A Forever Thing: A Contemporary Christian Romance NOVELLA (7 page)

Read A Forever Thing: A Contemporary Christian Romance NOVELLA Online

Authors: Debra Ullrick

Tags: #Sweet Contemporary Romance

BOOK: A Forever Thing: A Contemporary Christian Romance NOVELLA
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Keeping his eyes fixed menacingly on Kelly, Tate slowly reached down. “Angie, I suggest you move.”

The girl didn’t question him or hesitate to take him up on his suggestion. She sidestepped several feet away from her mom.

In a flash, he scooped up a double handful of snow and showered Kelly with it.

Kelly squealed. Snow clung to her face and coat. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.” She hit him in the chest with her snowball and ducked behind a tree.

He stooped over to gather snow to make a snowball and got hit again. This time in the back of his leg. He spun around. How she could make another snowball so quickly?

Angie turned her head, looked up at the clear sky, and whistled
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.

While Angie continued to act silly, he spied a huge snow drift. In two long strides he lifted the girl up and tossed her into it. She screamed and disappeared into the mound. He quickly pulled her out. She came out laughing. “Again. Again.”

He tossed her in again and pulled her out again.

“That was fun.” She knocked the snow out from under her fur-lined hood and off the rest of her. “Throw Mom in there.”

“No, that’s okay.” Kelly backed up with both hands in the air. “Mom doesn’t want to be thrown in there.”

Tate took one step forward, his arms in front of him, his hands curled like a bear ready to attack.

Another step.

Kelly raised one leg at a time, trying to get away from him. When she made it to Angie, Angie grabbed her by the arm and leaned back, fierce concentration and determination pursed her face as she stopped her mother’s retreat.

Tate caught Kelly’s arms and took over for Angie. “Thanks, cupcake.”

“Anytime.” Angie brushed her hands off.

With ease, Tate swooped Kelly off of her feet and into his arms.

Kelly squealed and threw her arms around his neck. She wiggled like a worm on a hook. “Let me down,” she said between spasms of giggles.

“One.” He swung her in his arms like a rocking hammock. “Two.” He swung her again.

“Don’t you dare, Tate Baker!” She clung tighter to his neck. “If I go in, you go in with me!”

“Three.” He swung her again, only this time he let go. But she didn’t. They both fell into the snow mound. Hands in front of him, he searched for something solid to help push himself up with as they were practically now entwined with the snow.

Kelly’s hand pushed on his back. Her weight bore down on him and shoved him further into the snow drift. He sputtered, trying to keep the snow from going into his mouth. A hard tug on his coat and he was free. He wiped the plastered snow off of his face and upper body.

Kelly stood there, laughing at him while brushing the snow off of herself.

Angie pointed at them and started laughing too.

It was only a second, and Tate joined them.

Whoever knew going hunting for a Christmas tree could be so fun?

He brushed the final remnants of snow off of him. “I think it’s time we cut that tree down.”

“Chicken,” Kelly said to him when he walked past her heading toward the chain saw.

“Bawk. Bawk.” He tucked his hands under his armpits and did his best to imitate a chicken as he walked around in a circle. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Kelly holding her stomach laughing and Angie roaring. It was something he wanted to see over and over and over again. Forget what Kelly had said about never marrying again. Right there, he made up his mind to change hers.

Chapter Five



“That was the best day ever, don’t you think, Mom?” Angie grabbed a T-towel out of the drawer as they stood there doing dishes at the kitchen sink.

Kelly dipped a Christmas mug into the rinse water and handed it to Angie. “Sure was.”

“We did a really, really, really good job decorating his house, didn’t we?”

“We sure did.”

“You think Officer Baker liked it?” Angie wiped the same cup over and over.

“Uh, Angie, I think that one’s dry.”

“Oh. Yeah.” She put it away into the cupboard to the right of the sink.

“I know he did. He couldn’t stop talking about what a great job we did or how great his house looked. The mantel and tree were the best, don’t you think?”

”I like the big snow globe in his yard the best. Wonder how they got that merry-go-round inside of it.”

“I don’t know. What did you think of his eight-foot blow up tree?”

“I couldn’t believe how tall it was. Way taller than Officer Baker, and he’s tall. I have to bend my head way back…” She demonstrated just how far back. “To see his face. I couldn’t even bend back far enough to see the top of the tree. When Officer Baker held me up, then I could see it.”

Kelly handed Angie a cereal bowl and glanced up at the retro cat clock. “Oh, look at the time. We’d better get these breakfast dishes finished and get ready for church. Don’t forget. After church, Tate is taking us sledding.”

“Mom,” Angie dragged out, clearly exasperated. “You told Marissa I could spend the night at her house tonight, ‘member? Can’t Officer Baker take us another time?” She frowned and chewed on her lip, which meant the wheels in her head were spinning. She was conjuring up something. Something Kelly usually didn’t want to do. “Why don’t you go with Officer Baker, Mom?”

Kelly held back her surprise. Because of comments Angie had made over the past three years, Kelly wasn’t sure her daughter had ever wanted her to spend time with another man who wasn’t her father. Especially alone.

What was Angie up to?

Whatever it was, Kelly feared the outcome. “That’s okay. We can make it another time, I’m sure.”

Angie stopped drying the plate she had in her hand and pressed her hip into the counter. “Mom, can’t you see what I’m trying to do?”

Kelly rinsed another dish and set it in the dishrack. She fought not to look at her daughter until she got her feelings fully under control. With her hands lingering above the soapy water, she turned and faced her daughter. “No. I don’t. So why don’t you tell me.”

With a dramatic sigh and roll of her eyes, Angie shook her head. “I’m
to get you two together.”

Kelly’s hands plopped into the water and made a huge splash. “What? What do you mean you’re trying to get us together?” This can’t be good.

“You know.” Her daughter waddled her head. “Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy and girl fall in love and they get married.”

Where did her daughter get this stuff? Wherever she did, she was grounded for life from them.

She struggled not to overreact, pulled her hands out of the water, and wiped them off on the towel in Angie’s hand. But before she could say a word, Angie continued, “I like him, Mom. Being with him is like being with Daddy.”

“But Officer Baker isn’t your dad, baby.”

Angie sighed and closed her eyes for a second. “I know that, Mom. No one can ever take Daddy’s place.” Her eyelids lowered, and she scuffed the side of her bunny slipper on the hardwood floor. “But, I miss having a daddy. Is that bad?”

Feeling her daughter’s emptiness and need, Kelly took Angie’s hands in hers. “Baby.” She waited until Angie looked at her. Hurt filled her daughter’s gaze. “It’s not bad to want a daddy. Every little girl wants one and needs one. Your daddy would want you happy. You know that, right?”

Angie nodded.

“If and when I ever decide to get married again, I want to make sure that it’s to someone who loves you as much as I do. Someone who will be a great father to you and treat you well.”

“Officer Baker does.”

“How do you know that? You’ve only been around him a few times.”

Angie tilted her head and let out another long dramatic sigh. “Because, he didn’t arrest you. That’s how I know. He cared about how I felt about that. Those other police officers treated me like a really bad person. I’m really not one, Mom. I just didn’t know how to stop hurting. I didn’t know it wasn’t my fault that Daddy died until you explained it to me. Thanks, Mom.” Angie threw her arms around Kelly’s neck and squeezed her. When she let go, Kelly lost the battle to her tears.

“Oh, Angie. I’m so glad that you’ve finally stopped blaming yourself. That you understand it wasn’t your fault.”

“Me too.” Her hazel eyes bounced open.

Kelly chuckled.

“So. You going to go with Officer Baker or not?”

“We’ll see. I just don’t want you getting your hopes up. What if Tate…Officer Baker and I don’t get together.”

“That ain’t going to happen cuz I prayed about it for real this time.”

Kelly’s heart soared. Not only had her daughter been freed from guilt, but she was ready to let a man into their lives. Not just any man, but Tate. Both of those things were amazing, but even better than them, Angie had prayed again. For real, as she put it. And not just going through the motions of prayer.

God, please don’t let her down. Help me to win Tate’s heart. Not just for Angie’s sake, but for mine too. I’m tired of being alone. And being with Tate feels right. I know that even Brad would approve of him as my husband and Angie’s father.
Excitement flowed through her. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Yay!” Angie threw her arms around her again.

This time, Kelly lost her balance and fell backward. Angie landed on top of her. Lying there on the Christmas throw rug, she wrapped her arms around Angie and held her tight. “I love you, cupcake.”

“Cupcake? That’s what Officer Baker calls me.”

“I know. On a count of your so sweet and all.”

“Yeah.” Angie raised her chin, pursed her lip, and nodded. “He’s a smart man.” She stood and offered Kelly a hand. Angie stuck one leg behind her to balance herself and Kelly pretended to use her daughter’s strength to stand up. The second she did, Angie jerked her head toward the door. “Now go get him, Mom.”

Kelly stood at attention and saluted her. “Yes, ma’am. But not until we finish these dishes.”

Angie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”


♥ ♥ ♥


Cinnamon and spice scents, along with baking goods filled Tate’s nostrils when he stepped inside Kelly’s front door. He peered around Kelly. “Where’s Angie?”

“She’s not here. She’s spending the night at a friend’s house.”

Tate’s ears perked up. Not because he didn’t want to see Angie because he did. She’d stolen his heart the first day when she pleaded with him to not take her mother to jail. “Does this mean we aren’t going sledding?”

“Not exactly. Angie insisted we go without her.”

“Oh, she did, huh?” Angie trusted him. A huge victory. Not just for him, but for the little girl. “Well, let’s go then. What are we waiting for?”

“For you.” She smiled.

“Wait no longer.” He studied her attire, jeans and a sweater. “Uh, you need something warmer than that.” He eyed her up and down.

“My gloves, hat, boots…” She ticked the items using her fingers. “Ski pants, jacket, and a thermos of hot caramel vanilla coffee, are in my bag.” She dipped a pointed finger toward a black duffle bag on the floor next to the door.

“You thought of everything.”

She shook back her blond mane. “There’s even a thermos of plain black coffee for you in there. And a variety of homemade cookies too.”

“Well, let’s get this show on the road then.” He hoisted the black duffle bag over his shoulder and swung the door open. “How long do I have to wait to taste those cookies?”

Kelly laughed as she followed him out the door and locked it securely behind her. “If you’re a good boy, you can have some on the way.”

“I’m always a good boy.”

“Uh, huh? I grew up with you, remember?”

“Well, I’m always a good boy now.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

“Can I have the cookies before you judge me?”

Kelly laughed. He always loved her raspy laugh.

At the truck he watched as she pulled out a box of cookies and laid them on the front seat between them. Tate didn’t waste any time. He devoured one of her chocolate chip cookies, a sugar cookie with frosting, a peanut butter one with a chocolate kiss in the center, and a piece of fudge. “Man, those were good.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“So I noticed.” She laughed.


♥ ♥ ♥


Forty minutes later, Kelly and Tate stood on top on the sledding hill. It was the same one they had passed the day before on their way to cut down a tree for Tate. Kelly had already slipped into her blue and white ski jacket, her dark and light blue ski pants, her wool lined snow boots, white mittens, and her blue and white striped sweater cap with ear flaps and matching scarf. Tate had dressed in a light brown coat, tan insulated pants, a white ski cap with a black design around the cuff, and dark brown gloves. They both were dressed for anything the weather threw their way, which judging by the looks of the low cloud cover might be several inches of fresh snowfall before too long.

“You ready, lady?” Tate held the toboggan up.

“You going first?”

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