A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (40 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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My voice is high and scratchy, a little panicked sounding, “

quirks a brow, I see her glance to the side. Is someone else there?

“So yeah, I kind of need your input on this.”

Clearing of the throat, deep breath and go. “I… well…” Fuck. A baby? Right now? Did she do this on purpose? No… of course she didn’t. This is Marie, why would I even think that?

A baby!

Right now!

A mini Marie.

Nah, it’s so going to be male.

“You look a little
pale Jake,” her soft voice pierces through my stupor.

“Are you…? I mean… can I call you back?” My head hurts, did I say I felt sick? Because I do feel sick.

“Jacob,” she snaps and my eyes find hers on the screen. Even though it doesn’t look like we’re looking at each other I know we are. This is good, eye contact so to speak. Okay, keep it together Jacob. “There’s one more thing.”

One more thing can’t hurt.

“There’s two.”

“Two what?” And then it dawns on me. Is it getting dark in here? Why am I in a tunnel?

“Two people in this room forcing me to be mean so they can film your reaction and upload it to Facebook. See ya.”

So she’s not pregnant then?



Chapter Twenty Five



“Stop tapping,” Amelia slams her tiny hand on top of mine and glares.

Five minutes later.

“Tap one more time and I’ll…”

I raise a brow and lower my head to look in her eyes, she mirrors my look and starts tapping her own fingers.

“I bet I can make you laugh,” I whisper, she taps again and responds, “I bet you can’t.”

“Don’t bet against Amelia again Marie, we all know what happened last time,” Loryn giggles and kisses Amelia on the temple. “Dinner will be ready in five.”

Amelia doesn’t respond, she only stares at me, “No touching. Tickling isn’t allowed.”

“Deal.” I’m so on this.
“Your terms?”

“I’ll tell you when I’m done.” I’m not liking the glint in this kids eyes. Not in the slightest.

“No chance. You need to tell me now.”

“If you’re so sure you’ll win, what have you got to worry about?” Loryn chips in and my competitiveness beats my reason.
She and Amelia share a look, now I have a really bad feeling. I better not lose.


Twenty minutes later.

“Your kid is evil and she doesn’t have a sense of humor!” I shout at Lucas as I stroll past him
and grab my keys from the side.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” He grabs my hand to stop me from leaving.

“Evil,” I hiss and snatch my hand from his.

“I don’t hear
you calling nobody!” Amelia shouts from the next room. Evil I tell you.

“It’s anybody! Learn to talk right.”

She runs into the hall, kicks me in the shin which really fucking hurts and then runs away. I ignore the laughter coming from Loryn and Lucas.

“Uh-oh, what did you do?” He could at least pretend to look sympathetic.

Loryn leans against the wall still laughing, “She made a bet and lost and now she has to tell Jacob she loves him.”

Lucas blanches, his brows shoot up
as his eyes dart towards the room where Amelia still resides. “Christ. She is evil.”

“I’m not telling him,” I snap and shrug on my jacket. “I’ll tell him in my own time.”

“So you do love him?” Shit, I walked straight into that one.

“Well at least now I know where she gets it from,” I bite out, turning my nose up and leaving.


My anger instantly leaves when I remember where I’m heading. Jacob’s coming home and he says he has a surprise for me. I should hope he does, he’s been away long enough. Okay, I’d rather have him than a surprise, but getting both is pretty damn awesome.

We’ve spoken every day, texts and emails when we’ve not been able to speak. I’d say it was weird having a boyfriend who I actually enjoy talking to but it’s not. It feels right and natural and sort of perfect in a way.

There’s no drama, the seas are calm and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. I also haven’t been out drinking since the last time with Maya. What in the hell is wrong with me? Oh right, I’m falling in love.

I think.

It’s been too long since I truly missed somebody to the point of bouncing on the spot outside of the airport in apprehension of their arrival. Now I’m pacing. Now I’m bouncing again.

Where is he? His flight should have landed fifteen minutes ago. I can see his usual babble of fans and reporters
at the main entrance. I’m remaining out of sight like last time, it wouldn’t do good to let them see me. There’s been a few times I’ve been stopped in the street by reporters and questioned. There’s been a few times his fans have stopped me and been all, “Oh my god, you’re Jacob Stone’s girlfriend. You are still together right?” One of them had the cheek to give me a love note to give to him. What is up with that? I took it with a smile and read it out to him over Skype later that night. I suggested we text her on the phone number she left for him and ask her if she was interested in a three way.

Then I got pissed off with him because he didn’t immediately reject the idea.
To which he laughed and replied, “Babe, you and another woman would make my dreams come true. Don’t blame a guy for getting a little bit excited.”

“Guess what your new dream is,” I smiled a sultry smile and moved closer to the mic.

“Go on,” he gulped and I watched his hand descend.

“That I’ll let you watch me naked on cam again in the future.”

His hand stops and his smile instantly flips upside down. “What?”

“Goodnight Jacob.”

“But…” And then I closed my laptop with an evil snigger.


He’s still not here and I’m starting to freeze.


Turn around.


I turn slowly, I see nothing but the roads leading away from the airport. My phone chimes again.


Turn around again.


What is this? Some kind of weird game? I’d say he wants me to turn so he can see my ass but my coat covers it up.

So I turn, albeit slowly just to annoy him. Again I see nothing. This is getting
irritating now.


Stop fooling around. I’m cold.


Turn around again.


He is so weird. I give a quick smile to a passing couple who’ve just parked their car near mine and are watching me turn every few seconds with no little amount of apprehension on their faces and then I turn to face yet again… no fucking Jacob.

“I don’t know where you are buddy but I am not turning again.”

“That sucks,” comes a familiar voice from behind me. Not Jacob’s voice. Maya’s. “I was enjoying the show.”

She flips her long hair over her shoulder, she’s wearing that stupid hat and suit again. “Get in bitch.”

“Where’s Jacob?” And where did she come from?

She sighs and waits for me to sit in the passenger seat. Her hands tighten on the steering wheel. “He couldn’t make it so he asked me to pick you up.”

“What?” And he made me play that fucking turn around game for nothing? Getting my hopes up for nothing? “That fucking asshole.”

“Yep. Sorry bitch. Fancy a drink?”

“Why didn’t he just tell me?” This really sucks.

Maya’s hand rests over mine on the console between us, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” was that a snigger? I’m sure that was a snigger. A male one. “I’m just disappointed he won’t be there for the first scan tomorrow.” Maya’s chest jerks and the car swerves slightly. I dig my nails into her hand, imploring her to shut up. “You didn’t tell him did you?”

She clears her throat, “Umm, no. Of course not, I promised you I wouldn’t didn’t

“Yes you did. You’re such a good friend Maya. Do you think he’ll be mad?”

“I don’t know.” She shakes her head for about five minutes before blowing her lips to make a horse like sound. I can tell by the crinkles around her eyes that she’s trying not to laugh. “No idea. None whatsoever. I hope he likes your choice of name for him.”

“Yeah, Pedro.”

“I thought you were going to call him Brutus?”

My eye twitches as I try not to laugh, “Nah, I changed my mind. I’ll let him name the girl though.”

“Good compromise,” she states with an approving nod. “Should call her Maya.”


“You’re no fun.”

“I miss Jacob,” I sigh
dramatically and run my fingers through my hair. “Wait, where are we going?”

Maya winks at me before taking a right turn. “I’ve got to pick up some things from Sylvia’s.”

“Oh yeah, this is her area. Why have we gone this way?”

“I took the wrong turn back there when we were discussing the twins.”

Snort. “Right, the twins.”

We pull over outside a large metal gate protecting a long driveway that isn’t Sylvia’s.

“Wanna make out?” Maya suddenly asks, she’s a devious cow.

“Fucking hell Maya, you read my mind.”


It takes all of five seconds for Jacob’s head to pop over the back seats of the vehicle, he goes wide eyed and quickly lies back down again. I’m guessing he was expecting a show. What gave him that idea?

“So, where are we really?” I ask while climbing out of the car. Maya joins me in opening the trunk, we stare at a nervously smiling Jacob.

“Tada,” he says and wags his fingers. “I can teleport.”

I slam the trunk shut with a scowl and stomp towards… well, I just stomp and head right with no destination in mind.

“So… she’s not pregnant then?” I hear Jacob whisper. Then he yelps. “Ouch, what was that for?”

“For being an idiot, now get moving.” Maya demands and skips to my side.

I look at the handsomest man I know and smile. He smiles back. Then we move towards each other. Then I jump on him, legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders. Then we make out and fuck me it’s awesome.

After he puts me down he turns on Maya, “Did you tell her?” Uh-oh, he’s angry.

“No,” she raises her hands, her expression showing she’s clearly insulted. “Of course not.”

“Jacob, I’m not stupid.” Eye roll. “If you hadn’t texted me I possibly would’ve believed it. Then there’s the fact I heard you sniggering.”

Maya pats me on the head, “Such a clever girl isn’t she Jacob?”

Jacob ignores her and takes my hands, “So, are you pregnant or not?”

I slap him upside his head.

“What the fuck was that for?”

“For being an idiot. Now where are we going?”

He points to the large gates, “Home.”

My face falls. Maya’s word barely registers but I hear it, “Uh-oh.”

“You bought a house?” He bought a house? A big house? What the fuck?

“I told you I was going to.”

“You asked me to move in with you, I thought you meant a few months from now… not a few weeks,” dear god, I’m going to hyperventilate.

He smiles wickedly, seeming oblivious to my inner turmoil, “
It’s great right? Come on, let’s go inside. I’ve only seen pictures.”

Yep. Totally going to hyperventilate.

“I’m gonna wait in the car,” Maya mutters to no one and skulks away.

Jacob steps in front of me, a puzzled expression marring his perfect features, “I thought you’d be happy.”

“This isn’t…” Deep breath, he meant well Marie. Don’t blow this out of proportion. Deep breath, now exhale. Okay, good. I have some semblance of calm. “Can you take me home?”

He blinks, shocked and a little bit hurt, “We are home. Come on…” He grips my hand, I tug it free. Or try to.

“Jacob, take me home.”

He winces and finally releases my hand, “Why are you angry?”

“Oh I’m not angry, I’m perfectly calm. This is a lovely gesture. Great. Awesome.”

“Why are you gritting your teeth then?”

“Take me home Jacob.”

He throws his hands up in the air and faces away from me. His tongue swipes over his lower lip as his hands rest atop of his head.
“Fucking brilliant.” Definitely sarcastic. His eyes meet mine after a long few seconds. “No.”

“What?” My hands rest on my hips.

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