A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (4 page)

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Authors: Carol Rutz

Tags: #Law, #Constitutional Law, #Human Rights, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #Specific Topics, #Intelligence & Espionage

BOOK: A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
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The Allied armada was sailing into Tokyo Bay on September first, as daddy steamed westward towards Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands.
The very next day aboard the U.S.S.
General MacArthur signed the surrender document. 405,000 Americans who had given their lives in this war were solemnly remembered. Years later, many more would bare the tragic effects of nuclear exposure from their proximity to the explosions.


Chapter 2 -


Daddy’s ship arrived in Seattle in January 1946 and he completed his service to his country in February. I try to imagine sometimes, what it must have been like for him coming home after seeing the horror and devastation from the bombs we dropped. I know he brought back a Japanese sword that hung on our walls for the rest of his life. Nine months after his return, my third brother was born. Just thirteen months later in December of 1947, my mother got her wish for a girl, when a 9 pound, 3 ounce rolly, polly baby announced her presence by screaming with fear at the top of her lungs. I was born, and I soon learned that screaming and tears were just not allowed.


That same year President Truman specifically assigned the CIA responsibility for covert psychological operations. The following year he approved NSC directive 10/2 giving the CIA responsibility for “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements.”


The U.S. Army’s Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) decided to use convicted war criminal Klaus Barbie
to supervise a string of agents in occupied Germany called the “Petersen Bureau.” In 1950 the CIC allowed Barbie to escape from Europe to Bolivia through a “rat line” organized by a Croatian priest and former Nazi collaborator operating out of the Vatican.


More than likely it was the same ratline that helped Dr. Josef Mengele, killer of 400,000 in Auschwitz, to escape to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1949. The Counterintelligence Corp hired Croatian Catholic Intramarium leader Monsignor Krunoslav Draganovic to run these ratlines for U.S. sponsored Nazi escapees. CIC had tagged Draganovic as an unreconstructed Ustase.
In the summer of 1941 the Roman-Catholic Ustase murdered Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies in cartloads, and according to Michael Bar-Zohar in the
, they once presented a wicker basket overflowing with forty pounds of human eyes to their leader.
The Justice Department admitted that Draganovic smuggled these fugitives for the U.S., and was even provided a source of financing and shield of protection.
SPINNE, Otto Skorzeny’s exfiltration network for SS officers on the run, also used Draganovic’s underground railway to bribe harbor officials before shipping ex-Nazis’ like Klaus Barbie to Paraguay or Buenos Aires.


As Assistant Secretary of State under Roosevelt, Nelson Rockefeller lobbied long and hard to have
Argentina be a founding member of the United Nations. Nelson had varied South American interests. He held large stockholdings in Creole Petroleum in Venezuela, and an enormous ranch near Valencia that was five times larger than the combined boroughs of New York City.
Nelson was awarded the Order of Merit of Chile, the National Order of Southern Cross of Brazil, and the order of the Aztec Eagle of Mexico, but the people themselves weren’t so taken with him. When he made a fact-finding tour of Latin America for President Richard Nixon in 1969 he created uproar. The government of Venezuela had to cancel his visit after students seized university buildings, and street fighting with rocks and pistols broke out. In the Dominican Republic a Standard Oil refinery was blown up, and in Argentina nine Rockefeller-owned supermarkets were bombed and burned. That was followed by a nationwide labor strike. As Nelson embraced the dictator of Paraguay, Alfredo Stroessner, demonstrators burned an American flag.


Nicolo Tucci resigned his post as head of the Bureau of Latin American Research because as he later put it, “My bureau was supposed to undo the Nazi and fascist propaganda in South America and Rockefeller was inviting the worst fascists and Nazis to Washington.”
When Tucci took his complaints to Nelson he was told, “Everybody is useful and we’re going to convert these people to friendliness to the United States.” Then Rockefeller’s lawyer Larry Levy said to me, “Don’t worry, we’ll buy those people.”


wrote a scathing editorial indicting the vote on Argentina’s admission: “The regime which is described as having done things recently that exceed anything this correspondent can remember in his seventeen years experience in Fascist Italy this regime was railroaded into the company of ‘peace-loving states’ in San Francisco by Secretary Stettinius and Assistant Secretary Rockefeller.”


John D. Rockefeller III, brother of Nelson went on a series of world tours with John Foster Dulles in 1950 and 1951. They focused on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations. In 1952, Dulles and Rockefeller set up the Population Council with millions of dollars from the Rockefeller family. The American Eugenics Society moved into the Population Council’s headquarters and assumed its name. The eugenics movements’ belief in mandatory sterilization for inferior and defective people was not at all unlike the beliefs that led to the elimination of undesirable races through genocide in Nazi Germany before and during WWII.


Several of the Directors of The American Eugenics Society worked at institutions that were involved in the MKULTRA experiments or other covert government experiments. Dr. Franz J. Kallmann
worked at New York State Psychiatric Institute as a geneticist from 1936 to 1951. He became chief of psychiatric research from 1952 through 1965. New York State Psychiatric Institute obtained funding through the Edgewood Arsenal Army’s Chemical Corps medical research labs. They were given three contracts for studies of LSD and mescaline on human subjects. In fact, at the “First Psychochemical Conference” (12 May 1954) the principal Research Psychiatrist was introduced as “a pioneer in the field of correlating experimental pharmacology and clinical psychiatry.” On January 8, 1953 Mr. Harold Blauer died of circulatory collapse and heart failure, following an intravenous injection of a synthetic mescaline derivative while at New York State Psychiatric Institute.
It was this institute that I have reason to believe I was taken to covertly in 1952.


Genetic research was indeed one of the major interests of Dr. Josef Mengele. During one of the experiments I was forced to endure at the hands of Dr. Black, he referred to me as a “Mengele Kid.” After seeing photographs of him from the fifties and sixties, I believe Dr. Black was an alias that the “Angel of Death,” Josef Mengele used while doing mind control experiments under Project MKULTRA after his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945.


I first met Dr. Black when I was four. It was a scorching day in July 1952. Because of the blessed event of my little sisters’ birth, I was given the dubious honor of staying with Grandpa Al and Grandma Cordula, daddy’s parents. Grandpa decided to let me run in my underwear through the water that would squirt out of all the holes in the hose that he used to water the vegetable garden. When I was through getting totally drenched, I ran into the greenhouse to smell the flowers and watch him work. Such a dichotomy, that this child molester raised this room full of perfume and velvety smoothness. I especially loved the pansies, as they reminded me of little faces gazing up at me. Grandma had the huge concrete floral baskets that Grandpa crafted filled with petunias, pansies, snapdragons, and lacy ferns. The glass blocks imbedded in the cement threw the colors of the flowers everywhere.


Grandpa was an incredibly resourceful man. A bricklayer by trade, he found himself without a job during the recession. For a while, he worked for the government funded CWA and FERA programs during the Depression, where he did most of the stonework inside the snake cages in the Reptile house in the Zoo. A
Toledo Blade
newspaper article about him says, “By sheer inventiveness, combined with a bulldog determination and courage, he literally has pulled himself out of the depression slough by his boot straps.”


The article goes on to say, “Today he owns a home... and has a five-year lease on two and one-half acres of land, which he has converted into a vegetable garden. All of this has been done with the aid of a hand trailer, a boat and about $30.” The article continues, “Lacking the funds to buy an old vacant house, he agreed to pay the stipulated price of $200 in labor, the only commodity he had... In order to move the house from its original location-about three blocks away from its present one-he got the jacks and necessary implements for the job, agreeing to pay with his labor for the cost involved. The next problem was to build a foundation. With the aid of the hand trailer, he gathered old bricks wherever he could find them, and these old bricks that nobody wanted have found their place into and eight-foot basement as foundation for the home.” As the story continues grandpa carried the sand needed to make cement from the sand bars in a boat across the lake, unloaded it, and took it home in a hand trailer. The stone porch he built for the house came from a torn down chimney ferried in the same way, but from a much greater distance. This fortitude was what our country had been built on. Too bad he brought with him the pedophilic traits of his forefathers.


Late that afternoon Grandpa said it was time to go out to the fruit and vegetable stand that sat at the street. It had an awning so the produce wouldn’t cook in the sun. He lifted me up to sit beside the tomato baskets that were already filled. I wiggled my toes, as I carefully placed each tomato in the scale to be weighed when people stopped by on their way home from work. I even got a shiny penny to put in the pocket of my coveralls. Wow, having mommy in the hospital did have some benefits.


After supper that evening, Grandma Cordula started talking on the phone and shaking her head at grandpa. She had a very worried look on her face when she hung up the phone.

“We shouldn’t be doing this Al.”
“Shut up, Cordula! Just shut up!”
She shuts up. Then Grandpa says, “You’re goin on a vacation soon and I know you’ll be a good little girl.”

I wasn’t quite sure what a vacation was, but it sounded good to me. The next day this big shot from the CIA paid a visit to grandpa. He talked about patriotism and how grandpa could become a big shot too, and get money for helping to rid the world of Commies. It wasn’t no skin off his back to do what needed to be done. He just had to exert some pressure to make our daddy let the CIA perform a few little experiments on me. National Security was at stake, etc. etc. etc., blah, blah, blah, blah.


That day it was decided that in exchange for some money and freedom from prosecution for making child pornography, I would become the governments’ little experiment. It seems that grandpa had become involved with gangsters when they moved into the city in 1931. A group of criminals from Detroit led by Thomas “Yonnie” Licavoli moved to Toledo in March in an attempt to take over the bootleg and gambling clubs. Licavoli had been told by Al Capone “to stay the hell out of Detroit.” The gang killed 13 people in our city in five months when they refused to pay protection money.


One bootlegger, Jack Kennedy Sr., refused to split the proceeds of his liquor business and became the target of the mob.
Jack became friends with my uncle, who later married Grandpa Al’s only daughter. In 1933 Kennedy was renting a cottage a few blocks from grandpa’s house. Leaving his bodyguard with his young son, he took a stroll with his girlfriend and was shot 11 times and died. One of the handguns that were used in the killing was found on the bank of the river by my dad, who was then eleven years old. The gun was linked to the Licavoli gang and with additional evidence, Yonnie was sentenced to prison for life.
I remember how afraid I was when Governor Rhodes commuted his sentence to second-degree murder and he was paroled. I naively figured he had a major vendetta to carry out against my dad, not realizing that if that were the case, he would have been long dead.


The mob was still active in Toledo when I was growing up, so it seems entirely possible that Grandpa helped Al Capone’s gang take control of Toledo by ridding it of Licavoli’s gang. Grandpa was a boozer and pedophile. The true extent of his personal involvement with this group went to the grave with him. I can only say that I’m quite sure that I was not the first child to star in his pornographic films, which were distributed to some very wealthy, notable public figures, probably through the mob.


Having found this out, the CIA took advantage of this knowledge to enlist grandpa’s cooperation. They were looking for children who had the ability to disassociate from reality for a project named Bluebird/Artichoke. Dissociative amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

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