A Million Wishes (23 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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Noah shut up. Quit talking for a minute.” She laughed nervously, tapping her finger on the steering wheel.


It would be beautiful there. It’s just…”


What baby? Talk to me.” He reached out and touched her cheek.


I don’t want to wait another three or four months to be yours.” She pulled up to the drive way and turned in, not looking at him until she put the truck in park.


He leaned over and kissed her ever so softly. “I don’t want to wait either. How about we get your things inside and then we’ll give my Mom a call and see if she would care if we have it right there in the house. It can just us, our siblings and my parents, soon, because I don’t want to waste another minute of my life being without you babydoll.”


She nodded, kissing him and wiping the dampness from her eyes.








The next morning Miki woke up feeling fresh and awake. Their life was beginning together, a real couple. Scratch that, an engaged couple. So many things needed to be done and there wasn’t a lot of time to do it in. Turning in his arms she pressed her mouth to his, purring when he pulled her close, tucking her head against his chest and nuzzled his face in her hair. “Good morning beautiful girl.”


Good morning Romeo.”


His hand slid down her curves and gripped her hip, pulling her thigh over his hip. That hot growl rumbled from him and made her tingle from her head to her toes.


Cool it Romeo I have way too much to do today for you to be starting anything right now. I need a shower, I have to put the clothes in the dryer that I set to wash last night before we came to bed and then I have errands to run.”


Hmph.” His fingers tickled her inner thigh making her breath hitch. “I can’t imagine anything being more important right now than me having my way with you.”


There is. I have to overnight my manuscript to my editor or we won’t make deadline. I can’t miss a deadline on my first novel, so keep your wandering hands to yourself Mr. Handsy.” She was laughing when she rolled out of bed and wandered to her closet naked to get her undergarments and was heading towards the shower when the phone rang. She darted over to the nightstand and grabbed it as Noah was getting out of bed.


Hi Darius. Yes I know, I’m about to get in the shower and then I’ll run to go overnight it to you. I know about the deadline Darius. Darius… Listen to me… Ugh good grief you’re a pest, you know that right? Yeah yeah yeah, you’re the best blah blah blah. Ok, bye.” She hung up the phone laughing “Sorry Noah, that was my editor and he’s getting irritated I haven’t sent him my rough draft for my novel yet. I have to shower and get it posted before he has a heart attack.”


So when do I get to read this novel of yours babydoll?” She smiled up at him and brushed a kiss over his neck and went into the bathroom. “Soon as I think it’s as perfect as I can get it you can read it Romeo. Until then, why don’t you go toss your clothes in the dryer while I shower?” He grinned and walked in the bathroom with her and slid his hands up her nightgown and cupped her breasts “Or I could help you in the shower and we can forget about needing to get dressed at all today.” She giggled and swatted his butt, turning around and turning the faucet on. “Get out of here Romeo, I have a deadline to meet and I never will if you keep touching me and looking at me like that.” He laughed and left the room


Once she was showered, she wrapped up in a fluffy towel and dashed into her bedroom. When the phone had rang she forgot her clothing on the bed. She could hear the dryer going and it sounded like he was doing something in the kitchen so she grabbed her bottle of coconut lotion and smoothed it over every inch of her skin before she started to get dressed. Her door flew open when she had just pulled on her panties and fastened the hook on her bra.


Don’t you know how to knock? Sheesh!”


Didn’t I tell you once already, if I want to look at my woman that means I don’t want any damn doors in the way to keep me from at least being able to ogle her sexy body as she gets dressed?”


Shaking her head Miki made quick work of throwing on her jeans and sweater while Noah sat on the bed watching her grinning like a Cheshire cat.


You really are a brat Romeo.”


He shrugged nonchalantly. “You love me madly though so it’s all good kitten.”


Her skin flushed from the pet name and the low timber of his voice. Leaning down she kissed his full lips, holding his cheeks in her hands while he cupped her bottom in his hands.


I do love you Noah.”


I love you too Mikayla.”






Chapter 18




One month later




I can’t believe today is the day Mia. My stomach is doing flip flops like crazy.” Miki stood in front of the floor length mirror smoothing her hands over her satin dress. For the first time in her life she felt like a princess in a fairy tale.


You look beautiful Miki. I swear that dress was made just for you; it fits you like a glove. Noah’s going to be drooling at the altar when he sees you.” Mia giggled and hugged her sister.


I want you to wear these today; it can be your something borrowed and something blue.” She opened a box that had delicate sapphire earrings with pearls dangling from them. Miki gasped and her eyes started watering up as Mia put them on her.


Thank you Mia they are so beautiful!”


Tyler bought them for me for our tenth anniversary. I don’t wear them often because I’m afraid I’ll lose one.” She grinned and stood back, admiring how they looked on her baby sister. “Gorgeous!”


The door to the bedroom they were getting ready in opened and their sister Martha came in. “Oh Miki you look so pretty!” Tears welled up in her eyes and she gently hugged her, kissing her cheeks. “I left all the kids downstairs with Moni so I have to be quick, but I have something I want you to wear today Miki. It can be your something old.” She reached into her purse and pulled out the old jewelry box and opened it to reveal their Momma’s pearls. The same ones they had played tug of war with when they were young and fighting over who would get to wear them. Miki covered her mouth with her hands, shocked at the sweet gesture, tears slipping down her cheeks as her sister clasped the necklace around her neck. Mia was quick to grab tissues and dab her cheeks so as not to ruin her makeup. “Stop that crying now Mikayla! You’ll look a mess and you don’t want to walk down to your Noah with mascara streaks on your cheeks.” The sisters giggled and hugged each other, all turning when there was a knock at the door and Callum entered grinning at them all.


Well aren’t you girls just the picture of beauty! My goodness Miki you are gonna knock the breath out of Noah when he sees you.” He scooped her up in a hug and kissed her cheek. “Speaking of Noah, I have a gift for you from he that he asked me to bring you. He wants you to wear it today.” He handed Miki a jewelry box and smiled watching her just stand there holding it, looking at it and starting to cry again. “Now now, don’t start the water works, just open it and put it on. It’s about time for me to walk you down to him.”


Miki opened the lid and stared in awe at the delicate pearl bracelet, taking it out gently and holding it and her wrist out to Mia so she could put it on her. “It’s so beautiful. I can’t believe he did this.” Miki dabbed her eyes with a tissue again. “Now I have my something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new!”


Her sisters ooh’d and aww’d at her new bracelet, each hugging her and doing a last minute inspection of her dress, hair and makeup. Mia handed Miki her bouquet, and kissed her cheek just as the music started playing. “Looks like it’s time to go sissy. We’ll see you downstairs!” Her sisters dashed off and she took one last look in the mirror before turning towards Callum and hooking her arm in his. He was going to be the one to give her away, fittingly so since he had been the one to raise her.


You look amazing baby girl. You’re happy right? Just tell me that before I put your hand in his… he makes you happy right?”


Miki nodded her head and tip toed up to kiss Callum’s cheek. “He does, happier than I ever knew possible Callum. I love him.”


Callum grinned and kissed her forehead. “Then I guess we better get moving. It’s time for you to start your life with Noah.”


They walked arm in arm to the top of the stairs, looking down and seeing Noah there with Pastor Gregory. He looked so sharp in his Navy dress blues holding his white hat under his arm in his formal stance. The smile on his face melted her heart and eased her nerves as they took the steps down to her soul mate. The room faded away and her eyes were only for him. Once she reached him the music stopped, and Callum put her hand in Noah’s and stepped back, smiling with a tear sliding down his cheek as he gave his baby sister away.


Noah couldn’t stop smiling. God she was stunning all wrapped in satin and lace. Her long red hair was piled on the top of her head in soft curls and she sparkled with sapphires and pearls. He passed his hat to his brother Walter and tucked Miki’s hand in the crook of his arm and turned towards the pastor. The ceremony passed with a breeze, happy tears shined on the faces of their families and few friends that attended. His beautiful bride glowing by his side, Noah never dreamed he could be so happy, could feel so loved and at peace. It was all because of his sweet Miki girl, his wife. Once they said their vows and I do’s the pastor told him he could kiss his bride and he couldn’t help but laugh when he turned to Miki and saw the sweet blush on her cheeks. He lifted her veil from her face and slipped his arm around her back, tilting her chin with the tip of his finger, and ever so softly kissed her. He of course would have loved to really lay one on her, but his sweet girl was shy and nervous enough as it was, he didn’t want to overly fluster her in front of everyone. Later on though, when they were alone, he’d kiss her until she breathless.


The night breezed by with dinner and wine, dancing in the ballroom, eating cake and finally opening the gifts. The party was winding down and her brothers kindly took the gifts to her house for her because Noah had rented them a little cabin by the lake to stay in for a few days for their honeymoon, and they were heading there as soon as they left his parents’ home. As they were saying their goodbyes and heading for her old pickup truck Matthias stopped them and handed her a lottery ticket. “Don’t forget to check the numbers on Tuesday. You never know.”


Noah laughed and hugged his Dad; Miki kissed his cheek and got in the truck, tucking the ticket in her clutch purse. “Dad I don’t know why you always waste your money on those lottery tickets but thank you for the thought.” Matthias grinned and patted his sons back “Like I said Noah, you just never know what might happen, and if anyone deserves a bit of luck it’s you and Miki. Now go have fun, enjoy your vacation together.” He waved as Noah got in the truck with his bride and backed down the driveway, both of them laughing as the tin cans made a loud clanging sound as they drove away.






Chapter 19




Miki was positively glowing as Noah carried her inside the one room cabin. The love that was shining in her eyes lit the fire in his heart for her. Noah knew in that moment he would forever move heaven and hell to keep her smiling at him like that. He elbowed the door shut, and carried her to the bed, sitting down with her on his lap. Noah and his brother had brought their bags here earlier that morning and brought groceries and wine so they wouldn’t have to leave here until their rental was up in a few days. The honeymoon cabin had been a gift from his parents, one that he and Miki had been ecstatic over. Neither had really been on a vacation of any sort for years so they were excited to spend their first one together, here, away in their own little paradise for a few days.

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