A Major Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

BOOK: A Major Seduction
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He mounted her on the bed, lying over her from head to toe.
“You really do. But first I need to get really hard.”

As if the poker against her ass wasn’t ramrod stiff enough.

He nudged her thighs wide, angled her hips up, then inched
into her pussy. The sensation of being filled while covered… indescribable.
Then he reached around them and fingered her clit.

She tried to get him to put more of himself inside her,
wriggling to seat him deeper. But he held still, playing with her clit and
driving her insane.

He nipped her neck and whispered, “You want a good fuck? How
bad, girl?”

“So bad, Sir. God, fuck me. I need you in me,” she begged,
not too proud.

He thrust hard, and she neared her end, on the narrow edge
of climax. He stopped moving and continued to pluck her clit. One more touch
and she seized around him, bucking and crying out, caught in the restraints,
under him.

“What a naughty girl,” he whispered as he continued to rub
her. “Coming without permission.”

“Mike,” she moaned. “Sir.”

He withdrew from her body and rested against her ass, still
thick and hard. Then he nudged between her cheeks and inserted just the tip of
himself inside her. “Shit, girl,” he swore. “You’re going to be so tight. But
not yet.”

Mike left her lying like a limp rag and returned moments
later. She heard the buzz of her vibrator. “Now let’s fill you up, hmm?” He
eased it inside her already slick pussy. But then he withdrew it and started
playing with her ass. Rimming her, inserting it in small bits.

The pleasure shocked her because she hadn’t expected any of
it. And she wanted more.

He pulled the toy away, and when he put it back moments
later, it slid easily against her.

“I lubed it, don’t worry.” He groaned. “God, you have a
perfect ass. I’m fucking hard as hell waiting to take you.”

She arched her hips up, thrusting her ass out at him. He
stroked her flank while pushing the vibrator inside her. The buzz felt odd
enough, but when he moved the toy deeper, she felt the first prick of pain.

“Easy. Push out while I push in. Okay?”

She nodded but couldn’t help tensing. Even when he removed
it then inserted just the tip again, she braced for pain.

Mike slapped her ass. “I said push out. Do it.”

She did as asked, noting the ease with which the toy slid
inside her this time. He must have added more lube. The toy moved deeper, and
she felt more fullness.

“Push out, damn it,” Mike urged.

She did. Then it slid home, vibrating inside her while
stretching her.

“Fuck yeah.” He left it there and circled to her head. He
knelt beside her, holding himself. “I want you to suck my balls. Come on, baby.

She had to lift her head, but then he was there, jerking off
while she licked and did her best to suck him into her mouth. His groans, the
fullness in her ass, the naughty decadence of it all took her to another plane

“Yeah, baby. That’s it. Fuck, that’s
so good


He finally pulled away and moved behind her again. She knew
he was there but was lost in the ecstasy building in her once more. Then he
removed the vibrator and drizzled lube against her anus. He used a finger to
slick her up until she was so slippery she felt absolutely no pain from the
large digit in and out of her.

“I’m coming in, Maria. I need you.” Mike removed his finger,
mounted her, and started to enter her. His cock felt huge as he moved deeper
into her ass, but he made sure to be gentle.

She gasped. “So big.”

“Yeah. All in you. I’m going to come so hard,” he rasped as
he continued to enter her. A slow, steady thrust that finally ended with him
balls deep up her ass. “Fuck me. Oh fuck.” He swore as he withdrew, trembling,
then pushed forward once more.

In increments, he took her until his speed and intensity had
him hammering inside her while she cried out for more. Begging him. She hadn’t
thought he could get her there, but she was desperate for him to come. To feel
the way she had just moments ago.

He quickened his pace, his breath raspy. Then he swore and
shuddered as he released inside her.

“Maria. Baby, yeah.” After a moment of stillness, he
withdrew, then pushed inside again and moaned her name, continuing to thrust,
still taking her while he grew softer. He finally pulled out and kissed her,
and she realized he’d been wearing a condom. “Be right back.”

He returned to clean her up. But instead of releasing her
from her bonds and cuddling with her, he freed her wrists, turned her onto her
back, and retied her.

She watched him move around, amazed that even flaccid, the
man was hung like a horse. And he’d had that thing up her ass. Oh man, what if
she’d had an accident or something? She’d been so caught up in the moment she
hadn’t thought about it, but she was thinking now.

“Don’t worry. I used soap to make sure I don’t taste like
latex for you.” He winked at her embarrassment. “That way when I’m deep in your
pussy or coming down your throat, you know I’m clean.”

“More?” she croaked, done in by the man who’d made her beg.

“Hell yeah. I don’t think you’ve had your daily protein
drink, have you?” He laughed when she groaned. “And I’m jonesing for a sweet
dessert myself. Some tasty pussy. Maybe I should get some now.”

He tossed the rag aside and knelt between her legs, yet he
didn’t do anything but stare at her as he sat back on his heels.


“You okay?” he asked, his voice gruff. “You sounded into it,
and you didn’t use your safe word. But…” He studied her entire body. “You’re so
much smaller than me. I don’t want to
hurt you. I’d never do that.”

You will if you break
my heart.
“Don’t worry, studly. I can take all you have to dish out.”

He raised a brow and put his hands on his hips, bringing her
attention back to that thick part of him. “Dish out,
.” He shook his head. “Still needing to be punished. I guess
that assfucking wasn’t enough. Maybe I’ll have to give you a few more orgasms
before gagging you on my cock. Think that might help?”

yes, Sir.

He smirked. “They aren’t going to be easy orgasms, baby. Now
let’s see how many
times I can
make you beg.”

Chapter Eight



“You sure are walking funny,” Olivia said to Maria the
following Thursday, a big grin on her face. “Big brother putting you through
your paces?” For once Olivia and Maria had a free day during the week. One best
spent getting a tan.

“You’re not that funny. I strained a muscle running, not
from sex,” Maria muttered as she followed her best friend on the beach, trying
not to bobble the many chairs and cooler she’d been forced to carry. Walking in
sand wasn’t that easy to do
all the crap in her hands. “How long are you going to blackmail me anyway?”
Apparently brother and sister had a thing about indentured servitude. Mike’s,
she had to admit, had been a lot more fun.

“Hmm. It’s been a week since my brother started wearing you
out. You’ve spent every waking minute with him, and I’m pretty sure that’s
something you don’t want my parents or your mom to know. Let me do the math…”

A week since the movie and her first unforgettable night of
kinky sex with Master Mike. The first of many. Maria sighed.

Olivia cringed. “Quit doing that. You’re making me ill.”

“By sighing?”

“By remembering whatever disgusting things my brother does
to you. Yeah, I know all about Mike and his dirty habits.”

Maria nodded. “Oh right. The Melissa Incident.” When Olivia
had accidentally walked in on Mike and some chick and their use of hot wax. She
shivered, wondering if and when Mike would use that on her.

Thus far in their limited “relationship,” he’d shown her
exactly how great anal sex, oral sex, and dual penetration could be. He
continued to bring her to orgasm before taking his own, and that level of
determination and selflessness impressed the hell out of her. Even better, they
spent time together not between the sheets. Goofing off, swimming, jogging,
even playing cards. Like the rest of his family, he was
a competitor, but a good winner. Especially since he took such
great care of her before making himself happy, and not just sexually. All the

If she hadn’t been in serious love with him before, she sure
was now.

“What’s that look?” Olivia asked her as she finally found a
place to set down their things. Far enough away from crying kids and up the
beach so the tide wouldn’t wash away their stuff.

“What look?”

“Your love face is getting worse. You’re still playing the
distance card?”

“I’m trying to, but it’s not easy when we’re spending so
much time together. Time
for,” she said before Olivia could ask.

“Awesome. The plan is working.”

“I don’t know.” Maria arranged her towel and flopped back on
it, already spritzed with sunscreen. “I’m even more gaga for him now than I was
before. He has me hooked on his body, his attitude, and how amazing he can be
as a boyfriend. Not that we’re calling each other that, but when we’re
together, it’s all about the two of us. He doesn’t even look at other women.”

“That’s good. And yet...”

Maria sat up. “What? Tell me.”

“My brother is a hound dog. He’s loyal, yeah, but he goes
through a lot of women. You know this.”

“I do.” And there went her heart and dreams spiraling down,
down, down.

“Now hold on. You’ve got him hooked on”—Olivia glanced
around and lowered her voice—“your body. You do other things besides roll
around naked, right?”

“Yeah. That’s what’s so weird. Great, but weird. I thought
for sure he’d just want to hook up when we’re together. But he’s been the one
suggesting bowling or running on the beach. Mini golf and cards too.”


“Like rummy or playing a silly board game. He’s so fun,
especially because he likes to win. He’s a real trash talker, your brother.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I’m still taking my mom’s and your advice. I’m not letting
him off easy. If he wants me, he can work for me.”

“Exactly.” Olivia smiled. “But don’t you think he got you a
little too easily? I think it’s time for the ‘other guy’ plan. That and some
time apart for you two lovebirds. Let him miss you.”

“The what plan?” Honestly, having Olivia help her with Mike
was a godsend. Her friend was like a general herself, organized to the nth
degree, a master of lists and getting what she set after.

“The ‘other guy’ plan is to bring Bobby back into the
picture,” Olivia explained.

“But Mike and I said we’d be exclusive.”

“I’m not telling you to have sex with Bobby. Just go out
with him for lunch, someplace Mike will see you two. Trust me, if big brother
is bothered by a simple lunch, he’s totally hooked. Oh, and we need to see you
two at dinner at my parents. You have to come this Sunday. Trust me, it’ll be good
to see him with you in front of my parents.”

Maria frowned. “I don’t know. He and I have been very
low-key about not wanting everyone to know about us. I mean, I told you because
you’re my best friend.”


“Yet you’re blackmailing me with the knowledge, which speaks
volumes about your character.”

“Also true.” Olivia grinned.

“But it will be weird if your mom and dad and Brad know.”

“Look, your future in-laws already love you. Let them see
you and Mike together. If anything, they can help. You know he lives for their

“He does, doesn’t he?”

“Let me work my mom into this—without telling her, I know.
In the meantime, you call Bobby and see what you can do.”

“Well, okay, if you think I should.”

“How many years have you been after Mike? You think going
easy on the idiot is going to get you to be Mrs. Cava anytime soon? Come on, if
you won’t do it for yourself, think of me. I want a sister-in-law I like. I
cringe every time Brad brings home a new girlfriend because she usually can’t
dance without a pole.”

Maria laughed. “Stop.”

“I’m kidding. I honestly don’t care if she’s a stripper with
a heart of gold, but since Dana and he hit the skids, Brad only ever goes with
women he knows he’ll never commit to. Mike has never been in a relationship
longer than a few months before he bails. He’s constantly looking for Miss
Perfect, I guess. Frankly, I don’t know what he wants beside you—at the

“Thanks so much for tacking that on,” Maria said sourly. Ms.
Perfect? She was far from that.

“Well? You want him forever and ever, right? Play it smart.
I’m counting on you.”

“What I do for my friends.” Maria sighed and lay back,
soaking in the sun.



The next afternoon, she met Bobby for lunch in Camp
Lejeune’s PX in the food court, based on Olivia’s promise that Mike would be
there. Olivia hadn’t been specific, but Maria trusted her. Per the plan, Maria
had worn jeans and a T-shirt, not wanting to attract suspicion. Just a simple
meal with a friend…of the male persuasion. Would Mike care? Lunch wasn’t sex. But
if he ate a meal with some other woman, she’d be jealous as hell.

“You sure he’s not going to pummel me into tomorrow? Those
Cava guys are huge,” Bobby muttered, also in on the plan.

“Just eat your hamburger and stop whining,” she ordered,
conscious of the many admiring male glances cast in her direction. In some
ways, being a woman living near a Marine base was nice. With so few single
women around, she stood out. But that could also be a problem, as the
complimentary stares were intermingled with men making her feel like a piece of
meat. And
she could do without.

“Fine, I’ll eat. But only for you.” Bobby winked, and she

Right at that moment, she glanced up to see Major Mike Cava
glaring at her.

She waved, pretending her heart wasn’t racing. “Look alive,
he’s here,” she said out of the corner of her mouth.

“Great. Remember this moment when they bury me. Make sure my
tombstone says, ‘He ate his burger, and he cared.’” Bobby groaned.

She couldn’t help laughing again and inwardly cheered when
Mike, and Brad behind him, walked in their direction carrying a tray of food.

Brad. So that’s how
Olivia managed Mike to be here today. Great.
Now Brad knew about them.
Behind Mike, he winked at her.

Mike and Brad made their way toward her, nodding to fellow Marines
in greeting. With so many empty tables available at the early lunch hour, they
had their pick. Yet they planted themselves right next to her and Bobby. So far
so good.

“Gentlemen.” Bobby nodded with respect.

“Sergeant Thorn.” Mike nodded as he and Brad sat. “My
brother, Captain Cava.”

“A pleasure, sir.”

Brad grinned. “Nice to meet you, Sergeant. Hey, Maria.”

“Hi, guys.” She continued to smile, but at Mike’s fuming
glare, she explained, “Bobby and I are friends. We were just grabbing lunch.”

“Lunch,” Mike repeated in a growl.

Across from her, Bobby seemed to pale.

“Yeah, Mike. You know, when people eat between breakfast and
dinner? They call it lunch,” Brad said slowly. “You’ll have to forgive him,
Maria. He’s infantry.”

Bobby frowned. “So am I, sir.”

Mike ignored him and said to her, “I was hoping we could get
together tomorrow.”

Right in front of Bobby and Brad. That had to be good,
right? Instead of jumping up and down in glee, she put on her sad face. “Oh, I
wish I could. But Olivia and I are going away for a girls’ day out.”

“Great. Where are we headed?” Brad teased.

“Nowhere, asshole.” Mike started eating, but he didn’t look
away from her.

Bobby had one more bite then stood and made his excuses to

She stood and hugged him. “See you later.”

He practically raced from the table with his tray.

She sat and saw Mike still staring at her. Perhaps this had
well? “You okay? You look

Brad, on the other hand, appeared amused and entirely too
pleased with himself.

She gave him a look, and he focused on his food.

“Angry?” Mike asked softly. “Why would I be angry? We both
agreed to be exclusive, but what the hell? Maybe I should call up Sue Mayton,
see if she’s busy.”

“For lunch?” She forced herself to shrug. “Go ahead. Because
Bobby’s a good friend of mine, and I owed him
a lunch

Mike’s cheeks turned red, and she stared, wide-eyed.

Completely ignoring Brad, she said, “Mike, are you jealous?”

To which he turned even redder. “No. Not at all.”

“You are so jealous.” Brad smirked. “Over Maria? I had no
idea. I thought she was your sister.”

“She’s not my fucking sister,” Mike gritted between his

“So I see.” Brad gave her a thorough onceover, and his leer
seemed genuine. “You really have matured, haven’t you? Mike’s not all that fun,
you know. Maybe you and I could—”

“Maybe you could shut up and leave me alone with Maria?”
Mike suggested. “Before I kick your ass from here to Quantico? Leave, asswipe.”

“Dickhead.” Brad frowned and stood. “Maria, will I see you
at family dinner Sunday night?” he asked her, all smiles.

“I, um, sure, I guess. If that’s not too—”

“Yeah, she’ll be there. With
.” Mike’s stamp of ownership might as well have been tattooed to
her forehead.

“You poor thing.” Brad shook his head. “When you get tired
of this one, give me a call.” He wiggled his brows but took off when Mike moved
to stand. Brad joined a table with some other officers nearby.

“You and Bobby. Just lunch, huh?”

“Just lunch. I mean, that’s not a problem, is it? I was
under the impression you and I are just hanging out until we decide we’ve had

“Have you had enough?” The intensity of his gaze was

She hoped she kept her voice casual when she answered, “Not

He continued to stare at her, but he must have seen what he
wanted to because he relaxed. “Yeah, not yet.” He started eating again, so she
did too. “So where are you and Olivia going?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a drive to Myrtle Beach for the day?
We’re leaving tonight, so I’ll know when we get there.”


“What about you? Got any plans for this weekend?”

He frowned. “I thought you and I might… But then, you’re

She forced herself to smile as if she wasn’t dying to hug
him tightly and claim him as hers and hers alone. “I figured since we spent the
week together, you’d probably want a break from me.”

“Yeah, sure.” He didn’t sound sure. “You probably want your
space too.”

“Yep.” Not at all.

Part of her felt bad about manipulating him like this, but
as her mother and Olivia had said, Mike was a tough nut to crack. He had to
he wanted her. She couldn’t trick
him into feeling emotion. But she could help him realize it existed. If it even
did. But today was a good sign.

They finished lunch talking about his parents’ extended
vacation. The pair was finally due to arrive back in town the next day.

“I swear my father will do anything that woman wants.” Mike
smiled. “He’d walk on water if he could.”

“It’s so awesome how in love they are.” She imagined herself
and Mike like that one day.

“Whoa. What’s that look?”

She blinked, feeling foolish. “Probably my dopey dreamy
eyes.” She laughed at herself. “I can’t help it. I’m a romantic at heart.”

He captured her hand and squeezed. “I like that about you.
You’re not afraid to feel or be who you really are.”

“That’s me. What you see is what you get.”

“Finally. An honest woman,” he teased.

Which made her feel bad about tricking him…for half a
second. If the stubborn man would just open his eyes—and his heart—and admit he
loved her, they could have their own happily ever after right now.

glaring at me.” Mike sighed. “What did I do?”

You slow
“Just thinking about something Olivia said about men being
stubborn. You and your brother don’t get that from your dad.”

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