A Little Training (4 page)

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Authors: Abbie Adams

BOOK: A Little Training
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they could afford to pay us each fifty thousand dollars and support all of us,
somebody—whoever—Daddy, or whatever, had to be a millionaire. We
should have tried to bargain with them for more money.

day moved by and we were again gathered around the table for lunch. When we
were done we were each taken to the bathroom. I tried to say that I didn’t have
to go. I didn’t want to. But it was Uncle Tommy and I’m telling you he is mean.
He said that I had better and he was not going to put up with foolishness. I
don’t know why it is so difficult but it is the oddest thing to go pee with a
man standing there. And then to let him wipe for you when you know you are more
than capable.

so you know—there isn’t toilet paper in the bathrooms, just wipes. And they
are up high in the cupboard. So, if you go to the bathroom on your own, you
have to call for help, drip dry, or walk around wet.

soon as I was done I was led back to the bedroom and told it was naptime, of
all things. Yes, we had to take a nap. When we started talking, you got it… we
were warned that if we didn’t be quiet and go to sleep we were going to be

can’t go to sleep without a blanket.” I whined.

it help if your butt is really warm and you are really worn out?” Daddy popped
his head in the door and gave me a look.

butt was still warm…

said if we were cold he would turn the heat up, but we couldn’t have coverings
until we earned them. I have to admit I was very frustrated by this. I was not
used to sleeping with out something to cover up with and you know snuggle
around me. Nor was I used to being told to take a nap.

must have been tired, either leftover from the medicine or from the spanking,
because I think I slept for a long time. When I woke up, both Caity and Erin
were up and gone. Sara was still in her bed, it seemed the same position as she
was earlier, face down in her arm.

laid there on my side for a bit considering everything, but a very
uncomfortable feeling between my legs made me roll to my back to open them and
look. However, once on my back, my bottom was forced to press on the mattress
and impress on my memory the feeling of Daddy’s hand pressing on my behind. I
was back on my side in a hurry. My hand flew to my butt to rub. It even felt
hot to the touch. I remember thinking I was never going to make it in this

rubbing helped some. Or perhaps it was the burning in between my legs. It felt
as if I had a sun burn, on my kitty. I was lying on my side, raised up on my
left elbow. I spread my legs and looked down to see that the shaved area was
very red and irritated. All at once I remembered that there had to be cameras
in the room and dropped my legs closed. There was no way I wanted someone
watching me checking out my snatch.

couldn’t get help for my flaming bottom but they said I could have cream for my
crotch. Perhaps the same stuff would work on my butt?

soon as I made it out of the door of the bedroom Uncle Tommy was right there.

you have to go potty?”

wanted to groan at the baby talk but restrained myself. “No, but can I get the
lotion for my sore, um, private?” I know my face had to be the shade of- hmm…
well now that I think of it, I wonder if it was the same shade as my butt?

don’t know why but I was surprised when he took my hand. “Sure, come on.”

took me across the hall into the big bathroom and lifted me onto the table.

No. No.” I tried to get down then. It never occurred to me that someone would
put it on me.

. What is the matter?” He held my upper
arms keeping me in place sitting on the side of the table.

started crying. “I don’t want it.”

you do. Now stop being silly. You obviously need it. You don’t want it to get
worse. Now, lay down.” He didn’t give me a choice, he pushed me backwards. I
was frantic by then and started fighting. He easily had me flat on my back on
the table. Then he lifted my legs together straight in the air, and he smacked
my already sore butt. “Now settle down, and let me get this over with.”

wanted to kick him right in the face. But somehow I didn’t. I threw my arm over
my face and ignored the fact that he had spread my legs and was spreading the
cream all over my mound and then even in my lips. He seemed to be trying to be
gentle but it too hurt. When he was done and was washing his hands I climbed
down and was going to run out when he stopped me. I was afraid of what he
wanted but I was afraid not to obey too. It turned out all he wanted was to
wash my face again.

I headed straight for the bedroom he stopped me again. “No, go to the kitchen
and have a snack.”

didn’t want a snack… I wanted to go hide on my bed and pout. But again, I
didn’t want to get in trouble so I did what he said. I was surprised when I got
to the kitchen and Uncle Jeremy was the only one there. He lifted me right into
a barstool at the counter a slid a warm chocolate chip cookie and a glass of
milk to me.

don’t like milk.” I complained. I realized what I said and fear shot through me
as he started to walk towards me. Would he think I was being disrespectful or
something and spank me again? I felt the warm tears tumbling down my cheeks as
he got right next to me.


wrapped his arms around me and brushed my snarly hair out of my face. “You’re
having a really bad day, huh?” He rubbed his hand up and down my back and let
me cry. “It will get better baby,

loved him instantly.

now you need to calm down and eat your snack before you get me in trouble too.”
He stepped away from me and went back around the counter. I stared at my
cookie, finally picking it up. But, he was back at my side. I looked up and he
washed face
, and then he set
down a glass of chocolate milk.

couldn’t help but smile as I drank it. I felt like I finally had a friend. Jeremy
is like a big awkward teddy bear. He is probably the same height as Daddy but
he is bigger across the chest and shoulders. He wasn’t fat. He was solid and,
well, he was just big. He had short sandy blond hair and sparkly green eyes.
They were almost merry.

I really know is that he must have been my brother in another life or
something. He knew what I needed to face another day… with a hug and a glass of
chocolate milk, I felt like I could do anything.


Chapter 3



and Erin were in the family room. They were just sitting there. It was actually
quite boring. So, I left to explore the upstairs. The staircase itself was
wider than in a normal house and marble. Once I reached the upstairs the first
room on the left was huge and masculine, the bed enormous. The room was done in
black and gray. I didn’t realize it then but this was Daddy’s room. On the same
side as Daddy’s but farther down was another living room similar in style to
the one at the base of the stairs.

I made my way across the hall there were four bedrooms but they were only half
the size as the first one on the left. They varied in colors of blues, browns
and greens. I assumed at the time that the Uncles all slept upstairs but later
found out that Uncle Tommy’s bedroom was downstairs next to ours. So, one of
the four upstairs isn’t used. I didn’t see any bathrooms in the hall so they
must have them in the bedrooms.

kind of wanted to go in the rooms and snoop more but I wouldn’t dare. There was
no way I was going to get myself into more trouble. I made my way back down the
stairs and on the landing halfway down there were beautiful windows that looked
out over the backyard. It was stunning. I should say they looked out over the
flower gardens. I wished there was a bench seat there. There was room for one.

I couldn’t go sit outside at least I could sit there and pretend I was out
there. I knelt there for quite a while I guess. It was May and I could just
imagine that there were going to be lilacs. Lilacs were one of my favorites.
But, they don’t last for long… I hoped I hadn’t missed them. There were some
red and yellow tulips along a white fence. It looked like something out of a
puzzle they sold in the drugstore.

before I knew it I was called to dinner. I stood rather awkwardly after being
on my knees for so long. I wondered if I could pass on eating. As I made it to
the table I heard Caity say she was not eating.

am sorry,
, but, you do not decide that you are
not eating. All little girls must eat. If you do not want to eat you will stand
in the corner while we eat.
then you will still eat after you are done in the corner.” Daddy spoke this as
he was leading Caity right to a corner behind Uncle Tommy. Everyone else sat
down as if nothing was out of the norm. I was thankful I had not made the same
mistake as Caity. That would be so embarrassing.

was hard to eat. I didn’t feel hungry in the least. I never ate as much as I
had here. Thankfully it wasn’t something I didn’t like.
What if that happened?

supper we were told it was bath time, and if we were good we could watch a
movie. If not, it was straight to bed without. I knew what that meant. I was
going to be bathed by one of them. If I protested I had to go to bed. And I was
pretty sure that didn’t mean I could just go to bed and bypass the whole bath.
If I protested I would probably be spanked again, get bathed anyway, and sent to
bed. If I went along with it, I could stay up and watch a movie.

could I do? I could hide and hope they lost count of the girls….

I was put in the warm bath without any protest (except my minor hiss when the
water touched my bottom) and to my horror, Uncle Tommy put Erin in with me.

hair is something else isn’t it? I don’t know how you ever managed on your own.
It’s obvious you need help.” He pushed my hair all together over my shoulders
and behind me.

had pulled my knees to my chin and wrapped my arms around them. I hated every
part of this. A bath was supposed to be relaxing. You should be able to kick
back and enjoy it. Not happening here. No, He grabbed the handheld shower and
brought it to my hair. He tipped my head back gently with his knuckle to my
chin. I felt the warm water run down through the mass and almost loosened up.

chin came right back to my knees as he moved the sprayer to Erin’s hair. I
watched as he wet hers down and then soaped it up. Before I knew it he was back
at mine with a handful of suds. It was actually nice, I admit it, having
someone else massage my head and hair, and then rinse it all away. I hate my
hair. But, as I said I don’t dare cut if off or people would think I am a boy.

moved to rinsed Erin’s hair and right away I missed the sprayer. But then the
most awful thing—just when I was thinking it wasn’t all that bad! Uncle Tommy
had a soapy washcloth and told me to stand.

just stared at him at first. “I can do it,” I tried.

think you know better than that already,
. Stand
up so we can get you cleaned up and then you will still be able to watch a
movie. Up.” He gestured at the same time and I rose from the water as if it
were the first time I was naked in front of them again. He washed me very
methodically, every inch. Sliding the soapy cloth over my sensitive nipples and
breasts and down my belly, my arms, my back. He had me lift each foot and then took
the cloth back up my legs and to my kitty.

was the craziest thing. I was scared, embarrassed, and sore, and yet, I was
warm and tired and all that rubbing. Well the soapy cloth down there didn’t
seem to bother me—in a bad way. In fact it was over way too soon.

around.” I didn’t really need the command. He turned me as he said it. And then
the cloth was pressed back between my thighs, from the back. “Spread your

legs were shaking and my butt was sore. I did as he said but I wonder now that
he didn’t have to tell me to spread them while he was in the front. I felt the
cloth rub over my bottom hole. That was so embarrassing.

you done yet?” I was a little testy.

he didn’t take full offense. He did however smack my wet fanny one crisp time.
“Watch the way you are talking, little girl.”

.” I sat down as soon as he moved the cloth away from

moved over to Erin with a new washcloth and I sat there curled in a ball
looking the other way waiting for him to let me out. After he washed her he had
me stand and rinsed me off completely with the sprayer again. Then he blotted
me dry with a towel and wrapped me in it.

lifted me to the table and started to towel dry my hair with another towel
while he left me sitting in the other. He got a comb and came back to my head.
I started to pull away and cover my head with my arms… Hey it worked the time

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