,” she said as if it were obvious. “Things
can get a little tense around here, especially with girls who let their emotions dictate
their training. When one gets too attached to a particular Consort, things can get
bad and they want to leave.”

“I see,” I said, nodding as I poured myself a drink.

“It’s happened before,” she said as she leaned back into her seat, meeting my gaze.
“There’s also the rare occurrence of the Grants asking a pledge to leave. It doesn’t
happen often, but if they are kicked out, there is no grace period for arrangements.
They are gone that same day.”

“What were the circumstances for that?”

Diane sighed. “Not sure. We tend to be pretty private, respect each other’s business,
you know. It must have been something major, though. The girl was in tears.”


“Why did you apply to the program, Mady, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“That’s a good question.” I sighed, nervously running my hands down my thighs. I didn’t
know what she expected me to say or if this was some kind of test, so I just went
with honesty and let the chips fall where they may.

“Initially, I did it because I was sick of what’s out there for women my age. I don’t
like the way the modern man has become such a pig, only looking out to get his and
move on. And it was getting harder and harder to tell them apart, you know?”

Diane laughed. “I know exactly what you mean. I was dating this guy once and did the
whole ‘hard to get’ thing with him. He tried and tried to get with me, promising me
that he was legit and wanted to be with me, but I just kept him at an arm’s length.
Finally, I let him take me out once. When I didn’t put out for him that night, he
called me a fucking tease and left. Never heard from him again.”

“You don’t know how many fucking times that has happened to me,” I said with a chuckle.
“It almost seems like it’s a challenge for them. They want to get you to say yes so
damn bad that they make you feel interested, then once you do, the game is over. They’ve
won and took your pride as a reward.”

“Well, that and a fuckhawt night of fun,” Diane added.

“Yeah, that was the other reason I joined. Not finding any ‘fun’ out in the sea of
little fishies.”

“So I’ve read,” Diane said with a sly smirk. “You really haven’t had a man give you
an orgasm?”

“Well, not until last night,” I admitted, my face heating at my confession.

“I knew it!” Diane laughed, her head thrown back as she clapped her hands in front
of her. “Fucking Wilson, always quick to break the rules.”

“What rules?” I asked, smiling and feeling a little relieved that my Dame didn’t go
apeshit on me for my little fuckery with Isaac. “You guys kept talking about that
last night. And Mina won’t shut the hell up about it.”

“You done with your drink?” Diane asked, picking up her glass and shooting the rest
of the lemony goodness. I followed suit and got up to go inside.

We headed toward the second-story again, this time taking the hallway that led to
the room I’d done my trial in. Diane opened the first door to reveal a large room
surrounded with glass mirrors. There was a round, red couch in the middle of the room,
and a couple of chaise lounges in different corners. There was a crystal chandelier
in the center of the room. The soft light sent rainbows off the prisms that hung from
it, illuminating the ceiling like a Technicolor disco ball.

“Come sit down, Mady, and we’ll get started on some of the house rules,” Diane said,
gesturing me toward one of the lounges. As I sat, Diane walked around the room casually.

“This is one of our playrooms. In fact, all the rooms in this wing are playrooms.
We restrict our activities to here for the most part. There is no sex in the personal
chambers, except for the mated, of course. The purpose of that is so each member has
a personal area for sanctuary. Your room is yours and yours alone. The playrooms are
for sex. And believe me, you’ll be thankful for that distinction later. This one is
usually reserved for a multiple player scene, but it will serve its purpose for us

“And what purpose is that?” I became nervous and excited at the same time.

“Talking, Mady.” Diane paused from her pacing and looking at me with a grin.

“Oh, of course.”

“Relax, Mady. If you’re up for some playtime, that can come later, okay?” I just nodded
in answer. “I want to start off by saying that you do not have to do anything you
are not comfortable with. I know that should go without saying, but sometimes peer
pressure can influence a person’s judgment and I don’t want you feeling trapped in
any situation. You can always come to me about anything. In fact, I’m hoping that
you’d like to set up a time where we can debrief on your training. It’s customary
to do so but the Betty has the right to keep things private if she wishes. Totally
up to you.”

“I’d like that,” I said.

“Good. Now there are a couple of things we have to go over that may be a little uncomfortable
for you to hear. Sometimes, this part of it sits wrong with the Pledge, and we’ve
even had one decide to leave before things even got started.”

Diane paused as she looked at me. Part of me became really nervous at her words, but
another, bigger part of me was incredibly intrigued.

“There are cameras in every room of the house, Mady. I know how that may sound, but
they are up for protection more than anything else.”


Visions of me on screen in various positions with different partners flashed through
my mind. Why would they want footage of that? What would they do with it if I decided
to leave? Black market porno tapes and clips on the evening news about a sex scandal
came to mind. I didn’t like the sound of that news, and I thought Diane could tell
what I was visualizing because she was quick to answer in a reassuring voice.

“Like I said, they are there for our protection, Mady. Think about it. You are in
a house filled with both men and women who basically want to screw each other’s brains
out. There have been instances, however, where certain Betties don’t click with a
Consort. You have a right to refuse any invitation to play you may receive. Well,
it happened once where a Consort didn’t like the rejection, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh,” I said, realizing suddenly that the environment here could be the perfect scenario
for shady things to take place. And in that moment, I was almost glad about the cameras
being there.

“Security measures were put in place after that and the cameras are an aspect of that.
We haven’t had another incident since then, and I believe just the knowledge that
things are being recorded may have a part to play in that. The owner is the only one
who has access to the videos, Mady. And he has sworn that they are not viewed unless
absolutely necessary.”

“Okay,” I replied, not really knowing what else to say because I wasn’t exactly sure
about how I should feel. It was one of those things that would have to stew in my
mind before I could come to any real conclusion.

“The protocol for initiating scenes begins with an invitation from the Consort to
his chosen Pledge. It is delivered formally through the Dame in a written, contractual
statement outlining the scene he has in mind.”

“So in other words, you’ll know exactly what we will be doing?” I quirked an eyebrow,
wondering if there’d be
privacy in this place. Were the toilets filmed, too?

“Yes,” Diane confirmed. “We won’t know the details unless the scene is under observation,
of course. But again, it’s for your protection. It is so we have a written record
of who is with whom. Also, it helps to facilitate your training. I’ll know what you’ve
experienced and learn what your preferences are based on what you accept. Then we
can begin to understand what you like and don’t. Make sense?”

“I guess.”

“Good,” Diane said, coming to sit next to me. She placed a hand on my bare knee in
a comforting gesture, but immediately I felt my body temperature soar at the feeling
of her touch. “And may I say, Miss Hot Thing, that you made an impression last night.
I’ve already received two invitations this morning, and I believe they were made before
the party was even over.”

“Really?” I said, excited. “From who?”

“Nuh-uh,” Diane said, laughing as she nudged my shoulder playfully. “I’m not telling
you until after Moving Day. Plus, you have an observation scheduled for next Sunday.”

“An observation?”

“Yeah, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Come here.” She grabbed my hand and led
me out of the room and down the hall. Near the end, we went through a small door that
led to a dark, narrow hallway, like a secret passage behind the wall.

“Where the hell are we going?” I giggled, feeling kind of like a child going on a
wild adventure.

“The Observation Deck,” Diane said, flicking on a light to reveal a large room as
long as the size of the entire wing and about as wide as a small washroom. There were
chairs on platforms facing the other side of the room like a small auditorium. I looked
to see what they were facing and found myself looking into a playroom where a couple
was having sex. Their panted moans and sighs of satisfaction were heard from small
speakers in the ceiling.

“Oh,” I said numbly.

“One-way glass.”

“I see.” Diane stood next to me, staring at the couple in the thralls of it. We watched
silently as the woman placed herself in the man’s lap. Her head fell backward as she
began to ride him, his hands grasping her hips roughly to help aid in her movements.

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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