A Dangerous Game (10 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: A Dangerous Game
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“How can we be together?” he asked, pulling her farther into the shadows.

“Come to my room tonight,” she said, the words slipping out before she could stop them.

“What of Salvatore?”

Still he thought that she and Salvatore were lovers. Now was not the time to tell him differently. “He will not come to my room tonight.”


Nicolette jumped at the sound of Elizabeth’s voice coming from nearby. “I shall go around to the front, that way she will not accuse you of any wrongdoing.”

Darian held her face between his hands. “No, stay here with me for a little while. I don’t care if we are discovered. In fact, I wonder if maybe it wouldn’t be for the best if we were caught.”

“You don’t mean that.”

Nicolette heard the sound of swishing skirts and light steps. She had little doubt it was Elizabeth. “Please go, before we’re discovered.”

“Only after a kiss.”

She kissed him quickly. “I must go.”

“I will come to you.”

“I’ll be waiting,” she said, and a moment later he was gone.

Chapter Eight

Throughout the long night, Nicolette had drifted off to sleep, only to awake with a start. Checking the clock on the nightstand served to remind her the hour was growing late. She had glanced at the wall, wondering if there was a secret wall somewhere—a panel that hid a dark staircase that led from his room to hers.

It had been two in the morning when Salvatore had checked in on her. He had gone downstairs to find Darian and Elizabeth’s father playing a game of chess. It appeared the older man was not about to let his future son-in-law out of his sight anytime soon. She had finally fallen asleep and gotten a few hours of rest.

With the dawning of a new day she had much to think on. Last night she had without question expected Darian to show up in her chamber, and Salvatore had been at the ready, to no avail. Now both of them were tired and grumpy.

But she was bound to get his attention this morning, she thought, smiling at her reflection in the full-length mirror. She was pushing convention by wearing specially tailored men’s clothing to a hunt. She had the clothes made a few years ago, finding even riding habits too cumbersome, particularly during a hunt. The pants that had once hung loosely now hugged every curve of her womanly body. The shirt with billowing sleeves was as black as her pants and knee-high boots. She stared at the provocative woman who looked back at her.

Salvatore had not seen her in the male attire for a long time. Perhaps he would notice today. No doubt she would cause scandal by being so daring, but she had never been one to worry about what others thought—a quality her mother had passed on to her.

As she made her way down the long staircase, she noticed the raised brows of several ladies who exited the drawing room. There were a few who bid her good morning, wide smiles on their faces, no doubt amazed at her audacity.

Salvatore walked out of the dining room with Charlotte on his arm. The other woman laughed at something she said, but then stopped upon seeing Nicolette. The widow lifted her brows and grinned as though to say, ‘that a girl.’

Seeing where her attention was directed, Salvatore looked up. His eyes widened, and as she descended the steps she could feel his gaze on her—all of her. At his side, Charlotte winked.

When she reached the bottom step Salvatore took her by the hand. “I am absolutely speechless.”

She was pleased with his reaction. “That would be a first.”

“You shall have every man panting after you, my dear,” Charlotte said coyly.

“Yes, and every woman scowling,” Nicolette added, meeting Charlotte’s knowing grin with one of her own.

“They are jealous, my dear, for they know you have what they lack.” Charlotte laughed. “Not only do they envy you for your beauty, but even more for your daring.”

“I wonder if it is too much given the present company,” Salvatore said, bringing her attention back to him.

Charlotte smacked him on the arm. “Come, what is the fun in that. I say let her stir up this bunch of old crones. Give them something to talk about.”

Salvatore’s lips quirked. “That is what I’m afraid of.”

“And since when have you ever cared what any of them thought?”


Salvatore had no immediate response to that question. Nic was right. In fact, hadn’t he been the one to tell her to thumb her nose at convention, to ignore what anyone thought?

Yet that was before.

Before what?
His conscience asked, trying to forget how good she looked in those tight pants, which hugged her curves and showed off how incredibly long her legs were. And her tailored shirt fit her perfectly, accenting her tiny waist and ample chest. Her hair was worn down, the shiny waves falling past her waist in thick curls. One did not have to imagine anything. Her assets were there on display for all to see, and therein lay the problem. He suddenly did not want anyone else seeing her like this.

“Come, let me walk with the two of you to the stables. I do not want to miss this.” He extended his arm, and Nicolette took it.

The reaction to Nicolette’s attire was mixed. The men smiled devilishly, while the women seemed highly offended at such brazenness. The closer they came to the stables, the more Salvatore wanted to take Nicolette in his arms and walk in the opposite direction.

Darian, who had been talking with the duke, turned as they approached. The man’s dark eyes raked over Nicolette, hot with wanting. Salvatore bristled, calling himself a thousand kinds of fool for coming up with such a madcap scheme of having Nic seduce a scoundrel.

The duke, seeing where Darian’s attention was directed, glanced their way and his gray brows rose to his hairline.

“This is absolutely priceless,” Charlotte said, amusement lacing her words. “The duke’s face is so flushed, I fear his head might explode. Have you ever seen a man turn so red?”

No, Salvatore had not, and as one by one the men turned to stare, he wished he and Nic were anywhere else, preferably back in London, in their townhouse, sleeping the day away, while playing and entertaining the city’s elite.

Even the groom who came toward them with horses in tow, blushed to the roots of his red hair. Nicolette, playing the seductress to the extreme, smiled prettily at the boy who was closer to her age than Salvatore, and accepted his offer of help. Nic mounted, and even went so far as to wink at the boy.

“You have your hands full,” Charlotte whispered in his ear. “Every man here wants her, and every man here envys you for what you have with her.”

Salvatore studied the widow. “Why would they envy me?”

“Because you already have her love, something they would give anything for, and she adores you. She doesn’t hide that fact from anyone. Even now Darian watches you like a hawk, wondering what the two of you are to each other. You know the rumors. I know you do. I ask you this, my friend. Have you ever gone out of your way to deny them?”

“No, I have no reason to. I truly don’t care what they think.”

She lifted a tawny brow. “Or do you prefer them to think she is taken?”

Any response was cut short, for Darian appeared before them. He nodded at Salvatore, then briefly glanced at Charlotte. He seemed careful not to look at Nicolette. He no doubt could feel the duke’s eyes boring holes into him.

“Hello, Kedgwick,” Charlotte said, a saucy smile on her lips. Salvatore was beginning to truly enjoy the widow’s company.

“Charlotte,” Darian said, with a curt nod.

Salvatore mounted and turned to Darian. “Will Elizabeth be joining us?”

The duke’s dark expression showed how affronted he was that someone of such insignificant breeding as Salvatore would ask about his daughter. “My daughter is abed this morning, sir.”

Salvatore could not help the grin that came to his lips. Everything he had ever heard about the duke was obviously true. A snob of the worse sorts, whose every look and statement came off as hypocritical of his upstanding moral lifestyle.

“I hope to see her smiling face upon our return,” Salvatore said, then with a smile in Nicolette’s direction, they lined up along with the others.

A shot fired and the race was under way.

Salvatore stayed close to Nicolette, relieved that Darian and the duke veered off with another group.

Thankfully there were only three days left to the party. If he could just keep Darian away from Nicolette..

Dear God, what was he thinking? He had planned the seduction months ago. Had manipulated their schedule to be in London during this time.

Nicolette turned to him, her smile wide as she raced ahead of him. What would he do if she fell in love with Darian? She was an impressionable young woman who could easily fall under the spell of a young, wealthy English lord.

Salvatore, I want you to show me how to please a man in every way.

Nicolette’s heated words still burned in his ears. True, he had known that a certain amount of seduction would need to take place between his protégé and his brother, but he had not expected Nicolette to be so willing to surrender her maidenhead.

An image of Nicolette beneath Darian came unheeded and he shook his head, as though he could will it away. Even now as she rode the horse, he could see her riding a lover. Her full breasts bouncing, her long hair falling free, like a veil...

For the love of God, what have I done?

Still he could see her expression, when she had awoken and stared down at his cock, the wanting in her eyes. The excitement that brimmed in those luminous depths had been undeniable.

His cock swelled, remembering the heat in her eyes, the feel of her velvety tongue stroking his, the feel of her diamond-hard nipples against his chest, her honeyed walls clamping around his fingers. The pounding of her heart against his own as she found release.

She pulled up on the reins, and Salvatore stopped alongside her. Glancing past his shoulder, Salvatore went still. He didn’t have to ask who waited there in the woods.


“I am going to go to him. Do not leave.”

Though a denial was on his lips, he merely nodded, and watched with a heavy heart as she disappeared into the trees.


Nicolette’s heart pounded in her chest. The further he led her into the brush, the more concerned she became. She knew he could easily take her here...just as he had taken Charlotte in the labyrinth.

She glanced over her shoulder, as though expecting Salvatore to follow, but of course he had not.

She had seen him speaking to Charlotte before the hunt, had wondered what they talked about. She knew Charlotte desired Salvatore. Hell, she groped him beneath the table nearly every night, and though Salvatore acted as though he did not want the women, she had to wonder. Who wouldn’t want a lady of class and breeding? A woman who took what she wanted, when she wanted, with no care that others gossiped behind her back?

Yet Charlotte herself had given her pointers on how to seduce Salvatore, and the widow herself clearly lusted after Darian.

Darian stopped and dismounted, then helped her from the horse, his hand staying on her waist. She had no choice but to look up at him. “I’m sorry about last night.”

She forced a smile. “I waited for you for hours.”

“I couldn’t get away. His Grace was not about to give me a moment alone, and I didn’t help by drinking far too much.”

“I think your mother told him about me.”

“My mother knows nothing.” He kissed her softly. “You have no idea what you do to me. His hands, which had been on her waist, cupped her bottom, pulling her up against his thick erection.

His mouth slashed across hers, his tongue stroking hers, deepening the kiss until she found it hard to breathe.

Bracing her hands against his shoulders, she pushed against him. He looked at her wildly.

“I hear someone,” she said, relieved when his hands dropped to his sides.

He looked past her shoulder. “I see no one.” He leaned in for another kiss. “Come to me tonight,” he whispered against her lips.

“You come to me,” she said, noting the intense need in his eyes.

“I will count the minutes until then.”

Taking a step away, she said, “We’d better go before people start wondering.”

“How will you keep Salvatore away?”

“Trust me, Salvatore will not be coming to my room this evening. In fact, I’ll tell him I’m retiring early due to a headache.”

“He won’t be suspicious?”

She mounted her horse. “He rarely questions me.”

Triumph shone brightly in his dark eyes, and Nicolette understood why when she turned to find Salvatore standing there.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say the two of you are having a liaison,” Salvatore said, shocking Nicolette. She hadn’t heard him approach, which meant he had seen her kissing Darian, had seen his hands on her buttocks, pulling her against him.

His gold eyes shifted from her to Darian.

“Is the hunt already over?” Darian asked, looking anxious to get back with the others.

“Your future father-in-law is quite relentless. I heard no one stood a chance,” Salvatore said, his eyes focusing on Nicolette’s swollen lips. “In fact, he returns to the manor as we speak.”

He looked so intense, his expression indecipherable. She would have thought him happy, ecstatic even...but he appeared anything but.

Chapter Nine

“What do you think of this one?”

Salvatore set his untouched drink on the nightstand, and watched as Nicolette held a gorgeous cream-colored gown in front of her. “They are all beautiful, Nic. Which one do you want to wear?”

Nicolette’s brows furrowed. “You always have an opinion about what I should wear.”

He shrugged. “Wear what you want, or should I say...wear what you think Darian would like.”

She stared at him for a long moment, and unable to keep eye contact he glanced out the window. Huge gray clouds hung in the air, swirling overhead. The weather seemed to match his mood perfectly.

During the hunt he had waited patiently while Nicolette and Darian had disappeared into the trees. The temptation to follow had been too overwhelming and he had followed, leaving his horse behind.

The sight of Nicolette in Darian’s arms had been like receiving a blow to his gut. When his brother had let his hands wander over her buttocks, cupping them, pulling her up against him, it had been all he could do not to scream ‘no’. Yet he had stood helplessly watching Darian rub himself against her. Unable to watch further, Salvatore walked back to his horse, a million thoughts running through his head. First and foremost, to get Nicolette as far away from Kedgwick Manor as soon as possible.

Nicolette glanced at Salvatore. “You look pale. What’s the matter?”

Suddenly thirsty, Salvatore drained the drink and set the glass on the floor. “I am just so weary of being here. You know I was never one for the country.”

“That’s not necessarily true. You always loved Count de Vassey’s property.”

“Yes, but given that this is my father’s home, I naturally feel unwelcome and most anxious to leave.”

“Do you want to go now?”

Was that hope he heard in her voice…and saw in her eyes? Perhaps he was only seeing what he wanted to see.

Nicolette quickly looked away and tossed the gown on the bed. “Perhaps we should just stay in this evening,” she said, falling into a chair and pulling off her boots. “Play a game of chess and drink cheap wine.”

“What would Darian think when you did not show up?”

She shrugged. “Make him wonder.”

“No, we shall go. As to a gown, wear the cream one. It changes colors with the lighting,” he said, coming to his feet, and walking toward the open balcony. “It will go nicely with my navy suit. I think it would be a good idea if we let on that we are very much in love. I noticed the duke’s expression earlier today when he saw us with Darian. He did not appear happy—not in the least.”

Nicolette followed him to where he stood on the balcony overlooking the gardens. Mrs. Stromme stood on the veranda, puffing on a cigar. Seeing Salvatore, she lifted her hand and smiled widely. He waved back. He adored the American woman for her daring. She reminded him of Nicolette.

Nicolette braced the railing as she leaned over. Instinctively he took a step closer. Her mouth curved in a smile, but she said nothing. Instead, she lifted her chin, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. He stared, smitten. There was no one in the world more lovely than this woman. Her astounding beauty paled beside her good heart. His gaze slid down to where the man’s shirt opened at the neck, showing the rounded curve of her breast. The cool air had stiffened her nipples, the rose-colored nubs pressing against the thin material. His cock throbbed.

“You are nervous,” Salvatore said matter-of-factly.

She released a heavy sigh and looked at him. “I know it’s silly to fear doing...that, especially when we’ve talked of such things before.”

“Then don’t do it!”

She bit her bottom lip. “It’s just so different than I thought it would be”

“You desire him?” he blurted before he could stop himself.

Her gaze wavered, falling to his shoulder. “No.”

“I think you do,” he said, shocked at the accusation in his voice. Surprised at how furious he was at the very thought of his brother winning a woman he did not love, but merely desired. Salvatore ran his hands through his hair. “You actually feel something for him...the one man I hate more than anyone?”

She lifted her brows, obviously surprised by the tirade. From the corner of his eye he noted that Mr. Stromme had joined his wife on the veranda, and their attention was turned to the two of them. Having no desire to be the evening’s gossip, Salvatore stormed back into the room. Nicolette followed him, shutting the balcony door behind him.


Nicolette’s heart pounded in her ears. She knew she took a chance by lying to Salvatore, and allowing him to think she might desire Darian had been foolish...but necessary.

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