Read A Fox's Family Online

Authors: Brandon Varnell

Tags: #Humor, #Fiction

A Fox's Family (35 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Family
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had become entranced. His body was burning up from the intense visual
stimulation, and his mind had blanked out some time ago. What little
remained of his higher thought processes could do nothing but
congratulate him on not passing out.

process of “you wash my back and I’ll wash yours”
eventually ended. Rather than get out of the tub, Lilian proposed the
great idea of lounging in a hot bath together.

Japan, the act of bathing together is very important for increasing
intimacy between couples. I think it’s called skinship.”

do know this isn’t Japan, right?” Kevin surprised himself
by speaking. He hadn’t believed himself capable of speech.

pouted, but didn’t let his words deter her. “Regardless
of which country we live in, I think it’s important for us to
do this so we can bond as mates. I want to grow closer to you. I want
us to be more intimate.”

didn’t know if it was her words, her smile, or the way she
looked at him with those radiant eyes of hers, but he found himself
unable to deny her desire for physical intimacy..

all right. We can, um, we can take a bath together, too.”

Lilian pumped a fist into the air. “Beloved and I are taking a
bath together!”

you really have to say that so loudly?” Kevin grumbled.

filling the tub with hot water, Kevin leaned against the wall while
Lilian rested against his chest. If he thought washing Lilian’s
back had been torturous, that was nothing compared to having her
naked body conform to his.

could feel everything; her back as it rested against his chest, her
butt as it rubbed him in all the right—and wrong—ways. He
could feel himself respond to her, could feel the surge of
overwhelming arousal. And, judging by the way she wiggled against
him, Lilian could feel it, too.

need to calm down before I regret something. I know! Think unsexy
thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. Eric’s
dad in a speedo. U-ugh, I think I just permanently scarred myself!

his insecurity, Kevin slowly became more comfortable. He was still
very much aroused. His body still felt like it had been lit on fire.
But, it didn’t affect him as much anymore. He found that he
could even appreciate Lilian’s beauty without his mind lagging
like a crappy computer trying to stream anime at 1080p.

this nice, Beloved?” Lilian’s voice snapped Kevin out of
his stupor. He realized with a start that he’d been nodding

Kevin agreed a little reluctantly, “it is kind of nice.”

turned her head, green eyes gleaming in triumph. “See? I told
you bathing together was a good idea.”

right. Fine,” Kevin grumbled half-heartedly. “You were
right and I was wrong. Happy?”

Lilian twisted around until she was facing Kevin, who suddenly found
his attention divided between her gorgeous face and her tantalizing
breasts. “But you wanna know what would make me even happier?”

um, no?”

lips arced into the loveliest of smiles. Her arms encircled his neck,
and her body molded to his. Kevin nearly went cross-eyed as he felt
Lilian’s bare breasts rubbing against him.

you would kiss me.”

broke. His body responded without conscious thought; his arms
tightened, pulling this divine creature closer to him. The feel of
her body conforming to his sent what little was left of Kevin’s
restraint out the window.

didn’t resist when Kevin kissed her. She moaned into his mouth
as his tongue penetrated her lips and snaked past her teeth to gently
caress her tongue, which responded with equal passion. Her mouth soon
filled with saliva, which was stirred together by their dance. Loud
noises permeated the air; the smacking of lips and the echoing moans.
Water splashed against the tub, spilling over as his hands roamed
along Lilian’s back, while hers made a complete mess of his

soon became an issue. With the gasp of a man drowning at sea, Kevin
and Lilian reluctantly parted. Yet even then their hunger was such
that they continued giving each other intermittent pecks between
gasps for oxygen, all to keep the fires in their loins blazing. The
last of those annoyingly unsatisfying pecks was caught by Kevin’s
voracious tongue. The moans Lilian elicited provoked the flames
burning in Kevin’s gut, spurring him to continue.

their mouths were occupied, their eager bodies were just as active.
Lilian squirmed against him; her breasts rubbing against his chest,
two stiff peaks causing a ceaseless sensation of never ending
pleasure. Her fingers threaded through his locks of messy blond hair,
turning them into a bed of wet spikes. In return, his hands occupied
themselves with her shapely ass, grabbing and squeezing and
caressing, much to the redhead’s delight.

could feel himself losing control, could feel himself slipping
further into the dream that was Lilian. His body craved her, had been
craving her for a long time, and it seemed he could no longer resist
the beautiful kitsune’s shamefully innocent invitation.

Lilian’s moan was like a siren’s call as he switched from
kissing her mouth to suckling on her neck. One of his hands slipped
between their bodies and fondled her breasts. Her nipples stiffened
under his ministrations and her moaning became even louder.

last thought managed to penetrate Kevin’s mind, a pathetic plea
to stop, to cease what he was doing and end this madness.

this, Kevin! Cease what you are doing and end this madness!


the logical side of his brain no longer functioned as it should have.
Thoughts of decency, propriety, and waiting until he felt comfortable
with Lilian vanished, and all that remained was his desire to
experience all that Lilian had to offer. To please and be pleased in
return. He wanted to—

that’s hot.”

a mountain of ice cold water being dumped on them, the young couple
became painfully aware of the third presence in the room. Lilian and
Kevin slowly craned their heads toward the new voice.

stood in the doorway, hands on the handle. If his flushed cheeks and
bleeding nose didn’t tell Kevin what the boy was looking at,
then the dark eyes planted firmly on Lilian did.



that moment, two things happened; Lilian ducked underneath the
water’s surface, covering her body as best she could, while
Kevin roared and jumped out of the bathtub.

a display of aerial acrobatics that should have been impossible
without shonen manga mechanics involved, Kevin leapt into the air,
his body twisting like a corkscrew until he was parallel with the
ground, his feet pointing directly at Eric.


Kevin’s feet impacting against Eric’s chest rang out
abnormally loudly due to the bathroom’s acoustics. Seconds
after being hit, Eric flew backwards with the speed of a cannonball.
He blew right out the door and into the hall, crashing into the wall
before crumpling onto his backside with a heavy thud.


got back up, surprisingly.

What the hell was that for, you―” was about as far as he

move! Combustion of Manly Souls Uppercut!”

head jerked upwards, his teeth clacking together and his face
scrunching up in stunned agony. His feet left the ground by at least
a foot. Meanwhile, his spine curved painfully, traveling in the
direction that the momentum of Kevin’s fist took him.

later, Eric Corrompere lay on the ground, dead to the world around
him. Standing above the prone pervert’s form, Kevin took
several heavy breaths, his right fist still raised above his head.

Now that’s what I like to see! Take it off!”

movements that were almost mechanical, Kevin turned to see four sexy
vixens standing several yards down the hall, each one wearing a
vastly different expression. Kotohime looked amused,
Iris’ lecherous grin put anything Eric could give to shame,
Kirihime’s cheeks were flushed an adorable red, while Camellia
stared at him with enough childish curiosity that he felt ashamed for
some reason.

suddenly, like a blaster bolt between the eyes, it hit him.

was still naked.

Kevin cried out pathetically as he tried to unsuccessfully cover his
body from view.


Katsura Sisters

had settled onto the valley of the sun several hours ago. The night
sky, darkened by the vastness of space, appeared as a panoramic view
of the unending and infinite phantasm; a reflection of darkness
locked within a cruel and uncaring universe.

this dark night, two figures moved, their clawed feet clacking
against the blacktop road. Their target was a house built within a
cul-de-sac. The structure, like those around it, appeared to be that
of a normal house; large with two-stories, a red-tiled roof, and
stucco walls. There didn’t seem to be anything out of place
about this house.

one knew about its occupants.

had tracked their target’s location to this house. After
discovering her whereabouts, they began reconnaissance. According to
infrared scanning, their target wasn’t alone. Seven other heat
sources could be detected inside at various locations.

parameters stated that the target needed to be terminated. However,
the standing orders programmed into their processors also stated that
they were not to be seen by anyone. They would have to remain idle
until their target was alone.

me, but you two do know that it is rude to spy on people, do you

heads swiveled on whirring servomotors. Red visors focused on a
kimono-clad woman carrying a katana standing several feet away.

figure saw the knife that suddenly lashed out from the darkness, a
mere flicker of light, which became embedded in the left side of the
right figure’s head. As the figure crumpled to the ground, the
other figure was struck in the chest by two black furry tails. The
swinging appendages had enough power behind them to send the figure
skidding across the street. Its head swiveled to look at the one who
had attacked it and its companion—another woman, this one
wearing what its database tentatively identified as a French maid

head turned away from the French maid when its ultrasonic sensory
system picked up vibrations traveling along the ground.

looked at where the first woman had been and glimpsed a brief yet
bright flash of light.

then it saw nothing.


happened within a split second. Kotohime had used the distraction
provided by her sister to launch her own assault. Faster than the
human eye could blink, her blade hissed out of its sheath, a mere
reflection of glimmering moonlight. It was sheathed just as quickly,
and upon hearing a soft
the armored figure’s head slid off its shoulders and rolled
along the ground. Its body remained stationary for a moment before
it, too, followed the head, crumpling into a heap of rippling silver.

job, sister,” Kirihime congratulated her on a well-executed

you,” Kotohime nodded graciously. She then turned around and
looked down at the armored figure. “That is odd…”

is?” Kirihime asked as she knelt down, presumably to pull her
knife from the first thing’s head.

is nothing inside,” she gestured toward the metallic figure,
“it’s empty.”

Kirihime took a closer look at the one she had killed, even going so
far as to try banging on it, which caused its silvery surface to
ripple like liquid. “This thing has an unusual composition. I
wonder what it’s made of.”

do not know.”

looked curiously at the now headless “corpse.” What she
had originally believed to be an armored human was completely empty.
There was nothing inside of it—nothing except for the material
it was composed of, which undulated in strange and aberrant ways.

a moment’s observation in which nothing happened, Kotohime
shrugged and began to walk away. She had only taken several steps
before her danger senses kicked in, screaming at her to move.

around, Kotohime slid her katana out of its confines. She raised the
blade just in time to block a gleaming silver spear. Sparks flew as
she rotated her wrist, redirecting the sharp object, forcing it along
a circular path over her head. The spear retracted when its attempt
at impaling her through the neck failed, and Kotohime frowned when
she saw what had attacked her.

BOOK: A Fox's Family
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