A Million Dirty Secrets (21 page)

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Authors: C. L. Parker

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: A Million Dirty Secrets
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“What are you—”

I answered her question when I spread her legs and inserted two fingers into her from behind. As I worked her with my right hand, the left made fast work of my pants and my cock sprang free. I was perfectly aware that I would probably forever
associate the smell of bacon with what was about to happen. And much like Pavlov’s dogs, I’d likely get a massive hard-on anytime the scent permeated the air around me. But it was a chance I was willing to take.

“What about my eggs?” I asked as I curled my fingers back and forth inside her. “Come on, Delaine. I’m starving.”

Shaky hands picked up the two eggs and cracked them against each other to break the shell of one. She was going to play. I loved how adventurous she was.

I pulled my fingers out as she carefully dropped the first egg into the skillet. She cracked the shell of the other egg against the rim while I pulled her hips back and lightly pressed down on her lower back to get the perfect arch.

“Don’t break the yolk,” I warned, then pushed into her at the same time as she dropped the second egg into the skillet. She jerked and nearly broke it but recovered nicely, managing to keep the yellow center intact.

Fucking Delaine was un-goddamn-believable. In all my past endeavors, I had never come across a pussy as sweet as hers. It was hot with silky flesh that hugged my cock tighter than any other I’d had the opportunity to infiltrate. It drew me in and squeezed possessively like it never wanted to let me go. I was a slave to it, which was ironic since she was supposed to be my slave. She played her part well, make no mistake, but that little pussy of hers owned me. And I didn’t mind one motherfucking bit.

I bent slightly at the knees and held her in place as I slowly moved in and out of her. She felt so amazing wrapped around my cock that I wondered if I would ever be able to get enough
of her. When she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at me while biting down on that goddamn bottom lip, I knew the answer was fuck no, I would never get enough.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled, forcing her to arch her back further until that delicious little mouth was within my reach. I claimed it in a heated kiss and she moaned into my mouth.

“Is that bacon I smell burning?” I asked against her lips.

She turned back toward the skillet and flipped it over with shaky hands. I kept my hand in her hair, and the other on her hip as I increased the pace and urgency of my thrusts. The cheeks of her perfect little ass jiggled with each smack of my hips against them and I found it impossible to look away. Wanting to see the treasure trove hidden between those two heavenly dollops, I grabbed her hips with both hands and used my thumbs to spread her open. I groaned when the garden of forbidden pleasure was revealed. Her back entrance teased me with its tightness and I felt my dick grow impossibly harder.

“Fuck, baby,” I moaned. “Your ass is so beautiful. I can’t wait to put my cock in there.”

I felt her body stiffen and she looked back at me again.

“Not now, Delaine, but soon,” I assured her. “Trust me, as freaky as you are, you’re going to love it.”

I ran my thumb over the entrance and pressed until it slipped inside. She gasped, and then I felt the walls of her pussy constrict around my cock. I could feel the pulse of her orgasm as her head fell forward and she held on to the counter for dear life, a purring moan growing louder and louder with each pulse.

“Yeah, that’s just a sample of what it will feel like.”

I bit my bottom lip and grabbed ahold of her hips as I pounded into her sweet little cunt, increasing her pleasure. My balls tightened and an awesome feeling of euphoria soared through my body until it exploded out of me like fireworks. The grip I had on her hips grew tighter, but I didn’t have the sense about me to worry about bruising her in that moment.

A long, feral growl clawed its way out of my chest when Delaine rolled and pushed her hips back into me over and over again until she’d milked me dry. I released her hips and placed my hands beside hers on the counter and then pressed forward to cage her in place, panting against her shoulder. Between much-needed breaths, I managed to drop a few chaste kisses here and there. Mostly because I couldn’t get enough of her, but also as a form of thanks.

Yeah, look at me. This woman was required to fuck me, and I was thanking her for letting me do just that. It was better than nothing, though, right?

Her soft voice broke the silence. “Um, Noah? I think I burned the bacon.”

I lifted my head and looked into the skillet. Sure enough, the bacon looked like charcoal and the yolk on the now rubbery egg was broken. I dropped my head and laughed against her shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. “That’s okay, baby. I wasn’t really all that hungry anyway.”

“But … you’re still going to punish me, right?” God bless her, she actually sounded hopeful.

“Oh, hell yeah.”


By midday, I found myself sitting at my desk, unable to concentrate on a damn thing because I couldn’t stop thinking about Delaine.

A knock sounded at the door before it popped open and Mason waltzed inside. “Four slices of bacon, two eggs over medium, and toast,” he said with a quirked brow as he set a to-go box in front of me. “Breakfast for lunch?” Mason had been looking at me funny all day, and it was really beginning to piss me off.

I shrugged. “What can I say? I had a craving.”

Polly bounced into the office and sidled up beside him. “You’re lucky the diner down the street serves breakfast twenty-four hours a day.”

I gave Mason a questioning look.

“She was on her way in anyway, so I asked her to pick up your lunch.” He shrugged. “You’re always saying I should learn to delegate.”

“Hey!” Polly said in mock protest as she playfully punched his arm. “You don’t delegate to your wifey, ass.”

“Yeah, well, why don’t you and your
run along and play so that I can enjoy my lunch in peace?” I suggested as I popped the lid of the container open.

The smell of the bacon immediately brought back the memory of this morning, and the front of my pants tightened. I could almost feel Delaine’s hot wetness constricting around my cock as I moved inside her. Damn, I missed her.

“Actually, I have something I want to talk to you about,” Polly said, yanking me out of my fantasy world.

I looked up at her and motioned toward my lunch. “Can it wait? This isn’t going to taste very good when it’s cold.”

“No, it can’t,” she said as she took a seat in front of my desk. “Go ahead and eat. It won’t bother me.”

And because I knew she’d just be pacing outside my door while I ate, with several interruptions to see if I’d finished yet, I gave in. Polly could be a pushy little shit when she wanted something.

“All right, what’s so important?”

Mason cleared his throat and started walking backward to the door. “I’ll be at my desk if you need me.”

I saw the look of apprehension on his face, and that clued me in that I wasn’t going to like whatever it was she wanted to talk about. Like I said before, Mason is Polly’s opposite. He knew when to leave shit alone, whereas Polly pushed until she got what she wanted.

I picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite while I waited for her to begin.

“So I was balancing your checkbook this weekend, paying the utility bills and whatnot, when I ran across an entry for a rather large sum of money that had been transferred from your personal account to an account in Hillsboro, Illinois,” she started in a questioning tone.

“And?” I took a bite of the eggs. They needed salt.

“And … two million dollars? Noah, I know it’s not my place to ask, but what the hell?”

“You’re right, it’s not your place to ask,” I said, suddenly losing my appetite. I’d known she’d see the transaction, but she’d never questioned me about my outlandish splurging before. Then again, the last time I’d dropped a load even remotely similar to that, it had been for my Hennessey Venom GT Spyder.

Polly narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Are you doing something illegal?”

“Polly, I’m warning you. Back off,” I said in my most menacing tone. “The last time I checked, I was the employer and you were the employee. So don’t come in here like you’re going to interrogate me over something that is none of your business.”

“You don’t scare me, Noah Patrick Crawford,” she said as she stood and waved a finger at me. “Something’s up, and I don’t know what it is, but you know I’ll just keep digging until I figure it out. And don’t think I didn’t notice that the transaction just so happened to take place at the same time Lanie showed up.”

She was pissing me off. I could feel the vein in my forehead bulge.

“Delaine,” I corrected her.

“No, she asked me to call her Lanie. I guess she prefers that to her given name, but you should know that since you two are so in love,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “What’s the deal between you and her? ’Cause I’m not buying the whole ‘we met outside a drag queen show in LA and fell in love’ bullshit. You’re a lot of things, but into dudes you are not.”

My eyebrows shot up into my hairline and I nearly choked on my own saliva. “She told you we met at a drag queen show?”

It sounded like something Delaine would say. I wasn’t really all that surprised. In fact, it was kind of funny. That was when I got an idea that would help me fuck with both of them—Polly for snooping when she should have been minding
her own damn business, and Delaine for making the drag queen comment in the first place.

“Did she tell you she has a penis?”

“Shutthefuckup!” Polly’s mouth dropped open in shock, and then she quickly snapped it shut as she got a thoughtful look on her face. “Wait a minute.” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and put a hand on her hip. “I’ve seen her naked. She definitely does not have a penis.”

“Not anymore,” I added. “What do you think the money in the account was for?”

I could practically see the hamster running on the wheel inside her head as she processed what I was saying. “Oh. My. God! Lanie’s had a sex change?”

I shrugged. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Her name was Paul. She looks pretty convincing now, though, doesn’t she?”

“But you’re not into dudes.”

“She’s not a dude … now.” I laced my fingers together and cupped the back of my head as I reclined in my chair. “Any more questions?”

Polly stared off into the distance, dumbfounded, until finally she shook her head. She started for the door, but I stopped her before she could leave.

“Oh, and Polly?” She turned to look at me. “This has to be our little secret. You can’t say anything to anyone, especially not to Delaine. She’s pretty sensitive about the subject and just wants to be accepted as the woman she’s always felt she was on the inside.”

“Oh yeah, right, no problem.” She nodded vehemently while giving me a look that said “pfft, as if,” then grabbed the doorknob to leave.

I was pretty damn proud of myself for being able to think so quickly on my feet. When Delaine found out what I’d done, she was going to be mega-pissed. For me, that translated into another epic sexcapade. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Triple whammy.

I stopped her again. “One more thing. I’m fucking kidding.”

“About what?”

“The whole thing, Polly. I made it all up. Delaine has never been a man named Paul, and she most certainly does not now, nor has she ever, had a penis.” I laughed. “But God, you should’ve seen the look on your face.”

“Ugh! Noah Patrick Crawford!” She seethed between clenched teeth as she marched toward me. “I should knock the piss out of you!”

She swung her purse and smacked me in the back of the head.

“Ow!” I laughed, and ducked to avoid further blows.

“I’m going to tell her about this!” she said, taking another shot at me.

I was hoping for that.

She backed away and the coast appeared to be clear. “Look, it doesn’t surprise me that she said she met me at a drag queen show. She has a very odd sense of humor, Polly. You never know if what she’s saying is true or if she’s bullshitting you,” I explained. “It’s one of the many things I love about her. But the truth is, we met at a conference.”

The real truth was that most of what I said actually

“Apparently she’s not the only one who bullshits around
here,” she said with her hands on her hips. Then she sighed and said, “Okay, confession time. When I saw that big transfer, I started thinking, and nothing was adding up right. So I did some research, and lo and behold, I couldn’t find any trips that you’ve booked to LA over this supposed time you’ve been seeing her. And even though I had no last name to go by, I also didn’t find anyone named Delaine or Lanie on any of the flights from LA the day she showed up.” She took a breath. “What I did find was a receipt from a very posh club that just so happens to be owned by one Scott Christopher. A further background search on him revealed charges for trafficking. Human trafficking. Women, to be specific. So,” she concluded with a sigh, “you wanna tell me who Lanie really is?”

Fuck my life! The motherfucking jig was definitely motherfucking up.

“It’s complicated, Polly,” I said, defeated. Damn it, I needed a cigarette and a shot of Patrón.

“Noah.” Her voice was much lower, and she gave me this pitying look as she took a seat in front of me again. “You bought her, didn’t you?”

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek and just looked at her. She obviously took that as an affirmative.

“I’m not going to ask you why, because I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that one already. But Lanie … she’s a good girl. Why would she do something like that?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “We agreed not to discuss it.”

“Well, don’t you think you should find out?” she asked incredulously, flailing her hands in the air. “Just because you
can’t discuss it with her doesn’t mean you can’t do some digging on your own. Jesus Christ, Noah. Use the head on top of your shoulders instead of the one between your legs. Who knows what sort of trouble she might be in?”

She was walking a very thin line with the way she was talking to me, but if anyone could get away with that shit, it was Polly. She was just too cheery and cute to go all ballistic on. It would be like attacking a fourth-grader.

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