A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2
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“We should get moving then.” I stood and gave Pascale a hand up. “If you go ahead, I’ll—”

“No.” He plucked at my shoulder. “Is that a whip? You made it?” He shook his head. “Why am I not surprised?” Giving me a gentle shake, he said, “You’ve done more than enough. Take Pascale and set out for Beltania. Bring a canis or two for protection. I won’t need the entire pack for this next bit. Lleu and Bram are being kept under light guard, the better to appear unobtrusive if they’re caught on your clan’s lands without your maven’s permission.” His hold loosened. “It would be a waste of my breath telling you to avoid the roads or that you should stick to the brush.”

“I’ve only lived here all my life.” I needled him. “I could evade the Mimetidae’s best tracker by the age of ten. I can escape the Theridiidae’s dregs and get myself, and Pascale, into the city.”

He smirked. “The thing about tracking is you have to want to find what you’re looking for.”

I narrowed my eyes, my childhood pride draining away. “And you didn’t want me?”

“Boys of a certain age lack critical knowledge they will one day rue lacking.” He traced the curve of my cheek. “Namely that pretty girls often grow into beautiful females.” His lips pressed to mine. “I want you now.” He slid fangs over my fluttering pulse. “I could find you anywhere.”

“Then find me tonight.” I gasped as he nipped me. “When this is done, come to my room.” Shame roiled in my gut. Had I voiced my desire? I tasted a plea on my lips and knew I had.

“Your room,” he echoed. “I’m not sure that’s wise.”

Humiliation warred with the tight ball of need making my thighs clench, and won.

Keep your marriage bed unsullied.
The reminder rolled through my thoughts in Old Father’s most chiding tone, and I suppressed a groan. I had propositioned Vaughn. Worse, he had denied me. Or was it better that one of us acted with honor? Gods’ web. If I kept his company for much longer, then my marriage bed would be more than sullied, it would be made from tangled sheets.

Vaughn’s rejection had spared me that.

“I’ve embarrassed us both. Forgive me. I shouldn’t have said…” I withdrew from him. “The excitement has made me dizzy.” Grasping Pascale’s hand, I squeezed until her trembling eased. I led her forward, down a hidden trail, leaving Vaughn and, I feared, a piece of my heart behind.

Chapter Eight

Picking our way toward Beltania was two parts memory and one part sight. The dense brush meant better protection against arrows and less chance of being spotted, but this route also meant limbs snagging my hair and weak moonlight testing the limits of my recollection. Ahead, torches shone, welcoming me home. The burden on my heart lifted, and I spun to tell Pascale, then froze.

A dark-skinned warrior held a curved blade to Pascale’s throat.

“She trespassed on Salticidae lands.” His accent was thick. “You, however, look familiar.”

“I am the niece of Maven Sikyakookyang. No doubt it’s our family resemblance you noted.”

“Forgive me, but we saw the flares and have strange company tonight.” He shrugged. “I’ve been in Beltania for a matter of days and haven’t met everyone. You were not introduced to me, I would have remembered. Therefore, we go to the maven. If you are a relative, Sikya will absolve you.” His gaze drifted past my shoulder, and he dipped his chin. “This will be most unpleasant.”

“What do you—?” My feet snapped from under me, the world tumbled, and when it ended, I looked up and saw the moon. “That was…” I panted, my gut clenching, “…wholly unnecessary.”

A second warrior held me suspended in a sticky net. He tossed me over his shoulder with a grunt. I hated him for that. He did turn me so my back was to his, um, backside, a small mercy, or so I thought until he began walking. His pounding steps, my inverted view, proved too much.

I glimpsed Pascale, hung in the same manner as I was, yet relief she was safe washed over me.

When blackness opened its arms, I ran into them and let oblivion swallow me whole.

This time, I had no dreams.



Swearing roused me. Sharp words were hurled in booming voices, and hands dug into my shoulder hard enough I woke on a whimper. I blinked up into Old Father’s face. His lips were pinched, his stare vacant. I knew the signs well. He had traveled into the spiritlands to revive me. Aware he would sense his work was done, I bore the pinch of his bony fingers and glanced around the room. I lay on a cot beside Pascale. We were in the healer’s den in Beltania.

My aunt, Sikyakookyang, the Salticidae maven, stood near the doorway, scowling at Vaughn. The males responsible for our arrival each held one of his arms.

Blood covered Vaughn’s face and torso. Dark hair slicked to his scalp, accentuating the wildness of his eyes. He muttered a steady stream of profanity that made his guards wince and my maven’s face flush. My arm lifted, fingers uncurled. I reached for him before the memory of his rejection resurfaced.
I’m not sure that’s wise.
Letting my arm drop and my fist ball, I blinked at the ceiling to keep from making a bigger fool of myself while channeling energy into anchoring Old Father.

The bruising grip on me lessened as he exhaled a rattling breath. “You exhausted yourself.”

I patted his hand, which shook from the strain of his spirit walk. “I learned from the best.”

Wrinkles creased his cheeks. “If that were true, you would do as I say and not as I do.”

“You teach by example.” I allowed my eyes to close. “I learned to follow your lead.”

“Mana is awake.” Vaughn’s voice turned my head. “She can vouch for me.”

“Vaughn is with me. He was bringing me home as Old Father requested.” Puzzled, I shifted onto my side. “You knew to expect us.” I noticed my companions were all restrained and shoved upright. “I give you my word of honor that these males mean us no harm. Please. Release them.”

“Niece, we were approached by a small group of Theridiidae tonight and warned there were Mimetidae mercenaries poaching on our lands.” Sikya’s lips compressed. “They saw the flare launch and fled, saying they had wounded in their camp and worried the Mimetidae might attack again.”

“Aunt, if my word is not good enough to vouch for the character of these males, then what good would it do me to also say the Theridiidae captured us on our way here, from Erania? Or that we are starved, thirsting and filthy because of their poor treatment?” I snapped, “This is not the welcome I anticipated from my clansmen. If I had I known my reception would be so poor, I might have—”

“Enough, Mana.” My uncle prowled into the room. “Sikya has borne enough scrutiny for her actions as of late.” Chinedu sat on a tufted pillow and patted the cushion beside him. Sikya took the seat he offered her and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

“I have received no letters from home.” Concern eroded my hurt at the reminder.

“We had wondered.” Bracing his elbows on his thighs, Chinedu grimaced. “The reports sent to Maven Lourdes have gone unanswered as well. We extended her and Rhys invitations to enjoy our hospitality and discuss these matters in person several weeks ago. They accepted. Since then, I’ve learned information of a delicate nature and felt they should make their journey sooner. I dispatched our fastest messenger, but he has gone missing and we have heard no news.”

“The Theridiidae mentioned a messenger they intercepted…” I glanced at Vaughn. His face was a blank mask now, despite the fact he was restrained. “Our guards said Torrance killed him.”

Clutching her sun pendant, my aunt said a prayer for the male and his family.

“Say the word.” Chinedu clasped her hands. “If you desire it, that coward’s skin will line our walls tonight.” Her nod was all the confirmation he required. “You have my vow. He will pay.”

“Keep safe, love.” She brushed kisses across his scarred knuckles. “The torches will burn for you.” She gestured toward Vaughn’s captors. “Take your brothers. We have enough guards.”

“Wait.” I grasped my uncle’s arm as he whirled past. “Your information—”

“Your aunt can explain.” He jerked his chin toward Vaughn. “This matter concerns the heir as well.” Striding into the night, he paused, voice drifting behind him. “Rahdi, Niall, let him go.”

The males shared a glance, and the tallest said, “Maven, if you wish one of us to remain…”

“You tarry here while my husband, your brother, takes his vengeance?” Sikya pointed at the shorter male. “Niall, you have better sense than Rahdi. Will you also ignore Chinedu’s vow?”

“You have my word,” Vaughn said coolly. “I am no danger to her or her clan.”

“I’ll not risk Chinedu’s temper.” Niall shrugged. “This is his clan and his clan home now. If he’s comfortable among Mimetidae, then it’s not our place to question his judgment, eh, Rahdi?”

“Fine. Not my female, not my problem.” Rahdi shoved Vaughn. “Step lively, cannibal.”

Eyes locked with mine, Vaughn rolled his shoulders but stood his ground.

Another shove came from Rahdi. “I thought I said—”

Vaughn’s palm connected with Rahdi’s nose. Blood dribbled down the male’s chin. His eyes were out of focus. Lifting his palm, Vaughn studied the smudge, then licked his hand clean.

My gut rebelled. I lay back on the cot and rested a hand over my stomach.

This was too much: too much blood and death, too many reminders of Vaughn’s feral nature hidden beneath a handsome façade, too much desire for him, and too few misgivings on my part.

“Letting a tracker get a taste of your blood?” Niall snorted. “You’re slipping, brother.”

“You’re a right bastard.” Rahdi touched his nose, winced. “Gods damned flesh muncher.”

Grasping his brother by the scruff, Niall dragged Rahdi stumbling after Chinedu.

Brow puckering, Vaughn scrounged a cloth from his pants pocket and wiped his face and hands clean. He dabbed splatters on his shirt but shrugged as if accepting he faced an impossible stain.

After executing a perfunctory bow to my aunt, he said, “Maven Sikyakookyang, I came here at the behest of Maven Lourdes. I understood your clans had come to an understanding in regard to the rehabilitation of the maven’s younger sister, Pascale.” His gaze shifted onto Old Father. “I am returning Mana to your care. She is well and whole, despite my failed attempts to guard her.”

“You have done well, son of Brynmor.” Old Father patted the spot beside him on my cot. “I would speak with you on matters of great importance.” His yawn was infectious. “But the hour is late, and my bed is warm. There is nothing worth saying that can’t be said over first meal. Roads to Cathis are long and treacherous. You will need your strength for what lies ahead. Stay. Rest.”

Expression dark, Vaughn dipped his head. “I will do as you ask.”

Old Father chuckled. “You are much more agreeable when Hoya—
—is absent.” Kookyangwhoya was my cousin’s Salticidae name and Old Father remembered him as such.

“You know better than most that my brother and I have a difficult history. I fear we have brought out the worst in one another all our lives.” Vaughn grimaced. “A trend which I see no end of in sight.”

Old Father addressed a shadowed corner, “Wishövi, take Vaughn to his usual room, by mine.”

A gangly youth with our family’s trademark green eyes and black hair stepped forward.

Vaughn held up a hand to stop my youngest cousin. “What of the others?”

“I told you he remembered our names.” Lleu’s booming voice drew attention to him. “Maven Sikyakookyang, I appreciate the armed escort into your city.” His lips twitched. “I think what the old fella said sounds good to me. I’m not picky. I’ll take any stall you have empty. Hay if you have some to spare.” His stomach grumbled a vicious complaint. “Don’t mind him. He always sounds grumpy.”

My aunt’s eyes widened. “I see.”

Lleu poked his gut. “I want to sleep more than I want to eat, so you can stuff it where—”

Shoulders shaking with laughter, Sikya coughed into her fist. “No guests of mine will sleep with the varanus. I regret I gave you and my niece such a poor welcome. Tomorrow, I hope to explain our circumstances. Until then, please, follow Wishövi. I do hope your accommodations are satisfactory.”

“We have family from the southwest in the guest lodge.” Wishövi counted. “I have two rooms.”

“Give Lleu and Bram those rooms.” They deserved some peace. “I will share with Pascale.”

“You don’t have to share.” Lleu scratched his ear. “I’d sleep on the floor anyway.”

“It’s my pleasure,” I assured him. “I’ll have fresh blankets sent to your room to make a pallet.”

Lleu bowed, face flushed. Bram showed more grace. Both exited behind Wishövi.

Vaughn lingered at the threshold. “How will I sleep tonight without your company?”

Need rushed through my limbs, but humiliation burned the dregs of my desire. My face stung as if I’d fallen asleep beneath the noonday sun by the river, something I hadn’t done since I was a child.

Sikya’s scandalized gasp roused Old Father, who’d fallen asleep slumped at the foot of my cot.

“This is not my room.” He scowled at his surroundings, then settled on me. “Ah. You’re home.”

I squeezed his hand. “I am, and you should be in bed.”

BOOK: A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2
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