A Friendly Engagement (25 page)

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Authors: Christine Warner

BOOK: A Friendly Engagement
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She shook her head and smiled back at Josue. “I’ll pass. But I’m sure one of these ladies will gladly join you.”

“Oh, it’s not me you’re joining. Omar?” Josue signaled to Omar.

“Come on, Dev. I’m in the driver’s seat.” He took her hand, but she held back.

“No, O. I can’t.” Adrenaline spiked through her veins, and her gut went rock hard. Omar knew how she felt about speed. She shook her head repeatedly as heat filled her face.

He circled her waist with one firm arm, grazing her chin with his knuckles. “No worries. I got you.”

She blinked up at him. The soft expression in his eyes and the way his fingers caressed her face became hypnotic. He’d never hurt her.

And in that moment, she knew with him nothing would ever hurt her. He’d already proven he wouldn’t let it. Something inside her melted and fell away.

She nodded. “Okay.”

“Oh my Gawd. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.” Sue chuckled and the tension of the moment slid away.

If only.

“I remember when Wayne looked at me like that,” Cindy gushed.

“I look at you like that all the time,” Wayne teased.

“Must be behind my back because I haven’t seen it in years.” Cindy grinned and kissed him on the cheek.

Devi swallowed and got into the passenger seat. Minutes later the rumble of the engine filled her head. As promised, Omar paced the track at a leisurely speed.

“Thanks, O.”

“Not a problem. I just wanted to drive this baby. And I wanted you in the passenger seat beside me to share the experience. I don’t care how fast we go.” He curled his fingers around the wheel. His eyes sparkled with excitement. He’d probably wear his wide grin for the rest of the day.

The strain riding her shoulders dropped away, and she uncurled her fists from the edge of the seat. She eyed him from her side vision. Omar sat behind the wheel of a world-famous race car, and even though they drove at the speed of a turtle he was happy. But he’d be even happier if he could truly cut up and press the pedal to the metal. What man in his place wouldn’t want to go fast?

You only live once.

She licked her lips. “How’d you manage to talk Josue into letting you into the driver’s seat?”

“I told him I wanted to impress a girl.”

Her belly swooped. “You did not.”

“Did. And being a man, Josue understood my plight and couldn’t refuse.”

“You’re so full of crap.”

“I’m full of something. But it’s not crap.” Omar winked.

Warmth seeped through her body, straight to the bone as she sat beside him. He’d done this to impress her, and her crush increased tenfold. Before she could change her mind, she repeated her motto in her head several times to work up courage.

“If you want to go faster, go ahead.” She wrapped her fingers around the edge of the seat and sucked in a quick breath.

His brow shot up. “You sure?”

“Do it before I change my mind.” She closed her eyes.

He hit the gas as they came into a curve. Devi squeaked, and he slowed. “Don’t slow down, O. I’m okay. Floor it.”

She dared a sideways peek at Omar, and she melted a little bit more. He looked like a kid. The wind swept through his hair and his eyes—his gorgeous eyes—radiated with the thrill.

She didn’t have a crush on Omar. Oh no. It went much further than that.

He shot her a wide, openmouthed smile and wiggled his brows. “Faster?”

“Go for it.” To see him so happy made her slight discomfort worth it.

They rounded another curve and everyone waved as they passed. Their hoots and hollers eased her mind so much that she let go of the seat and waved back.

This wasn’t so bad. She could do this. She looked back at Omar, and they shared smiles.

“Feels like we’re flying.” She pressed her hand to her throat.

“We’re superheroes. That’s what we do.”

She laughed and brushed her fingers through her hair as the wind lifted the edges. With him, she could do anything. And she wanted to try everything.

Chapter Fifteen

Devi stepped from the shower and wiped a hand towel across the foggy mirror. The day had been exhilarating. Perfect.

After the afternoon at the track, they’d returned to the house to be greeted by a smorgasbord of foods and the outdoor movie theater set up. Somehow William had managed to get a movie that’d just been released at the theater. They’d all overdosed on buckets of popcorn as they watched the child-friendly comedy that even had the adults laughing.

She hugged her middle and closed her eyes. The best part of the entire day had been the nonstop, magnetic tug between her and Omar. They hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other. He took every opportunity to tuck a stray hair behind her ear, or drop a kiss on her temple, and when their fingers touched while passing a drink, the electricity between them sizzled.

Goose bumps ate up her flesh at the memory, and she shivered and then hugged herself tighter, swaying from side to side.

The bathroom door opened, and Omar peeked around the edge. “I’m coming in.”

She dropped her hands to her sides. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

His gaze took a slow stroll over her naked flesh. “A little of both.”

“Then definitely come in.”

He swung the door open and stepped inside. “I hope I’m not overdressed.”

He stood in front of her in nothing but a smile, sporting the most gorgeous hard-on she’d ever seen. She held out her hand, and his warm fingers pressed into her palm. He turned her toward the mirror and met her reflection from behind as he wrapped her in his muscular arms.

He smoothed the mass of her damp hair to the side and let it fall over her left shoulder to reveal her nape. His fingertips brushed her sensitive skin. “I found it.”

So lost in the way he looked at her, touched her, she had no idea what he meant. “Found what?”

“Tattoo number four. A small rose.” He traced the outline and her legs became wet noodles. “Why a rose?”

“My mother. Her name was Rose.”

He kissed the artwork softly, and her head lolled to the side. He pressed himself into her, and she grew slick from the feel of his hardness.

“I feel like I’m taking advantage of you,” he whispered at her temple. His breath bathed her in warmth and her nipples peaked.

“You can’t take advantage of the willing.”

Omar slid his hands around her neck and ran his thumb over her lips. They instantly parted, and he dipped one thumb inside, and she nipped him gently.

“Shark bite?” He pressed his length against her, rubbing softly until her eyes darkened and her breaths came quick.

“Do you know how much of a turn-on it is to watch you seduce me?” She’d never had someone make love to her while they locked eyes in a mirror. Major turn-on.

He slid his hands down her neck and past her shoulders to cup each of her breasts in the palms of his hands. His thumbs rubbed her peaks in agonizing slowness.

“Would it be taking advantage if I kissed you here?” He nipped her shoulder.

She shook her head, mesmerized at their reflection in the mirror. To watch him touch every part of her while she could feel it… She shivered.

“What about if I touched you here?” His warm palms slid down from her breasts and cupped her mound, leaving a trail of goose bumps. She grew wet from his touch.

Devi laid her hand over his and moved it between her legs. “You can even touch me here and you wouldn’t be taking advantage.” She turned around in his arms and rubbed against him. His erection pressed into her belly. “My turn. Am I taking advantage of you by rubbing you here?”


“How about here?” She licked her fingers slowly and then slid them over his nipple, rubbing and pulling with a variation of pressure. His heartbeat pounded against her fingertips, and she pressed tiny kisses to his chest. His dusting of hair tickled her chin and her nose, the sensation adding to the pleasure coursing over her entire body.

“Like you said, you can’t take advantage of the willing.” Omar lifted her chin and kissed her mouth. Slowly, tenderly.

She’d never get enough of him. “You make me feel so alive.”

Devi had never been one to hide her feelings. Her entire body, her mind, everything… She felt new. Free. She always told it like it was. Always. She couldn’t fight her feelings, and if she didn’t say something, she’d burst.

She opened her mouth, and Omar took it as another invitation to invade her senses. She surrendered her lips as he continued his caressing with his hands. A couple of nights ago he’d been urgent and rough, tonight he seemed to linger over every part of her body as he touched, licked, and kissed.

Their lovemaking felt different. As if they both wanted—needed—to take their time and learn everything about the other. Fully enjoy each other.

God, she drove him crazy.

From the remembrance of her mother that showed her caring, giving heart, to the way she laughed and teased him. His body ached for her. He craved her touch as much as he desired to touch her. He’d never been so playful and intimate with a woman. He couldn’t think. He didn’t want to. He anticipated the sex as much as he anticipated making her laugh, feeling goose bumps devour her flesh, hearing her groan in pleasure and laugh in delight.

Sex had become more than sex. With Devi it’d become fun, addicting. He trailed kisses over her shoulder, loving the way her body responded to him. The way his body responded to her. He wanted to take his time and never let the moment end.

“You’re beautiful, Dev.” He’d become more attracted to her than he’d ever thought possible. Was addiction to another person even possible?

If he wanted a woman in his life, she’d be the one he’d want.

“Omar,” she whispered against his mouth and pulled back. Her hands caressed his cheek, and she soaked him up with her eyes. “You know I don’t hold anything back. I’m always up-front.”

His breath hitched. Whatever she was about to say would be a game changer.

“I want you to know that I care about you. Omar, I’m crazy about you, and I think you’re crazy about me, too.”

“I am crazy about you.”

She smiled and her eyes gleamed. “I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I don’t want whatever this is between us to end after this week. We need to see where this goes.”

The tension in her body filled his hands. She’d put herself out there. She’d stopped breathing and bit her lip as she waited for his response.

“I don’t know what the hell’s happened, but the last few days have been incredible.”

“I think we should…” They both said the same words at the same time and laughed.

“Go ahead,” she said. Her body sank against him as she released her breath.

“I think we should go with the flow. Live in the moment, Devi. Let’s see where this takes us?”

“So we’re in agreement?” Her face glowed.

“Whatever this thing is between us, I don’t think we can stop it after one week. Even if we tried. And I have a confession.”

“I love confessions,” she whispered.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation the other day. The one about family. You’re right. I’m going to see what I can do about mending fences. Starting with my mom.”

She hugged him, rubbing her cheek against his chest. “That makes me so happy. Family is important. I think once you clear the air with them, you’ll find happiness comes easier.”

Hell, he’d found happiness with her. “For now, I want to concentrate on making you happy.” Omar picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed, and she worshipped him with her eyes. “Tonight I’m going to make love to you slowly. I’m going to savor every look, touch, taste, and feel of our bodies coming together.”

“I like that.”

She held out her hand, and he gathered her in his arms as he sank down onto the mattress beside her. So warm, soft, giving. He took her mouth with his, sliding his tongue over her lips, caressing her cheek, and trailing a line down from her chin, past her throat, and between her breasts to trace a light circle around her areola. Then he bent and took the darkened, puckered skin into his mouth, nipping her gently when she gasped. He had to force himself to take things slow, because he could already feel the urgency in his blood.

Devi sheathed him in a condom as he kissed her mouth, her throat. He took his time getting acquainted with the way her body moved against his. How she arched into him when he touched her nipples. The way she shuddered when he kissed her neck and found that sensitive spot right below her ear with his tongue. And the part he savored the most, the way she whimpered when he slid his fingers into the soft folds of her sex and she bowed toward him.

He splayed his fingers over her belly, the heat between them burning his flesh. Devi grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close, parting her legs in invitation as he slid over top and hovered above her cleft. Her body trembled beneath him, and he slowly entered her, holding her gaze.

Her neck arched back and her lips parted.

His body shook as he plunged in and out of her snug heat. Tonight they’d added another element to their lovemaking. He cared about Devi. He had no more secrets. She could be the woman who would claim his heart and make him hers.

And he was okay with that.

Her soft murmurs of desire made him want to satisfy her, and he pushed into her harder. Faster. She lifted her hips, groaning his name, gripping his back, and raking her fingers over his skin with every thrust.

Her body tensed, and he grabbed her rear, pulling her hips up higher and thrusting deeper as she contracted around him.

Unable to control himself a minute more, he thrust one final time as she shook beneath him, coming apart, crying his name.

Omar shuddered as Devi ran her hands over his back, smoothing the bunched muscles along his shoulders. He fell against her, taking her mouth gently with his as he rolled onto his side.

“Omar Esterly, I have the biggest crush on you.” She pressed her forehead to his, and he bit her nose playfully.

“Devi Boss, not as big as the crush I have on you. Have I told you today that you’re beautiful?”

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