A Dad At Last (16 page)

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Authors: Marie Ferrarella

BOOK: A Dad At Last
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a path through the sea of friends and relatives who had gathered to celebrate his son's first birthday, Connor made his way to Lacy.

His wife.

It was still hard to believe, but then, it had only been a little over a week since they'd gotten married, postponing their honeymoon until after Chase's birthday party. He figured he'd get used to it in about another hundred years or so.

Nodding at his mother, he maneuvered between Max and Chelsea. Lacy had just turned from Jake and Camille after offering them a tray full of hors d'oeuvres.

Connor whispered in her ear. “You're doing too much again.”

Lacy smiled at his concern. It was rather nice being looked after, even if she wasn't used to it. “I feel fine, Connor.”

He raised a skeptical brow. “You wouldn't admit it if you weren't.”

She laughed. He was beginning to know her. Finally. “Okay, you've got me there, but I really am
feeling fine.” In fact, if she felt any better, it might very well be illegal. Despite the fact that Janelle was still out there somewhere, posing a possible threat to her, Lacy had never felt better in her whole life.

She paused to rest one hand against Connor's chest as she looked into his eyes. “Trust me.”

He took the opportunity to brush a kiss against her lips. “With my life.”

“Hey, you two, break it up or we'll have to turn a hose on you,” Lana Lord warned good-naturedly. “Just because you're newlyweds doesn't mean you have to rub it in for the rest of us. Some of us are still looking for our one true love.”

“You'd have to stop working for that to happen,” Lacy told her. It was a known fact that Lana devoted every waking moment to building up her business, a specialty shop for babies.

“Yes, well, maybe someday,” Lana allowed. “Speaking of working, I'm afraid I'm going to have to run right after Chase blows out his candle.”

“The inventory can wait, Lana,” her brother Garrett told her.

“I'll have you know it isn't inventory, it's some befuddled new father I promised to help. He wants me to demystify fatherhood for him.”

Connor laughed, looking toward Chase. The little boy was enjoying a rousing game of patty-cake with his grandmother. “Lots of luck.”

“Here.” Determined, Abby took the tray from
Lacy, her tone telling her new sister-in-law that she would brook no protest. “Let me take that from you. You've got enough to handle.”

Surrendering the tray, Lacy looked at Connor. “Did you tell her?”

About to make the rest of the rounds, Abby stopped. She looked from Connor to Lacy. “Tell me what?”

“No.” Connor answered Lacy, aware that they were attracting more than just Abby's attention. “But I guess this is as good a time as any to make the announcement.”

“Tell me what?” Abby repeated as her husband, Kyle, joined her. “What announcement?” she asked when neither Connor nor Lacy answered.

Lacy raised her voice, though from the looks of those around her, it wasn't necessary. Everyone was listening. “That there's going to be another place setting at the table next Easter.” Her smile deepened as she felt Connor slip his arm around her.

The next moment, they were submerged in well-wishers. Jake elbowed his way to the center of the crowd. He stared at Lacy. “You're…?”

She was beaming. “Yes.”

“Wow.” Jake turned to Connor. “Well, you certainly don't waste time once you put your mind to something, do you?”

“Hey, I'm an old man,” Connor said, deadpan,
though his eyes gave him away. “I don't have time to procrastinate.”

“Yeah, he took care of the baby making up front,” Lacy teased, twining her arms around his waist as she looked around her, basking in the attention of the family she had always wanted.

Singing “Happy Birthday” to the little boy who had won all their hearts was temporarily postponed and hearty congratulations were issued as the Maitlands prepared to expand their ranks yet again.

And happily so.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8721-5


Copyright © 2000 by Enterprises S.A.

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