A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (38 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“Yeah, just not in the bathtub, they aren’t as comfy to sleep in dry as they are when you’re bathing,” I mumble around a yawn. “You’re strong for a skinny guy.”

“You’re forgetting the practice I’ve had carrying you,
Summer and Maya places back in college.” This makes me laugh again, I don’t know why it’s funny and it’s so true. He lays me on the bed and throws the blanket at me. “You can get yourself undressed.”

Summer scream from somewhere.

“I have a horny and inebriated female to attend to.” And he’s gone.

Why’s the room spinning?


It’s ten and I just received an odd text from Lucas.


Check your email… NOW!


So I do.


Oh. My. God.

Ah, my sides. My sides. They ache. I feel sick. I need to stop laughing. Can’t. Hurts. Losing breath. Slowly. Dying.

Dear Lord, thank you for this woman you have blessed upon me.




Chris is arguing with Maya over YouTube. She wants to upload it. He says no. I’m still on the fence.


Don’t, it’ll go viral because of Marie’s attachment to me. My girl is fucking awesome.


I can’t wait to speak to Marie tomorrow. Cannot. Fucking. Wait.


Don’t tell her you know! We’re saving it for a special occasion. Like her birthday in January or maybe Christmas.






Hell yeah! That’s a torment I can’t pass up on.


Marie I’d expect this from. But Summer? Nuh-uh, this is not like her. I still can’t believe Chris sent it to us considering Summer says how he never lets her orgasm. :’-) Poor woman!


Yes, poor Chris, poor Summer. Can you tell Marie to call me?


I’ll try. I’ll call Summer now she’s still with them.




I can’t believe I did that last night. I almost had a lesbian affair with one of my best friends. What in the hell is wrong with me?

Summer at present is persuading Chris to keep it to himself. I’m sniggering over my cereal because it’s fucking funny. Not the persuasion, the memories from last night. Awesome night. Definitely one I’m going to remember forever.

“Did he let you hump his leg like the bitch you are?” I ask Summer quietly when she finally gets a promise from Chris. Although it’s a halfhearted promise. Why do I feel like he’s told the others already?

“Shut. Up.” She bites back making me chuckle. Her phone rings. “It’s Maya.” I guess we’
ll find out. “Hey, yeah, (pause) nothing, just sang to the TV and had a few. (Pause, laugh) yeah it was a great night. You do? Okay sure I’ll put her on.” She holds the phone out to me. “Maya wants to talk to you.”

“No shit.”

“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

“It’s a good thing I’m not trying to be witty then,” I retort and snatch the phone from her hand. “
S’up bitch?”

“Nice greeting.”

“Sorry,” I clear my throat. “What’s up bitch?”

Maya only snorts. “Okay, Jacob is worried about you. A lot. You need to call him.”

Ah fuck. I forgot about him. “I left my phone at home.”

“You can use mine,”
Summer interjects, I give her a grateful smile.

“That’s all I have to tell you,” Maya finishes. “See you.”

“Peace out.” And then I hang up and call Jacob. He answers after two rings. “Hey baby.”

“Hey sweetness,” my heart flutters. I’m disgusting. “How are you?”

“Hung over and tired.”

He coughs, almost like he’s covering up a bark of laughter. What’s that all about? “I’m disappointed in you Marie.”

“What? Why?” Way to play it cool. I’m such a tool. Hey that rhymed.

“I didn’t get to see your sexy nakedness on Skype last night.” I can imagine him pouting, this makes me smile.


“I’m on set until two in the morning tonight. Nighttime shoot.”

“Ah. Tomorrow then?”

“Same again tomorrow.”

Sigh. “We can do it during the day?”

“I’ll be sleeping most of the day tomorrow,” he’s not being purposely evasive, just telling me his schedule. “I miss you.”

“Aww, you’re so cute.”

I hear him grunt, my smile stretches. “Fuck you then.”

“Hmm, yes please,” my tone is sultry and seductive. Summer starts pumping her hips at me. I flip her off.

“I’ve got to go.
Email me okay?”


“See you later.”

“Hey Jakey?”
I quickly call out before he hangs up.


“I miss you too,” it’s barely a whisper but I hear his breath catch.

“Good sweetness. Keep it that way.” And then the line goes dead.

I groan, my forehead hits my arms on the counter, “This is going to be a long fucking month.”

“Aww, I never thought I’d see the day,” Summer sighs wistfully and pats my head like a dog. “You miss him, you wanna kiss him,
you wanna touch him.”

“I wanna punch you.”
But she’s right, I do want to touch him, oh so bad.

“So violent.”

I scowl playfully, “My reasons are legit.”


Chapter Twenty Four

It’s Christmas!


I grab my luggage from the conveyer and hide in the center of about seven men in black. Nope, aliens haven’t landed. That would be awesome. Unless they turned all War of The Worlds on our asses, that wouldn’t be so awesome.

Word got out I was coming back to the city and I’m being greeted by a lot of fans and a lot of reporters. I can’t see for all of the flashes going off. Now I k
now why other celebrities wear sunglasses, even indoors. To protect their eyes from this horse shit.

“Can we pick up the pace guys, I’ve got thirty hours before I leave, I don’t want to spend more than a minute of it here,” my voice is urgent because my needs are urgent. I’m so fucking horny it’
s not even funny. Not that being horny is ever funny, not unless it’s someone else and they have a boner and right at the moment they get said boner they have to stand up in a crowd. That’s when horny is funny.

I wave to my fans and sign a few autographs as I’m dragged through the crowds. Then I finally get outside and see a thin layer of snow on the ground with more white flakes drifting from the sky with disorganized grace.

My nose instantly freezes and turns pink, my coat isn’t thick enough and my hands freeze seconds later. I’m led to a waiting car and my cases are thrown in the back.

“OY!” I hear shouted over the crowds. I’d know that voice anywhere.

I look up and over my vehicle and smile. I told her to wait at home for me, now she’s standing on her car only a few feet away. Stubborn bitch.

Ignoring the men in black trying to shove me into my assigned vehicle, I slide over the hood as I’ve done a few times in my many movies and race to my girl. She doesn’t hesitate to slide off the car, push past a couple of people and jump into my arms.

“God I’ve missed you,” I laugh and slant my lips over hers. Click, click, click. Ah, who gives a shit?

“Come on, it’s freezing.” She shivers and we climb into the back of her car. Why the back?

“Tell him to follow us,” I say to one of the suits through the door. Once it’s shut I vaguely notice Maya in the drivers seat, “Hey.”

She nods, pulls her… dear god. She’s wearing a hat, one of those fancy hats that limo drivers wear and aviator glasses. She’s even in a fucking suit. There’s something seriously wrong with this woman.

“Buckle up children,” And we’re off and I’m on Marie.

I push my tongue into her mouth, she bites it as a warning and pulls me onto her. Maya giggles and wipes at the fogging windshield with a damp cloth.

“Oh my god, I need to get home now,” Marie groans.

“My thoughts exactly,” I push my hips into hers and squeeze one of her breasts with my hand while the other cups her ass. With a hard pull she straddles my lap and grinds against me.

Grinds. Haha. Oh no. I can’t hold it back.

“What?” Marie asks, her voice husky and breathless. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, your grinding tickled the wrong spot is all,” I bring her mouth back to mine, ignoring Maya’s cackling from the front seat.

“This is awesome, we have a tail,” Maya starts bouncing in her seat.

“Slow down, it’s icy.” Marie snaps and comes back to me. “I don’t want to die a horny bitch. I want to die a sated bitch.”

“I don’t want you to die at all.”

“Me neither but if I had a choice I’d choose the latter.”

My brows pull together, “Why are we even talking about this?”

“Yeah, less talky more kissy. Can I film this? It’s kind of hot. Will you be getting naked anytime soon?” Maya is so weird. I daren’t even respond, Marie apparently doesn’t either.

“Merry Christmas eve baby,” Marie
mutters as she sucks on my earlobe. I just got harder.

“Merry Christmas eve sweetness.”




We didn’t have sex last night. I was too busy helping Marie wrap presents last minute and then we were exhausted.
I kissed her a lot though, sat in front of the electric fireplace on the rug surrounded by shiny paper, sticky tape and gifts. Ours to each other not included obviously.

Every couple of minutes I’d brush the hair from her neck and kiss a trail from her ear to her shoulder and back again. She’d turn her face and smile at me, I’d kiss her top lip and then her chin and the dip at the base of her neck. Then I’d wrap again, occasionally watching the movie on the TV.

We pretty much went to bed in silence, both of us stripped naked, climbed under the covers and just held each other until we slept. It didn’t take us long to get to sleep but the seconds that past before I remember vividly. Her soft skin against mine, the contours of her body molding with my own. My hard cock nuzzling between two soft and round ass cheeks. It was beautiful, she’s beautiful.

The way she sighed my name when I lavished her neck with gentle touches with the tip of my tongue and the edge of my lips. The way her breath quickened when my hand spanned across her smooth stomach and slid down slowly until it cupped her naked sex. The way she whimpered
when I pushed my length into her from behind, wrapped an arm under her and the other around her before settling in ready for sleep.

When I woke up this morning we were still connected except she had a leg thrown over my hips and her front was flush with my body. Also beautiful. I didn’t want to wake her.

Okay, that’s a lie. I totally want to wake her.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” I scream and she screams but in fear not joy, she flails, kicks, scratches my chest with her pretty long nails and then I watch in slow motion as she falls backwards off the side of the bed still screaming. I don’t try to catch her, it’s too fucking funny.

I do however pop my head over the side of the bed and then my breath catches and my excitement immediately vanishes.

“Marie… Marie,” Panic ensues as I dive onto the ground and cradle the limp female in my arms. I brush the hair from her forehead and give her a little shake. Shit. Is she breathing? This can’t be happening. Okay, she’s breathing. “Baby, wake up.” I tap her cheek. “I swear to God if you don’t wake up I’ll…” I should call an ambulance. I grab a pillow and place it under her head, wincing when her hand flops from her stomach to the floor. Totally lifeless.

My eyes burn. My eyes never burn. Don’t be hurt. Please don’t be hurt. I grab my phone, keeping her dainty hand in mine.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” the nude female screams and launches her body at me. My racing heart slows a fraction. I’m going to kill her. “Payback bitch. For all of those times you tricked me. Pretending you were unconscious.” I knew that would come back on me one day.

“I’m going to kill you,” and then her bare pussy rests on my length which is embarrassingly hard. I can’t help it, she’s sexy even when she’s
playing dead. “Okay, I’ll kill you later.”

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