A Gambling Man: Charles II's Restoration Game (68 page)

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Lauderdale, John Maitland, 2nd Earl and 1st Duke of: portrait,
plate 20
;; Scottish Secretary of State; opposes religious settlement; finances; and Cabal; strengthens Scottish rule; duke and Garter knight; loss of power; death

Lawes, Henry

Lawson, Sir John

Le Fevre (Lefebure), Nicaise

Leake, John


Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Leighton, Sir Ellis

Lely, Sir Peter: portraits by: CII,
plate 2
; Castlemaine,
plate 13
; Catherine of Braganza,
plate 14
; Clarendon,
plate 10
; costumes and ideal of beauty in; Countess of Shrewsbury; Elizabeth, comtesse de Gramont; Frances Stuart,
plate 26
; Kéroualle,
plate 28
; Lady Margaret Denham; Lauderdale,
plate 20
; Minette,
plate 30
; Nell Gwyn,
plate 27
; Ormond,
plate 12
; Rochester; Rupert,
plate 6
; York,
plate 3

L’Estrange, Sir Roger

Levant Company:

Levett, William

Licensing Act (1662)

Lichfield, Charlotte Fitzroy, Countess of (daughter of CII and Castlemaine)

Ligne, Prince de,
plate 8

Lingard, John

Lionne (French foreign minister)

Lisola, Baron de

Littleton, Sir Thomas


Locke, John

Lockett, Adam

Lockier, Dean


:; and restoration; Venner uprising; coronation; Tong plot; Great Plague in; distress after Four Days Battle; Fire,
plate 23
plate 24
; rebuilding; Medway attack; Bawdy House riots

: 1647 panorama; Berkshire House; Bloomsbury Square; Chelsea; Chelsea College; Clarendon House; Covent Garden; Drury Lane; Goring House; Gresham College; Hyde Park; Islington; King’s Theatre; Knightsbridge; Lady Fair; Lincoln’s Inn Fields; maps,
; New Exchange; Pall Mall; Queen’s House at Greenwich; Royal Chelsea Hospital; Royal Exchange; Royal Observatory, Greenwich; St James’s Park and environs; St Paul’s and churchyard,
plate 23
plate 24
; Theatre Royal; Westminster; Westminster Abbey;
see also


London, Treaty of (1670)

London Gazette

Long, Colonel

Lorraine, chevalier de


Louis XIV, King of France: portraits;; marriage to Maria Teresa; and Dunkirk; and Royal Society; Cominges’ letters and reports to; treaty with Dutch; negotiatons with CII;; enters Second Anglo-Dutch War on Dutch side; and Medway attack; turns down CII’s treaty demands; anger at triple alliance; treaty with Spain; monarchy style; Treaty of Dover negotiations; and Minette’s lovers, Treaty of Dover negotiations continue; and Minette’s visit to England; at Minette’s deathbed

Louise Henrietta of Orange (later Electress of Brandenburg)

Lowestoft, Battle of (1665)

Lowther, Sir John

Lowther, Sir William


Ludlow, Edmund

Lyttleton, Sir Charles


Magalotti, Lorenzo: on Buckingham; on CII; on Catherine of Braganza; on Catholic hopes of toleration; on Sheldon

Mallet, Elizabeth
Rochester, Elizabeth Mallet, Countess of


Manchester, Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of

Mancini, Hortense du

Maria Teresa, Queen of France

Marie de’ Medici

Marie Louise, Queen of Spain


Marlborough, James Ley, 3rd Earl of

Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of
Churchill, John (later 1st Duke of Marlborough)

Marshall, Anne

Marshall, Rebecca

Marvell, Andrew: portrait;.;
Last Instructions to a Painter

Mary of Modena, Queen

Mary Stuart, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange: portraits,
plate 1
plate 4

Mary Stuart the younger, Princess of Orange (later Mary II)

Maurice, Prince of Orange

May, Bab

May, Hugh

May, Robert

Mayne, Dr Jasper

Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal

Meade, Richard

Medway attack (1667),
plate 25
; scapegoats

Meggs, Mary (‘Orange Moll’)

Mello de Torres, Dom Francisco

Mennes, Sir John


Mercurius Publicus

Mersenne, Marin


Meynell, Francis

Middlesex, Lord

Middleton, John, 1st Earl of

Mildmay, Sir Henry

Mills, Peter

Milton, Elizabeth

Milton, John:;
Paradise Lost

Milward, Sir John

Henriette-Anne (Henrietta, ‘Minette’), duchesse d’Orléans



Molina (Spanish ambassador)

monarchy: monarchical styles of CI and CII; CII’s relationship to the government; CII’s constitutional role; glamour as prop for CII’s monarchy; fear of standing army under royal control; royal prerogative; CII decides to govern more openly; and Louis XIV; English power struggle; significance of Treaty of Dover; intellectual debates over during Exclusion Crisis, later reign

Monck, George, Duke of Albemarle: portraits,
plate 9
;; and CII’s restoration; and army acceptance of CII; joins Committee for Foreign Affairs; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; at CII’s coronation; and Royal Africa Company; and second Anglo-Dutch War; given joint command of fleet with Rupert; Four Days Battle; St James’s Day Battle; Medway attack, Treasury reforms; and fall of Clarendon.

money: development of formal theories about;
see also
bankers; finances, public

Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of: portraits,
plate 22
; 89–90, early days at court; marriage; and Fire of London; and Medway attack; alliance with Buckingham; and CII’s affection; Nell Gwyn’s loyalty to; visit to France; and Minette; and Exclusion Crisis; and Rye House Plot; in exile; rebellion and death

Monmouth and Buccleugh, Anne Scott, Duchess of

Orléans, Philippe, duc de

Monson, Lord

Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester
Manchester, Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of

Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of

Montagu, Edward (son of Manchester)

Montagu, Ralph

Montespan, Madame de

Montpensier, Anne-Marie Louise, duchesse de (‘La Grande Mademoiselle’)

Montrose, James Graham, Earl of

Moray, Sir Robert:; and Royal Society; and Lauderdale

Mordaunt, John, Viscount

More, Henry

Morice, William

Morison, Dr Robert

Morley, George, Bishop of Winchester

Morus, Alexander

Muddiman, Henry

Mun, Thomas

Mundy, Peter

Munster, Bishop of


Muskerry, Charles McCarthy, Lord

Myddleton, Jane Needham, Lady


National Covenant

natural philosophy

Navigation Act (1651)

Navigation Act (1660)

Needham, Jane, Lady Myddleton
Myddleton, Jane Needham, Lady

Neile, Sir Paul


New Model Army
British army

New York (formerly New Amsterdam)

Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of: portrait;; scientific work;
The Blazing World

Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of:; as dramatist;
Sir Martin Mar-All
(with Dryden)

Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcourt, Richard; maps by


newspapers, news sheets and newsbooks

Newton, Sir Isaac

Nicholas, Sir Edward

Nicholls, Captain John

nonconformists: in North American colonies; in towns; Venner’s uprising; hostility to; Act of Uniformity; and Licensing Act; discontent; Tong plot; and Declaration to Tender Consciences, and repression; Conventicle Act; Five Mile Act; in trading companies; and failure of religious reforms; increase in importance of liberty of conscience; new Conventicle Act; second Declaration of Indulgence,
see also
and other sects by name

Norfolk, Henry Howard, 15th Earl of Arundel, 6th Duke of

North, Dudley

North American colonies

North-West Passage

Northampton, Earl of

Northumberland, Duke of

Northumberland, George Fitzroy, Duke of (son of CII and Castlemaine)



Norwich, Lord


Oates, Titus

Ogilby, John;

Ogle, Sir Thomas

Oldenburg, Henry

Oldham, John

O’Neill, Daniel

orange sellers

Orléans, Philippe, duc de (‘Monsieur’)

Ormond, James Butler, Earl, Marquess and 1st Duke of: portraits,
plate 12
;; made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; at CII’s coronation; as Lord Steward; attitude to younger court members; debts; and gambling; tries to smooth way for Irish Catholics; and CII’s religion; finances; in Ireland during Second Anglo-Dutch War; Buckingham’s hostility to; and Clarendon’s fall writes to about his worries; Arlington writes to about chaotic state of parliament; to London to protect self against Buckingham; fall of; recall to Ireland

Orrery, Roger Boyle, Lord Broghill, 1st Earl of:; as dramatist;
Henry V
The General

Osborne, Thomas, Viscount Latimer, 1st Earl of Danby (later Duke of Leeds)
Danby, Thomas Osborne, Viscount Latimer, 1st Earl of

Ossory, Aemilia van Nassau, Countess of

Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl of:

Ottoman Empire

Owen, Dr John

Oxenden, Sir George

Oxford; Sheldonian Theatre

Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, Earl of

Oxford Gazette


Palmer, Barbara Villiers, Countess of Castlemaine
Castlemaine, Barbara Palmer (née Villiers), Countess of (later Duchess of Cleveland)

Palmer, Roger, Earl of Castlemaine
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of


Papillon, Thomas


parliament: Rump Parliament; CII writes to from exile; Convention Parliament; proclaims CII king; CII reconstitutes House of Lords; CII accepts Triennial Act; CII’s relationship with; Commons oppose CII’s religious measures; and land disputes; attitude to regicides and associates; first sitting of CII’s Cavalier Parliament; religious legislation; fear of standing army; refuses to ratify Declaration to Tender Consciences; courtiers attempt to take over; criticises court and CII’s adulteries; CII pledges economies; support for CII against Dutch; financial grant for Second Anglo-Dutch War; and plague; grants for Second Anglo-Dutch War; Buckingham organises opposition; Irish Cattle Bill; Poll Tax Bill; Mordaunt’s impeachment; delays in paying money to CII; acts for rebuilding of London; CII summons to discuss Medway attack; committee of inquiry into miscarriages of Second Anglo-Dutch War; plans to impeach Clarendon; CII’s power struggle with; defeats CII’s religious reforms; opposes union with Scotland; grants CII foreign policy funds; attempt to impeach Buckingham, Lauderdale and Arlington; and Exclusion Crisis

Paston, Sir Robert

Pedro II, King of Portugal

Pegge, Catharine


Pembroke, Earl of

Pendalva, Countess of

Penn, Sir William:; and Second Anglo-Dutch War

Penn, William, junior (Quaker);
No Cross, No Crowne

Pepys, Elizabeth

Pepys, Samuel

: portrait;; and Second Anglo-Dutch War; and Fire of London

: on Arlington and Berkeley; Berkeley’s death; Buckhurst; Buckingham; CII and Catherine; CII’s sex life; Castlemaine; coronation; Coventry; criticisms of court; Duchess of Newcastle; duelling; Elizabeth of Bohemia; fashions; Four Days Battle; Frances Stuart; Killigrew–Rochester row; Medway attack; Moll Davis; music; Nell Gwyn; parliamentary factions; Royal Society; theatre and plays; Duke of York

Pett, Peter

Petty, Sir William:

Philip IV, King of Spain

Philips, Katharine

Philosophical College

natural philosophy

Pickering, Sir Gilbert

Pierce, Mr (CII’s surgeon)


Great Plague

Playford, John

playhouses and plays


Plymouth, Charles Fitzcharles (‘Don Carlos’), Earl of (son of CII and Catherine Pegge)

Poll Tax Bill

Popish plot (1678)


Portsmouth, Duchess of
Kéroualle, Louise-Renee de, Duchess of Portsmouth

Portugal: marriage of CII and Catherine of Braganza; Portuguese Jews help with Catherine’s dowry; problems over Bombay; Spanish–Portuguese war; and Fire of London; Catherine of Braganza’s regentship

postal service

Pratt, Roger

Pregnani, Abbé

presbyterians: beliefs; in Scotland;; CII’s compromise policies opposed by Commons; ministers expelled by Act of Uniformity; and northern uprising; Pentland Rising; toleration; Scottish Act of Supremacy; Scottish act against conventicles;
see also

Pride, Thomas

printing and the press;
see also
booksellers and publishers

Progers, Edward


Pulo Run

Purcell, Henry


Quaker Act (1662)

see also

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