A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (5 page)

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Authors: Carol Rutz

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BOOK: A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
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The CIA was about to determine if I would be a proper candidate for future experiments. I proved to be everything they wanted and more. Since I was just a baby in diapers when my dad started abusing me, I learned to go someplace else in my head to preserve my sanity. After awhile, when my grandfather started doing the same things and worse, I learned to dissociate even more. I began creating separate parts or personalities to hold the memories of this trauma. The technical term is alters. In a memo dated six months before I was first used in experiments, Bluebird states that practical -
not theoretical
research be conducted and carried out. The nature of this research to include these specific problems:

1. Can we “condition” by post-H (hypnotic) suggestion agency employees (or persons of interest to this agency) to prevent them from giving information to any unauthorized source or for committing any act on behalf of a foreign or domestic enemy?
2. Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit? (Long range).
3. Can we create by post-H control an action contrary to an individual’s basic moral principles?
4. Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.? (Short, immediate activity)
5. Can we by SI
and H techniques force a subject (unwilling or otherwise) to travel long distances, commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials? Can a person acting under post-H control successfully travel long distances?
6. Can we use SI and H to combat fatigue, produce extreme mental effort?
7. Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?
8. Can we “alter” a person’s Personality? How long will it hold?
9. Can we design tests to determine whether or not an enemy agent has been conditioned by SI and H or any other method?
10. Can we detect SI and H by use of SI and H (regression)?
11. Can we make a “conditioned” subject reveal by SI and H specifically how they were conditioned (drugs, torture, fatigue, hostage pressure, techniques)?
12. Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs or credentials?
13. How long can we sustain a post-H suggestion-unaided-with reinforcement?
14. What would be fastest way to induce SI and H conditions - with drugs - or without any mechanical aids?
15. Can we devise a standard simple relatively fast technique for inducing SI and H conditions that can be used by untrained agents (with or without drugs)?
16. Is it possible to find a gas that can be used to gain SI control from a gas pencil, odorless, colorless: one shot, etc.?
17. What are full details on “sleep-inducing machine”?
18. How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best concealed in a normal or commonplace item, such as candy, cigarettes, liqueur, wines, coffee, tea, beer, gum water, aspirin tablets, common medicines, coke, tooth paste?
19. How effective can the “carotid artery technique”
be made? Can it be used while subject is unconscious? Is it faster than other techniques?
20. Can we, while a subject is under SI and H control, show them a map and have them point out specific items, locations, etc., on the map? Can we also have them make detailed drawings, sketches, plans? Could any of the above be done under field conditions and in a very short space of time?

To use a child to investigate these possibilities I find so morally reprehensible, that I have a difficult time fathoming how my grandfather could hand me over. He did. The following day I was put in a white panel van with my little suitcase. Little Girl (my two year old alter) will tell you, as Paul Harvey says, “The rest of the story.”


We is sitin on a crate on the floor and the grandfather is on like a seat with a long pole comin out the bottom, just like the ones ya eat ice-cream on. He gots his hand on a long stick comin outa the floor. We gotted to go for a drive. He drops us off to Crazy Eddy. Crazy Eddy has a derby hat, a suit with a vest and white spats on. He’s got a big shiny white limousine with a funny thing on the trunk. We’s goin to Detroit. We gots our dress and black patent leather shoes on, and we falls asleep in the back seat with our thumb in our mouth. We don’t got no blanket to cover up with.”


Crazy Eddy says


“Time to wake up, time to wake up.”


He be shakin us. We is here-Detroit. Some men give Crazy Eddy a stash of cash to take back to the grandfather, and after he gets off the plane this other big shot guy says,


“Little Drip, can he be depended on to keep his mouth shut?”


A man named Mr. Dull-ass


“Creeps like that are a dime a dozen. He knows what will happen if he breathes a word of this.”


Then they starts talkin about ‘Little Girl’. That’s me. They tell me I’m special, real special and they is gonna study my mind real good and see what makes us tick.


Little Girl:
“Where ya takin me?”


Mr. Dull-ass says to the place of no return. Then somethin about shamrocks, Irish eyes are shinin and New York. He gives us Chinese checkers to play with. Geez, Louise, when ya’s little how does big people spect ya to hold things on your lap? We looks up at Mr. Dull-ass, and he smiles and puffs on his pipe. It smells good and reminds us of our daddy.


The other man is sittin across from us with his ugly grin. He gots somethin in his lap-a case that pops open. He gots a drink too. We wished we had some ovaltine. There is a bathroom in the back and Mr. Dull-ass walks us back. Later on the pilot sticks his head out and says we’s gettin ready to land.


Next thing we remembers is this doctor is liftin us up into a chair. He puts somethin black and heavy on our lap. He puts a needle
in our arm and
we is gettin sleepy, but still we’s awake. There’s a lady Dr. there who looks like Shirley Temple, cause of her curls. She says to the other doctor,


“How are you going to know how much medicine to give her? She is so little. Are you sure you’re not going to hurt her?”


He says its a truth drug
and he knows what he’s doin. Then he puts the black thing on our head and says somethin about it will shield us. Then he says,


“Come forth little one-I need to know your name!”


Little girl.”


Then the doctor says,


“Who Else?”




He knows we’s lyin so he makes our body jump and hurt real bad. We got lectricity going through us


Shadow, our name is Shadow.”


Now they wanna know who Shadow is.


Shadow gotted made at Grandfathers’ before we came here. There was a cross and the top slid off and inside each arm was a place to hold a candle. The center had a piece of rolled up parchment and some oil. There’s a big book and it looks like a bible, only bibles don’t have pictures of men and women that are naked. Grandfather says it’s our naming day and he gotta give me a battle name and make me a soldier. My name is Shadow. He burns the candles and puts oil on our forehead. He seals the lips with oil that’s still hot from burnin in a spoon. He makes us open our mouth and swallow it. Then he unrolls the paper and writes our name. Shadow. He’s saying some funny words. It is done and sealed in blood. Don’t touch my hair and face like that. You’re evil, wicked. Now he’s dripping candle wax on the paper. Sealed forever. Stay off me you wicked old man. Geez that be when Freda, our fighter part comes and starts fighting off the Grandfather.”


Now they knows all our names. If ya knows our names-ya got power and control. They says they’s gonna give us special numbers. Later Dr. No, the lady Doctor says,


“We are gonna help you, little girl, not to have any more pain. You don’t have to feel it ever again.”


They’s gonna make Samantha come. Uh-oh, spaghettios. Samantha won’t ever feel anything. No more pain, no feelins. It’s the way they made her.


(Intense electro-shock was delivered in order to allow my mind to disassociate and create Samantha who would never feel pain. In the future, whenever I was to be put through a torturous painful experience, Samantha would automatically be the alter who took over the body and she would hide the memory and the pain from the rest of my system. Unfortunately as I started to remember and integrate these experiences into my life, I would have to re-experience the pain and emotions surrounding each situation.)


“Back, just let the memories go back.”


That be what the doctor tellin us alright. It’s our first lesson on who’s got power over us. They says tomorrow we gets ta work with two other people.


The next day it gets real confusing. We gets more medicine put in us, and the next thing we knows a guy is talkin to our baby part. He’s standin in front of us talkin to another man. We is sittin in a chair and looking blank. He is tellin them that switching to different alters is as easy as turning the
end of a kaleidoscope, where the shapes change with the turn of your wrist. Then he puts his finger by his nose and says,


“Look at this finger. You see the master. You only obey the master. When I say cheese you know that it is time for you to participate. Send the baby, now. Cheese.”


Up comes the baby. The man says,


“I am your mammer and your papper. You love only me, and I am the only one who loves you. I feed you and hold you, and you are mine alone.”


(Our Baby part grew to love and depend on “Daddy Sid” as her only source of love and nourishment. From that day forward, a deep bonding took place with Dr Sidney Gottlieb, Directorate of Operations of the Technical Services Staff (TSS) of CIA in charge of their behavioral program through MKULTRA.
No matter what experiment he was to make me a part of, I would love and remain loyal to the man who my baby alter considered sole supplier of the basics of life, food and love.)


A declassified document from 1954 says, “At all times when subjects were being hypnotized a CD representative (Dr. Gottlieb or Major deleted) was present. His presence served a double purpose of reassurance to the subject and observation of technique for possible later exploitation.”


Little Girl Continues:


After holding and loving Baby and feeding her a bottle, Daddy Sid says he gonna create a twin for her. His name is Guy and he’s gonna get special training from time to time. Nobody can talk to Guy without talking to Baby first, cause they’s bonded together like a figure 8 that lays on its side.


Daddy Sid says


“Send Guy! Cheese. Guy you are requested to fulfill your destiny. You must always obey me and me alone. You live in Shadowland and Baby lives in Neverland. When Neverland is opened, Shadowland is closed. When Shadowland is open, Neverland is closed. The genie appears when Neverland is opened. Remember, I am your master and I am the genie. In Neverland, Baby never grows up. You and Baby will have eternal life. All you must do to keep your eternal life is to fulfill your destiny and come when you are called.”


Guy was created that day, and in the coming years would display psychic abilities that the CIA found very useful.
Guy was taught to store all the anger and hatred accumulated during abuse and use it to psychically kill with what Sidney Gottlieb called “The Red Fire.”
Secret Weapons
is a book
coauthored by two survivors of similar MKULTRA experiments, the Hersha sisters. They share co authorship with Dale Griffis, an investigative law enforcement specialist, and Ted Schwarz, an author who has written extensively on the subject of abnormal psychology. The creation of a “Guy” type alter is explained:

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