A Mate for Lazarus (The Program Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: A Mate for Lazarus (The Program Book 3)
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“You are jealous and I’m not wasting your time.”

She narrowed her eyes. He could see that she was
still not buying it.

“I want to get to know you better, Alexandra.” He
brushed a wayward strand of hair off of her face and placed his hands on the
wall on either side of her head. Her heart rate picked up. “There is something
about you that I really like.” He let his eyes move across the delicate
features on her face before moving back to her eyes. They reminded him of the
ocean. Stunningly beautiful but unpredictable as fuck.

She made a snorting noise. “Yeah”—she rolled her
eyes—“my boobs. You have a thing for them.”

“Let’s get something straight, I don’t like your
breasts, Alexandra. I fucking love them.” Every muscle inside of him clenched.
“There is more to this though. Much more. I’m not a part of
The Program
for a quick fuck. I can get that anywhere…easily. I’m here for more. The
question is…are you here for more too?”

Her eyes flashed with something that looked like
panic. Then they locked with his once more. Calm and collected.

“For the last time, do you want to do this,
Alexandra? Before you answer, know that it will be exclusive—”

She sucked in a breath, wanting to say something.

“—exclusive for the both of us. I’m glad that you
don’t like sharing.” He pushed himself against her, loving how her eyes widened
and her pupils dilated. His cock was hard and throbbing and pressed tightly
against her stomach. This wasn’t a game. This was the real fucking deal. “I’m
glad you were jealous. I was too. The next time any of the others so much as
think about touching you, I will break every bone in their fucking hand.”

The scent of her arousal caught him deep in the

He had to smile. “The thought of me breaking another
male’s hand turns you on?”

She chewed on her lip.

“It does, doesn’t it?”

A small nod.

Lazarus leaned in so that his mouth was almost
touching her ear. “I think we’re going to get along just fine. Now, kiss me.”
He leaned back so that he could look into her eyes.

“No.” She shook her head. “We need to get to know
one another. No kissing.”

“We had an argument. We need to make up. Kiss me.”

She shook her head. “You argued with me so it stands
to reason that you should kiss me.”

“I can’t believe that we are having the same
argument twice in one day.” He raised his brow. “You sure you want

Alexandra swallowed thickly. “What difference does
it make? It’s just a kiss.”

“You asked for it.”

“Well, technically you asked—”

He planted his lips onto hers and then sucked her bottom
lip into his mouth. The little human groaned. She slid her hands around his
waist and pulled him closer.

Her soft mounds crushed against him. Her little
tongue flicked against his lips. Fuck! He nipped at her top lip and deepened
the kiss. Alexandra whimpered, rocking her hips. His cock lurched. It wanted at
her. In a big, bad way. Her little hands moved up and down his back, closing on
his ass. She ground herself against him. Fucking hell! Why couldn’t she behave?

Lazarus had planned to kiss the fuck out of her but he
had also planned to keep his hands on the wall and not to take it any further.
Not today at least. Tomorrow was a whole different ball game.

Plans changed.

Little Alexandra was wound up so damned tight that she
was liable to snap at any second. Then again, so was he. Not much he could do
about himself but the tiny human was a total different story. She nipped at his
bottom lip, made a growling noise and gripped his ass tighter.

To fucking hell with it!

Lazarus gripped her thigh and pulled it up. So
fucking lush. Her heel snaked around his leg, opening herself up to him. He
made a growling noise low in his throat. His balls tightened up as the scent of
her warm, wet flesh grew stronger. He ground himself up against her core and
she moaned so loud that it broke their kiss. “Oh…oh…oh…” She cried in time to
his movements.

It had been a long fucking time since he had dry
humped a female. No way. It wasn’t going down like this. “I’m going to touch
you.” He growled against her lips as he slid his hand up her thigh, his
intentions clear.

“Yeah…mmmhmmm…” She made a garbled noise of
approval. Her eyes were glassy, her pupils so dilated that her irises looked
more black than blue.

Her grip on him tightened as he shoved her panties
to the side. Alexandra made a gasping noise as his finger breached her pussy.

Tight as fuck.

Her walls clamped down around his finger. One
fucking finger. The only god send was that she was wet as fuck. He moved in and
out of her a couple of times loving the wet, sucking sound it made. Lazarus
ground his teeth. Shit but she felt good.

Her back bowed from the wall and she groaned, her
head rolled back. “Oh god…oh my holy fuck…” She gripped him by the wrist. “Jesus…more…more…don’t
you dare stop.” She groaned.

He inserted a second finger. “Fuck,” Lazarus
growled. He knew she was small. The tiniest female he had ever seen. He knew
she would be tight but this was fucking ridiculous.

“Oh my fucking lord.” Her eyes were wide. Her breath
came in sharp pants. One hand clawed at his back while the other tried to drag
his hand closer. Her hips rocked. The little female was riding his hand. Her
black dress was up around her hips. Her panties were pink…hot fucking pink.

Lazarus groaned. His cock wept from sheer delight
and sheer frustration. He pushed a little deeper and moved faster at her urging
for both.

“I need to come…make me come…oh god yes…just like
that…oh fuck…” She was vocal. He knew she would be. He fucking loved it.
“…that’s the spot…that’s the spot…Jesus…”

If Lazarus wasn’t so fucking turned on, about to
come himself and just from watching her, he would’ve smiled. He fucking loved
it. Un-
-fortunately, all good things had to come to an end. Sweet
little Alexandra was begging for release. She needed it so badly that she was
shaking. Unable to breathe fast enough or to move fast enough, she couldn’t get

“You want to come?” He growled, slowing a little.

Her breathing picked up and her eyes widened as she
went into panic mode. She mistakenly believed that he was going to stop. Not a
chance. “Yes, damn you. Make me come or so fucking help me…ohhhhh.”

He slid his thumb over her swollen clit while finger
fucking her hard and deep. Her pussy went from tight to impossible to maneuver
inside of.

Her mouth fell open as she sucked in a ragged breath,
then her eyes widened up a whole lot before she all out growled. The growl
slowly turned into a high pitched groan. He kept working her, slowly easing off
the pressure as she came down. Alexandra slumped against his chest, burying her
face against him. He anchored an arm around her to hold her up. She was
breathing hard.

So was he, dammit. Like he’d climbed a mountain or
something. If he ever managed to actually get inside her, he would probably
come instantly from having his dick squeezed so intensely. He couldn’t wait to
find out.

“Oh shit.” She pulled away from him, forcing him to
release her sweet pussy...to release her. She leaned against the wall for
support. “Dammit.” Alexandra finally looked him in the eye. “That should so not
have happened.” She licked her lips as she fixed her panties, wobbling
precariously on her heels.

“Yes it should have.” His voice was deep and
gravelly because he was still as hard as fuck. “You really needed that. You’ll
be more relaxed now.”

“We’re supposed to be getting to know one another.
That was…sheesh…that was…”

“Really good…mind blowing…hot…you want to do it
again.” He was just playing with her. Seeing her so flustered was a turn on.
Everything about this female was a turn on.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Yes…I mean
no. It was hot but no we can’t do it again. We just can’t.”

“Why the hell not? It’s like two steps forward and
ten steps back with you. No progress is ever fucking made. It pisses me the
hell off. You agreed that we’re getting to know each other and that we’re
exclusive and that’s fucking final.”

“That…just now…was not getting to know one another.
That was…that was…I don’t know what that was, but—”

“That was us getting to know each other better.”

She huffed out a breath. “How do you figure that?”

“I know exactly where your G-spot is and exactly how
you enjoy being touched. It says a lot about you as a person, Alexandra. A
whole hell of a lot.”

“How do I like to be touched then?” She put her
hands on her hips.

“You like being fucked hard and deep.”

She blinked a few times. “Who doesn’t? Is there any
other way?”

“I wasn’t finished and yes there is.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine…tell me. I can’t wait to
hear this.”

“Like I was saying, although you like it—”

“Yeah…yeah…hard and deep.”

His dick did that whole lurch in his pants thing.
Hard and deep sounded damned fantastic around about now. He ignored it. “At the
same time, you prefer your clit to be touched softly…gently. There is a softer
side to you, Alexandra. A side you deny. Sex is all about getting off to you.”

She frowned and even shook her head. “Yeah, well
duh. That’s why we do it.”

Lazarus smiled. He couldn’t help himself. “There is
way more to it. Way more. I’m just glad that I will be the lucky fuck that gets
to show you.” Hopefully. He refused to be negative about the whole thing.
Alexandra had allowed him to touch her. She was attracted to him…big time. The
rest would fall into place. He just knew it.

Chapter 8


Her whole body vibrated. Alex wobbled on her heels
even though she used both hands on the wall behind her to keep herself from
falling. Her underwear was sopping wet. It was the best damned orgasm she had
ever had…as in ever.

Better than any dick or expensive
stimulate-everything-at-once-vibrator. The guy had used just his hand dammit
and it was the best.

It should never have happened. A line had been
crossed. Now that line was blurred. The problem was that touching could quickly
lead to more. Make that, touching often led to more. She was surprised that
during all that shameless begging, that she hadn’t begged him to all out fuck
her because it was what she had wanted. Still wanted if she was honest with
herself. It was as if someone had flicked a horny switch inside of her.

Lazarus had told her that he wanted to show her that
sex was about more than just getting off. What did that even mean? The guy was
hard to understand. He was so intense. He wanted them to be exclusive.


They weren’t even really dating…although, maybe they
sort of were by default since this was a dating program. She needed to play
along if she hoped to stay in
The Program
but there would be no more

“Kiss me.” Lazarus closed the distance between them,
stopping just short of touching her.

“What? Why?” She put her hands on his chest. When
she said no touching…maybe kissing was okay. They were—sort of—dating so she
would have to force herself to kiss him every now and then so that it would
seem authentic.

“We just shared a moment.” He gave her a ghost of a
smile. Then his eyes moved to her mouth. “Now kiss me, Alexandra.”


He sighed. “Do you need me to bend down so that you
can reach?”

Alexandra snorted. “No. That’s not it. I don’t think
that it’s fair that I have to keep kissing you. Is this how it’s going to be
because if you expect me to do all the work…you can forget about it?”

Lazarus chuckled. The sound was rich. It warmed her
from the inside. Then he turned serious and a furnace switched on inside of her.
His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched and poof…on switch and ignite furnace.

“I would be more than happy to kiss you. The last
kiss we shared was
…if you remember correctly. Care
for a repeat? I know that I—”

Oh hell no
. She couldn’t take a
repeat of that. It was just too much. His mouth, his hands, his hard body
against her. She would beg and it wouldn’t be pretty. She slanted her mouth
over his and kissed him like her life depended on it. She fisted his shirt and
dragged him closer. His hands slapped the wall on either side of her. His mouth
was hot, sinful…the guy could kiss. Those soft lips of his felt good against
hers. They felt even better when she sucked on them, nibbled on them.

He groaned loudly as he broke the kiss and far too
soon for her liking. Alexandra was tempted to pull him back, to demand more but
his chuckle stopped her flat.

“I was expecting a soft, easy kiss.” His gaze moved
to her mouth before locking with hers.

“Oh.” Her breath came out in ragged pants. “You
weren’t looking for a mouthfuck?”

He shook his head. “You can mouth fuck me while
we’re fucking, if you want to fuck or if I ever need you to prove to me that
you mean it. A sweet kiss is for when we say hello or good morning or if we
have just shared a moment.”

“All these rules. Is this a part of our agreement?”

His eyes darkened. “You make it sound like a
business arrangement. Forget about our agreement.”

He was confusing her…again. “You told me earlier
that we were exclusive and that you want to get to know me and that well…” She
felt her cheeks heat.

“That I like you. That I feel there is something
between us and that other males anywhere near you makes me jealous.” He nodded.
“All true. Don’t be afraid. I know humans become afraid when we move too

“I told you that I’m not afraid of you.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, I’m a fucking teddy

Big, scary but at the same time soft and cuddly—at
least on the inside. Lazarus was a big softy. She nodded. “Yes, you are.”

He looked at the ceiling for a second before looking
back at her. “I’m not talking about that kind of fear. Don’t look at this like
a business arrangement.” He shrugged. “Let’s just enjoy this.”

“You are the one who keeps referring to conditions
and deal breakers. You’re the one throwing rules at me.”

His eyes softened. “Let’s just forget about all that
stuff…okay? No more conditions or deal breakers. The kissing me often rule does
apply though.”

“Do you mean that?” She felt relief flood her

“Yeah. I like your lips. I’m going to be kissing
them a lot. I will also be kissing every other part of your body.”

Heat raced through her as she pictured his mouth on
her…everywhere. “Um...” What had they even been talking about? Oh yeah. “Do you
mean it about there not being any more conditions or deal breakers, about us
just being able to relax and enjoy this?”

He nodded. “I do.”

“What was it?” The burning question of the hour.

He frowned. “What was what?”

“What was the condition?” She had to know.

“Don’t worry about it.” He unlocked the door.

“Tell me. I really want to know.” I have to damn
well know.

He shook his head. “I will tell you, Alexandra, but
not today. I’m really hungry.” Her heart raced a little faster as his eyes
moved to the pulse at the base of her neck.

“Me too.” She smiled, ignoring how her heart

Stepping to the side, he gestured for her to leave
the room, following closely behind her. It looked like everything was going her
way. At this rate, Lazarus would take her into the next round for sure. It was
a pity he was such a nice guy. She didn’t want to hurt him. She couldn’t let
herself fall for him either. The lines were all blurred. It was a mess. She
could still pull this together though. She just needed to dig really deep.


next morning…

There was a knock at the door followed by a shout
that was filled with excitement. “They’re training.”

Animated squeals sounded from down the hall. Then
someone else pummeled on her door. “It’s on. It’s freaking happening.”

Alexandra looked down, she’d overslept, had missed
breakfast and was still wearing her crumpled pajamas. They’d arrived back at
the table in time for dessert. Lazarus had insisted she go ahead of him and he
had arrived ten minutes later. That girl, Jenna, Lazarus’ friend was AWOL.

Alex had ended up downing two glasses of wine, which
wasn’t a great idea on a practically empty stomach and she was feeling it this
morning. Maybe it was the sugar in white wine but she never slept well after
drinking the stuff.

She opened the door, it was mayhem. There were women
everywhere, at least it felt that way to her sleep deprived, headache riddled

“What’s going on?” She asked one of the women. She
had dark curly hair and big brown eyes. She wore tiny shorts and a tight white
t-shirt. The leopard print heels were a little over the top, but hey who was
she to judge?

“The itinerary changed…” Then she gave Alex the once
over. “You look like shit.” Then she smiled brightly like Alex looking like
shit had just made her day. “The elite are fighting each other. They do it from
time to time and we have been invited to watch. We were warned that it can be
gruesome and bloody.” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “I can’t wait to
see them go at each other.” Then she gave Alex another once over and shook her
head. “You had better hurry up or you’ll miss out.” Using just one long,
manicured nail…talon…she waved and sashayed away. As quick as her high ass
heels would allow.

A blond head caught her attention. “Hey, Sarah.” Alex
yelled over all the commotion. The other woman kept on walking like she was on
a mission. She probably hadn’t heard Alex over all the commotion. Alex closed
the door and leaned back on it.

Violence, bloodshed…she shook her head. How sick was
the world anyway that a bunch of women could become so excited over something
so base and barbaric? Men, torsos bared, going at each other with their bare
hands. It was so primal, so aggressive. The whole thing made her give a little yell
of excitement. It might be seriously wrong but she couldn’t wait to see it

Alex flung her closet open and pulled out a pair of
skinny jeans and a tank top. She dressed quickly. After a once over with her
toothbrush, a splash of water on her face and a half assed attempt to tame her
rat’s nest hair, she ran from her room and headed in the direction of the
noise. Thankfully, a ton of the ladies had chosen really high heels and were
damned slow so she caught up in no time.

Although Sarah wore slip on ballerina type shoes,
she trudged so slowly that Alex caught up with her easily. Her hands were in
her pockets and her eyes were downcast. In short, she looked really upset about
something. Alex sighed. Probably that dick, Lance. She’d only ever actually
seen his ass. Maybe Sarah could point him out to her so that she could at least
see firsthand what all the fuss was about.

“Hey, Sarah.” She walked up next to her and gave her
shoulder a bump with her own.

Sarah’s mouth tightened and she didn’t so much as
lift her chin even a smidgen, her eyes stayed glued to the ground ahead. “Don’t
you have somewhere to be?”

Say what?

Sarah sounded annoyed. She’d used pretty much the
same line that Alex had used the night before when she’d thought Lazarus was
with Jenna and that Jenna was the woman that he had slept with. Not that she
was jealous or anything. Just annoyed that he…
moving on.

She turned to Sarah. “What’s going on?”

“I want to be alone…that’s all.” Still no eye
contact. Sarah’s shoulders hunched even further.

“What did Lance do this time?” Alex asked, disliking
this asshole more and more even though she had yet to meet him.

Sarah turned and glared at her for a few seconds
before looking up ahead of them. At least she was standing more upright. “
didn’t do anything.”

Alex didn’t like the way she said he, it implied
that Alex had done something wrong.

“Don’t look so confused. I asked you to stay away
from him. At least half the women here are all over him. I specifically asked
you to stay away and you didn’t. Isn’t one vampire enough? Most of us would
kill to have one.”

“I’m a little in the dark here.” Alex held up her

Sarah stopped walking and turned to face Alex. She
looked around them. “The whole putting your shoe on thing. That was him going
over to you but you didn’t need to go sit with him…to flirt with him.”

Oh shit! The blond Adonis was Lance? It did explain
the whole appeal, the guy was too good-looking for anyone’s own good, including
his. He was also a serious pig, used to getting everything he wanted, when he
wanted it. A spoiled brat that was liable to throw a shit fit if he didn’t get
his way. Though, he had apologized to her and it had seemed genuine too. None
the less, he was still a colossal dick.

Sarah rubbed a hand over her face. “Oh god! I sound
completely crazy. I’ve turned into a deranged woman. I can’t believe that some
guy has got me so tied up in knots. Look”—she scrubbed another hand over her
face—“don’t worry about it. I leave tomorrow. It’s better that way. I’ve had
enough of this bullshit anyway. I’m over Lance and his whoring ways.”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that was Lance…I

Sarah laughed, actually sounding a bit deranged. “You
know what? Call me crazy but I believe you. You should see your face. You look
like you’ve seen a ghost…”

“I didn’t know. He didn’t introduce himself.” Alex
touched Sarah on the arm. “I swear I didn’t flirt with him and that I’m not at
all interested in him…I swear to god.” Alex touched her heart. “I’m glad you’ve
decided to forget about him though. He’s no good. He’s out for a good time.
I’ll be surprised if he picks anyone tomorrow.”

“It’s just that he’s so sad. So unhappy, even if he
doesn’t know it himself. I see his pain.” Sarah’s eyes looked lost in thought.

“You’re not changing your mind about forgetting him
are you? The whole lost boy thing is probably just a ploy. Don’t let those good
looks fool you.” He really was one fine specimen. Although he was beyond good
looking. Lance wasn’t nearly as hot as Lazarus. Not even close…
needed to get a grip and to stop thinking about the giant vampire. Her thoughts
constantly wandered to thoughts of him and it was irritating.

It was probably all the excitement and nervous
chatter about the pending elite training session. This might be one bitchy,
competitive bunch of women but right now, the thought of all that muscle and
testosterone had united the group.

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