A Dangerous Game (5 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: A Dangerous Game
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“Salvatore,” she said, surprise evident in her voice as she hugged him tight. “You are positively soaked to the skin.”

“I am not the only one,” he said, putting her at arm’s length. “Do you realize how foolish you were to ride away from the manor? You could have told me where you were going. I was scared senseless.”

She pulled him inside the small cottage that’s warmth enveloped him. Already she had set a fire in the small stove, and had a pot of water boiling. “Salvatore, you worry too much. I am a woman, not a child. You were the one who taught me to embrace my independence. True, I lost my way in the rain, but as luck would have it, I came upon this cottage...and all is well.”

Salvatore took off his coat and flung it over one of the three chairs in the room. “You shall catch your death if you don’t take those clothes off,” he said, turning toward the stove, reaching out to its warmth.

“Now that you are here to protect me, I shall do just that.” He caught the sarcasm in her voice, taunting him. He did not dare look at her, just in case she had started to undress.

Staring at the pot of boiling water, he told himself that he would be able to watch her take Darian as a lover. After all, he had been the one to come up with the plan for her to seduce him. An image of Nic in his brother’s bed made the blood boil in his veins, just like the water that boiled over on the stove.

Nicolette reached out, her petticoat wrapped around her hand, to take the pot from the stove. She stood with just her chemise on, the material transparent.

“Here, put these over that chair.” She tossed him her riding habit and petticoats. With heart pounding loud in his ears, he placed the wet garments over the nearby chair, trying his hardest to keep his gaze averted from her near-naked body.

Trembling, he stripped off his shirt and held it out to her, keeping his gaze focused solely on her face. “Put this on.” To his dismay, his voice came out huskier than intended.

In all their years together he had not seen her naked—until now. He could not help but dare a glance down her body, which was still covered by the wet chemise. His stomach tightened. She was perfection, from the rosy tips of her full breasts, to the triangle of auburn curls that covered her sex.

Without warning she pulled the chemise from her body and tossed it over his shoulder, before taking the shirt from him. Goose pimples covered her body, her nipples tightening further.

It was all he could do not to crush her in his embrace, to give her comfort...and so much more.

“I’m sorry you had to come after me.”

He turned away and ran a trembling hand down his face.

“But then again, you were probably ready to get out of that stifling house. I do not know how we will be able to bear it for an entire week.”

Nicolette walked up to him. His shirt was much too large on her small frame, falling to mid-thigh, leaving her long legs bare to his gaze. He swallowed hard and looked away. “I was worried about you.”

With a heavy sigh, she put her arm through his and lay her head on his shoulder. “What would I do without you, Salvatore?”

The blood roared in his ears. What was happening to him? Yesterday they had kissed and everything had changed. It was as though he had become aware of the beauty at his side for the first time. “And I without you,” he whispered, the thought of losing her unbearable.

Nicolette sat down on one of the chairs. Dear lord her legs were long. How come he had not noticed before?

“I could spend the whole day here with you.” Her words were soft...as was her expression. “Sometimes I get so tired of working, of always having to be on my best behavior. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a place to call home? A place where we could just lay around in front of the fire, listen to the storm outside—just as we are now?”

It was as though he were seeing her for the first time. And as she stretched her arms overhead, bringing the shirt even higher, blood filled his groin, causing an unfamiliar ache deep inside him.

He turned away, toward the window, where he pulled back the old curtain and looked out at the rain that was blowing sideways. The wind howled, sending a cold gust of air through the cracks in the window. When would the storm break? If they spent the entire afternoon alone here, speculation would run rampant.

Why should he care what anyone thought? He never had before.


“Hmmmm?” He turned to find her watching him. Her gaze roamed the length of his body and up again, like a woman studying her lover. His mouth went dry. “You have a beautiful body, Salvatore. Do you realize I have not seen you without a shirt since you were a child?” She flashed a coy smile.

“You most certainly are not a boy. You are so broad of shoulder, and your chest is strong and wide, and yet your waist is narrow. When you move I can see the muscle shift beneath your olive skin. Truly, you are as beautiful as Michelangelo’s David.”

Salvatore released his breath in a rush. She had no idea what her soft words were doing to him—what they would do to any man.

Her expression changed abruptly. “Salvatore, I must be honest with you. Darian wants to meet me.” She bit her bottom lip. “He told me that he wanted what I offered. He told me to come to his room, that he would leave it unlocked. He told me that his servants are discreet.”

Salvatore pulled up a chair and sat forward. “What else did he say?”

“He stopped by my room last night. He knocked on the door, but I feigned sleep. It was early in the morning when I woke and found a letter had been slipped beneath my door.” She reached toward her wet dress, fished in the pocket and pulled out a letter. “I was restless, so I went for a ride, hoping that I would find the courage to face him.”

“May I see it?”

She handed it to him.

Salvatore swallowed hard, his emotions in turmoil as he unfolded the damp letter. The ink had smeared from the rain, but the words were legible.

I need to see you. Come to me, please. Yours, D.

The words hit Salvatore like a fist to his gut. Darian wanted her. In that, they had succeeded. But where would it end? Would he fall in love with her, call off his wedding to Elizabeth, and despite the fact of losing all the riches, still live happily ever after with Nicolette as his wife? “No.”

He didn’t realize he’d said the word aloud until Nicolette replied, “No?”

Unable to sit still, Salvatore paced. “Do not meet him in his room.”

She looked stricken. “I...I did not. That is why I left. I needed time to collect my thoughts.”

He stopped before her. “Why did you not come to me? We could have talked about this.” His voice came out harsher than intended.

She hesitated, then looked away, toward the fire, casting her profile in soft light. “Because I thought you would tell me to go to him...and I could not bring myself to do that.”

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, feeling like a cad. Lifting her chin with his hand, he urged her to meet his gaze. “I would never do that to you. I’ve told you before that if you desire to leave, we can do that.”

She reached up and took hold of his hand. “Salvatore, I want you to show me how to please a man in every way.”


Nicolette waited for Salvatore’s response. His mouth opened but no words came. Her stomach clenched. It was as she thought—he felt nothing for her other than a brotherly-like concern.

She dropped his hand. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

He shook his head. “I’m not embarrassed. I just did not anticipate such a question.”

“I know he believes we are lovers. What do I do when he expects me to know how to make love, and instead I know nothing of how it is done? I have no experience with men, and who better to teach me than the man I love most?”

His throat convulsed when he swallowed. “What is it you want me to show you exactly?”

Her gaze lingered on his handsome features—the jutting cheekbones, the strong jaw, the full gorgeous lips. She took the step that separated them and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Show me where I should place my hands when he kisses me. Tell me what feels good to a man.”

He felt so wonderful to touch, his skin against her skin. How she wanted to take off the shirt, so there was nothing between them.

His arms slid around her waist. “Let’s start with a kiss then.” The words hadn’t left his mouth when his lips descended on hers. The kiss started soft, as light as a butterfly’s wings.

Nicolette could feel the beating of Salvatore’s heart against her own. It pounded hard, and she wondered if he was as excited as she was. She parted her lips, inviting him to enter, and he did not disappoint. His tongue stroked hers, urging her to play along.

And she did. His arms tightened around her, making her feel safe and secure. She shifted slightly, allowing one of her arms to creep under his, giving her access to his back. The hard muscles bunched beneath her questing fingers, the skin smooth and soft to the touch. She traced an invisible line along his spine with her fingers, brushing along the waistband of his pants.

He deepened the kiss, his hand coming up to anchor her head, his fingers weaving through her hair.

Her blood thickened in her veins, and a warmth swooped low down into her stomach and between her legs.

Her hand roamed lower, over his tight buttock, and she felt his intake of breath. He didn’t stop though. He kept right on kissing her.

“Touch me,” she whispered against his lips.

His long-fingered hands encompassed her waist, resting on her hips and pulling her against him. Feeling the hard ridge of his manhood pressed against the juncture of her thighs, Nicolette’s heart gave a steady jolt. One hand moved up, along her back, in a soothing gesture.

Every inch of her body was on fire. Her nipples thrust against his chest, and she yearned for him to touch her there, yet she could not bring herself to utter the words.

As though he could read her mind, his lips left hers, kissing her along her jaw, her ear, his tongue sliding along the sensitive curve. Nicolette inhaled, taking in his masculine scent as his mouth moved along her neck, and then her collarbone.

Her hands wove through his hair, the feel of his lips on her flesh making her yearn for more than he would be willing to give. If only he loved her the way she loved him...

He pulled the shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside. His gold eyes had darkened. She had never seen him look that way. So sensual, so passionate, and her heart soared knowing she had caused such a reaction.

The thought was forgotten as he lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. The breath caught in Nicolette’s throat as his tongue laved her, circling the sensitive peak, then sucking, using his teeth just the slightest bit to make her stomach flip. Her head fell back on her shoulders, enjoying the new sensations.

A deep ache pulsed within her, between her legs. Apparently she was not so different than her mother, who had made her living pleasuring men, and being pleasured in return.

Salvatore’s mouth left her breast, and moved to the other. His hand encompassed the other breast, and he rolled her nipple between thumb and forefinger.

She looked down at him, his eyes closed, the long lashes fanning against his high cheekbones. As though sensing her stare, he opened his eyes and smiled against her breast, his tongue snaking out, licking her nipple.

“Salvatore, I want...” She couldn’t find the words.

He didn’t stop. He continued pleasuring her, his mouth taking her ever higher to a pinnacle she wanted to reach, to experience. His other hand moved down, over her quivering stomach, to her woman’s mound. His fingers stroked the slick folds, running along the seam, flicking against the tiny bundle of nerves. It seemed he knew her body better than she did. He kissed her, his fingers working their magic, the pad of his thumb resting on the hidden nub, while he slipped a finger inside her.

Her insides clutched him, and as he moved the finger in and out of her, every nerve in her body tensed. Salvatore’s kiss deepened, and he added another finger. Nicolette arched against his hand, her breath catching in her throat as she soared to the stars.

As her breathing returned to normal, she opened her eyes and Salvatore smiled. His finger slipped from her, and he hugged her tight. She rested her head on his shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

Lord help her—she had experienced just a tiny part of lovemaking...and she wanted so much more.


Salvatore held Nicolette tightly. She trembled in his arms, and still her heart pounded as loudly as his own.

He should be shot. What had possessed him to take the lesson to such a level? He had thought to merely kiss her, to teach her just a little of what happened between a man and a woman, but his desire had escalated from teaching to white-hot need. Her soft moans had told him she enjoyed what he was doing, and once she had touched him so intimately, he had not been able to hold back.

Every inch of Nicolette’s was imprinted on his mind for all eternity. Her full breasts with the rose-pink colored nipples had set his blood on fire. The patch of thick curls that covered her sex, hiding the treasure within, had beckoned him, and he had been unable to keep from touching her...from sliding his fingers within her. She had been so unbelievably tight there, so hot, and her orgasm had come quickly, with an intensity that left them both shaking.

She kissed his bare shoulder, then his collarbone. Already his cock strained against his pants. She must feel what she did to him. She had to. Sweat beaded his brow as her lips made a trail up his neck, along his jaw. Dear lord, she must stop now, or he would not be able to.

His heart thundered. He put her at arm’s length. That wasn’t his heart he heard—it was horse’s hooves, and they were headed this way.

“Someone is coming,” he said, grabbing her chemise and handing it to her. “Put your clothes on.”

With lightning speed, Salvatore slipped on his shirt, then helped Nicolette into her dress. He had just finished buttoning her gown when through the curtains he saw someone approach.


Nicolette made herself busy by making tea, and Salvatore opened the door. “Darian, what a surprise.”

Darian stepped past Salvatore into the cabin. Seeing Nicolette, he smiled, clearly relieved. “So, you did find her. When you did not return right away, I became worried and thought I would search for her myself.”

Nicolette smiled softly at Darian. “I am flattered that you left your guests to search for me.”

“You are most important to me, Nicolette, I think you know that.”

Salvatore clenched his teeth and refrained from commenting. He looked at Nicolette. She watched Darian with a sweet, almost worshipping expression. If Salvatore didn’t know her so well, he’d assume by that look that she was interested in the earl.

Salvatore knew she sensed his gaze, but she did not glance at him.

Darian leaned into her and whispered something in her ear. Her brows lifted slightly and she grinned.

He should leave, allow the seduction to begin, especially now that Nicolette knew more than she had this morning in how to please a man.

“The rain is about to break,” Darian said, taking the cup of tea Nicolette offered. “We should be able to return to the manor before too long.”

Thank God for that. Salvatore felt an almost overwhelming desire to be as far away from the cabin and Darian Tremayne as he could get.

“You were remiss in leaving the manor, Nicolette. You should have told someone where you were going. You had everyone quite concerned, especially your partner here.” Darian glanced at Salvatore. “Isn’t that right?”

Salvatore nodded. “Indeed.”

“I knew he would be, but I could not prevent the storm that came,” Nicolette replied, before taking a sip of tea.

“Perhaps you should take the weather into consideration before you ride next time,” Darian said. “You took an unjustifiable risk.”

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