A Life Less Ordinary (42 page)

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Authors: Victoria Bernadine

BOOK: A Life Less Ordinary
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of – I don’t know – just sending me a link?”

you have clicked it?”

I’d known it was from you, yeah.  Probably.”


opened her mouth, then slowly closed it.  “Well, what’s done is done.  Although
the bail money thing is still an issue.”

shrugged.  “Ira’ll return the money as soon as I call him.”

huffed.  “So...we weren’t really under arrest, were we?”

chuckled.  “No.  Like I said, Ira wanted me to do a favour for him.”

frowned.  “But he -?”

I asked for something first; now I’ll have to come through for him.”

could he possibly want that would be worth risking his job?”

likes my mom.”

gaped at him.  “You pimped out your

grinned.  “It’s okay; she likes Ira, too, but she’s too scared to do anything
about it.  This just gives me a reason to force the issue.  And if I help her
make progress with Ira, maybe she won’t be quite so pissed with me.”

– you
cost her two paying customers,” Manny reminded him.

not just that!  She reads Zeep’s blog, too.  She wanted his autograph.”


caught Manny as she left the dining room.

sorry you found out this way,” she said, wringing her hands.

forced a smile.  “So am I.  It...wasn’t what I was expecting.”

bit her lip.  “Listen – I’ve been reading Zeep’s blog since it started – and I
have to tell you, I think you’ve done a number on him.”

yet,” Manny said drily, “but when I get through with him -”

chuckled, shaking her head.  “No, no – I mean...he sounds...I mean, his writing
– it’s like you’ve befuddled him.  He can’t seem to figure you out, and he’s -
well.  You should read it.  All of it, I mean, not just the first blog or two.”

smiled thinly and said, “Maybe someday.  But not today.”


Rebecca and Daisy were flat on their backs on one of the beds, staring silently
at the ceiling until Rebecca muttered, “I’m just...heartbroken.  I really liked

too,” Daisy sighed.

his blog,” Rebecca continued.  “He seems to have some pretty harsh opinions

women,” Daisy bit out.  “He needs to be careful.  He’s not that far away from
forty himself.  The son-of-a-bitch.”

Rebecca said grimly, “when I get over the shock, I’m going to make him sorry he
ever crossed our paths.”

And I’ll help you,”
Daisy said, equally grim.  “With pleasure.”

and Daisy fell silent and they glanced at Manny, lying stiff and silent between
them, staring fixedly at the ceiling.  They shared a worried look.  Daisy
opened her mouth just as Manny’s cell phone rang.  Rebecca and Daisy jerked in
surprise; Manny didn’t react at all.

lay in tense silence as the cell phone rang until it went to voice mail.  A few
moments later, the phone began ringing again.  Manny frowned slightly, but
otherwise refused to react.

sighed, heaved herself out of bed and grabbed the phone.

phone...This is her sister Daisy...um...she doesn’t want to speak to anyone
right now...Who is this again?...Hang on.”  Daisy pulled the phone away from
her ear and frowned at it.  “Is there a speaker on this thing?”

heaved an irritated sigh as she sat up, pressed a button on the proffered
phone, then got off the bed.

not in the mood for anybody,” she snapped.

a feminine voice said through the speaker.  “I’m Leah Huxley.  Zeke works for

froze, then said loudly, “I’m
not in the mood for this!”

said, “Please – I’d like to talk – maybe explain – and ask you to give Zeke a
second chance.”

So he can keep writing his precious blog at my expense?”

your friendship has been the best thing to ever happen to him.  Well, since he
met TJ – my husband – anyway.  And, of course, me.”

this moment, I don’t give a damn.”  Manny glanced at Daisy.  “Shut it off.”


ended the call and tossed the phone back on the second bed.

restlessly paced the room, then turned abruptly to face Daisy and Rebecca. 
“I’d like to be alone for a while,” she said.

stood and hesitantly put a hand on Manny’s shoulder.  “Are you sure?  I’m not –
you don’t have to go through this alone, you know.  We’re here for you.”

forced a smile that was a dim copy of her usual grin.  “I know,” she said, “and
it’s not forever – just – give me a little time to...process, you know?  Just
an hour.  Okay?”


okay,” Daisy interrupted.  “Come on, Rebecca.  Let’s give her some time.  Call
if you need us.”

shrugged.  “Come back in an hour.  I’m gonna take a bath – try to relax, get
some perspective.  And then...”

then?” Daisy asked carefully.

then I’m gonna murder the son-of-a-bitch, and I’ll need your help to hide the

Rebecca said with a decisive nod.  “See you in an hour.”


leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and sighed.  She deliberately relaxed
her shoulders in the hot, soapy water, but stubbornly refused to let out the
tears that burned behind her closed lids.

you gonna be okay?

I always? 
winced at her bitter tone.  She opened her eyes and glanced at Harvey.  His
eyes were warm with sympathy.

gonna take a while
, she sighed,
and I need to figure out...

any of it real?  The friendship?

Or was everything as real as you are?

don’t know what to tell you -

course not – you’re a figment of my imagination after all.

except you need to talk to him, and then cut your losses.


slowly grinned. 
If I was real, I’d kill him for you.  But you know you
don’t really want him dead.  Although Rebecca might do it.

reluctantly grinned back. 
Maybe.  Probably.  Most likely.
shook her head. 
Anyway.  Cut my losses.

him home with Rebecca and Daisy.  Continue on your own. You don’t really
him, you know.

I have you?

you have yourself.


shifted slightly, her eyes firmly on her coffee cup rather than Zeke, who was
sitting across from her, his hazel eyes never wavering from her face, his hands
tight around his own cup.  With an effort, Manny unhunched her shoulders and
straightened.  With a slow, deep breath she met his gaze.

been here before,” she murmured. 


awkwardly in a coffee shop,” she clarified.

small smile curved Zeke’s lips.  “I remember.”

you going to apologize?” Manny asked, an ironic lilt to her voice.


blinked, her eyes widening.  “That’s it?” she demanded incredulously.  “This is
going to be a short coffee.”

not going to apologize,” Zeke said.  “This is what I do for a living.”

Travelling with pathetic middle-aged women in search of their lost youth?  I
believe that was the phrase?  Where I come from, there’s a word for guys like

eyes narrowed, the faint smile gone now from his lips.  “Blogging.  Sharing my
opinion about things and being a bastard about it.  My role – especially on
that site – is to stir up controversy.  To get people talking and, more
importantly, coming back.”

you don’t think you should apologize for making my...my intensely personal
journey a subject of public mockery?  Without my knowledge or consent, by the

I’m...more sorry than I can say that you were hurt by it – but no.  And you
should read all the blogs before you judge.”

barked out a hard strident sound that was almost laughter.  “Oh, because it
gets so much better!”

should read them,” Zeke repeated.  “All of them.  And then we’ll talk.”

stared incredulously at him.  “You are such a fucking jerk!  I’m angry here! 
And hurt!”

is you hurt and angry?  You showed more emotion after I found out about Brett!”

you called me a slut!”

other patrons in the small store turned and stared.  Manny flushed and met the
eyes of one of the young women sitting at the table next to them, and who had
been sliding appreciative glances Zeke’s way.

me,” Manny snapped at her, “you
want what I’m having!”


turned her glare on him.  “Angry enough for you?” she asked coldly.

raked a hand through his hair.  “This still isn’t angry!  You’re so repressed –
no wonder you needed to run away in order to find yourself!”

gasped.  “Fuck you!  You have no idea what the hell you’re talking about – and
you need to leave!”

stood up, his chair scraping loudly across the floor.  “Fine.  We’ll talk about
this later.”

you idiot!” Manny snarled, standing up just as violently.  “I mean you need to
leave me alone!  You can go back with Daisy and Rebecca, or you can get back on
your own, or you can go to hell – but we’re done!  You can find somebody else
to use as the butt of your blogs!”

stared, his face stark as she stalked away.


that’s it, huh?” Leah asked sadly.

Zeke bit out.

began to cough, but managed to say, “What flight will you be on?”

sounds really bad, TJ,” Zeke said.

me,” TJ rasped, still coughing.  “What flight will you be on?”  He took a sip
of water, then leaned back on his pillows to catch his breath.

How bad is he?”

shot a look at TJ, who shook his head.

Leah said, and stuck her tongue out at TJ, “but he’s holding his own.  We have
a new nurse coming at the end of the week.  I’m hoping whoever it is will make
him see sense.”

fine; it’s just a bad cold,” TJ rasped.

rolled her eyes, then said, “What flight are you on, Zeke?”

haven’t booked anything yet.  I’ll let you know.”

said, “I’m sorry, Zeke.  But you know – I didn’t expect you to actually grow to
like the woman.”

Zeke said with patently false cheer, “I like her, yeah.  The Old Maiden Aunt
thing, you know?  But you know what?  Screw her if she can’t take a joke.”

is all my fault,” Leah sighed.  “I should have let you tell her the truth when
you wanted to.  Or tell the truth right from the start.”

you were right.  She would have been self-conscious – and she never would have
shared the things she did with me.  Knowing she was being observed – recorded? 
You know what I mean – it would have changed everything.”

it changed everything anyway,” TJ said.

swallowed, then said lightly, “Well.  Too late now.  I’ve gotta go.  I need to
get the rest of my stuff from the van and book a flight home – all without
getting pulverized by Daisy or Rebecca.”

Manny?” Leah asked.

made it clear she doesn’t want to see me again.”

-” Leah began.

go,” Zeke said, and disconnected the call.  He tossed the phone down on the
table and roughly rubbed his hands over his face.

* * * * *

Day 121

was almost relieved to see just Rebecca waiting for him by the van, but then he
frowned as he glanced around the rather seedy parking lot.  At least it was
aboveground he thought.

haven’t been waiting out here by yourself, have you?” he demanded as he walked
up to her.

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