A Major Seduction (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

BOOK: A Major Seduction
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“Focus, blondie.”


“You in or not?” He acted like it didn’t matter, but it did.
The woman had gotten under his skin, and now he couldn’t imagine not at least
seeing where his darker fantasies with her would lead. She couldn’t say no.
Could she? She’d taken his direction earlier without complaint.

“I suppose I’m in.” She tapped his chest. “But a few rules.”

He relaxed, now that she’d agreed. “Oh?”

“One, this is just between us. I don’t want you bragging to
Brad or anyone else about ‘tagging me’.”

“Jesus, I’m not sixteen. I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Good.” She nodded. “I don’t either. Second, you can’t get
all clingy.”

, clingy?” That
was usually the problem he had with his exes—
grew too clingy.

“And third, if we’re going to do this and not use
protection, then it just has to be us. You and me. No other women for you while
we’re doing this sex thing.”

“And no guys for you.” He could totally get behind that. He
hated the idea of her with anyone else—while fucking him.

“Just for now. While we’re playing,” she was quick to remind
him. “Once we’ve scratched your kinky itch, we’ll go our separate ways again.
But we have to still be friends after. Deal?”

He nodded, but he didn’t know that he liked her putting a
time limit on them. As if she already viewed anything between them as
temporary. It was so weird because that had been his thing, setting rules and
limitations when dealing with past girlfriends. None of them had made it past a
few months at most. They all seemed to view him as husband material while he
saw nothing but future ex-wives wanting a piece of him.

Mike wasn’t ready to settle down yet. When the time was
right, when he met a woman who could tempt him the way his mother had snared
his father, then he’d get serious. But from what he’d seen, Elizabeth Cava was
a one-in-a-million woman. Supportive of his father and their family, yet strong
on her own.

And speaking of strong… Who knew Maria and he were so alike?
It seemed as though she wanted nothing more than safe, fun, consensual sex that
was more than casual but less than permanent.

He sighed with pleasure. “You’re so on my wavelength it
isn’t funny. So, yeah, I’m down with all your rules, you little taskmaster.”

“I’m not little.”

“You are to me.” He smiled.

She smiled back then pounced and rolled him to his back.
“I’m queen of this mountain.”

“Okay, Queen Maria, saddle up and ride.” He nudged her up
and slid himself inside her, not surprised to find his cock hard and ready to
go again. Not around her. “This mountain’s due to erupt any minute.”

She laughed then moaned as she settled over him, taking him
balls deep. “Well then, let’s not waste any time. Giddy up.”

Chapter Six



Maria still felt sore two days after her amazing sexual
marathon with Mike. She’d refused to give Olivia details—because, ew, Mike was
Olivia’s brother—but her wide smile fooled no one, least of all her
closemouthed BFF.

After Maria rang up two customers and readied to close for
the night, her mother walked in.

“Mom!” She raced to her mother and gave her a huge hug. “What
are you doing back early? I was going to pick you up from the airport

“I was homesick. The conference was great, but I missed
you.” They walked back to the counter, and her mother tucked her suitcase
behind it.

“Yeah right. You were worried I’d run the shop into the
ground. Be honest.”

Her mother’s grin, so like her own, said it all her. “Well,
I might have been a touch concerned. But I really did miss being home.
Charlotte’s nice, but it’s not Swansboro.”

“Plus you missed the beach…and maybe Ryan North? He stopped
in yesterday asking about you.” Ryan was a kind, handsome fifty-five year old
who thought the sun rose and set on Laura Thompson.

Her mother blushed. “Yes, well, Ryan picked me up from the

“You go, Mom.”

“Hush or I won’t give you what I picked up in Charlotte.”
Her mother reached into her pocket and pulled out a magnet. “To go with your

“Awesome.” Maria had a collection of magnets from different
places her friends visited. One day she planned to see those places, but her
need to wander had never been more than her need for the love of a good man.
She knew she was a throwback to women of earlier times, but she couldn’t help
it. A career, travel, and expanding her horizons had never been very important
in the grand scheme of things. To Maria, family—her heart—meant everything.

Her mom walked behind the counter and let out a sigh of
pleasure. “Oh yes, I missed this. And you, young lady,” she said before Maria
her. “How are things with

As if her mother had summoned him, in walked two hundred
plus pounds of muscle and testosterone. Mike spotted her and immediately
grinned. “Hey, baby, I was thinking tonight maybe we could— Oh, er, hi, Mrs.

Her mother knew well of Maria’s long-standing crush. “Michael
Cava. I haven’t seen you in two years. Come give me a hug.”

He recovered without a hitch and walked up to her mother
then swept her off her feet. “Good to see you again.” He put her down. “How was
Charlotte? Maria told me you had a conference or something.”

Laura smiled. “The conference was amazing. I made new
friends, got some terrific new promotional ideas and financial tips. I’ll go
again next year when they have it in Orlando. A good enough excuse to visit
Disney.” She stepped back and studied him. “But how are you? You look

Mike blushed. So friggin’ cute. Maria laughed at him behind
her mother’s back. “Nice blush, Cava.”

“You, zip it.” He glared at her then turned his charm on her
mother. “Thanks, Mrs. T. I’m back for a three-year duty, stationed at Lejeune.
It’s great timing because Brad’s still here and Dad just retired. And of
course, I get to see Mom and Olivia…and Maria.” He winked at her.

“Really? Maria too? What a bargain,” her mother teased. “So
where are you living? Have you found a place yet?”

“I’m staying at my parents while I house hunt and…”

The rest of what he said escaped Maria as she stared at him.
His mouth moved, but she could only feel. Confused, excited,
in love

Why had she never been able to see anyone but Mike when it
came to hearts and happily ever after? She’d tried—
oh how she’d tried
—to put him out of her mind. But other guys
didn’t do it for her. And just when she’d thought she could finally get over
him, he had to come back to stay then give her the best sex she’d ever had in
her life.

Don’t blow it, girl.
Remember, take it slow. Casual. Right now you’re just fuck-buddies who like
each other. He’s a big fish, and he’s slippery. Reel him in slowly…

“Well, Maria?” her mother asked.

Maria blinked at the pair of them. “Um, what?”

Mike sighed. “So cute, but her mind tends to wander. Must be
the blonde hair,” he said with a grin.

Her mother, a blonde herself, narrowed her eyes on him.
“Watch it, Major Cava.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a mock salute.

“Anyway,” her mother continued and turned to her, “Mike was
asking you to the movies. I’ve got the store if you want to head out now.”

Going against every instinct that demanded she glue herself
to her man’s side, Maria shook her head. “How about later tonight, Mike? I want
to visit with Mom for a while.”

“No problem. I can pick you up at seven.”

“Where’s the movie?”

“Emerald Isle.”

Nearer his place. “Why don’t I drive to your house and we
can go from there?”

His eyes gleamed, and his grin widened—she could just
imagine what he had planned after the movie. “Sure thing. See you soon.” He
turned to her mother. “Great seeing you again, Mrs. T.” He waved and left.

Maria stared after him, wanting him with every fiber of her

“So.” Her mom cleared her throat. Maria turned to see the
woman’s brow arched in question. “You and Mike, eh?”

Then, because she’d always been able to tell her mother
everything, Maria filled her mother in on her plan to nab Mike. The G-rated
version, of course.

“Hmm. Playing it close, keeping him somewhat at a distance.”
Her mother nodded. “Not jumping when he says jump.”

Except in bed.

“Not a bad plan,” her mother said. “I like it. Are you sure
this is what you want? A future with a Marine?”

They’d had this conversation too many times to count. “Yes,
Mom. It’s Mike. He’s it for me. I’ve known it for years.”

“I know.” Her mother sighed. “I just worry about you. That
boy has a hard head. He’s a good man, but he’s never seen you for you. Don’t
mess it up with sex, Maria.”

“Mom.” She felt her cheeks heat. Despite her close ties and
frank discussions with her mom, some things were too personal to share.

“You know what I’m saying.” Her mother shook a finger at
her. “Hormones can cloud judgment. If Mike likes you now only because you’re
sleeping together, then he’s not the man for you.”

“I know that. But this is the first time in my life he’s not
seeing me as Olivia’s best friend. He’s finally seeing me as a woman. Besides,
you know Mike. He’s not the type to use me.”

“No, he’s not. His parents raised him better than that.”

Another plus to being with Mike. Her mom loved his folks.
She’d known Mike as long as Maria had.

“I just worry. I know how much you care for him. Watch
yourself, Maria. Sometimes you can be too clever for your own good.”

“True,” Maria agreed. “But for once I’m the prize and
the one working to nab
. I have to say, it feels pretty

“You have a point.” Laura admitted. “That’s how I hooked
Ryan. After four dates and no moves from him, I made it look like I was going
to go out with someone else since Ryan and I were
just friends
. And bam, that man was all over himself to impress me.
Of course, he’s also quite a keeper. But it helps to remind them that they’re
not the only fish in the sea.”

“That’s why I bow at your feet, Mom. All that wisdom. That
and you bring me magnets.”

They laughed together. Maria filled her mother in on the
customers they’d had while she’d been gone. Before she knew it, six-thirty had
rolled around. “Shoot, I’ve got to go.”

“Have fun, sweetie. We’ll do lunch on Friday. Bring Olivia.”

“I will.” Maria left in a hurry and raced home on her
bicycle. Another plus to working for her mother—she didn’t need a car to get to
work. After hustling into a quick shower then dressing in a casual cotton skirt
and tank, she slipped on her sandals and realized she’d misplaced her purse. It
took her ten minutes to find it, and by that time she heard her phone buzzing
from inside the bag. But still no keys.

She cringed when she saw the caller and answered, “Oh, hey,
Mike. Yeah, I’m running a little late.”

“Figured.” He sounded amused.

“I can’t find my keys. Do you think you could come get me?”

“Sure.” He paused. “What are you wearing?”

She huffed. “Clothes.”

“Ha ha. Tell you what, you make sure you’re wearing a thong
and a bra, and I’ll be there in ten.”

“A thong and a bra? That’s it?”

“No, blondie. A thong and bra under your clothes. The thong
because it will tempt me all night, and the bra because if you don’t wear one,
I’ll be focused on your breasts and end up embarrassing myself with a hard-on
out in public. We’re not going to one of
movie theaters, you know.”

She smiled, loving the fact she could arouse him like that.
“Fine. Since you’re being so picky and all.”

“Then after the movie, we could get a bite to eat at my
place—I mean, my parents’ house. You get the idea.”

“Hmm. Will this involve ingesting vast amounts of protein on
my part?”

His low chuckle gave her shivers. “It might. It also might
involve you bringing a toy or two, so pack an overnight bag.”

“Oh.” She wanted to swoon and would have if she was a swoony
kind of girl. Too bad she was too practical for that.

“Do me a favor, Ms. Kiss and Tell. Don’t share tonight with
my sister. She’s already giving me weird looks when I see her.”

“I told her nothing!”


“Well, mostly nothing. She just knows we kind of hooked up a
little. But come on, she’s my BFF. Even if I don’t tell her, she can read me.”

“I know, I know.” He groaned. “But if she knew half the
things I plan on doing to you, she might report me.”

“To the police? What the hell are we going to do? Will it
involve farm animals? Because I am
not into that.”

“Jesus, reel it in.” He laughed. “Not to the police, to my
parents. I cannot get the safe sex lecture from my father again. Trust me, it’s
killer. And they love you, so them thinking I’m dogging on you like I want to
will be such a cockblocker. Just…less is more, so keep mostly quiet.”

“Less is more?” She glanced at her top. “Mostly from where
you’re standing, I’m sure. But most women will tell you more is better. And,
honey, you’ve got plenty more. I’m not complaining.”

He laughed. A lot. “You crack me up. See you soon.”

She kept on the thong she’d been wearing and scrounged up a
bra. Her tank top was thick enough that not wearing one wouldn’t have mattered,
but if Mike wanted her covered up, she would. Besides, they could have fun
taking it off later. Then she exchanged her sandals for sexier shoes.

She grabbed her small overnight bag after texting Olivia
that she’d found another place to stay for the night, not wanting her friend to
worry if she didn’t come home. She received a YGG—
You go girl
—text in response.

Mike arrived looking amazing, as he always did. He wore
khaki trousers and a short-sleeved polo that clung to his upper body. The aqua
blue shirt complemented his dark skin tone, making his hair look that much
blacker. His eyes seemed impossibly dark as he stared at her. She’d always had
a thing for chocolate, and Mike’s eyes were nothing if not her favorite eye
candy of all time.

He gave her a thorough onceover and grunted at her top.

“Oh, is that Marine-speak for you look nice?” she asked
drily. The time for letting him get away with anything he wanted, in order to
impress him, had come and gone.

He grinned, and she knew she’d handled him the right way.
“You look hot. Fuckable, if you want the truth.”

“Why, Mike, you say the nicest things.”

He chuckled. “Fine. You’re without a doubt going to be a
huge pain in my ass all night. I’ve already got a hard-on, and I’ve had it
since getting in my truck to come get you. Wondering exactly what’s under your
clothes is going to kill me. A pink thong? A black lace bra? What treasures are
waiting for me tonight?” He pulled her close for a quick kiss that turned
carnal in a heartbeat. “Fuck me, I’m going to be hard all night. I know it.”

She reached down and cupped him through his pants. “All for
little old me?”

He stared into her eyes, his smile fading.


He cupped her chin and stroked her cheek. “Yeah, all for

Odd, but then he kissed her again. This time the kiss was
less arousing and more tender. His low moan added fuel to the fire warming her

Mike broke from her mouth, swearing under his breath. “Now
let’s get moving. The movie starts at seven forty-five.”

She glanced at his large watch and pulled it close to check
the time. “But you told me to be ready at seven.”

He raised a brow, looking conceited and way too handsome for
her peace of mind. “And it’s nearly seven-thirty. Do I know you or what?”

“Fine. Let’s go.” She thrust her bag into his gut and heard
a satisfying
. Then she strutted
to the truck in her heels, having foregone her sandals, and heard his strangled

“Oh man. I want those heels on either side of my head in the
worst way.”


He wiggled his brows at her, and she had a visual of Mike
pounding into her while her ankles were up around his head. So sexy, and so
embarrassing that she couldn’t stop blushing.

“You’ll pay for that, Cava.”

“Oh, I hope so.” He chuckled and started the truck. “Now
let’s go before we’re really late.”

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