A Life Like This (Life #1) (13 page)

BOOK: A Life Like This (Life #1)
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“Are you kidding me, Betty? Of course I do. I make it at home for Joey and me all the time, although I don’t make it as amazing as yours, but I try. Speaking of Joey, he would like me to come back with some homemade goodies made by none other than yourself.”

“Oh, stop. I’m sure your potpie is amazing. I like to think I taught you right. Oh, that boy knows how to flatter a woman, or a man I’m sure. I will be sure to bake up a storm and freeze up some pies before you leave.” Betty looks over her shoulder and winks at me. I head to the back door to see if I can see my grandfather. “He’s out there tinkering with something, I’m sure. Roger is with him too. That dog hasn’t left his side since you got here.”

“He’s not used to this kind of land. My backyard is tiny. We go for a run every morning, but I know it’s not enough. I need to get him out more.” As if hearing me talking about him, I spot Roger running in my direction. I open the door and greet him. “Hi, big guy, you having fun out there?”

“He sure is,” Granddad yells from the yard. “I think he likes me more than you now,” he says with a sly smile.

“You wish! Get your own dog!” I yell back at him. He reaches the porch and pulls me in for a comforting hug. He smells of the ranch. That smell makes me feel like I’m ten again. It makes me feel safe. I hug him tighter.

“You okay, darlin’?”

“Better than okay.” We smile at each other then head in to help set the table for dinner.

Dinner is delicious and the company is great. Living alone, you forget how nice it is to be able to eat and talk to people; it’s comforting. I’m enjoying every minute of this trip. Although I miss working, this was needed. After dinner, I convince Betty to let me clean up the kitchen and Granddad offers to take her to town for a movie. So cute those two. I turn on the radio in the living room once they leave and then get to work on the kitchen. Luckily for me, Betty cleans while she cooks, so there is really not much for me to do. Once I finish, I turn off the radio; then Roger and I head up to my room. It’s only seven pm but I am drained. I think this vacation is making me lazy.

I go through my bedtime routine before hopping into bed with my laptop and going through emails. The first to catch my eye is from Blake.




Is that what I am already? I know I just told you to enjoy your vacation, but here I am again bothering you. I just wanted you to know that I cannot stop thinking of you. I’m anxious for you to get back into town. Until then, sweet dreams… I know mine will be. ;)





You could never be annoying. My dreams might not be sweet… I was thinking more along the lines of naughty… Night.






Yes, there is a double meaning in that. You expect me to be able to go to bed after that last one? Please tell me about your naughty dreams. Maybe I could join you… in the dream.



Really like the xoxoxo




Oh, you will be there all right. No need to worry on that part. You will be playing a BIG role in my naughty dream….



I liked it too. Although you added one too many xo’s


Never too many


I hope my BIG role in your dream is a pleasurable one…


xoxoxoxoxoxoxo ;)


Smart Ass


Oh, very pleasurable indeed. That’s all you need to know. Goodnight, Blake, dream of me.


xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo (I win)


I’ll Always Let You Win


You’re always the star of my dreams. Goodnight, Angelica.



With a smile on my face, I put my laptop away then fall into a restful night’s sleep.


The rest of my vacation flies by. Thursday I spent riding Abel all day long. By that point, Roger was more comfortable with the horses and ran alongside of us for part of the day. That evening my grandfather took us out to dinner and for dessert, frozen yogurt of course. I smiled the whole time thinking about Blake. Friday was spent baking pies with Betty.  She insisted we baked Joey five pies and freeze them so he can just throw it in the oven. That evening we all drank hot chocolate on the porch and talked until the late hours of the night.

I confessed about trying to have a relationship with Blake, and they were both happy for me. They told me I needed to share my life with others and to stop pushing people away when they just wanted to get to know me. These words from the parents I wish I had hit close to my heart. But luckily for me, they pretty much were my parents. My mother never talks to me like they do. They care so deeply for me and I know they just want me to be happy. I’m finally beginning to feel like I can be happy. It’s funny that what drove me down here was something dark and scary, but now when I go back, I’ll be light as the sun. I’ve decided I will head back to NYC in the morning so I’ll have time to get situated and ready to return to work. They’re sad to see me leave, but I promise them I’ll be back for Christmas and Joey will be coming with me.

Friday morning when I go downstairs for my coffee, my granddad has my flight scheduled ready. I will be leaving Texas at ten am. Once I’m done with breakfast, I head up to my room to pack and email Blake.


Too Late Notice for a Ride?


I’m arriving at 2:35pm.Is that too late of notice for you to pick me up at LaGuardia? If so, don’t worry about it. My grandfather can have a car pick us up. Yes, us. I hope you didn’t forget when you offered that I have Roger with me. So if you get us, don’t bring a fancy two-seater. He’s a drooler ;)



Walking away from my laptop, I begin packing up my room. I feel a pang in my heart. I’m going to miss this. This is my home, even though I never lived here for more than a few months over summer. It’s always felt more like home to me than anywhere else. Tears fill my eyes as I think about how much I’m going to miss everything about this house, mainly the people in it. They have always been my safe haven, and now that I remember how nice it is, it will be that much harder to go back to my empty home. My email pinging from my dresser pulls me out of my melancholy thoughts. Before I read it, I prepare myself for the disappointment of him telling me he is busy. Of course, I am wrong.


Always Doubting….


When will you learn to have some faith in me? I made sure I had nothing planned this weekend so I would be able to get you and Roger whenever you needed me. Even if I did have something scheduled, I would cancel it for you. Of course I remembered there were two of you I would be picking up. I will be waiting for you in an SUV, and I’m assuming you’ll be in the private hangers?



Where are my xoxos?


Thank You.


I told you I would be work. Bear with me ;). Yes, the private hangers. I will see you soon. Thank you for picking us up.


xoxo :)


I’ll Be Waiting

Don’t thank me. It’s my pleasure.



Solemnly, I pack all of my belongings then head downstairs with Roger right behind me. My grandfather grabs my bags and goes off to load up the truck with Roger in tow. I proceed to the kitchen where I know I will find Betty. She’s sitting at the table with her cup of tea in hand, and I’m struck by how beautiful she is. Age has only brought out more of her natural beauty. I hope I can look as great as her when I’m that age.

“Come here, sweet girl. Have a seat.” Her voice is soft, and I can tell she is holding it from breaking. As I take my seat, she smiles sadly and my heart aches. “I want you to be strong, Angelica. Do not let that devil of a man get under your skin. You are a strong young woman; never forget that or the fact you have us to support you. If you ever need anything,
, you call and we’ll be there as soon as possible. Asking for help or a shoulder to cry on does not make you weak; it makes you smart. We can’t harbor all of these bad feelings inside without them ruinin’ us. You cannot give him the pleasure of seeing you fall.” She is talking through tears now, but her voice is still even. I didn’t realize I had tears as well until she handed me her handkerchief. “I just want you to know you are not alone; don’t think for one second you are. We are going to do everything in our power to get that man to stay away from you; you need not worry. You focus on yourself and your work. Do you understand me, Angelica?”

I simply nod in response, unable to find the words to respond. She’s right; sometimes I feel alone when I have the love people envy. I have my granddad and Betty who love me more than life itself. It’s easy to forget that when I am not with them.

“We love you, sweet girl, and we are always here for you. Now don’t you forget about visitin’ us here soon. That’s not a request.” She winks at me. We both get up from the table and embrace one another.

“I love you, Betty.”

“I love you, too, sweet girl.” Our hug is interrupted by the sound of my granddad walking into the kitchen. Giving my cheek a quick kiss, she then turns and tells him to grab the pies out of the freezer. Betty holds my hand all the way to the car. We hug one last time before my granddad, Roger and I head off to the airport.

The whole way there we don’t speak. The only sound is the country music coming from the radio. I’m looking out of the window when the voice of Porter Wagoner finally breaks my trance.

The tears are streaming down my face yet again. Thank God, Betty gave me her handkerchief. I’m going to miss it here. Granddad turns to me, smiles, and grabs my hand tenderly.

“This is always your home, darlin’. Always has been and nothing will change that.”

“I know, Granddad. It’s so hard leaving, though. You’d think it would be easier to get back on the plane now that I’m older. Guess that’s not true.”

When I was little and I’d visit, I would cry the whole way to the airport and the whole way on the airplane. Apparently, that will never stop. I may be older now, but deep down, I feel as if I’m ten.

“Angelica, you know no matter how far away we are from you, we are family. Distance doesn’t change that. Don’t forget it.”

“I know, Granddad. I love you.”

“I love you, too, darlin’.”

We arrive at the airport a short time later. The flight attendant is at the bottom of the jet stairs waiting to help me up with my luggage. I hand her two bags and carry one myself. Roger runs up the stairs first after getting a good belly rub from my grandfather. I smile at him sadly, knowing the tears are going to start again.

“Don’t you start crying again. I will see you soon, Angelica. And you need to not worry about anything. I will have the situation dealt with. In fact, things are in the process now. I love you and I will fix this.”

“I know you will, Granddad. I know you will. I love you. I will see you soon.” He pulls me in for a final hug and the tears I was holding are full force sobs now.

“Enough, Angelica. We will be together again soon and all of this drama will be behind us, okay?” I smile and nod at him. “Okay, now go on and get on the plane. We don’t want your man to be worrying about you.” He winks at me, making me blush. Jeez, it’s weird to hear him say my man. In fact, I don’t know that he is.

“He’s not my man. Cut it out!”

“Sure he’s not.” He wink’s again. I hug him one final time then board the plane.


As soon as I am seated next to Roger, I buckle us and we taxi out to the runway. Looking outside my window, I can’t stop thinking about Edward. I tried not to the whole time I was here, but now I am going back to where he is, I’m scared shitless. I can openly admit this to myself.  He isn’t going to leave me alone. Unfortunately, I know that better than anyone. He’s going to find me and make me pay. Maybe I should look into taking some more self-defense classes, or even getting security.

I took self-defense classes as a teenager and a few kickboxing classes in college. I told people I did it because a single woman in the city should know how to protect herself, but secretly I did it so if Edward ever tried to get me again, I would surprise him and take him down. I’d have to do it on my own though. If my grandfather or Joey knew I was even thinking about it, they would ship me off somewhere until he was dealt with, and I just can’t do that. I already took a week off because of him. I won’t let him stop my life any more. I have to deal with it. I have to show him I am not scared. I’m not a little girl anymore; he cannot have his way with me. I’m bigger, and if need be, I’d kill him without thinking twice. He deserves to die, that’s for damn sure. The whole three and a half hours in the air, I sit pondering what I need to get done at home. New security measures need to be taken—classes to sign up for, private security to look into, and I need to talk to the doorman at work. I’m so lost in thought the time flies by, literally.

As soon as the plane lands, I see Blake standing next to a black SUV. My mind clears of all thoughts of Edward and my heart flutters. He’s really here. I guess I thought he might not show. The closer we get to the hangers, the more I can make him out. His signature facial hair gives me tingles down low. All I can think about is the way it felt on my inner thighs. He is wearing dark jeans with a plain white t-shirt under a leather jacket. His aviator sunglasses really complete the bad-boy look.

He is leaning against the SUV with his ankles and arms crossed. So fine. Good God, so fine. Luckily, I did my makeup and hair this morning, knowing I was going to see him. I straightened my hair so it is long and looks good. I’m wearing my favorite skinny jeans with boots and a loose fitted white t-shirt and jacket. We almost match. Roger is now itching to get off the plane. He does well on the flights, but as soon as we land, he is ready to get out as soon as possible. When the plane pulls into the hanger, the flight attendant opens the door and the stairs fall open. Roger bolts out of the plane, in search of a grassy area I’m sure. I hurry after him with a bag in each hand. Blake is standing at the bottom of the stairs and takes my bags out of my hands.

“Thank you,” I say softly.

“You’re very welcome, Angelica.” The way he stares into my eyes as he says my name gives me goose bumps. He walks the bags to the SUV as the flight attendant comes down with my other bag and hands it to Blake. He thanks her then she heads back into the plane. Blake saunters to me and wraps me up in his arms. I hold on to his muscular forearms as he spins me around before planting his lips on mine. The kiss is hot, and as he presses his mouth to mine, I open to give him access and he takes it. Pushing me against the SUV, his arousal presses against my stomach. God, I’m so wet. I hope it doesn’t look like I pissed myself. Rogers starts barking from a distance and I break away from Blake with a smile. I look over Blake’s shoulder and see Roger coming at us full force.

“Enough,” I shout loudly and Roger stops dead in his tracks. “Roger, this is Blake and you’ll be nice to him. Now get in the car and hush.” I open the back door and he hops in. I slam the door behind him. “Sorry, he has to get used to you.” Blake is just staring at me. “What?”

“Nothing, I’m sorry. I’ve just never met anyone who is that good with their dog.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot, but when you have no one else, you kind of attach to your pet like a person. That’s what happened with me at least.”

“Well, that’s going to change.” He pulls me to him and gently kisses my lips. “Are you ready?”


He grabs my hand and walks me to the passenger door. Holding hands isn’t something I’m completely used to, but with him, it feels right. Blake opens the door for me and I hop in. Digging my phone out of my purse as we drive out of the airport, I call my grandfather and let him know I landed safely and am on my way home. Of course, he already talked to the pilot and knew that, but he thanks me for calling him always. After I hang up, I text Joey and tell him I landed and he tells me he stocked my fridge with everything needed to make enchiladas and he will be over at six. I laugh aloud at his texts, drawing Blake’s stare.

“Joey has informed me he has bought everything for me to make enchiladas and will be over at six to eat. Asshole. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“I wouldn’t want to impose. I know you just got back and Joey will probably want to catch up with you. I wouldn’t want to interfere,” he says reluctantly.

“I wouldn’t invite you if I thought you were interfering. Don’t you want to catch up with me?” I ask with a raised brow, teasing evident in my voice.

“You bet your sweet ass I do.” He winks at me, and I give his upper arm a teasing slap. Damn, it’s hard as a rock.

“Perv, that’s not what I meant!”

“I didn’t mean it in a sexual manner; get your mind out of the gutter.” We both laugh. The drive home from the airport is fun. Blake asks me about my grandfather’s ranch and I tell him all about it. It’s easy to talk to Blake, almost as though I have known him my whole life. I find comfort in that, but I’m trying not to over think it. He is so poised it’s almost disturbing. He is always so prim and proper, so polite. Sure guys are always like that at first, trying to get you in bed, but eventually the façade slips away and you see who they really are. If Blake is in character, the man is good. I’m so foul-mouthed and not proper. I wonder if we will work. Sure, I can play the part of professional businesswoman like the best of them, but at home, I’m laid back and that includes swearing and having fun. I wonder if that will turn Blake off. I guess we will have to wait and see. We make it back to my place at about three pm. When Blake parks the car, I’m instantly on high alert. My heart starts to race, and my palms begin to sweat. I scan the street while Blake walks around to let me and Roger out.

“Are you okay, Angelica?” He looks at me with concern. I hadn’t realized I was just sitting here staring after he had opened the door.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, just out of it.” I lie and smile at him, then head up the steps to let Roger in. By the time I turn around to help Blake with my bags, he is already behind me with all three in tow. “Damn you’re good.”

“Yes, yes I am.” He winks at me as I let him in. He places the bags in the living room as I walk to the sliding glass door and let Roger out. Then I head into the living room and plop on the couch. Blake sits next to me and puts my legs on his lap. He takes my boots off then starts to rub my feet.

“You know I might expect this from you daily,” I say to him with a sigh.

“You should.” He smiles that gorgeous smile at me. Good Lord, he is fine. I am so freaking horny. I feel like a cat in heat when I’m near this man. Sitting up, I straddle his lap. By the look on his face, I can see I’ve taken him by surprise. With a shy smile, I gently place my lips over his.

“Thanks again for picking us up, Blake,” I say between kisses.

“I told you to stop thanking me.” Before I realize what he is doing, he has flipped me so I am lying flat on my back on the couch and he is hovering over me. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down on top of me. I rub my pelvis over his arousal and he moans into my mouth. Our kiss turns hot in a matter of seconds. We can’t get enough of each other. Standing, he pulls me into his arms and walks us up three flights of stairs, never acting like he’s holding all 130 pounds of me. He gently puts me down on my bed, but I jump up before he has a chance to lie on top of me. “Is everything okay, Angelica?” He sounds worried.
God, he’s cute.

“Everything is fine. Sit.” He walks to my bed and sits down with a curious expression. I stand before him and take my clothes off. I start with my jacket, tossing it on to the floor. Next comes my jeans and shirt. The whole time, he never breaks eye contact with me. Even now when I am standing in nothing but a lacey bra and thong. I unclasp my bra and toss it aside. Only then do I see his eye twitch. I know he is trying his damnedest not to look down. I saunter to him and straddle him yet again. He grabs me by the hair and pulls my mouth to his. In an instant, I am beneath him. He breaks away from my mouth to place kisses all over my face, down my neck, to my breasts, and then to the top of my thong.

“You’re perfect, Angelica. Everything about you is amazingly perfect. Now this perfection is all for me.” With that, he tears my thong down my legs and licks me right down my slit. I moan so loudly that I hear Roger racing down the hallway.

“ROGER, GET IN YOUR BED!” I yell to him. Blake doesn’t stop devouring me, like a man on a mission. I hear Roger stop then go back to the living room.

I try to keep my moans to a minimum, but I feel an orgasm ready to tear me in half. Fuck, just with his mouth the man makes me crazy. He moans into my pussy and I’m done for. I don’t know what I’m screaming, but it is something about amazing and pleasure and fuck. Blake places feather-like kisses on my thighs before standing and undressing. Unlike him, I don’t even try to make eye contact with him. I watch every inch of his body as he exposes it. First, his jacket and shirt come off. God, the man has the most muscular chest, not overly so, just perfect. His six-pack is perfectly defined and that sexy V that leads to his nether region just begs to be licked. His arms are perfectly buff. Next comes his boots and pants. His dick is straining hard against his sexy black mesh boxer briefs. I lick my lips in anticipation. He smiles a boy-like grin before slipping his briefs off. Good God, he’s huge. I think I’m drooling. He reaches down to grab a condom out of his pocket then climbs back over me.

“Am I that much of a certainty?”

“A man can dream, Angelica.”

“Well, your dreams are coming true. Now put that gorgeous dick inside of me.” He laughs a full-on belly laugh.

“Your wish is my command.”

I’ve never seen a man put on a condom so quickly. Before I know what he’s doing, he slams into me. I scream in pleasure at the feeling of him filling me. There is no room left. I’m honestly surprised he can fit.

“I’m sorry, Angelica. I truly am, but I cannot take this slow.”

“I want it hard and fast, Blake. We can cover slow later.” He moans low in his throat then starts to ram into me. He never relents. He’s pounding into me as hard as he can, as fast as he can. The feeling is exquisite. I want to scream, but I’m scared Roger is going to run in here and attack Blake. I find his mouth and kiss him deeply to busy my mouth. I feel his dick throbbing inside of me, and I know he’s close. He surprises me by rolling and taking me with him, placing me on top of him.

“Ride me, Angelica. Make yourself come.”

I don’t hesitate as I start grinding into him. It’s strange. No one has ever said that to me before during sex. Oddly enough, I have the best orgasm while in this position. As I’m grinding on him, he starts to slowly rock into me.
My God, it’s like heaven.
When I die, I want to feel this constantly. It doesn’t take long for the feeling to come, for the pleasure to reach its peak. I moan loudly as I continue to ride him. My orgasm seems to be never-ending. The anticipation of seeing him has turned this into an amazing fuck.

As I am coming down, he rolls me back onto my back and starts fucking me harder. Jesus, this man can fuck. His body stiffens as his release begins to take over. As soon as I feel him come, I tighten my insides as hard as I can. He screams my name and I hush him with my mouth. After he’s finished and disposed of the condom, I pull him down next to me and cuddle into his chest.

“Jesus, Blake.”

“That name has a nice ring to it,” he sarcastically responds to my comment. I smack his arm, and we both laugh. Eventually, he gets up to get dressed as I lie there and stare. The man has a fine, fine ass. I never thought I was an ass kind of girl. “I know you’re staring at my ass. Like the view?” he calls me on it.

“Very much, thank you.” I watch him until he disappears into the bathroom with his clothes. I eventually get up and get dressed in some yoga pants and a camisole and make my way to the kitchen.

True to his word, Joey had bought everything I need to make enchiladas.
Love that man.
Only he can get away with this. I’m pulling out everything I need when Blake saunters into the kitchen.

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