A Betty's Pledge: Volume One (26 page)

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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“Nate and I share a secret fantasy which you helped me play out, Mady. And I never
did get to thank you for that. You see, I have been with women before, but never had
a relationship with one. I’ve never had romantic feelings for one, I just like the
way they feel. I guess you could say that I am attracted to a specific type of woman,
and not many of them fit my criteria.”

“Well, I guess I should be flattered.”

“You’re very beautiful, Mady,” she told me in a matter-of-fact tone. “But more than
that, you are extremely sensual. It was hard not to be with you when I knew you wanted
to try it.”

“Mina told me that you were matched to me for a reason.”

“Yes, I was. Not only because you are also bi-curious, but because Mina knew that
we’d have a special bond with one another. I’m so glad that she’d been right.”

“Me, too,” I told her honestly, returning her beaming smile. “So how does Nate feel
about you being with a woman? He didn’t seem jealous at all.”

Diane laughed. “No, he’s not jealous. Matter of fact, he told me afterward that seeing
us together was one of the most erotic things he’d ever witnessed, and coming from
an alumni of this place, that’s saying something.”

“I bet. But weren’t you afraid that he’d want to be with the woman you were with?
Intimately, I mean.”

“No,” she said confidently. “I’d expect him to be aroused by seeing another naked
woman in such compromising positions, but I know that Nate would never have a desire
to have sex with another woman.”

“How can you be so confident?”

“Simple, Mady . . . I trust him.”

“Wow,” I said, truly surprised that she felt that way. I mean, I thought it was honorable
to have a relationship that strong among so much sexual temptation, but I guessed
that was part of what made their bond so strong.

“So, enough about me.” Diane hopped off the bed after a quick pat on my leg and took
the few steps toward my desk to retrieve the envelopes I’d unceremoniously dropped
there. She held them up for my viewing, gesturing toward them like Vanna White. “Which
one will it be, Betty?”

I eyed them both carefully, debating on which decision process I should use to make
my final choice. Without a second thought, I finally reached out to grab the one I
wanted to try, knowing that from the beginning, he’d be the one.

“This one.”

Diane took the envelope from me, pulling out the card to see who the lucky Consort
would be. She glanced at me with a questioning expression, and seeing the hesitancy
in her eyes, I nodded in confirmation.

“I’m sure. I want it to be him.”

“Okay,” Diane said, setting both invites down on the desk. She grabbed me by the hands
and pulled me up from the bed. “Time to make you uber sexy, my darling. You have a
date with a mighty fine Consort.”

The Seduction

~ Madeline Cain ~

Let him seduce you
 . . .”

Those were the words Diane had said to me when I left my room that evening, dressed
simply in a set of black lingerie and a silk robe. My makeup and hair were so overly
done that I looked like I was walking onto a set of some raunchy porno flick. Diane
had spent the better part of two hours making sure I was presentable. I didn’t understand
it. I mean, I wasn’t some plastic-filled swimsuit model. There was no reason I had
to be poked and prodded to the point where my boobs were pressed up to my throat and
my ass was rubbed with Crisco in order to make me glisten once things got going. When
I asked her about all the prepping, she said that I had to look good in order to feel
good. Something about feeling empowered. I guessed I understood, I’d just never taken
that long to prep for sex in my life, so I didn’t understand it until I left the comfort
of my room.

Standing out in the hallway, my nerves suddenly congregated in my throat, leaving
me breathless and desperate for some kind of direction. I mean, what was I supposed
to do? Stand in the middle of the room and wait? Was I supposed to pose, like some
cheating wife in a movie, waiting for the pool boy to arrive? I mean, really. I had
no idea whatsoever. So when I turned back to Diane with a panicked expression on my
face, she simply said what I needed to know.

Let him seduce you
 . . .”

When she left me standing there alone, I finally began to understand where all the
prep work came in. My eyes were smoky and edged with heavily painted lashes of the
waterproof variety. My lips were stained in a dusky red that would withstand the most
durable fabrics rubbing against them. Knowing that, as a result of all the hard work
and time I’d spent getting ready, the sweat that was building under my lip and along
my temples from anxiety couldn’t possibly put a dent in it left me reassured. Plus,
it felt good knowing that I looked like the perfect pinup girl, ready and willing
to please any Consort because it meant that I had the control. He’d be drooling, but
I was the one who decided if we took the next step in that room, not him.

It was my decision, my choice . . . and I’d lead him to what end I felt comfortable

Empowered . . .

Yeah, that was how I felt, strutting down the hallway toward the playrooms, my five-inch
heels clicking softly on the marble floor.

“Damn, you look good enough to eat.”

Keith stood against the wall just outside the playrooms, staring at me with a lewd
expression. He pushed himself off and strutted toward me, letting his eyes roam all
over me like they’d done the night of the party. And just like that night, I felt
creeped out by him immediately. This time, though, I wouldn’t allow him to take control
of my evening. This time, I’d make sure he knew not to make these encounters a habit.

“You know, you remind me of all those creepazoids I tried to avoid in college.”

“Well, that would explain why you’re here.” He grinned at me, not at all fazed by
my words.

“How’s that?”

“If you’d allowed a man with my talents to enter you, there wouldn’t be a need to
apply to any sex club, I guarantee that. I’d have you well versed in all the ways
your body can sing.”

I balked, but only for a moment. Redoubling my resolve, I gave him my best sarcastic
smile, one hand on my hip, and let him know exactly what I thought.

“If that is true, why are you here?”

His face fell just a tad. “What do you mean?”

“I mean if you’re this sex god like you claim, why are
a member of the Grants? Obviously, you couldn’t get anyone to buy into your offer
while you were out there. So why are you here?”

“I’m here because I
to be here.”

“Please.” I scoffed. “You know what I think? You’re just as pathetic now as you were
back then. Do me a favor and leave me alone. I’m not interested in any playtime with
your girlfriend. Spit your game away from my splash zone so I can invest my time
in a man who will really make me sing.”

With that, I straightened my spine and walked past him toward my destination, not
giving him a second glance. I didn’t hear him respond to my words and I honestly didn’t
care if I’d hurt his feelings. He was a creep and needed to stay away from me. Period.

Tonight was my first experience with Isaac and I didn’t want anything distracting
me from that.

My instructions were to enter the last room at the end of the hallway. Standing outside
the door, my nerves and excitement built.

This is it . . . the point of no return

And just like it had happened before, the mind games started up again, forming nagging
questions inside my brain, filling it with relentless doubt. This time I ignored them.
Pushing all of the crap I couldn’t control aside, deciding in that moment that it
didn’t matter any longer, I took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob. My inner
voice began a monotonous pep talk to keep me assured. I was a confident, sexual, beautiful
woman who knew what I wanted. I was going for it, and I’d take the bad that came along
with the oh-so-very good.

I opened the door to a circular room, shaped like a small castle turret. The walls
were covered in antique-looking stone from floor to ceiling. On one side of the room
sat a large fireplace that expanded across a good size of the width, making the flames
that roared inside light the room in a subtle glow. Along the wall, niches were filled
with the soft glow of candlelight, the long-burning wax slowly dribbling down the
stone underneath.

A four-poster bed, the size of which would’ve dwarfed my car, dominated the right
side of the boudoir. The bedding was dark in color and overflowing, matching the subtle
mystery of the ambiance. Along the large oak pillars that encased the bed hung a thick
draping of curtains that looked sheer in texture, but were bundled so tightly around
the pillar I couldn’t be sure. On top was a large canopy of fabric in the same color
and texture as the curtain. It was beautiful, but seemed like it belonged in some
medieval suite deep in Romania, not a modern-day mansion in the middle of Orange County.

It didn’t escape my notice that the lingerie my Consort had picked for me to wear
this evening matched the subtle gothic romance of the room, similar in both color
and texture. I had to admit that I was hesitant at first when Diane told me that the
entire evening, from location to my attire, was planned by the Consort. I mean, I
was an independent woman who cherished my ability to choose. I didn’t like the feeling
of handing my control over to someone I hardly knew, especially when I was going to
be this vulnerable. With that stark reality in mind, I finally fully understood the
importance of the rules when it came to my safety and security. There were people
who knew where I was, cameras watching in case something happened. This was an environment
I’d never leave of my own devices. Dressed in gorgeous Italian lingerie, I was about
to be seduced by a sensuously delicious male specimen.


Had I been seduced before? In an almost laughable sense of the term, I guessed I’d
been. I mean, my prior sexual experiences were not something I’d say resulted from
any effort the guy had made to win me over. In all actuality, the only reason I did
end up spreading my legs was because I’d been fucking horny as hell, and they just
happened to be present in my moment of need. The idea of being genuinely seduced by
a man knowing that he had my pleasure utmost in his mind left me almost breathless.
Talk about foreplay. When Diane had whispered those words to me before I left my room,
I’d practically melted on the spot.

The term had taken on a different meaning entirely to me, and the whole essence of
the program was starting to formulate in my mind, revealing a small part of the puzzle.

I walked into the center of the room, taking a moment to get a better feel of my surroundings.
On one side of the wall, I saw that there was a large framed mirror, and I assumed
that it was one of the two-way glasses that separated us from the Observation Deck
on the other side.

Part of my mind wondered briefly if someone would be watching from the Deck, but I
squashed the small amount of anxiety that notion had created when I remembered Diane’s
other words to me earlier. “
The Betties aren’t allowed to watch playtime with Consorts and other women
,” she’d said to me. Maybe that didn’t exactly mean that the other Consorts weren’t
watching, but I was comforted in the knowledge that my session today wasn’t being
observed as some kind of teaching moment for the other women. I was too worked up
for that kind of pressure.

The room remained quiet, with only the subtle crackling of the fire serving as a slight
cadence to the pounding in my heart able to be heard. The delicate fragrance of the
scented candles burning gave a soothing touch to the atmosphere, filling my senses
and adding to the mysterious essence the décor provided. Perhaps it was just that
I needed time to relax, but the fact that there was no music in the background provided
some comfort in a strange way. It allowed me to focus on the surroundings, take in
my environment and let it soak into my pores without the suggestion of what was about
to come. I was able to concentrate on the feeling of my body responding to the environment,
the way my body moved beneath the Italian satin. I made my way slowly toward the bed,
pulling off my robe as I went. I loved the way the silk felt as it traveled down my
arms, kissing along my skin until finally pooling at my wrists before it plummeted
to the ground. The bra and panty set I was wearing had been made from a similar fabric,
and it hugged my body perfectly, leaving me both sensitive and secure at the same
time. The black stockings I wore left my legs feeling long and elegant, while the
length that stopped at my mid-thigh revealed just the right amount of skin to make
it highly erotic.

As I approached the bed, I noticed that covering the surface of it was a large blanket
that seemed to be made of a thick type of high-quality faux fur. The strands were
full and inviting, and I took my time climbing onto the bed on all fours. I ran my
fingers through the soft down, stretching out my body until I was lying on it fully,
the silken fabric tickling along my belly and exposed skin. It felt so sensual against
me. Perhaps it was because my senses were already so heightened or because the anticipation
of what was to come had almost left me desperate with need, but I couldn’t help but
to roll on my back, stretching my arms out wide as I felt the soft fur smooth over
me like warmed honey.

BOOK: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One
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