A Gamma's Choice (8 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

BOOK: A Gamma's Choice
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Chapter Five

Russ watched as Kaden climbed out of bed to clean up at the water basin before retrieving a damp towel and cleaning off Gage. Kaden’s tender expression while he did so punched Russ in the gut. What if the beautiful gamma wolf never warmed up to Russ? What if Russ experienced what Gage had for all those years—a mate who desired him but would always want someone else?

Glancing up, he found two sets of eyes on him.

“What?” Russ shifted uncomfortably beneath their gaze.

Kaden gave him a shy smile. “I asked if you wanted me to sleep here tonight.”

Russ scowled. “Where else would you sleep?” Kaden needed to sleep between Gage and him where they could keep the gamma safe. He grabbed Kaden and tucked him against his chest.

“I-I thought you might not want me here. It might be too soon.” Kaden’s nervous twitches had an oddly calming effect on Russ.

“I want you here,” he said firmly.

Gage curled up on Kaden’s other side effectively pinning the younger wolf between them. “Sleep, pup,” Gage demanded. “We can worry about everything else tomorrow.”

Kaden’s yawn made Russ smile. When the gamma slipped easily into sleep, Russ laughed. “He’s so freaking young, Gage.” Russ cupped Kaden’s cheek, running a hand across the small bit of stubble growing.

“He might be young, but he’s ours. He’ll mature with time,” Gage promised.

Russ smiled. “I don’t mind him being young. I just don’t want him to be a target for others who might try to take advantage of him.”

“That’s what we’re for,” Gage reminded him. “He probably needs two mates to keep him out of trouble.”

Russ laughed. “Probably.”

Russ sighed as he watched Kaden. He briefly wondered what it would be like to sleep with someone in his arms. He’d never dared snuggle with Gage. You didn’t cuddle with someone who commanded armies. Apparently Kaden didn’t understand that fact because the little wolf slid over to Gage and promptly wrapped his right arm and leg across him, pinning him in his sleep. With his broken leg still healing it couldn’t have been a comfortable position.

To Russ’ astonishment, Gage’s mouth kicked up at the edges and his eyes warmed with amusement. “Do you think he’s trying to get me to stay put?”

Russ reached out to pull the younger man safely into his arms and away from Gage.

Gage placed a hand on Russ’ shoulder. “No, let him stay. I’ve never had anyone want to cuddle with me before.” His voice reflected his astonishment at the gamma’s behaviour.

“I didn’t think you were a snuggler.” Russ tried to keep the surprise out of his voice but from Gage’s expression he didn’t succeed very well.

“If it makes you feel better, I didn’t know I was, either.” Gage stroked Kaden’s shoulder. “He doesn’t understand I’m the big bad alpha.”

“You’re his mate. He knows you won’t hurt him.” The wonder in Gage’s eyes made Russ blink back tears. “Can I touch him?”

He didn’t want to interrupt the moment between new mates. Relief rushed through Russ when Gage beckoned him closer. Sliding over, Russ wrapped an arm around Kaden. A sigh poured out of him at the relief the contact gave him. He hadn’t realised how much waiting to touch Kaden had hurt. With a low sigh, he cuddled Kaden while the gamma remained wrapped around Gage. Smiling, Russ fell asleep stroking Kaden’s shoulder and inhaling the scent of his mate.

* * * *

Kaden blinked awake. All the events of the day before rushed back to him. He needed to see the condition of the kitchen and check if he could somehow help out. It took him a moment to figure out how to unwind his body from the walls of flesh he’d become entangled between. In the end, he had to wiggle down to the bottom of the bed to escape. Surprisingly, neither man moved closer to the other to fill the gap. Kaden thought they’d scoot together to conserve warmth but apparently not. Maybe they didn’t usually sleep wrapped up together.

Finding his clothes scattered about the tent, Kaden quickly gathered them and pulled them on. He hopped as he dressed to gain warmth. The frigid morning air had seeped into the tent. His thick socks were gleefully collected and pulled on over the ice blocks he called toes. After a full night’s rest, his injuries had completely healed. He loved super-healing—it was one of the best parts of being a werekin.

He’d barely made it two steps outside the tent before Denel called him over.

“Hey Kaden.” Denel’s smile had Kaden rushing over.

Relief at seeing his boss apparently unharmed filled Kaden as he hurried closer to see what the kitchen manager needed. Maybe he could pitch in and help put the kitchen back to rights.

“I was worried you were injured.” Denel patted Kaden on the back.

“Nope, I’m fine. A few injuries but overall I was lucky.” A lot luckier than the kitchen helpers killed in the explosion.

“Yes, you were.” Denel’s hooded expression had Kaden frowning.

“Can I help with something? What are we doing for a kitchen now?” He wondered how much of mess the old kitchen was in.

“The kitchen tent is pretty much totalled,” Denel confessed. “I have to prepare the food in a makeshift kitchen on the other side of the camp. Would you like to come with me and help out?”

Kaden glanced back towards the alpha tent but he knew the men were still sleeping. Surely they wouldn’t miss him while he was gone. “Sure. I’d love to help.”

He followed the manager on a circuitous route through a series of tents. Quickly losing his bearings, he glanced back but the alpha’s tent had long since disappeared.

“Come on, Kaden,” Denel shouted.

Scurrying to catch up, Kaden rushed around the corner only to run into the last person he thought he’d find at a campsite.


His sister’s mate stood there smiling down at Kaden as if he’d found the Holy Grail. “Hello, Kaden. It took me a while to figure out which pack you’d chosen. Alice proved surprisingly difficult over telling me your location.”

The evil glint in Greg’s eyes filled Kaden with fear.

“W-what are you doing here? Where’s Alice?” He frantically looked around for someone, anyone in this suddenly empty portion of camp.

“Unfortunately, your sister didn’t survive my questioning. Luckily, we weren’t true mates or I would be suffering right now. Instead, I’m right here, ready for you. I know you thought you could get away from me but you should face it—there’s only one way to escape.” Greg yanked Kaden into his arms. Kaden contemplated the glories of dying before having to endure Greg’s kiss.

Luckily, his self-defence training kicked in and instead of bowing down to the stronger man, Kaden kneed Greg in the groin then used the heel of his hand to knock Greg on his ass.

Freed of Greg’s hold, Kaden shifted to a wolf and ran. He didn’t know what direction he should run but his foremost thought was escape. Racing along, he scurried between warriors and tents, anxious to find the one that contained his mates.

“Whoa, Kaden…whoa, buddy.”

Conley! Friend.

Kaden gave a series of barks trying to tell his friend everything that happened.

“Are you okay?” Conley asked.

Kaden continued his barking, trying to convey both his distress and his happiness in finding his friend.

“I could talk to you better if you shifted,” Conley informed him.

Kaden barked, then shifted.

“Whoa—you do that fast,” Conley said in admiration. “I’m really sorry about this, buddy.”

Hard hands grabbed Kaden from behind. “I got him.” Greg’s voice sent chills down Kaden’s back. Betrayal tasted like acid in his mouth.

“Why?” he asked.

Conley gave him a sad smile. “Because they will kill my entire family if I don’t help.” He stroked his cheek, rubbing at the scar. Kaden wondered if the mark was a reminder.

“Who’s ‘they’?” Even as he asked, Kaden worried that he already knew the answer.

“The true rulers of the earth,” Greg said behind him. “They promised me my own patch of land if I handed over the alpha’s mate. How lucky am I that I don’t have to take down the prime beta? The news is all over camp that you captured both of them. I always knew your pretty face would help me some day. Your stupid sister never knew a good thing when it came along. I’m only sorry I had to take care of her so quickly. I kind of hoped you’d get a chance to see her before I cut her open.”

Bile rose in Kaden’s throat.

“What the fuck, man?” Conley growled. “Shut up!”

Greg backhanded Conley, sending the smaller man sprawling. “Who are you to tell me what to do? You’re just a waste of skin omega who can’t do shit! I will be the one in charge. Me!”

Kaden could hear the madness in Greg’s voice but there was little he could do about it. He wondered if maybe Alice truly
been Greg’s mate and the man was unravelling after murdering her. He would’ve thought the repercussions would’ve been immediate, but if the man was crazy it might take a little longer. He didn’t know how, but Kaden needed to get the hell out of there. No way would he let them take him to the vampires.

However, yelling ‘help’ in a military camp wouldn’t get him anything. Roughhousing always happened among men and they’d probably think he was only tussling and asking good-naturedly for assistance.

As Greg clamped on his arm, Kaden did the one thing he could think of.

“Vampires!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Immediately soldiers poured out of the woodwork to surround him.

“Where?” one man asked.

“He’s kidding,” Greg said. “Do you see any vampires?”

For a minute it looked as if the soldiers were going to lynch Kaden but Gage appeared.

“What’s going on?” the alpha demanded. His eyes narrowed at the sight of Greg touching Kaden.

“Greg is trying to kidnap me and turn me over to the vampires so he can get some property from them,” Kaden rushed to explain. He didn’t know how long he had before the others lost patience and decided to take out their annoyance on him.

“He’s an idiot,” Greg said, but he began to move backwards and pull Kaden with him. “He’s just a pretty boy trying to get attention.”

Some of the mob muttered as if they’d suspected as much.

“Release him,” Gage growled.

“He’s mine!” Greg screamed.

A loud cracking sound that was followed by Greg falling behind him had Kaden spinning around.

Gage grabbed Kaden and pulled him to safety. Kaden finally spotted Conley walking farther and farther away, a large brick in hand.

“He saved my life…” Kaden muttered. He wondered if Conley would lose his family with his one act of bravery.

“What, babe?” Russ asked, walking up to his left side.

“Conley saved my life. He said the vampires have his family.”

“I’ll get him.” Russ ran off.

Gage ran his hands up and down Kaden’s arms. “Are you all right?”

Kaden nodded. “I am now. I didn’t know what to do.” Tears filled his eyes. “I need to call my family. Greg said he killed Alice.”

“Could he have really done that?” Gage asked.

“Yeah, we always suspected they weren’t really mates but Alice was pregnant so the family let them marry. I’m worried he might have killed the baby, too.” Kaden’s heart ached as he thought of Alice’s baby. He’d have to call home and find out what happened.

“Jacob—secure this prisoner and make sure he’s watched until I talk to him later. Everyone else, get back to work,” Gage said, growling at those who lingered too long. “You did really good, pup. I came running when you called out ‘vampire

. Good choice.”

“Thanks.” The alpha’s praise warmed Kaden inside and out. “I didn’t think ‘help me’ would do it.”

They returned to Gage’s tent and Kaden stayed passive as the alpha stripped him of his clothing. A few minutes later, a scowling Russ entered. “I lost him.”

“You what?” Gage’s surprise made Kaden smile.

“You heard me. The little fucker is fast.” Russ focused on Kaden. He examined Kaden’s skin as if he was cramming for an exam and hoping to get an
. “You all right?”

Kaden nodded. Heat crawled across his body as he became the focus of both men’s attention.

“We’ll find him later,” Russ promised.

Kaden didn’t think now was the time to confess that Conley had helped with his capture. The omega had made up for his betrayal in the end.

“I need to call home and ask them what happened.” Gage’s stomach turned over at the thought of his sister’s murder.

“Come here.” Gage opened his arms and Kaden snuggled in, settling between Gage’s thighs and enjoying the hard rod digging into his spine.

Gage handed over a cell phone. “Yours is too far away,” he explained.

With shaking fingers Kaden dialled the number. After three rings the phone picked up.


“Hi, Dad,” Kaden said.

“Kaden? How are you?” His father’s quiet yet friendly greeting warmed him. He hadn’t left on the best terms.

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