A Betty's Pledge: Volume One (11 page)

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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Could Isaac give me that? Carson? Brad? Okay, the last one was a little bit of a stretch.
Based on our previous entanglements I was sure I’d turn into the Sahara Desert if
he ever tried to touch me, but I was here to experience passionate sex in multiple
ways with several different partners so that I could learn what I wanted in a man . . .
or woman, if I found that I liked that sort of thing.

So why was I so upset at seeing Isaac with another Betty?

The others continued to talk about a topic I really didn’t have any interest in. My
mind was preoccupied with the sex god across the yard and the viper in she-clothes
entangling herself around him. She was all giggly and up in his personal space, and
I couldn’t help the small grimace that broke out on my face at the sight.

I wanted to investigate my feelings further because if I was going to go all jealous
harpy so early on in the game then I had no business being here. Because this whole
thing was exactly that—a game. A huge, fat, horny, fucked-up game where there were
multiple players and everybody won. I needed to check my bullshit at the door or I’d
be in for a world of hurt.

I tried to pay attention to the conversation around me, I really did. But I’d caught
myself occasionally glancing over toward the bar, wondering if Isaac found Tricia
as amusing as she seemed to find him. As the others talked I was internally berating
myself. I finally decided that the only reason I was upset was because I wanted the
chance to fuck him first.

I wanted to taste him and see how he could make me feel before any of the other Betties
got their claws into him. I knew that Diane had said something about the guys scheduling
their time with the Betty, but I wanted him tonight, damn it. Fuck all the others,
they could wait and have my sloppy seconds. I wanted his eyes burrowing holes into
my face as he plowed into me. I wanted his fingers and tongue deep inside me, reaching
and hitting depths other men could only dream of achieving. I wanted to claw his back
while he ground me into a wall, plaster breaking and pictures falling to the ground
as he slammed me over and over . . .

It was only when Mina leaned over to tell me that the limo was coming to pick us up
in half an hour that I was finally back to being part of the here and now. I looked
around the table to see if anyone noticed me lost inside my mind. Of course, Ms. Observant
was staring at me with a little quirked eyebrow. I guessed I must have made a new
friend . . .

Why are some women so damn catty?

“I’m just going to go freshen up. Make my rounds one last time, you know,” I told
Mina, but really I just needed to get away from there . . . try to find my bearings
again before I ended up making a fool out of myself.

I stood up from the table and made my way over toward the main house, attempting to
remember the way back to the bathrooms in my slightly inebriated state. Once I found
it, I hurried inside, seeking a moment alone so I could gather my thoughts.

Had I originally expected to come here and find a man I felt an immediate attraction
to? I would be an idiot if I didn’t think it was a possibility. The place was crawling
with beautiful people, all young with incredible bodies. It was bound to happen. I
just needed to gather my wits about me, brush Isaac off my shoulder like some pesky
fly―then go out and hump the rest of this house until I was finally satisfied.

Good plan

I took a moment to use the facilities, making sure all my parts were still nicely
visible to the point of practical nudity, and then I was ready to head out there once
again. I wanted to seem confident and sure around these people, not completely distracted
and horny as fuck, even though that was exactly how I felt. I mean, come on―the place
was screaming fornication. The sexual tension was wound up so tight I knew someone
out there was breaking the damn rules tonight. Either that or there were going to
be some mighty sore wrists and overworked pussies in the morning, with women in desperate
need of replacement batteries by the time we were done.

I straightened my nonexistent skirt, applied the tiniest bit of lip gloss, and fluffed
my bedroom hair to its full capacity and headed toward the door. I contemplated taking
a moment to fiddle the bean, anything to relieve some of the damn tension I suffered,
but decided against it. I needed to be alert, and a post-orgasmic cloud was not how
I wanted to finish the night. Once I was home . . .

I yanked the door open roughly, needing to get outside. But I was stopped by a large,
brawny, sandalwood and sex-smelling obstacle in my way. My face planted right into
a well-built chest, and I felt two hands reach out to steady me.

“Leaving so soon?” a deep timbre asked from the chest and I looked up to see Isaac
standing in the doorway. He let go of me once he made sure I was steady and took a
step back as if to take me in better. He had one hand leaning against the doorframe,
the other dug deep into his pants pocket. He looked like a fucking model standing
there with all shadowed lines and exotic male broodiness and I felt my body automatically
respond to him.

Shit, I even heard a little fangirl screaming in my head. Damn, he was fucking hot!

“Hi, stranger,” I purred, my lids half hooded. I felt my body move, adjust, and shift
into a sexy tigress on the prowl. My chest was pushed out, my heels had miraculously
grown another inch or so, and my lip seemed to taste quite good in that moment. There
was a moment where I asked myself what the hell I was doing, but I had no control
over her at this point. My inner sex kitten was out and ready for action. I was probably
being obvious, but I didn’t care. I was at the point where I wanted to slake my lust,
and I hadn’t been able to get Isaac out of my head since Mina had pulled me away from

Isaac pushed off the doorframe, shutting the door behind him. It shocked me slightly
that he’d do something so forward, and I felt the nerves flutter in my throat for
only a second before I shoved them down. I berated myself for being so childish. I
was a grown, sexual woman who was aching for some male attention. There was no need
for formality with him.

Fuck that shit!

I didn’t get much time for my self-chastisement because Isaac was standing above me,
looking down on me with such intensity that my pulse automatically skipped a beat.
He wasn’t touching me, only looking at me. His eyes were hooded and searching my body
for something that sparked his interest. He must have found what he liked because
his tongue peeked out for a moment and licked his lips, just like a man would do before
he devoured something that looked appetizing.

“I must tell you that I am quite taken with you,” he said in a low tone, dripping
with promise and hot sex. “I have never been as tempted to break the rules as I am
with you.”

I felt his breath skim across my face as he spoke, sending a haze of sensuality over
me. I could feel the heat of his body warming me as he edged closer, our hips and
thighs making contact in our tight proximity.

“And what rule would that be?” I asked, proud that my voice seemed calm even though
my insides were anything but.

“The one that forbids me to fuck you senseless right now, making you scream my name
until your voice is gone for days.”

I balked—my breath caught in my throat as I automatically took a step back from him—feeling
my bottom meet the hard marble counter. We had become predator and prey in a matter
of seconds, and the adrenaline pumping through my veins was simultaneously torturous
and delicious.

“A-and that’s breaking the rules?” I managed to squeak out, feeling a sense of fear
and disappointment at the same time.

“Unfortunately,” he replied, closing the distance between us so that I was pressed
up against a rock and a hard place, pun most definitely intended.

“Pity,” I said, looking at him through my lashes and automatically becoming lost in
his vivid blue eyes as he reached his hand toward my face.

“Complete shame,” he agreed, running the tips of his fingers along my cheekbone, down
to my jaw, and along my chin. The feeling of his skin on mine, however faint, had
my blood boiling. I wanted more. I needed more.

I felt his breath on my face as he lowered his head toward mine. He ran his nose along
my cheek. “But there is nothing in the rules that says I can’t make you come.”

My breath caught in my throat at his words. His lips were at my earlobe, taking the
tip of it between his warm lips as his hands wrapped around my shoulders, sending
chills down my spine.

“I don’t want you to get into trouble,” I told him, my voice as weak as I felt.

He laughed. “No one is looking for us. No one will hear us if you are very, very quiet.”

“I don’t get it,” I said on a whisper, my eyes shutting automatically as his lips
moved across my neck. His hands were traveling down my body, skimming down the slick
satin of my dress. “Why is it such a big deal for you to be with me?”

“Less talking,” he said, and then his lips met mine. My mouth parted, inviting him
in. His taste finally filled me, and it felt like some kind of drug had entered my
bloodstream. My heartbeat quickened, my breath left in a gasp. He stole it, completely
taking my air away with his touch.

My hands moved on their own, winding their way into the gorgeous head of hair. The
strands were thick and sturdy, and Isaac didn’t seem to mind when I tugged on them
a little in an attempt to get him closer to me. He moaned inside my mouth, wrapping
his arms around my waist as he lifted me onto the bathroom counter. My legs parted,
wrapping around him so that I could pull him in to me. I felt the burning in my center
increase tenfold as his body lined up directly where I wanted him.

Isaac’s lips left mine as he began to explore my body, leaving a slow trail down my
chin, along my neck and to my collarbone. I let my head fall back as his tongue snaked
along the rounded mounds of my breasts, barely contained by the thin fabric of my
dress. With a quick flick of his wrist, the top part of my dress was pulled down enough
to grant him access.

He moaned. “Do you know how desperately I’ve wanted to do that all evening?” I could
only gasp in answer as his lips wrapped around my nipple, his tongue circling the
tip in a slick caress that left me panting. His teeth grazed me, clamping down enough
to give me that sharp prick of heated pain that I’d imagine came with clamps and leather
floggers. I groaned loud and deep, causing Isaac to brush a kiss across my wet, puckered

“Shhh, my sweet Betty,” he breathed, his lips feathering across my breast as he spoke.
“Don’t want to wake the neighbors.”

I was so enthralled by what he was doing with my upper body I hadn’t notice him start
to explore the lower until I felt my dampened panties being pulled away from my body
just enough so he could fit his fingers underneath.

“Oh God,” Isaac said in an exhaled breath, his lips still at my chest as his fingers
worked me into a frenzy. “Are you always this wet, this ready for the taking?”

“Only with you,” I whispered, both because it was the desperate truth and because
I wanted him to know what he did to me. My body responded to him more than it had
to any other man, and I didn’t know if it was because he happened to be that good,
or if my body just seemed to crave his touch.

“I can’t wait,” he said as he plunged two fingers deep inside me, beginning a slow,
pulsing rhythm that only fueled my desire further. His thumb met my clit, deliciously
stimulating that familiar burn. “I will be your first, do you understand that? After
moving day, you will be in my bed. Promise me. Promise that I will have you first.”

“Yes,” I whisper-moaned, my head falling back as his teeth clamped down on my puckered
nipple to the point of pain. “Yes, you can have me. Take me.”

“Now, Betty,” he said in a gush of breath. “Come now. Show me what your pretty little
body can do.”

I felt the tingling ache spread from my stomach, down my legs and arms. My muscles
began to tremble, and a low moan escaped my throat as I experienced the most intense
orgasm I’d ever had in my life. Isaac rode me through it, bringing me down perfectly
while still giving my body short little aftershocks of pleasure through slow, torturous

When I opened my eyes, I was met with a sight I never thought I’d see in my life.
Isaac didn’t look smug or self-assured. He didn’t even look like he was left aching,
in need of sating himself. No, he looked almost . . . in awe. Surprised, but almost
in a fascinated way. We stared at each other for several minutes, neither of us saying
a word, only watching each other for any sign of disapproval or . . . guilt? I didn’t

A sharp rap at the door broke our daze, and Isaac pulled away from me so I could adjust
my dress back into place. It didn’t take a second to do, and I quickly mused that
perhaps Carson had a point to short dresses and easy access.

Isaac flung open the door just as I had finished primping. On the other side was a
very pissed-off looking Diane. She stood with her arms across her ample chest, her
booted foot tapping onto the tiled floor.

“Well, don’t you two look cozy?” she said in a bitchy tone. I felt my hackles immediately
rise until I heard Isaac laugh out loud.

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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