A Jersey Kiss (Jersey Romance Series) (2 page)

BOOK: A Jersey Kiss (Jersey Romance Series)
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July - A Thorny Issue

Have you discovered what A Jersey Kiss is supposed to be yet?” Mel asked. “Do you think it could be a painting or something?”

Bea wished she knew. Ever since her aunt’s lawyer had told her that she’d inherited something called A Jersey Kiss, she’d been trying to figure out what it was.
“I've no idea. I've never seen anything that looks as if it could be called that and I’ve checked all the paintings in the house.”

Mum said it could possibly be a piece of jewellery. Didn't Antonio used to buy your aunt lovely pieces? She said they sometimes have names, if they're extra special?”

Maybe,” Bea said, trying once again to picture the contents of her aunt's jewellery box and wondering why her stepmother, Mel’s mum, who had never shown any interest in anything either she or aunt had ever done before, was now trying to unlock this mystery. “Then again, the lawyer told me that Aunt Annabel made her will over twenty years ago. She's always needed money for her garden projects, so maybe she sold it during that time?”

Probably,” Mel said, looking disappointed. “Well, if it isn’t the long-lost kiss thing that’s making you look so thoughtful, I suppose something must have gone wrong with your visit to the zoo?”

You know it’s not a zoo, Mel, Durrell is a wildlife preservation park, and no, it went well enough. My client's wife is now the proud sponsor, for this year at least, of a Western Lowland Gorilla.”

Mel pulled a face.
“Whatever floats your boat, I guess. So what’s up then? You look like a bulldog chewing a wasp.”

You’re so kind,” she said groaning. “If you must know, I was thinking about Luke Thornton.” Bea dragged a black chiffon top over her chest, wishing, not for the first time, that her boobs were a couple of cup sizes smaller. Maybe she’d been a little over optimistic to think that she could fit into the clothes Mel had kindly brought to her house for her to try on.

Oh yes, the famous Luke Thornton. I’ve never met him, but Grant tells me he’s a pretty forceful guy.”

Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” Bea said raising an eyebrow. “Although does your soon-to-be fiancé also explain why Luke's so moody?”

Problems with his partner, I think.” Mel tilted her head to one side and studied Bea's torso thoughtfully.

You mean she had the sense to leave him?” Bea couldn't help asking.

Mel shook her head.
“Not his girlfriend, a bloke, his business partner. I think he disappeared taking Luke’s money, or something. Someone said he’s been struggling a bit with it all.” Mel narrowed her eyes. “You seem very interested in someone you said was horrible.”

I’m only asking,” Bea said pulling on a different top and scowling at her reflection in the cheval mirror. “It’s too tight. I knew this would be a waste of time. There’s no way I can fit into any of your clothes and I’ve worn all mine to death.”

Mel tugged at the hem from behind her in an attempt to pull the top into shape.
“Will you hurry up and get ready?”

I can’t wear this.” Bea dragged off the offending article with a little difficulty and dropped it on her crumpled duvet cover with the ten or so other outfits lying in a heaped mess on the bed.

We’re going to have to think of something,” Mel said, folding the top angrily.

This is my first time out since Aunt Annabel, well, you know.”

She died, Bea. Yes, I know and I’m sorry, but you have to get a grip and move on.” Mel pulled back a few clothes hanging in Bea’s wardrobe, checking for a suitable top. “I know it was shit of Simon to leave so soon after, but tonight’s my engagement party and I’m not going to let you mope at home.”

You just don’t want to have to deal with Joyce if I don’t turn up.” Bea raised an eyebrow and grabbed hold of a purple silk peplum top that she seemed to wear to every smart occasion.

Listen, we may not share the same mother, and I know she’s a bit of a pain, but she only wants the best for me.”

Bea nodded. It wasn’t Mel’s fault her mother seemed so intent on pushing Mel forward in their father’s affections. Poor man, how he coped with such determination, Bea could never understand.

“Anyway it’s been months since Annabel told you about Simon getting all hot and heavy with that slutty assistant of his, slimy git.”

Aunt Annabel, thought Bea. She’d have known what to say to cheer her up.
“I think the hardest part is that Claire’s already pregnant with his baby.” She took a deep breath and held her arms out. “What do you think?” she asked, holding the top up over her chest. “It’s not perfect, but it’ll have to do.”

Great, now try this lipstick. It’s a different shade to the cherry one you always wear. I think it’ll suit you.”

Bea pouted in front of the mirror, concentrating on turning her full lips from their natural pale pink to a searing shade of fuchsia. Someone banged forcefully on her front door. Bea jumped, inadvertently rouging half her cheek.
“Shit.” She placed the lipstick down onto her dressing table and went downstairs.

What the hell are you supposed to be?” Simon asked, looking her up and down as she opened the front door and stepped back as he made his way past her into the hall.

Come in, Simon,” Mel invited sarcastically.

He ignored her and kept his attention focused on Bea. She grabbed an old Barbour jacket from behind the heavy door, dragging it on over her underwear. She really needed to stop answering the door wearing so little, she thought, annoyed for not thinking before answering the door.

“I don’t believe this.” He swung round, staring down at Bea’s chest encased in the new black satin push-up bra Mel had persuaded her to buy. “You two are going out, together. Aunt Annabel would have been delighted.”

Bea crossed her arms to hold the coat in place and swallowed.
“You leave her out of this.”

She never liked me, did she?” He peered down at Bea, his irritation at her barely hidden.

Probably because you’re angelic looks and charm secretly hid the ugliness of a toad,” Mel said from the bottom of the stairs.

What the hell is she on about?” He raised his eyebrows, ignoring Mel.

You know perfectly well my godmother liked you, until she realised I wasn’t the only woman you were sleeping with,” Bea snapped. “She changed her mind then, of course.”

We weren’t getting on. It wasn’t just my fault that our marriage broke down, you know. It takes two.”

Bea heard Mel’s sharp intake of breath behind her, knowing instinctively her sister was seconds from exploding with indignation.
“Mel, why don’t you go through to the kitchen and pour us both a drink,” Bea suggested, turning back to face Simon. His beautiful face contorted with spite. “This won’t take long.”

Mel for once did as she was asked, and stomped down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Bea narrowed her eyes. “So you say, but I seemed to be the only who wasn’t aware of that. Anyway, I suppose you’re here about your letter?” Bea pulled out a crumpled tissue her hand had located in the jacket pocket, and spat on it before rubbing it against her cheek. “I can’t believe you want half of this house. You’ve always hated it here and you know Aunt Annabel left it to me.”

Yes, she wanted to make sure you were looked after,” he said, repeating her aunt’s often said words. “It’s not my fault your father has a scheming wife, or that your mother died. The fact remains that your aunt died when we were still married.” He lowered his face closer to hers. She could almost taste his minty breath. “Technically, we still are. And as such, the house is considered a matrimonial asset, and I, as your husband, am legally entitled to half of its value.”

The heat of her fury towards him almost gave her heartburn. How could be so heartless to push for her to sell Aunt Annabel’s house?
“Legally maybe, not morally though.” She recalled his letter. “And what exactly did you mean by D-Day?”

Simon smiled, looking satisfied with himself.
“I thought that was rather clever, didn’t you?” Bea glared at him. “Suit yourself. D-Day, Debt Day. Get it?”

Bea closed her eyes slowly willing him to disappear.
“Right. Very funny.”

I thought so. I don’t want you forgetting the date.”

I’m hardly likely to do that, am I?” She’d had enough. “What did you want?”

I’ve settled in to the apartment with Claire. Maybe, if we hadn’t moved in to live with your aunt our relationship might not have fallen apart so rapidly,” he mused, then shrugged. “Anyway, I thought I'd collect one or two things I forgot to take with me when you threw me out.” He straightened a picture on the wall before stopping to stare at it. “This is mine, I believe,” he added, lifting the depiction of a bloody hunting scene Bea had always hated off the hook.

She took a deep breath and mentally braced herself.
“Take the painting, Simon and while you’re at it, take yourself out of my house, and don’t bang on the door demanding to be let in like that again.” Bea went to open the door.

Well, the door was locked.” Simon put his hand out to stop her. “When the hell did you change the locks anyway?”

Was he insane?
“As soon as you left. When do you think?” she asked, stunned by his ridiculous question.

You’ve changed, Beatrice,” Simon said, lowering his voice. “You used to be kind and decent.”

Bea took a deep breath to steady her voice, stunned at his sheer nerve.
“Really? I thought I still was.” She concentrated on remaining calm, unable to believe they were covering the same old ground yet again. “Don’t forget, it was you who moved on, not me, so I don’t know why you’re always so offended by everything I do.”

Maybe if you were in a relationship too, you'd understand how I feel about Claire. Anyway, you know as well as I do that the only reason I left was because your interfering aunt made such a fuss and wound you up.” He considered his next words and glared at her down his aquiline nose, the same nose she had not so long ago found very attractive, but now wanted desperately to hit, hard. “I’d still be living here with you if she hadn’t interfered.”

You mean if she hadn’t caught you with Claire. Don’t you think I might have discovered your girlfriend was pregnant at some point?” She heard the catch in her voice and could have bitten her tongue. She narrowed her eyes. “Aunt Annabel found you practically having sex in Claire’s car. I think she had every right to be upset with you.”

Look I am sorry about the baby; I know how that must hurt you.” He went to put a hand on her shoulder, but Bea stepped back before he could reach her. Simon shrugged and looked over her shoulder at the rundown hallway. “Why can’t you stop trying to punish me for being happy? The trouble with you is you spent far too much time with that old woman. Annabel might have been your godmother, and I understand how she took over when your mum died, but she’s gone now and you need to stop hanging on to this heap of rubble. Then we can both move on.”

Bea didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her lose her temper, or even worse, get upset. Her life had not worked out as she had planned and it hurt like hell, but she wasn't going to let him know how she felt. She clasped her hands together.
“I've already moved on, Simon; regardless of what you choose to believe.”

Whatever you say.” He laughed, glancing at his latest Cartier watch. “I couldn’t care less, but I do want to know when you intend paying me my share of this mausoleum?”

Bea wondered if he was simply trying to punish her for not forgiving him for his affair when he’d asked her to. She felt the familiar nervous tingle expanding in her stomach.
“Simon, I don’t know why you insist I buy you out of this place. You’re a lawyer. You earn far more than I ever will and didn’t need any extra money to buy your new apartment. The house was left to me, not you. Why don’t we stop arguing and get this matter sorted, then we can have our
decree absolute
and neither of us have to bother with the other one again.”

Simon groaned.
“Yes, well, are you going to get a mortgage to pay me what I’m owed, or am I going to take you to court to get an Order for the damn money?”

Bea hesitated. She didn’t have the money to fight him through the courts and he knew it.
“Simon, it’s almost impossible to get a mortgage now, you know that as well as anyone. I’m going to need a little more time.”

Time to find a way out of paying me, you mean.”

No. I need to come up with a solution and you bullying me won’t make it happen any sooner.”

My lawyer explained everything in his letter to you. You have a year and a day from the date your aunt died, which will be when probate is concluded. That’s 10th May next year. I think that’s more than enough time to find a mortgage. You’re the one insisting on keeping this crumbling 1920s’ dump, but Claire’s given up work now she's pregnant and has decided she doesn't want to return when the baby's born. I need to get my finances sorted once and for all. We’re going to get married as soon as the divorce is finalised and that can’t happen until we’ve sorted the finances, so I’m not giving you any longer than I have to.”

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