A Little Bit of Crazy (Little Bits) (24 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Crazy (Little Bits)
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     “She said she’s going to get me some new dresses,” Amelia grins.

     I laugh and nod, “That sounds like Chloe. She’s very fussy and doesn’t have a shy bone in her body.”

     “You don’t mind do you? I tried to talk her out of it. She said, Maya gave you money to spend, use it. So I said ok I’ll go to Walmart in a little while, I thought she was going to have a heart attack,” he chuckles and flops onto the couch. “Oh sorry, can I get you a drink? I still feel weird asking because it’s your apartment but I’m technically the host right? So. Thirsty?”

     “N… no.” I say and throw a pillow at him. “Christ, shield yourself my libido is having a field day. So wrong, so damn wrong on so many levels.” The last part comes out as a mumble.

     “Am I making you uncomfortable?” I love the look of concern on his face it’s adorable and so James like.

     I shake my head and stammer, “No, honestly you’re not. I promise. I just… I’m… I think I’ll take that drink now.”

     “Water?” he smirks, clearly finding the whole thing amusing, I nod in response, my eyes glued to his ass. Of course I’m not going to do anything but I’ve been trying to minimize my looking. Obviously James is better, but there isn’t that much of a difference. 

     “DIE!” Amelia screams and knocks my Barbie over with her toy car. “Hey auntie Maya, I killed you.” Thank god for that.

     She waves her hand in front of my face and snaps me back to reality. “Sorry kid. Umm… AHHH, Oh the horror, the horror. I’m dying.” Thud goes the Barbie. “Tell my dad I’m sorry and I love him.” I croak out the last part and die with her.


     “For someone who says they aren’t good with kids you sure no how to keep a four year old entertained,” I crack an eye open and see Lucas standing over me. Amelia is laying little flowers on my torso.

     “I have the mental age of a four year old, this games ace. See, we’re burying me now.” I wink and turn to Amelia. “I think we should play a different game. My favorite game in the whole world.”


     I stand up and grin, “Hide and seek. Daddy’s it.”

     I shove Lucas onto the couch, he sits with a grunt and shuts his eyes before beginning his countdown.

     “Quick,” I hiss and grab Amelia’s hand and we dart into the bedroom. We head into the empty closet. I grab a comforter off the top shelf and lead her to the back. “Sit.” She sits, stifling a giggle in her hand. I snuggle up to her and throw the blanket over our heads.

     “Ready or not, here I come!” Lucas shouts and we hear footsteps as he heads down the hall. “Hmm… where oh where could they be. Could they be under… ok, there is no under the bed. Weird bed. Right… could they be in the BATHROOM?” his footsteps get closer. “Maybe they’re in the closet!”

Shh,” I say as Amelia giggles.

     “Was that Amelia I heard?” he says in a low tone and his feet pad even closer. “Hmm, I see something lumpy under a blanket.” He roars like an animal and Amelia and I are crushed
to the floor under a huge weight. We are effectively pinned and laughing our heads off as the blanket is ripped away. “Found you.” He starts biting at Amelia’s neck, she screams and wriggles out from under him before running away squealing.

     Lucas grins at me and pulls me to my feet.

     “My turn!” Amelia shouts and starts counting. “Seven.. Three… Four… One… Ten!”

     “Dammit,” I hiss and pull him to the bed, we lay down beside the bed on the soft rug. “
Shh,” I snap making him shake with silent laughter. He’s so close I can feel his breath on my cheek and smell the mint from his toothpaste.

     “Where are you?” Amelia says as she searches the closet, en-suite and then exits the room.

     “I am the master at this game,” I giggle turning my head to Lucas. He’s staring straight at me, his eyes burning flames of green, his eyebrows creased. I recognize that look, it’s the look James has right before… Oh god no! “You ok?” I whisper.

     He gulps and I watch wide eyed as he inches closer, his eyes darting from my lips to my eyes. Then soft lips are on mine, a hand grips my hip and I’m rolled onto my back he moves them against me, his stubble scratching my cheek as his tongue immediately seeks entry of my too shocked to move mouth.

     “Dammit Lucas!” I shout angrily as I push him off me without even returning the kiss, it’s safe to say I’m proud of myself. He rolls off with a thud. I quickly scramble to my feet, breathing deep, from shock or anger I don’t know. I can’t believe that just happened.

     “Shit, Maya, I’m sorry,” he says and has the decency to look humiliated.

     I huff and walk away from him right as Amelia finds me. Her face falls as I storm into the room and grab my bag. Poor little girl, I need to calm down before I upset her.

     “Maya,” Lucas says and trips over a footstool in his attempt to catch up that would have been funny if I wasn’t so damn pissed off. He puts his hand against the door right before I open it, I sag and lean my forehead against it. “Maya, I’m sorry.”

     “Why’d you have to complicate things?” I snap and wince when Amelia whimpers. She’s never seen me angry, I’ve been told my eyes could actually kill. I crouch down and pull her into a hug. “Hey baby girl, do me a favor and go play. Your daddy and I have some things to shout about.”

     “Are you angry at me?”

     I smile and shake my head, “No of course not. You’re my favorite girl in the whole world. But I am angry at daddy. So go play ok. And no matter what happens, I’m not angry at you and neither is daddy. Ok?”

     “Ok,” she says and sticks her tongue out at her father before stomping off.

     “Maya I…” he reaches forward to take my hand but I pull back. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

     “Really?” I scoff and point at the offensive tent in his boxers.


Rather impressive tent he has there


Shut up libido. Answer to your question from the other day… no I have not missed you.


     “Fuck,” he grumbles and glances over his shoulder, obviously worried about Amelia. “Maya… do you hate me?”

     “A little bit,” I grumble and rub my eyes. “Did I give out some kind of signal that said… hey, I want to screw my husband’s possible brother? I know I’m flirty and I speak my mind and yes, dammit you have an amazing body and I was ogling you earlier but I’m only human and I’m not rejecting you because you’re not good enough just because I’m married and for some damn reason I actually love my husband and I’d never hurt him not like this.” My eyes zone back in on the tent. Then they snap back to his wide eyes in horror. “And god, that’s
really distracting I should go.” I tug on the door after my rant and take a deep breath when he doesn’t release it. I hit my head against the door a few times until Lucas’ hands grip my shoulders to stop me.


     I nod ignoring the pain in my head, “Uh-huh.”

     “Maya, stop trying to figure out what you did wrong,” he dips a little to look in my eyes, they’re full of regret, it softens me a little. “You did nothing wrong. It’s my fault, I’m male. You’re fucking gorgeous and an amazing person. I just saw you laying there, I could smell you, damn you smell beautiful, and it’s intoxicating. Your chest was moving with each breath, I was mesmerized, I forgot who you was and where we were for a moment. I’m sorry.”

     I relent, “Ok. Fine. Don’t do it again though, because, well I really want us to be friends and hopefully family. And this will be awkward at holiday times. So. Don’t do it again.”

     He nods and gives me a goofy grin before pulling me into his chest and kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry.” His thing twitches against my thigh and he tenses. I
giggle when he goes bright red and releases me to tuck himself between his legs. “I need a cold shower.”

     “I should go,” I say attempting to stifle my laughter. “I’d hate to be male.”

     He takes a step back and bites his lower lip, “Will you be back?”

     “Of course, just not today,” I say and pad back into the room. “Hey kid, I’m off.”

     “Don’t go,” Amelia squeals and throws herself into my arms. “Don’t leave.”

     “I have to princess, I have lots of work to do.”

     “Will you come back?”

     I nod and kiss her hair, “Tomorrow ok?”

     She nods and walks me to the door. I hear the shower running and laugh a little before exiting the building wondering what the hell just happened.


     “Are you ok?” James asks as I throw my bag on the table. My head is totally screwed, I need a hot bath and a book. “You look stressed.”

     I nod, “Just some things in France. I may have to go away in a couple of weeks.” Which is also true and adding to my stress. So I’m technically not lying.

     “Why don’t I come?” he says and grips my hips from behind. “Sounds like a good place to go.”

     I shake my head, “I’ll just be working all the time. I’ll only be gone a few days max.”

     “Right,” he says and I see him force a smile. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

     “I said I’m fine didn’t I?” I snap and he steps back a little shocked. “I’m sorry, I just… I’m in a mood. Don’t take it personally. There’s a lot going on right now.”

     “Talk to me about it,” your possible brother just tried to screw me… let’s laugh it off. Worst part is I wanted it. I’ll probably fantasize about it. Because he’s taboo. And hell I do love something that is strictly off limits.

     I shake my head and step past him, “I don’t want to talk, I just want to have a drink in the bath and fall asleep whilst reading a good book.”

     “I can think of a way we can de-stress together,” he whispers in my ear and grips my hips.


His brother’s schlong just touched your thigh. You really doing this?


Please do this. Feel the burning between your legs. That’s me singing to you.


     “Not tonight,” I say, shocking even myself. He lets out a shallow laugh, “And so it begins…” he mumbles. I snap around to face him, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


     “Clearly it means something, I don’t want to have sex right now. What’s so bad about that?”

     “You are Maya, everything is wrong with that. You never, ever turn down sex,” he laughs humorlessly. “Yet recently you barely even want to. I can see you’re just doing it because you have to. Or you think you have to.”

     “Don’t be ridiculous, I love having sex with you. I’ve just had a long day in the office, and then to see Jessica because I’ve been neglecting her,” I say and flop onto the bed face first.  “Don’t forget the face I’m still in pain from my surgery.” Which is also true but it’s really not that bad.

     “Let me make you feel better,” he says softly and pulls my hair to the side. I feel his tongue and lips on my neck and automatically shrug him off. “Fine. Whatever. I’m going out.”

     “Fine!” I snap back and drop my jacket on the floor. “Great husband, I’m stressed and he makes me feel guilty because I’m knackered and don’t feel like having sex. Thanks James. You really know how to make a girl feel loved.”

     He gapes at me for a moment and his eyes blaze with anger, “As opposed to…”

     I wait for him to finish but he doesn’t. He bites his lip and takes a few deep breaths. “As opposed to what James? Have you got something you need to say to me?”

     “No, you’re right. I’m being an ass,” his eyes soften and he stomps over to me. “Forgive me.”

     I nod and wrap my arms around his waist. “I love you.”

     “Yeah,” he sighs and kisses my hair. “I love you to.” I’m sure he says but it’s not enough but it’s so quiet I can’t tell if I imagined it or not. I let it go and do as I said I would do and soak in the bath.




Chapter Seventeen


     I’m sat with Marie in my office, telling her about Lucas and Amelia and their situation. Marie nods and hums in all the right places. Then she blurts, “So James doesn’t suspect a thing?”

     I shrug, “I don’t think so. I told Lucas that if he accuses me of cheating again then I’ll tell him because I don’t want it to tear us apart but he hasn’t brought it up apart from that one time. The results should be here soon. I can’t wait!”

     “Yeah I bet,” Marie grins and taps away at her phone. “You heard from Jacob?”

     I nod, “Yeah, we’ve been texting back and forth. Why?”

     She shrugs, “I dunno… he invited me to go down and see him in LA. What you think?”

     I beam, “That’s great, go, have fun.”

     “Yeah, I don’t want to go yet, not until all this drama is settled. I can’t wait to see the ending.”

     “I’m glad my life can entertain you so.”

     My phone beeps:


I have to rush to Seattle baby. There’s been a fire in one of our stores. I’ll be back tonight.

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