A Friendly Engagement (21 page)

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Authors: Christine Warner

BOOK: A Friendly Engagement
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The finish line was within arm’s reach. Omar grabbed hold of her tight and rolled them across the sand and underneath the finish line. As they passed beneath, he held up his hand and ripped the ribbon down. They rolled several times, breaking the ties that held their legs together, and he ended up on top of her.

Her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. Bright and full of excitement, he lowered his head, blocking out the morning sun, and took her mouth in a kiss of possession.

“You always get what you want?” she asked breathlessly.

“Only when it’s worth having.” He kissed her again, plunging his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. She sagged into the heated sand, reveling in the feel of him on top of her, his hands cupping her face, his smell surrounding her.

“Before we enjoy our dip at midnight, I challenge you to a one-on-one race. You game?” Devi smiled into their kiss.

“What do I get if I win?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll win. And when I do, we still go skinny dipping in the ocean, but you give me a piggyback ride up to our room when we’re done.”

“And if I win, we go skinny dipping in the ocean. And you walk back up to the room. In front of me, teasing me with your gorgeous ass.”

She palmed his face and nipped his nose. “It’s a win-win all the way around.”

He rolled off and pulled her to her feet. A small crowd surrounded them with congratulations. Even the Jones boys were good sports.

“Nicely done, you two.” Pam shook Devi’s hand.

“It was anyone’s game for a minute.” Omar hugged Devi to his side and then broke away when William motioned him over.

Devi smiled at Gwen’s approach. She couldn’t help but notice Brian watching them with a blank stare. When he caught her eye, he winked. Devi looked away, grateful to Gwen when she blocked her view of the other man.

“I’ve known Omar a long time, Devi. I’ve never seen him so relaxed and at ease. You’re good for him.” Gwen linked her arm through Devi’s. They lagged behind the others as the group returned to the starting line.

Her comment took Devi by surprise. “Thanks, Gwen. I think we’re good for each other, too.”

William jogged backward ahead of the crowd and signaled to Mikey to hit the bullhorn. Then he cupped his hands around his mouth. “Brunch poolside in fifteen. Bring your appetite. And job well done, everyone.”

The taller woman squeezed Devi’s arm, pulling her closer to her side. “He’s always been so full of business. I didn’t believe he had a funny bone in his body. But the way he banters with you, the way he watches you…settling down is good for him. You’re good for him.”

“I hope so.”

Gwen picked up Devi’s hand and whistled. “Wow. A man who gives a woman a rock like this is crazy in love. You’re a very lucky lady.”

Devi’s pulse raced, and she licked her suddenly dry lips with an even drier tongue. For a moment she’d allowed herself to get lost in all of Gwen’s nice words. She’d grown excited that Gwen thought she and Omar were good for each other. That people noticed how Omar had changed, and they gave her the credit.

But she crashed down to earth as soon as the other woman eyeballed the ring. No denying Omar had loosened up. But he’d loosened up to have fun for one reason only. Hell, he’d come right out and said it last night. Had she forgotten because of their lovemaking and her daydreams? She’d gotten too caught up in their own ruse. Omar wanted nothing more than the contract with William, and he’d do all it took to get it. Even make sure he looked like a family-first, doting fiancé.

Don’t let yourself fall for your own ruse.

“Paul and I have always liked Omar. I’m glad to see him happy,” Gwen said. “When did you guys start dating? How’d he propose? Paul took me on a dinner cruise and got down on one knee. So romantic. I can picture Omar doing something like that, too.”

Devi shared their engagement story as the knot forming in her belly grew. She’d had fun with it at the office, but sharing the story a second time, after all that had happened, didn’t leave her with the same happy feeling.

Omar sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees and his hands locked under his chin. The day had flown by with badminton, miniature golf, and swimming—and another bathing suit choice by Devi. This time a simple black one-piece that took his breath away more than the first.

By early evening the entire group had gathered outside for a movie on the outdoor screen William had brought in. After buckets of popcorn and a couple movies everyone had headed to their rooms, but he and Devi were getting ready to go back out to make good on their bet.

“I’m almost ready. Just need to tie my hair back so I can see enough to kick your butt.” She stood in front of a full-length mirror, arranging her hair in a loose braid that hung down her left shoulder.

He shared a smile with her reflection. His promise of last night flicked across his mind for the millionth time today, but he pushed it aside.
One more time, my ass.
He didn’t know what he was doing, he didn’t understand this thing between him and Devi, but he felt powerless to stop it. He didn’t want to stop it. He’d go with the flow and see where this…this thing between them led.

“You still want to race, don’t you?” She twisted the tip of her braid and turned to face him.

“Sure. Why?”

“You look kind of dejected over there.”

He tried to give her a reassuring smile, although confusion clouded his mind.

He rubbed the side of his neck, and Devi frowned. She licked her lips, and her eyes were full of concern.

“What gives, O? You’re looking a little green again.”

He jerked upright, determined to pull himself out of the murky depths of his own mind. He wasn’t going to let a little stab of conscience ruin their night. They’d both agreed to live in the moment. The only problem was the idea was new to him. He didn’t know where or how to begin.

“I’m okay. I’m just looking out for you. You sure you want to race? You’ve seen me in action, and I’m a sure win.”

Devi’s shoulders relaxed, and her smile stretched from ear to ear. “Is that your fear talking?”

“Just trying to give you a reprieve.”

“I don’t need one. You didn’t need to carry me earlier. I’m more of an asset than you think. I’ll have you know that I was the MVP two years in a row on my high school track team.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

“Whatever.” She squared her shoulders. “As a matter of fact, I’m going to have pity on you.”

“On me? I should have pity on you.”

“I’m going to give you a handicap.”

He stood and laughed straight from the gut. Who was she kidding? “You’re the one who’ll need the handicap. This guy ran track, too.” He thumped his chest.

She shrugged and gave a lopsided smile as she focused on his shoes. “You can wear your fancy running shoes, but you can look for me at the finish line. I’ll be the one in bare feet.” She hitched her hands to her hips and lifted her chin, kicking off a pair of fuzzy blue slippers and wiggling her toes. “That’s right, O. I can kick your ass barefoot.”

“You sure you don’t want to run in a pair of slippers? You have plenty to choose from.” He let his eyes travel to the closet floor and the several pairs piled on top of one another.

“No way, no sand on my babies.”

“And how come you packed three pairs of slippers—or is that four? We’re only here for a week.” Their teasing had become an aphrodisiac, and his heart raced.

She leaned her weight on one hip and sighed. “I thought we went over this already. Two reasons. One, I have my own personal foot fetish. Slippers, lotions, nail polish, and whatever is sparkly, girly, and makes me feel pretty. I love it all. Two, slippers are like swimwear. I have to have a few choices. Whichever one I choose is dependent on my mood.”

He’d never understand women. No point in trying.

“So, are you ready? Or do you want to slip into your socks and sandals first?” Her laughter filled the room, and she popped her hand over her mouth, eyes wide, as if she were afraid she’d wake the house.

“I’ve been ready. I don’t need to primp and preen to win a race.”

She tugged at her braid. “You’re so full of yourself.”

He preferred her hair loose. The long, soft waves cascading down her back and over her shoulders. His fingers itched at the memories of running his fingers through the length. How after they’d made love the silky strands surrounded her head on the pillow, framing her face. So many things about her were burned into his mind for life.

Shit, even now he wanted her. He could lose himself in her twenty-four seven. Tangle his fingers in her hair, kiss her mouth for hours on end, and sink deep inside her as she moaned beneath him.

She slugged him in the shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts. “You have that dejected look again. Or is that the look of a man who ate too much popcorn and won’t be able to run? Or maybe it’s just plain fear. Even you know your big talk is just that. Talk.”

“Not a chance.”

“Then let’s do this.” She grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him.

He caught it with one hand. “And this is for?”

“That’s for your ass. You’re going to need it to sit on after I kick it.”

Fifteen minutes later, Devi whipped off her tie-dye dress and wiggled out of her suit, flinging both onto the sand as she ran down the beach toward the water. She didn’t waste any time getting to the skinny-dipping portion of tonight’s agenda. If he’d known that he’d have—
You did lose the race.

Holy Shit.
Omar put a shaky hand through his hair.

Not only had she kicked his butt like she said she would, she hadn’t stopped once she’d crossed the line they’d mapped in the sand. She’d continued to run right down to the water, stripping as she went, to claim her prize. He leaned over and clutched his side, unable to take his eyes off her.

“Don’t be a chicken. Or are you being a sore loser?” Even across the sand, with the full moon casting a sliver of light over the beach, he could see her teasing pout. “I’m going in with or without you.” She squealed as she splashed into the cool water, and then plunged under the surface in a smooth dive. She popped up, laughing and motioning to him with her arms.

He pulled down his shorts, using his feet to peel them off his legs as he lifted his shirt over his head, nearly tripping to get into the water. Even though the water felt like ice, he’d warm up as soon as he had her in his arms. He lost his breath as he plunged headfirst into a low wave. When he popped up, he waded in a circle to locate Devi.

The sound of her laughter became his radar, and she bobbed in the water only a few strokes away. He made his way toward her, and she backhanded a spray of water, blinding him.

He shook the water out of his face. “You want a water fight?”

“Yes, please.” Her laughter filled the night air, and then she went quiet. Seriously still. His smile vanished. Out of nowhere she started humming the music from
. The one that always foreshadowed when the great white would attack.

Omar’s smile returned. “I know this is shark week, but aren’t you carrying things a little too far?”

She splashed him again, and although he couldn’t see her, he heard her bite the air. “Shark bite.”

He splashed her back as she went under the water, one hand sticking out above the water. She bobbed back to the surface and then back under, only to return, making gurgling sounds. Then she pretended to be tugged down hard into the depths, and when she resurfaced she made a gasping sound followed by a playful giggle before she sank below the water again.

He counted to ten, and she came back up and grunted.

“Are you going to rescue me, or let the shark get me?” She sank below the depths of the water again. One arm shot up, and then nothing but her face poked above the water, and she made more gurgling and struggling sounds.

“A girl could use a good superhero about now.”

“Superhero on his way.” Omar dove below the surface and came up beside her. He grabbed her in his arms, and she curled her legs around his middle.

“My hero,” she swooned. “Thank you, Aquaman.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “What happened to Spider-Man?”

She tilted her head to the side. “Have you ever seen Spidey in the water? Anyway, this is my fantasy; you’re any superhero I imagine.”

“Touché. I wonder what form I’ll take next.”

“Mmm, someone hot, spicy, and oh so sexy. What moniker should we give a superhero with all those qualities and more?” She brushed the wet strands of hair from his face. Her warm fingers did crazy things to his flesh, and he pulled her closer. Her little gasp sent all the blood straight to his cock. They bobbed in the water, his erection growing against her smooth belly.

“Super Endowed for starters. Or maybe—”

He quieted her by claiming her mouth, sliding his tongue along the seam until she allowed him entry, and then plunging his tongue into her moist warmth. When he came up for air, they both sighed.

“Mmm, maybe Magic Mouth.”

“Not my favorite so far.”

“I’ll try to think up something good. But for now, give me your lips, Aquaman.”

He obeyed. His breath seized as she took the lead and circled his neck with her arms, claiming his mouth. This time she parted his lips with her tongue and took control with a soft moan.

The water pushed her body up against his, the rocking motion adding another layer of awareness. The smooth friction of their skin, the silky water, and her mouth set his blood on fire.

She rubbed her front to his, pushing into his erection. He wanted to thrust inside of her, and it took all of his strength to pull back. He rested his forehead against hers with a groan as she sought his mouth again. “I have a confession.”

“And you think now is the time?” She panted, running her palm down his cheek, caressing his jaw with her thumb.

“I forgot to bring a condom.”

“Oh no.” She tilted back her head, revealing the sensitive skin of her throat. He couldn’t stop himself. He took advantage of the situation and licked, sucked, and nipped her flesh until she purred.

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