A Forever Thing: A Contemporary Christian Romance NOVELLA (8 page)

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Authors: Debra Ullrick

Tags: #Sweet Contemporary Romance

BOOK: A Forever Thing: A Contemporary Christian Romance NOVELLA
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“Nope. We’re doing downhill together.”

Oh, this could be fun. “Okay. I’m ready.”

Tate set the sled down, holding on to the rope so it didn’t go down the hill without them. “Hop on, lady.”

Kelly sat down at the back of the wooden sled.

Tate straddled the thing behind her. “Hey, come on. Move up, Kells, so I can sit down.”

Kells? He hadn’t called her Kells since before she and Brad had started dating. She scooted toward the front, hoping she didn’t get a splinter in her backside.

Tate lowered himself behind her and stretched his long legs down the sides.

Somehow the toboggan appeared a lot smaller now with him on it.

“You ready?” he asked, his warm breath near her face sent chills fleeing down her spine like a runaway snowboard down a ski slope. He grabbed the ropes on the sides to have something to hold onto.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Really, she was in no rush. Having Tate this close felt nice. Real nice.

They scooted the toboggan forward until the thing took off down the hill. Kelly’s stomach dipped. In a good way. She screamed and laughed as they flew down the hill. They hit a bump and the toboggan went flying in the air. Tate’s strong body managed to keep them from flying off.

With the light snow fall on her cheeks, and the swift ride down the hill, Kelly felt like a kid again. Like she had back in high school when the three of them had gone sledding and snow skiing together.

Before she and Brad had started dating, and before everything had gotten so complicated.

Those were carefree days. Today was one too. And she made up her mind to enjoy every moment and to take advantage of this time to see if there really could be anything between her and Tate.

At the bottom of the hill, they took the small chair lift back up to the top. Down below, watching families sledding and throwing snowballs, and seeing children laughing, she realized how much she missed having a family. She missed Brad and the fun they used to have. If she were honest, she missed having a man around. Being here with Tate reminded her of everything she had lost and of everything she still had. Right now, she had a second chance at love, she hoped. Her hope soared the instant she remembered something Tate had said to her when she had asked him if he had ever gotten married. He answered with…
There was never anyone who could take your place in my heart.

Kelly stole a glance at him.

Tate stared back her. “What’re you thinking, Kells?”

Did she dare be honest with him? If she did, would she scare him away? Even though he had said no one could take her place, that didn’t mean he wanted her now. Kelly couldn’t take that risk. She needed time to woo him and to see if he could grow to love her. She already loved him and was deeply attracted to him but she didn’t want to say anything just yet because she wasn’t certain if the love inside her heart was the marrying kind of love or just a deep friendship love.

Angie sure wanted it to be the marrying kind. Kelly smiled thinking about Angie and their conversation earlier. Her little girl was sure growing up.

“Well?” He nudged her with his shoulder. “What you thinking about?”

She smiled a wistful smile. “Angie.”


“You sound disappointed.” She could only hope that meant what she thought it meant.

He looked down at her, and honesty shown in his eyes. “I am.”

“Why? Don’t you want me thinking about my daughter?” she teased.

“No, no, no. That’s not it at all. I was just hoping…” He shrugged.

“You were hoping what?” She nudged him back.

“Never mind.” He turned his head so she could no longer see his eyes.

Now a touch worried, she shoulder bumped him again. “No never minds here. I told you what was on my mind. Now it’s your turn.”

He turned his face back toward her, and vulnerability slipped into his gaze. “You really want to know? If I tell you, you might get to the top and head down that hill as fast as you can and as far away from me as you can get.”

Just what was he thinking? She frowned. She couldn’t for the life of her imagine what he had to say that would make him think she wouldn’t be able to get away from him fast enough. She had to know. “I doubt anything you could say would make me do that.”

“Okay.” He pressed his lips together and slanted his head. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I won’t.” Kelly stared at him and waited, not very patiently either. Her heart banged against her ribcage as her mind sorted through all the things he wasn’t saying.

Finally, he tugged on his scarf, removed his hat, and ran his gloved hand through his mussy hair before he tugged it back into place. He rubbed the sides of his nose.

Wow, he really was concerned about whatever it was he was about to say. Her heart softened at the sight.

“It’s okay, Tator.” Kelly used the nickname she had given him years ago. “I promise I’m not going to run.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” His tone turned serious even as his gaze turned away from hers. She wanted to snatch it back, but didn’t.

They were halfway up the hill. Whatever he had to say, he’d better hurry.

“Kelly.” He fidgeted in his seat.

Finally, unable to contain herself, she took his large hand in hers.

“Tate, whatever it is…”

His eyes shot over to hers. “Look, I’m not one to beat around the bush. What I’m about to say, well, I have no idea how you’re going to take it. But I won’t live with another regret.” With the toboggan hooked on the back of the chair, his hands were free, so he reached for her other hand. “Kelly, ever since that day we shared that kiss,” he paused.

The blink was involuntary as surprise raked through her. She swallowed as she remembered that solitary kiss. It was before she and Brad had started dating. Dean, the high school quarterback, had dared Tate to kiss her. When he did, she remembered how soft Tate’s lips were, what a great kisser he was, and how she had melted into him. She had even kissed him back, hoping he would get the hint how it wasn’t just a dare to her, but how she’d meant it. But when their kiss ended, Brad had shown up and asked her out right in front of Tate. After the way Tate had kissed her, she had looked to him to say something. But he lowered his head and said nothing.

Hurt that the kiss meant nothing to him, how he had only kissed her on a dare, she pretended it hadn’t meant anything to her either. But it had. More than she had wanted it to. She plastered a smile on her face and said yes to Brad, hoping that might make Tate jealous. But it didn’t. Later, she couldn’t say she was sorry for the way things turned out. She and Brad had a wonderful marriage and she loved him very much. Still loved him. But he was gone now. And even though she didn’t think it would ever happen, she was ready to move on. When she did, she would never forget Brad. He would always have a special room in her heart.


♥ ♥ ♥


Tate struggled to get the words out. Here he was a cop, a tough guy, who had no problem talking to hardened criminals. Right now though, his tongue was tied up in knots and he couldn’t force the words he had longed to tell Kelly out. His eyes locked onto hers. Eyes that seemed faraway. “Kells? Are you with me?”

She blinked again. “Oh. Yes. Yes I am. I was just remembering that day… when Dean made that dare.”

Tate had never forgotten that day either. It was the day he made the biggest mistake of his life. He should have told Brad how he was just about to ask Kelly out, and how he loved her. But he didn’t. He owed Brad. And Brad deserved the very best. Kelly.

Brad was one of the nicest guys he’d ever met. His friend was there for him every time his parents got into an argument. When he failed a test, Brad encouraged him and told him he could do anything he put his mind to, including passing any test. His own parents never believed in him, but Brad had.

Without a doubt, he knew Brad would approve of him pursing Kelly. He made up his mind since he couldn’t get the words out, he would show her. Instead of telling her, he cupped Kelly’s chin and tilted it upward. She gazed up at him with those beautiful hazel eyes of hers, blinking eyes filled with a million and one questions. He would answer those unspoken questions. But not with words. Instead, he slowly lowered his head, gauging her reaction, with each millimeter he progressed toward her.

She continued to watch him with only a blink now and then, his mouth only a breath away now.

Her eyelids lowered, slowly.

His heart sped up.

He couldn’t believe she was accepting his kiss.

Gently, slowly, his lips brushed hers.



Until he gave in to the demand of his whole being and pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly, backing it up with everything inside of his heart.

A heart that overflowed with love for her.

A heart that had been forced to let her go so long before.

But she was here now. Kissing him, responding to the call of his heart.

All the years he had mourned the loss of her, fled.

He continued to kiss her and she him.

The chairlift slowed, his heartbeat didn’t. Reluctantly he pulled back. His eyes locked onto hers, searching for her response to his kiss. The softness in them held the answer he’d hoped for. “Kelly, I know it’s only been days since we’ve seen each other again,” he whispered against her lips. “But I love you.”


He put his fingertips across her lips, afraid of what she had to say and afraid he wouldn’t be ready to hear it. He wanted nothing to shatter to this moment. Especially if what had just happened wasn’t as real to her as it was to him. If he had only imagined it because he wanted it so bad, wanted his love returned so badly. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know how I feel.”

She nodded, and when he removed his fingers, she spoke. “I love you too. I didn’t know for sure if I was
love with you until the moment you kissed me. Without a doubt, I know I do.”

He couldn’t believe his ears. Kelly loved him.

“Angie will be so happy.”

“Angie?” He frowned.

“I’ll tell you later. Right now all I want to do is…” She grabbed the lapels of his coat and drew his face down to hers and kissed him.

He smiled against her lips and said, “Later’s good.”

Chapter Six



Kelly couldn’t remember when she’d had a nicer day. A whole day of sledding with the snow falling, a nice dinner at the soup and salad bar, and now she and Tate were going to spend even more time together watching movies and eating popcorn. She could hardly wait to cuddle with him. And she could hardly wait to tell Angie. Her little girl would be so happy.

They walked up to her front door hand-in-hand. When she went to put the key in the door, she noticed the door was ajar. Her hand froze right above the nob.

“What’s wrong?” Tate asked from behind her.

“The door’s open.” She tilted her head back enough to see Tate’s face. “Someone’s been here.”

Worry creased his forehead as Tate stepped in front of her. “Wait in the truck until I check your house out.” He grabbed her by the hand and led her at a fast clip back to his pickup. He opened the driver’s side and picked her up and set her behind the wheel. Closing her door, he ran around to the other side, reached inside the glove box and pulled out a holstered gun and strapped it on over his shoulder.

“Tate? What are you doing?”

“I’m going to go check to make sure everything is secure.”

Seeing him with a gun, fear gripped her as reality snapped its jaws down on her heart. He could get hurt. She didn’t want to lose him too.

He must have seen the fear on her face because he reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry, Kells. I’m trained for this. Wait here and lock the doors. Whatever you do, don’t come in until I tell you it’s okay. You got that?”

She agreed and nodded wordlessly even though she wanted to go with him. Tate knew what he was doing though. She had seen him in action. Still, she prayed he knew what he was doing now. When he was gone, she reached over and pushed the button to lock all four doors.

As he moved to the front door, she watched him remove the gun from his holster, and raise his gun straight ahead of him. He stood off to the side of the door, pushed it open with his foot, and stepped inside. He aimed the gun to his left, to the right and ahead of him before he disappeared from her sight.

One long grueling minute after another went by. Kelly watched the door for any sign of what was going on in the darkness beyond it. The desire to see what was going on tempted her, but she remained in place just like Tate had told her to. While she waited, she prayed for his safety, her eyes never left the front door of her house even while she continued to dig at her nails.


♥ ♥ ♥


Tate checked every room, behind the drapes, in the closets, every inch, including the attic and back yard. Nothing seemed out of order. The only thing he noticed missing was Angie’s laptop. It was no longer on top of her dresser and one of the dresser drawers was open. He had no clue whether Angie had taken her laptop with her to her friend’s or if the drawer was left open earlier. He would ask Kelly if she knew. He holstered his gun and headed back out to the truck.

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