A Corpse for Yew

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Authors: Joyce,Jim Lavene

BOOK: A Corpse for Yew
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Peggy Lee Garden Mysteries
Perfect Poison
“A fabulous whodunit that will keep readers guessing and happily turning pages to the unexpected end. Peggy Lee is a most entertaining sleuth and her Southern gentility is like a breath of fresh air . . . A keeper!”—
Fresh Fiction
“Another homerun for Jim and Joyce Lavene. A top-of-the-notch, over the fence mystery read with beloved characters, a fast paced storyline, and a wallop of an ending.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Joyce and Jim Lavene provide a fascinating whodunit with unusual but plausible twists and plenty of red herrings.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“You will enjoy this to no end. Highly recommended.”
—Mystery Scene Magazine
“Joyce and Jim Lavene have done it again! This book is filled with plot twists and surprises as the story unfolds, taking us right alongside Peggy as she sifts through the clues to unravel the mystery.”
—The Muse Book Reviews
“A story that would be a perfect combination for plant lovers and mystery buffs.”
—Mystery Morgue
Poisoned Petals
“Joyce and Jim Lavene are a fabulous team who create poignant, entertaining mysteries. The investigation is cleverly plotted and potted . . . A delightful botany mystery.”
—The Best Reviews

Poisoned Petals
blends a love of gardening with a well-plotted murder mystery. It’s an enjoyable and cozy read, perfectly suited for lounging in the garden on a summer day.”
—The Muse Book Reviews
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
“I cannot recommend this work highly enough. It has everything: mystery, wonderful characters, sinister plot, humor, and even romance.”
—Midwest Book Review
“All the characters are well drawn and cleverly individualized. The botanical information never gets in the way of the story, and the plot is just complex enough to keep the reader in suspense.”—
“I love the world of Dr. Peggy Lee! The Lavenes have a wonderful way of drawing their readers into the world of well-rounded and sympathetic characters . . . Well crafted with a satisfying end that will leave readers wanting more!”
—Fresh Fiction
“The authors do a wonderful job of crafting a mystery that is organic to both Peggy’s area of expertise and her personal involvement. Information about plants and gardening is woven seamlessly into the narrative . . . I’m looking forward to much more in this series.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
Pretty Poison
“A fun and informative reading experience . . . With a touch of romance added to this delightful mystery, one can only hope many more Peggy Lee mysteries will be hitting shelves soon!”
—Roundtable Reviews
“A fantastic amateur sleuth mystery . . . Will appeal to men and women of all ages . . . A great tale.”
—The Best Reviews
“Peggy is a great character . . . For anyone with even a modicum of interest in gardening, this book is a lot of fun. There are even gardening tips included.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“The perfect book if you’re looking for a great suspense . . .
Pretty Poison
is the first in the Peggy Lee Garden Mystery series, and I can’t wait for the next!”
—Romance Junkies
“Joyce and Jim Lavene have crafted an outstanding whodunit in
Pretty Poison
, with plenty of twists and turns that will keep the reader entranced to the final page. Peggy Lee is a likable, believable sleuth and the supporting characters add spice, intrigue, and humor to the story.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Complete with gardening tips, this is a smartly penned, charming cozy, the first book in a new series. The mystery is intricate and well plotted. Green thumbs and nongardeners alike will enjoy this book.”
—Romantic Times
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Joyce and Jim Lavene
Peggy Lee Garden Mysteries
Renaissance Faire Mysteries
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A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with authors
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / May 2009
Copyright © 2009 by Joyce Lavene and Jim Lavene.
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eISBN : 978-1-101-05059-0
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For Pat Long,
publisher of the
Weekly Post.
A great editor, gardener,
and friend.
Vitis rotundifolia
These grapes are native to the southern United States. They were discovered by Sir Walter Raleigh, who wrote home of their abundance. The Algonquins called muscadine Ascopa, meaning “sweet berry tree.” The Mother Vine is the oldest living vine known, dating from the time of Raleigh, and still grows on the coast of North Carolina. Some vines are male and some are female. Male vines provide pollen but do not produce grapes. Female vines produce flowers that catch the wind-driven pollen from the male vines, and produce fruit.
“YOU STOMPED ON THAT SKULL, Margaret. Mind your feet!”
Peggy Lee pulled her booted foot out of the knee-deep mud and debris. She still couldn’t believe she’d agreed to accompany her mother on her outing with the Shamrock Historical Society. One of the first things her mother had done after moving to Charlotte last month was to entrench herself with the local history museum. Somehow, she’d managed to drag Peggy into the group as well.
It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy and appreciate history, but plants were more her thing, and she wished she was home in her garden. She looked at some nice, fat cattails as they swayed gently in the afternoon breeze.
“We need you over
.” Lilla Cranshaw Hughes beckoned her daughter, then lowered her voice. “Please stop daydreaming. You’re making me look bad in front of Mrs. Waynewright. You know she won’t tolerate
Peggy slogged away from her mother, her redhead’s temper bubbling beneath her calm exterior. Just because her hair was mostly white now didn’t mean she didn’t get just as angry.
with her mother. Why she couldn’t be more like her pleasant, even-tempered father, she’d never understand. And why her mother always brought out the worst in
was a lifelong mystery.

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