A Mate for Lazarus (The Program Book 3) (10 page)

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Sarah shrugged. “I just wish that he would let
someone in…talk about what’s bugging him. I don’t know what it is with him. He
isn’t a bad guy. Not deep down.” She sighed loudly. “I just wish last night
never happened.” A tear slid down her cheek.

“I told you that I’m sorry and I mean it. I won’t so
much as look in that jerk’s direction, I swear.”

Sarah shook her head and giggled. She also cried
harder. Mascara streaked down her face. “No…no. That’s not it. It’s not you.
It’s just that…just…” She tugged a wayward strand behind her ear, almost
pulling her hair clear out she yanked it so hard. “I’m such an idiot. I’m also
the world’s worst friend because I’m worried about myself when I should be
worried about Jenna.”

“You’re really losing me here. You act like you did
something you shouldn’t have…that you regret…” Realization dawned and Alex
clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my word. You didn’t have sex with him, did

Sarah looked at her through wet lashes. The look was
so lost, so utterly forlorn that Alex pulled the other woman in for a hug. “I
did. I shouldn’t have but I did.” Sarah mumbled against Alex’s shoulder. “It
was the best sex of my life. I’m totally ruined.” She sobbed. “He used me and
ruined me.”

“You’ll get over it.”

“I told you that I never slept with any of the
others. I’m not like that. I get attached. He’s such a jerk. I’m such a
terrible friend.” She rambled on for a bit.

“What does Jenna have to do with it?” Alex asked,
feeling Sarah shake even harder as a sob escaped.

It took a few seconds for Sarah to get herself under
control. “They took her.” The other woman pulled away.

“Who did?”

“Some guards. They made her pack her bag and
escorted her out. I think she was secretly seeing one of the elite, head of
security…a guy called Gideon. It’s against the rules to hook up with anyone
outside of the ten. Gideon was so distraught when I saw him and King Zane
leaving earlier. I’m really worried.” She started crying all over again. “I begged
one of the guards to escort me to Lance’s suite. After last night, well…I
thought…I had hoped…” She shook her head. “Shit.” She wiped a hand across her
eyes. “He was with someone. Can you believe it? He answered the door naked.”
She covered her face. “It was awful. He told me to go away…to wait my turn like
a good little human, all the while, a woman was calling for him to go back to

“He didn’t say that! The prick.”

She nodded and cried harder. “I’m such an idiot.
Here I am feeling sorry for myself when Jenna is…” She shrugged. “I don’t have
a clue. She might be in the damned dungeon for all I know.”

“You have every right to feel sorry for yourself.
That bastard is bad news. I can’t believe you are still defending him.”

“There is good inside…somewhere. I know it. He is
hurting. You’re right though, he is a prick.”

“It doesn’t give him the right to treat you that
way. To treat us like we’re pieces of meat. He’s a real jerk. I don’t like him
one bit.”

Sarah nodded. “I never thought I would say this but
I’m looking forward to going home. I’m done with Lance. I feel sorry for him
but I’m done with him.” She dried the last of her tears and squared her shoulders.
“I look like shit.” Sarah gave a small smile.

“So do I.” Alex tried to run her fingers through her
knotted mess of hair. “I’m not wearing make-up. I barely brushed my teeth. I
didn’t get the memo that cocktail dresses were a requirement for morning wear
which means I’m seriously under dressed.”

They both laughed. “Come on.” Alex put her arm
around Sarah. “Let’s go and enjoy the view while we are still here.”

Sarah sighed. “They might be bastards but they’re
sexy bastards.” Then she turned serious. “I’m hoping I get some information on
Jenna. It’s really the only reason I’m attending this thing.”

Alex nodded. “Let’s go and see what we can find

Chapter 9


Sexy bastards was an understatement.

Alex’s jaw fell open. It wasn’t just the ten that
were practicing, it was a whole swarm of them. The big field to the side of the
castle was full. The focus, however, was on a small section, on the far north
corner, where the ten had assembled.

They were in sleeveless, leathers from head to toe,
so no bare torsos. They weren’t fighting with their bare hands but with short
gleaming swords. Man were they a sight to behold. Several guards surrounded the
area so that none of the crazy women could interrupt the fighting.

“Stay back.” One of them said to a redhead in a little
red number.

Her eyes were drawn to the biggest of the vampires.
Lazarus. His arms were like massive tree trunks. Thick and corded. His sword
moved from left to right with a speed that both shocked and excited her. His
eyes were so intense, so focused.

So much for being a cuddly teddy bear.

He flashed his fangs as he roared, slicing his opponent
across the chest. The ladies around her shrieked in terror.
kicked the other guy square in the chest with a loud thump jumping on top of
him as he fell. His bloodied sword came down in an arc, stopping just short of
the other guy’s throat.

The guy on the ground closed his eyes. “You got
me…again. Thank you for not killing me.” He croaked.

Say what?

The guy on the ground sounded serious. Was he really
thanking Lazarus for not killing him? Surely not?

Lazarus stayed where he was, glaring at the guy on
the ground. Just as the big vampire gave a small nod, a loud cry sounded from
the back of the group, drawing Lazarus’ attention. Hell, it drew all their

It was the blond Adonis prick being…wouldn’t you
guess…a prick. He slashed his opponent across the face opening up a wide gash
on his cheek. There was a spray of blood and her stomach lurched. Many of the
women shrieked. Would you believe it? It was in excitement this time. Go
freaking figure. Alex felt her stomach lurch as blood poured from the guy’s
injuries. He had multiple cuts and stab wounds.

This whole training thing really wasn’t for sissies.
She heard a retching noise. One of the women was bent over next to some bushes and
saying goodbye to breakfast.

The other guy was putting up a good fight
considering he had lost so much blood. His leather vest thing ran slick with
it. His hair was plastered red. His eyes were wild and would you believe it,
still focused? These vampires were badass. That much was for sure.

Sarah gasped next to her.

Her attention moved back to Lazarus as he stood up
in a graceful move that would’ve made her take serious notice if it weren’t for
the fact that she was here, technically, on official business and not for him. She
just wished she could snap a few pictures. His muscles bunched as he held out a
hand for his downed opponent who took the help, wincing as he was pulled to his

On the other side of the clearing, the bloodied up
vampire groaned as he fell to his knees. He put up his hands. “You got me. Fuck,
Lance.” He growled. The guy used a hand to wipe the blood from his eyes.

One of the practically naked women on stilettos,
which Alex noticed with satisfaction were dug into the dirt, jumped up and
down. The heels plowed even further with each little leap and clap of the hand.

“Like fuck.” A low growl from Lance. “Get up.”

The bloody dude shook his head. “We’re done. Someone
needs to teach you the meaning of the word practice.”

The prick shook his head. “On your fucking feet,
pussy.” Lance’s nose was bloody and he had a cut across one of his biceps. He
threw his sword from one hand to the other and back again.

“Fuck you!” The downed one growled, his eyes firmly
on Lance. As if to prove a point, he tossed his sword down. The blade made a
ringing noise as it made contact with the dirt.

“It’s done!” Lazarus shouted. His deep voice rang
across the group.

Lance chewed the inside of his cheek for a second or
two. His eyes narrowed on the downed guy. “Pick it up right fucking now.”

The guy on the ground shook his head. “I said that
I’m done, Lance.” His eyes blazed and he gave a shake of the head. “It’s finis—”
He groaned as Lance slashed his arm with his sword. Fresh blood blossomed. All
around her, women gasped and shrieked. This time the excitement was gone. The
guy on the ground squeezed his eyes shut and gripped the wound, blood seeped
between his fingers.

“Pick it the fuck up or lose the arm.
done.” Lance gestured to the sword on the ground with his own weapon.

“Stop!” Sarah shouted. “Leave him alone.” She took a
step closer.

“It’s fucking over.” Lazarus growled. It was so deep
and so low that Alex felt it deep down inside her. His eyes had darkened, they
looked black even in the bright morning light. His fangs were all over the place.
His hand was clasped so tightly on the hilt of his sword that his biceps were
even more defined.

Lance shook his head. “You stay out of it.” He
didn’t take his eyes off of the bloodied guy. “We’re the elite, the fucking
ten. We are not a bunch of pussies. Pick. Up. The. Sword.”

To his credit, the guy on the ground didn’t look
afraid. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. “You’re such a fucking dick.”
He reached for his sword, fresh blood spilled from a stab wound on his chest.
He grit his teeth. The poor guy had to use his sword to help him get to his

“You don’t have to do this.” Lazarus all out

“I’m not a pussy.” The bloodied up guy swayed on his

“Fuck this,” Lazarus growled. “Leave him alone,

The asshole smiled. He looked more like a wild
animal than anything resembling a human. His fangs were long and thick. His
eyes looked crazed. He glanced at the poor guy in front of him, his smile
widened. In a graceful arc, Lance slashed his sword across the other guy’s
throat. The poor schmuck tried to deflect the blade but he was just too weak.
His attempt deflected Lance’s blade to some degree but not enough.

Blood squirted. Sarah screamed. It wasn’t just
Sarah, lots of the women were all out screaming. Some had hands over their
mouths. The girl that was vomiting earlier, was back in the bushes, this time
she had company.

It was horrible. Blood pumped from the wound.
Although pumped was the wrong word, it squirted in time to his heartbeat. The
guy somehow managed to stay on his feet. His eyes were big, they radiated
shock. He slowly brought his hand to the wound but it didn’t help. There was a
splattering noise which she realized was blood dripping onto the hard ground.


Alex couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t believe what she was
seeing. Fucking barbaric. “Call an ambulance!” Alex shouted. Why wasn’t anyone
doing anything?

Lazarus looked pissed. As in storm clouds had
descended and taken up residence inside of him. His teeth were clenched, his
lips curled away. His eyes were midnight, the darkest shade of deadly she had
ever seen before.

Sarah was all out sobbing, as were many of the other
women. Lance lifted his sword…again…what the fuck? He was going to hurt
the…dying…did vampires die from wounds like these? She didn’t know. It was a
damned miracle that the guy was still on his feet.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Lazarus growled.

Lance chuckled. The guy was totally fucked in the
head. Like as in, he needed a straitjacket and medication.

“No!” Sarah screamed. “Leave him.” She ran, easily
avoiding the closest guard who belatedly tried to grab her. You couldn’t blame
the guards for being surprised because who actually chose to run towards a
sharp sword and a deranged vampire? Sarah flung herself in front of the poor
guy who finally fell to one knee. His wound was still bleeding profusely but
not nearly as badly as before. She put her back to the guy, facing off with

“No, Sarah!” Alex screamed.

“Leave him alone.” Sarah said as her eyes locked with
Lance’s. “You’re an asshole and a bully.”

“Get away from him, human,” Lance spat back at her.

Lazarus moved forward. “Get Griffin to the healers.”
He growled, as he addressed two of the elite. 

The poor guy’s eyes rolled back as he fell. He had
to be dead. Sarah screamed, her hands moved to the wound on his neck where she
tried to stop the bleeding. “Help him. Call an ambulance. They could send a
chopper.” She pulled off her shirt and used it to try and staunch the flow.
“Help him! Oh god!”

Two of the guys bent down and picked the poor guy
up. His head lolled. He looked dead. His chest was still.

“Oh god!” Sarah shrieked.

“He is fine.” Lazarus pulled off his leather vest
and handed it to Sarah. Her bra was white lace. She may as well have been naked
but it didn’t look like she cared. She ignored Lazarus’ offer. Everyone was
more focused on the bleeding vampire anyways.

“He is not fine,” Sarah sobbed. “How can you say
that? He looks dead. He has to be dead…” She wrung her hands together.

Lazarus shook his head. “He will be fine. Our
practice blades are made from steel. Griff will be fine. I promise.”

“He wasn’t breathing…” Sarah’s voice broke. “Don’t
patronize me. He’s dead. He’s dead.” She said the last on a soft whisper.

“Human…” Lazarus touched her arm and she flinched.
“You are right, his heart is no longer beating.”

A collective chorus of gasps and sighs sounded.
Sarah threw a hand over her mouth and groaned. Her eyes were wide. Tears
coursed down her cheeks.

“He is not dead though. We are vampires. It takes a
lot more than that to kill one of us…especially an elite.”

“What the fuck?” Sarah looked angry now. “No
heartbeat means that a person is dead. First Aid 101.”

“Like I said, he is a vampire. His heart has most
likely already started up again. It will take a few hours for him to
regenerate. I promise you that he is fine.”

“I want to go to him.” Sarah finally took the vest
from Lazarus and pulled it over her head.

Lazarus shook his head. “Not right now. Give our
healers a chance to work on him.”

“I thought you said he was fine.”

Lazarus nodded. “He is. Give him an hour or two and
I’ll take you to him myself. I’m sure he will want to thank you.” Lazarus
smiled. “You are a courageous female but please do not ever pull something like
that again. Vampires are hard to kill, whereas humans are…” he shook his head.
“You could’ve been gravely injured or killed.”

“You vampires are crazy.” She glared at Lance. “You
should be ashamed of yourself.”

The prick lifted his chin and folded his arms. “I
was well within my rights.”

Lazarus growled and Sarah jumped back. “Take her to
safety.” Alex’s big, badass vampire bellowed. Urm…not hers…

“You are a fucking asshole,” Lazarus growled. One of
the ten physically picked up Sarah and ran from the action. The guards stood
ready this time, determined to stop anyone crazy enough to try and enter.

“Fuck off, Lazarus. It’ done. I am permitted to
fight until my opponent surrenders or falls.”

“He surrendered.” Lazarus took another step towards

“He picked up his sword.” Lance smiled.

“Like fuck.”

It was really wrong, given the situation, but Alex
couldn’t help staring at Lazarus’ chest. His leather pants rode low on his
hips. His abs made her want to drop to her knees and lick them. As in, right
here, right now. They were in such a heated argument that they probably
wouldn’t notice. His chest was magnificent. She sighed loudly. Perfectly
hairless. Pecs, lats, quads, biceps. They were all well-defined. Alex wiped her
mouth expecting to find drool, surprised when she didn’t.

Oh. Oh. Oh.

She might just be having herself a mini orgasm and
just from looking at him. Her eyeballs were ruined. No other guy would ever
look this good. It was impossible. Muscles shifted, bulged and corded as he
moved, which was with infinite grace. He reminded her of a blazing fire or a
raging wave…beautiful, infinitely strong yet deadly and potentially devastating.

“He picked up his fucking sword and I finished it.
We’re the elite…this team is not for pussies. Griffin needed to learn that.”

“Griffin is an excellent warrior. He didn’t need to
learn shit from you.” Lazarus took another step towards Lance, bringing him
within range of the other guy’s sword. Alex wouldn’t put it past him to use it
on Lazarus, who had discarded his own weapon when he had taken off the vest.
She held her breath.

Lance snorted. “And I don’t need to learn shit from
you either. I’m fucking done.” He pierced his blade into the earth between
them. Lance swung around, his eyes scanned the crowd of women. “I’m in serious
need of some blood and a fuck.”

This guy was too much.

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