A Force of Three [Elite Dragons 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: A Force of Three [Elite Dragons 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Her mouth gaped open when her eyes clapped onto the two men standing with their hands on top of the truck doors. They were freaking huge. The man at the driver’s door had brown hair, and even though she wouldn’t have called him handsome in the classical sense, he had a harsh, rugged, masculine aura around him and serious hazel eyes, which drew her gaze. The one standing on the other side was taller than them all and packed full of muscle, but he had a welcoming smile on his face. He had to be well over six and a half feet tall and close to three hundred pounds, if not more.

“Nyssa, these are my brothers,” Linton said, guiding her closer to the truck. “The one smiling is Bryden and the ugly one over there is Codi.”

“Hi,” Nyssa said and cursed the squeak in her voice.

Bryden offered his hand, and when she took it in hers a frisson of warmth spread from their joined hands and up her arm. She quickly withdrew and looked at Codi.

“Hi, Nyssa. Why don’t you hop in and we’ll get some food?”

Nyssa took a deep breath and eyed the high step on the side of the truck. Even though she was still wary about going out with strange men she was curious enough to push her caution away. Plus they were all so handsome and manly, she couldn’t help but be drawn to them. Just as she reached for the door handle another large, warm hand closed over hers.

“Allow me,” Linton said.

She pulled her hand away as if he had burned her, which he very nearly had with the sparks zipping over her skin. She stepped back and to the side so he could open the door.
Well, at least they have nice manners.

Nyssa extended her hand for the “oh shit” handle above the inside of the back door of the dual-cab truck, but again, Linton was there before she could do anything. His hands clasped her rib cage, and he lifted her up into the truck. Quickly scooting across the seat to give Linton room to get in, she put on her seat belt.

“We decided on the steak house for dinner. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” she answered breathlessly.

Shit, get a grip, Nyssa, or they’re going to know they’ve got your motor revving.

“How long have you worked at the doctor’s office, Nyssa?” Bryden turned slightly to see her face.

“A week and a half. I helped set up the computer software and Dr. Jones only opened the doors at the beginning of this week.”

“How long have you lived in Butte?” Linton angled his body toward her as well.

“Uh, about six months.”

“Where are you from originally, Nyssa?” Codi glanced at her in the rearview mirror.


“What made you move here?”

“I just needed a change. I didn’t want to go to a city because of the pollution and it’s a bit too frantic a pace for me. I like peace and quiet.”

“Did you move with your family?”

“No,” she sighed wistfully.

“Are you okay, honey?” Linton asked. “You sounded kind of sad.”

“No, I’m okay.” Nyssa was glad when Codi pulled into the parking lot of the steak house. She didn’t want to put a damper on things by giving her story.

The door closest to her opened and Codi offered her his hand to help her down from the truck. She’d been so intent on her thoughts she hadn’t realized they were waiting on her. Taking his hand caused the same reaction she’d had when her flesh had connected with Bryden’s and Linton’s.
What the hell is going on? Why am I attracted to three men when I haven’t been interested in one for several years?

She looked up into Codi’s eyes and felt as if she were drowning. Even though there was no expression on his face, his eyes were full of emotion. Nyssa just wished she knew how to read him. She thought she saw heat flash across his eyes, but it was gone so quickly she thought she must have been imagining it.

When her feet were once more on the ground, she tried to pull her hand away, but Codi tightened his grip and led her around the truck to Linton. He clasped her other hand, and Bryden took the lead to the door of the restaurant.
Whoa! I’m holding hands with two sexy men. Who’d have thought that would happen in this lifetime? What is going on? I thought I was going on a date with Linton. Why is Codi acting like I’m dating him, too?

“Um…” Nyssa had been about to ask the questions running through her mind, but she didn’t want anyone to overhear, so she closed her mouth again.

“What’s wrong, honey?” asked Linton.

She shook her head and lowered her eyelids, screening her gaze from his.

As she stood inside the door waiting to be seated, she tried to extricate her hands from theirs. She was feeling really self-conscious at holding hands with two men with another nearby. It just wasn’t done as far as she was concerned. But Linton just tightened his grip slightly, obviously not willing to let her go just yet. She sighed in relief when Codi released her, but then he placed a hand on the small of her back as they walked to their table.

Once they were seated and had given their orders, Nyssa realized that because of the shape of the booth she couldn’t escape. Linton was sitting on her left, Codi to her right, and Bryden sat on the bench across from her. The only way out was if she asked them to move. She could feel the heat emanating from their bodies, and she began to have trouble getting enough air into her lungs. It only got worse when the men on either side of her shifted, their thighs touching hers. As she waited for them to move again, her heart pounded so fast, the blood in her body rushed past her ears, drowning out the sounds in the room. Her body tensed as her breasts swelled and her nipples hardened. Then her pussy got in on the act, too, much to her surprise. Her clit ached and her vagina clenched, releasing cream, which dampened her panties. She shifted in her seat, trying to relieve the ache in her body.

“Relax, honey, you’re safe with us,” Linton whispered.

Nyssa shivered when his warm, moist breath caressed her ear and tried to calm her nerves and get her wayward libido to go back to sleep. The waitress placed their drinks on the table, and she was thankful for the distraction, because she could feel three sets of male eyes watching her intently. Picking up her wineglass, she took a gulp and then another, letting the cool liquid coat her dry mouth and parched throat.

“Do you like working for Dr. Jones, Nyssa?”

“No!” She hadn’t meant to answer so empathetically and tried to backtrack. “Shit, I mean…I…”

“You don’t like your boss?” Codi’s deep, gravelly voice drew her attention. When she looked up, she felt literally pinned with his gaze and he was frowning.


“You can be honest with us, darlin’.” Bryden winked at her. “We don’t go telling tales.”

“Well, in that case…No, I don’t like him at all.”

“Why?” Codi asked abruptly.

“I don’t know really. There’s just something about him…He makes my skin crawl.”

Codi glanced to Linton and then Bryden. He gave his brothers a slight nod and then he smiled. His smile was slightly crooked, stretching his upper lip and showing his white teeth against his tan skin. A dimple appeared at one side of his mouth. The smile seemed to change his whole appearance, lighting up his face and making his eyes twinkle. Her clit throbbed, her pussy clenched, and more juices leaked onto her panties.

Quickly looking away, she shifted in her seat and asked, “What are you smiling about?” She grabbed for her glass again.

“Linton didn’t like him either,” Codi answered.

“You’ve got good instincts, darlin’,” Linton rumbled. “Like me.”

Thankfully, the food came at that moment. They made small talk as they ate. Codi and Bryden had moved to Butte with their brother, and all three of them were looking for work. They didn’t give her many details, but Nyssa wasn’t too bothered. She didn’t like to talk about herself, either.

The three brothers finished their food in record time and she wasn’t even halfway through hers. Since Nyssa was so nervous, she pushed her half-full plate aside.

“You don’t eat enough, sweetheart. No wonder you’re so skinny.”

“I am not.” Nyssa glared at Linton.

“He means you’re slender, darlin’,” Bryden said.

That was a more thoughtful way of putting it, and Nyssa was placated until Linton piped up again. “I meant what I said. You don’t have any meat on your bones.”

“I’m the right weight for my age and height and have a healthy body mass,” she said indignantly.

Linton grinned and it was then she realized he was goading her.
God, Nyssa, he got you hook, line, and sinker.

“How old are you, Nyssa?”

She looked at Bryden, deciding on whether she should answer. Men as well behaved as these three ought to know that one never asked a woman her age or weight. “How old are
?” she retorted.

Bryden smiled and winked. “Thirty-three.”

“I’m thirty-five,” Codi volunteered with a smirk. “Just in case you’re wondering.”

“And I’m thirty-four,” Linton said.

“Wow, your poor mother.” She figured this subject would help her continue to successfully avoid the question.

“Why do you say that, honey?”

“She had to have been pregnant three or four years in a row. I’ll bet you gave her hell, too.”

“We weren’t angels, if that’s what you mean.” Codi swigged his beer.

“No, I meant your size.”

The three men laughed. Bryden reached over and patted her hand. “We weren’t always this big, darlin’.”

Nyssa smiled and looked down at the table. Her panties were downright soaked and she couldn’t understand why she was attracted to one man, let alone three.

What the hell am I going to do now? I am attracted to three men and don’t want to have to pick one over the other. Will they make me?
The question made her pause.
And what would I do if they don’t?

Chapter Four


Codi watched Nyssa as she lowered her eyes once more. Even though she was still a little uncomfortable and nervous around them, she had relaxed a bit as the night progressed. He’d lowered his mental shields as soon as she’d gotten into the truck, and they were still down, but not once had he picked up anything to indicate she was involved in the black-market organ-smuggling ring. In fact when he’d asked her why she didn’t like her boss, he’d felt her uneasiness. He let his eyes travel over her body once more.

He regretted that she was wearing clothes that hid her body rather than enhancing it. It was like she was trying to deflect attention. Between that and her evasive attitude, Codi wondered about her self-confidence. She never did answer about her family, but from the sadness that had rolled off her in waves, he suspected that the subject was a painful one. In fact, Nyssa Mathis was rather good at avoiding answering questions. She hadn’t let on about her age either.

Codi didn’t like it when people weren’t forthright, but he didn’t think that was the case with this woman. She was a little shy and obviously not used to the male attention, but he felt nothing immoral or criminal about her.

Their plates had been cleared, but Codi was reluctant to let Nyssa go yet. It seemed like Bryden agreed, because he suggested, “Let’s head out and get some coffee.”

Codi and his brothers had been able to rent an unoccupied, fully furnished home and had moved their stuff to their new base earlier that afternoon. He would have hated having to entertain in a hotel room.

Linton and Codi scooted out of the booth after Bryden went to take care of the bill. Codi placed his hand against the small of Nyssa’s back and nearly smiled when he felt her shiver of awareness. He looked at Linton and noticed his brother was also holding in a smile and guided her out to the truck.

He lifted her into the truck and held her a little longer than necessary then got into the driver’s seat.

“Are you buckled in?” Codi turned on the ignition.

“Yes. Um…where exactly are we going?”

Linton reached over and held her hand. “We’re going back to our place for coffee.”

“Oh. Well, I…”

“You’re safe with us, honey.”

“I know,” she said quietly. Codi felt her surprise at her own words. They were having an effect on her, just as she was on them.

A few minutes later, Codi pulled the truck into the drive and parked. He was the first out and helped Nyssa down again.

She looked around, her expression confused.

“I thought you said we were going to your place,” she said, nervously clutching her purse to her chest and looking around.

“This is it, darlin’.” Bryden approached and took her elbow. “Come on inside.”

Linton checked the door to make sure it hadn’t been opened while they were out and then unlocked it. If Codi hadn’t been aware of what his brother was doing, he wouldn’t have noticed. He followed them into the living room and sat down beside Nyssa on the sofa. Linton headed to the kitchen with Bryden to make the coffee.

“Do you live nearby, Nyssa?”

“Well, actually you won’t believe this, but I live behind you.” She blushed. “How long have you lived here? I thought the place was empty.”

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