A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2)
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              Once the door closes Marceline leans her back against it. A feeling of calm flows through her. She is on cloud nine and is not going to be coming down for a very long time.
That was the most intense and amazing kiss I have ever had. Not that I've had many but I don't think I can get any better than that.
She closes her eyes and lets her mind drift back to what just happened on the other side of the door.
"Marceline is that you? I thought you would have been home a couple of hours ago. It must have been a good night." Cathy calls from the bathroom.
"Oh Cathy it was." Marceline says with the biggest grin on her face. She starts to walk through to the lounge area of their hotel room and kicks off her shoes as she sits down on the sofa. Cathy comes bouncing through in her pj's and jumps down on to the sofa next to Marceline.
"You have to tell me all about your dinner. I'm dying to know what he's like when he's not being all 'Master of the Universe'. What did you guys talk about? What did you order? Are you going to see each other again. Oh I'm so excited you can't stop smiling."
"Cathy slow down." she giggled "I had the most amazing night. We talked through out the entire meal about everything and anything. He is such a wonderful guy, he said he wants to see me again. Oh Cathy I really like him." She says and she can't contain the wide grin spreading across her face at the thought of the magical kiss they shared only moments ago. Cathy spends the next hour grilling Marceline for all the details right down to what food they had. Marceline starts to yawn as she looks at her watch. "Oh my it's almost 1.30am we should really be getting to bed. We're up at 7am to drive back to Vancouver." Marceline said while trying to stifle another yawn. The both said goodnight and heading to their rooms for the night.

              Victor stood with his hand on the door to Marceline's room for a few minutes, still reeling from their kiss. He couldn't believe how kissing her made him feel. It was like nothing he'd every experienced before. Sure he'd kissed his subs and Julia but that was nothing compared to the raw passion he felt when his lips intertwined with Marceline's. It felt like they belonged together, as though they were made just for each other. He went back towards the elevator and headed back out to his car where Max was waiting for him. Ever Max couldn't contain a small smile seeing the look on Victor's face when he walked out of the hotel.
Mr Fischer is smitten with this girl. She's going to be really good for him. It's about time he found someone who he can be happy with. As long as he doesn't mess it up I think he may even fall in love with this one
Max thought to himself as he opened the car door for Victor.
She is incredible! I couldn't get enough of her, she definitely has me wanting more. Oh how I really wanted more right there and then and I wouldn't even care that her friend would be in the next room. I need to see her again and soon. I'm like a junkie I need my next fix of her. I think a trip to Vancouver is needed. I might just have to stop in to the environmental science department at the university to see how the project there is getting on.
Max pulled into the under cover car park at Escala. It felt like it took only two minutes to get there. Victor got out of the car and headed over to the elevator. The whole journey up to his apartment all he could think about was Marceline. He got in and went straight to his office. He checked his voicemail and emails.
Wow, 10 missed calls and 5 emails from her. She clearly isn't happy at me canceling our business lunch today. Fuck it I'll email her back in the morning.


              Marceline woke up from the most incredible dream. She didn't want to open her eyes in the hope that she would fall back asleep and continue her dream where it left off. Of course it was about none other than the charming Victor Fischer.
Next thing she knows Cathy comes bursting into her room, "Marceline wake up, we've slept in its almost 11am we need to hit the road back to Vancouver. I've got to make a start on the article for the magazine. Come on Marceline seriously get up!"
Marceline just stayed lying in bed wishing that what was happening wasn't real. She didn't want to get up. Cathy then pulled the sheets off Marceline to try to force her out of bed. She grudgingly got up and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. She didn't bother washing her hair as "that would take more time that they didn't have".

              Lucky for Marceline, Cathy had packed everything for them the night before while Marceline was out at dinner. She'd left out a clean set of clothes for her, she got changed tied her hair back and grabbed her things and met Cathy at the front door.
"Ok let's go. I've already called Hernandez and he's staying in New Orleans another night. Apparently he got a call back from one of the galleries and they want to see more of his work so he's heading there to meet with them again this afternoon."
Marceline wasn't paying much attention and just mumbled a quick alright and heading to the elevator with Cathy. Once in the elevator Marceline couldn't help but smile as she thought back to how she felt with Victor in there last night. Cathy didn't notice as she was too busy making sure she had everything before they left.

              Victor woke up that morning feeling rather refreshed. It was 7am
That's strange. Normally I wake up a lot earlier than that?
Then it dawned on him,
I didn't have a nightmare last night! That's a first.
Then he recollected the dream he did have and remembered it was about Marceline.
She is amazing, she managed to keep my nightmares away. She is like my guardian angel.
With that he got up and went straight into the bathroom.

              Once he was dressed he heading down the stairs to the kitchen where he was greeted by Abigail his in-house housekeeper. Of course Abigail was more than that, she was his friend. She was also his nanny while he was growing up and he had an amazing bond with her. Of course once he was grown up the Fischer's didn't need her anymore. As soon as Victor had moved out and gotten his apartment here at Escalla he tracked Abigail down and hired her.
"Good morning Victor." She smiles at him, a warm motherly smile. "What would you like for breakfast this morning?"
"Oh I'd like some scrambled eggs please Abigail. You make the best scrambled eggs." Victor beams back at her. He really does love this woman. He's so happy that she has found Max
They are perfect for each other
he thinks to himself.
"I'll be in my office Abigail, I need to respond to some emails and make some calls quickly. Just give me a shout when everything is ready."

              He sits down at his desk and looks at his phone. Another 3 missed calls this morning.
This better be about something important. If it's just about me canceling lunch then I'm not even going to talk to her. Maybe I'll just email her instead and find out what is so important.

Victor Fischer
Your missed calls and emails
May 8 2011 7.32EST
Julia Jones

              What is so important that you had to call me 10 times last night, email me to call you and again call me this morning? I didn't expect you to get this annoyed at me canceling lunch. I told you I had made arrangements that I couldn't get out of and would see you next week. If it is not important then just drop it. I have a lot of work to do and will see you in a week.

              Victor Fischer
CEO, Fischer Enterprises Holdings Inc.

              Almost instantly he gets a reply.

Julia Jones
R.E Your missed calls and emails
May 8 2011 7.37EST
Victor Fischer

              First of all you are not to ever speak to me in that way. I am not one of
subs. Secondly, I am annoyed that you cancelled our lunch as we had important matters to discuss that can't be left for another week. Thirdly, who the hell is she? I saw you at dinner with her last night. I was also there. She better not be the reason you cancelled our lunch yesterday. You have never taken any of your subs to dinner before so who the fuck is this girl?

              Julia Jones

Shit! How the hell am I going to explain this one to her. Wait a second, you don't owe her any explMarcelinetion. She doesn't control you anymore. Give her as little as possible she doesn't need to know anything.

Victor Fischer
Were you following me?
May 8 2011 7.42EST
Julia Jones

I am not
your sub anymore so I can talk to you whatever way I choose. Secondly, no our lunch was cancelled because an interview I was doing ran over and I could not get out of it. And thirdly, the woman I was at dinner with is none of your concern but if you must know I was on a date. No I'm not telling you her name and no I will not give you any more information about her. Why were
at that restaurant last night?

              If our lunch was that important then why didn't you ask to schedule a lunch with me for today? You know I wont be in the office and would working from home? If what you have to discuss is of great urgency then please tell me.

              Victor Fischer
CEO, Fischer Enterprises Holdings Inc

              There was no instant reply this time. Abigail called for Victor from the kitchen to say his breakfast was ready. He switched of his laptop and made his way back to the kitchen.


              Lucky for Marceline and Cathy there was no traffic on the I-5 heading back home so it only took them a few hours to get back to the flat. Once they got home, Cathy set to work on her article taking out all her notes and the interview recording. Once Cathy starts something she gets in the zone so Marceline knew to just leave her to it and not disturb her until it was time to decide what to have for dinner. She headed into her room to unpack and sort through her laundry. After an hour, Marceline turned on her laptop and checked through her emails. She noticed one from and address she didn't recognise.
It's from Victor. How did he? Oh yes, stalker remember. I wonder what he wants.
She couldn't help the smile that spreads across her face.

Victor Fischer
Last night
May 8 2011 9.28EST
Marceline Greene

              Good morning Marceline,
I hope you had a safe journey home? I just wanted to tell you again that I had an amazing night with you last night. I especially enjoyed our goodbye kiss. I was actually just emailing to ask if you were free this coming Friday? I'm going to be in Portland from Wednesday for a few days overseeing some projects I'm involved in. I would love to spend my last night in town with you. I really hope you say yes as I have something I'd like to show you.
I eagerly await your reply and look forward to spending more time with you and getting to know you better.

              Victor Fischer
CEO, Fischer Enterprises Holdings Inc

He wants to see me again. I can't believe it. He's going to be here in town. Some how I don't think it's a coincidence. Ok Marceline you know you're dying to see him again.

It's been over 7 hours since you emailed her. She must not want to talk to you. Ok calm down she maybe just hasn't gotten around to checking her emails yet. ARRGGGHHH! I hate waiting.

              Suddenly he hears the familiar pin to alert him of an incoming email. He opened his inbox to find the reply he had waited for all day.

Marceline Greene
RE Last night
May 8 2011 16.08EST
Victor Fischer

              Afternoon Victor,
How has your day been? Not working too hard I hope? We had a safe journey home thank you for your concern. We left a little later than we had planned but the I-5 was really quiet so we were home within a couple of hours.
I just wanted to let you know that I too had an amazing night last night. My high point was also our goodbye kiss. I have the strangest feeling you are stalking me Mr Fischer and that it is no coincidence that you will be in town this coming week. That being said I would still love to see you on Friday night. I look forward to the surprise you have for me. What time shall I see you on Friday night? I also can not wait to see you and get to know you more as well.

              Marceline x

Oh sweet Marceline, you are so right, I was never going to Portland but I had to see you again. It has worked. You are definitely going to be surprised with what I have in store for our second date.

Victor Fischer
Our second date.
May 8 2011 16.13EST
Marceline Greene

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