A Different Side (University Park #4) (66 page)

BOOK: A Different Side (University Park #4)
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They sat with us and Kyle and Megan joined us a few minutes later. A couple of Luke’s baseball friends showed up and I could only hope Collin wasn’t with them. The last thing I needed was a confrontation. I’d seen him on campus a few times, but always from afar. We both managed to stay out of each other’s direct path, which was probably a good thing.

It took two Fireball shots and two glasses of Malibu and Coke for Lexi to loosen up. Her head bobbed to the beat of the music and I was ready for her to show me her sexy moves.

“Oh. My. God. We have to dance. I love this song!” Delaney shouted, pulling Luke to his feet.

“Are you serious?” Luke rolled his eyes. “Michael Jackson?”

“Come on.” Delaney waved for us to follow her.

Lexi grabbed my hand, dragging me out of my seat. I didn’t mind dancing, but I guess I felt like Luke — any song but Michael Jackson. Josh and Shelby followed behind us. The dance floor filled up quickly as everyone rushed to do the zombie dance. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, so I just followed everyone from left to right.

Midway into the song, Shelby and Josh started yelling and whistling. We turned around to see Luke getting down. His feet slid across the floor, doing a perfect moonwalk, followed by some smooth Michael Jackson moves. I laughed. The boy could move.

Lexi looked surprised to see her brother tearing up the dance floor.

“What the hell? When did he learn those moves?” Lexi asked Delaney.

Delaney shrugged as she clapped along. “When your brother is drunk, he really loosens up.”

“Apparently so.” Everyone cheered as he continued. It was quite entertaining.

The song ended and a top-forty song came on. The Latin beat had me rocking my hips and I pulled Lexi close to me, ready to show her what I could do.
“Come on, baby.” I swayed from left to right, trying to lure her into my trap once more.

She tried to follow my footsteps, but struggled to keep up. “I don’t know how to salsa,” Lexi complained.

I lowered my hand to the middle of her back and pressed her into me until our bodies molded together. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll show you all the moves.”

“Mmmm.” Lexi’s eyes drilled in to me. “You promise?”

I brought her arms around my neck and she relaxed. “Just let the rhythm move you.”

I swayed my hips back and forth, guiding her with me. Her eyes fluttered to a close as her body absorbed my movements, picking up the beat. By the time we made it around the dance floor, she had the steps memorized. The song finished, but we didn’t leave the dance floor. We danced until our bodies were covered in sweat and our breathing was labored. Neither of us cared. We were too consumed by each other.

“We’re going outside.” Shelby tugged on Lexi’s arm. “Come with us.”

“Want to get some air?” I paused, taking a deep breath.

“Yes, I need something to drink.” She wiped the sweat from her forehead. “And, I’m hot.”

“Damn right you are.” I breathed into her ear, causing her to shiver.

I threaded my fingers through hers and followed Shelby to the other side of the swim-up bar. Delaney screamed when she saw Lexi, throwing her arms around her. The girl was definitely buzzing, but not as drunk as Luke. He swayed from side to side with a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. “Shit, your drunk.” Lexi gave him a once over while flagging the bartender. “I need a water, please.”

“No. I feel good.” He grinned and the cigarette dropped to the floor. “Besides, I’m not passing out. Not tonight.” He grabbed Delaney’s butt and she shrieked.

“Luke!” She straddled him and they kissed.

“Oh God.” Lexi shook her head at me.

“What? Don’t look at me. He’s your brother.” I glanced at them, still lip-locked and feeling each other up.

“Yeah, but you’re going to be the one taking care of him.”

“I don’t think so.” I shook my head. “That’s what his woman is there for.” I pointed at Delaney. “She can do it.” Neither of them said anything, just continued their public display.

The Fireball blasted over the speaker and Shelby yelled, “Shots!” Everyone screamed and started dancing to the beat of the song, including me.

“Nine Fireball shots,” Josh told the bartender.

“Put it on my tab.” Shawn instructed the bartender as he worked hastily, flipping bottles and squirting various liquids into stainless steel cups. Josh shook his head, determined to pay for the drinks, but Shawn protested. The bartender ignored them and lined up nine glasses, pouring the amber whiskey into each cup.

Everyone grabbed their shots and I took Lexi’s water. I held up my cup and said, “Happy twenty-first birthday to my baby,” everyone raised their glasses, “and to my good buddy, Luke.”

Luke nodded while holding up a shaky hand. “Cheers!”

“Here’s to twenty-one!” Shawn yelled and they downed their drinks.

Shelby jumped, screaming, “Fireball!” She slammed her empty shot glass on the bar. “Another round. And this time, he’s paying.” She pointed to Josh.

The bartender poured another round, skipping Luke, since he told the guy he was done. I kept an eye on Luke, waiting for him to take a nosedive and meet the cement. He was wasted. If it weren’t for Delaney, I’m sure he would’ve been out for the count an hour ago.

Lexi shimmied against me, rubbing her body against mine. It took all my self-control not to toss her over my shoulder and haul her to the car. If I’d been drinking, we would’ve already slipped away and got busy. Lexi’s seductive movements had me dying to rip off her clothes and feel more of her. The girl was on fire!

About thirty minutes later, Delaney asked for the keys to the car. I handed them to her when she assured me they weren’t going anywhere, but would be waiting for us whenever we were ready to leave. By the way Luke was hanging on her shoulder, I knew he’d be out as soon as he hit the backseat.

We danced the rest of the night as Lexi continued to down one drink after another. Every time they played the Fireball song, Shelby ordered another round. I cautioned her to slow down, but she ignored me. I made sure she drank a glass of water in between each drink. This was her first rodeo. If she wasn’t careful, she’d hate tomorrow, but it was her birthday and she deserved to have the time of her life.

I’d never seen her so carefree and giddy. I smiled, knowing she was having a good time. When she swayed to the side, it was time to call it quits. “Let’s take a walk.” I took the Malibu and Coke from her hand and set it on the bar.

“Okay.” She shot me a lopsided smile.

I pushed through the crowd and led her toward the back of the patio. I helped her down the stairs and onto the beach. She struggled to walk, using me for support, but managed not to fall as we followed the tiki-lit path along the shore. A few couples were on the beach, drinking and laughing by a fire-pit. The air was cool, but still humid. Overall, it was a perfect night with clear skies and a full moon.

I stopped and pulled her into my arms. “How drunk are you?”

“Just a little.” She used her fingers to indicate her level of intoxication.

I had a feeling she was off, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. “Good, because I want you to remember your birthday.”

“I will.” She pawed at my chest, a hunger circling in her eyes. “As long as I don’t do any more shots.”

“I think you’re done for the night.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” She dove her fingers in my hair and nipped at my bottom lip. She had that drunken-sexy look going on and I was eager to see what she had in mind. But right now, I really wanted to express what I was feeling and thinking.

“Lexi?” I lowered my chin, trying to catch her gaze. When she finally looked at me, I said, “I want you to know how happy I am that you’re going to be my wife.”

“Aw, Raven. I can’t wait to be your wife.” A sweet smile formed on her lips.

“So, when do you think you want to say
I do
?” It had barely been a week since I asked her to marry me and we hadn’t discussed any plans. We had both been consumed by the excitement. Taking our love for granted was the last thing I wanted. Lexi was the best thing that had happened to me since making the football team at PHU.

She blinked a few times, as though trying to process my question. “Whenever you want.”

“Shit. Mexico is right over there.” I pointed south, across the ocean.

Her head went back and she laughed. “I don’t want to get married in Mexico.” She gave me a playful push, nearly toppling over.

“No?” I caught her in my arms and held her firmly against my chest. “What about Vegas?”

“Maybe.” She shrugged. “How about back home? I want my Dad to walk me down the aisle.” A loud hiccup escaped her mouth and she giggled.

“Okay, we can do that.” Hearing she wanted her dad to give her away made me smile. I decided to save the rest of my questions for later. The liquor had hit her harder than she was willing to admit. It wasn’t fair to question her when she probably wouldn’t remember what she told me tomorrow.

“Yeah, but I want something else first.” She spread her hands across my chest and grabbed a fistful of my shirt, bringing us face to face.

Liquor definitely brought out a different Lexi — one I was diggin’. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“How about birthday sex?”

My ears perked up and so did everything below my belt. “I thought I already gave you that this morning.”

“Oh, yeah, you did.” Her seductive voice wrapped around me and I felt myself falling victim to her trap. “But the truth is…I can’t get enough of you.” She unfastened the two buttons on my polo shirt.

Oh hell yeah!

“Then, I’ll give it to you.” I picked up her hand and trailed kisses along her arm. Touching her soft, silky skin had me ready to do whatever she wanted, when she wanted. Lexi had cast a spell on me I never wanted to wake up from. “As much as you want.” I continued kissing her, paying extra attention to the base of her neck.

“But you know what?” She pushed me away.

“What’s that, baby?”

“I think I need a Whataburger first.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Lexi, you never cease to amaze me.”

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Her eyes wandered to the dark sky.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go find everyone and get your burger.” I picked her up, anxious to stop at Whataburger and get back to the condo before she passed out. She laughed, her eyes fluttering shut as I trudged through the thick sand and back to the club. I set her on her feet as soon as I climbed the stairs.

“Can you walk?” I eyed her for moment, trying to judge her level of drunkenness.

She nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

I led her through the crowd as I searched for Josh and Shelby, hoping Delaney and Luke were still in his car. Just as I pulled out my phone to text Josh, Lexi screamed.

“I love this song!” She broke away from my grip and ran toward the pool.

“Lexi,” I shouted, shoving my phone in my back pocket. People quickly swarmed around me, trying to make it inside to dance. If Lexi loved this song, why in the hell wasn’t she trying to go to the dance floor? I craned my neck above the hordes of people and caught a glimpse of a girl climbing on one of the dance poles.

“Oh shit.” I froze, my feet firmly cemented to the ground. Lexi swung around a metal pole, her hair flowing freely in the breeze. Wrapping her legs around it, she used her hands to climb upward. Like a trained acrobat, she flipped around and around, laughing and singing to the beat of the music.

Never in my life did I expect to see my sweet Lexi swinging on a pole. I was stunned to say the least, but enjoyed the show. Compared to the two girls next her, she looked damn good. My fiancée was a freak when she was drunk. I couldn’t wait to see what she had planned for later.

“Damn, I didn’t know she moonlighted as a stripper?” Shelby laughed, holding her phone up to capture the erotic moment.

“Dude, your chick’s hot.” Josh elbowed me and Shelby shot him a look. “But you’re hotter, sweets.”

“Shelby, stop.” I reached for her phone, but she yanked her hand away and pushed through the crowd, getting closer to Lexi.

I shoved everyone out of the way and got behind her. “Whatever you do, don’t post that video,” I warned her, knowing it could lead to some problems — and not just for me.

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Shelby glanced at me over her shoulder. “I just want to show her tomorrow when she doesn’t believe me when I tell her she did this.” She laughed and shook her head.

“She’s going to be hating tomorrow.” I ran my hand over my face, getting more turned on by the minute. Her long legs stretched in different directions. I had no idea she was so limber. My mind twisted with new positions to try tonight. Damn! She was hot. “Baby, come on, get down.” I motioned for her to give me her hand. Lexi shot me a sexy grin and continued turning and grinding. Shit!

“Leave her alone. It’s her birthday.” Josh clapped along with the rest of the small crowd watching.

Lexi slid down the pole and then pulled off her knitted shirt, tossing it to the ground. “Lexi, don’t!” I darted forward, unsure if she was about to strip naked, but got shoved to the side by a group of guys stepping in front of me. “Get out the way!” Using my shoulders, I barreled through them in time to see Lexi jumping into the water.

“Lexi!” I shouted, but she didn’t hear me.

Josh laughed. “Shit! This night just keeps getting better.”

“Shut up and help me get her out of there.” I shoved him. “She’s drunk as hell.” I picked up her clothes and shoes and handed them to Shelby. This night was definitely just getting started. I hoped she was saving some of this action for me.



Chapter 43


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave no trail.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Lexi definitely didn’t disappoint me. Although she deserved the birthday sex, I think I enjoyed it the most. Not only did she maul me in the car, straddling me before we left the club, but she rode my ass like a wild bull once we got home before passing out cold. It was the wildest sex we’d ever had and although I didn’t like seeing her that drunk, I wanted more of that spiciness.

BOOK: A Different Side (University Park #4)
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