A Patriot's History of the Modern World (88 page)

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Authors: Larry Schweikart,Dave Dougherty

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in World War I, 119–20, 121–23

in World War II, 353–56

Millis, Walter, 113

Milner, Alfred, 197

Minami, Jiro, 301

Minimum wage, 180, 181, 253

Minobe, Tatsukichi, 302

National minorities

Miranda, Carmen, 234

Mitchell, Billy, 129, 131, 135, 174–75

Moffett, Billy, 175

Mola, Emilio, 283–84

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 148, 297

Moltke, Helmut von, 84, 86, 93, 95–96, 98

Monetary policy, in 1920s, 247–49

Monist League, 186

Monroe Doctrine, 21, 33

Mons, Battle of, 95

Montague, Edwin S., 197

Monte Cassino, Battle of, 112

Montgomery, Bernard, 375–76, 406–7, 408–9, 410, 412–13

Montherlant, Henry de, 78

Montojo y Pasarón, Patricio, 26

Montseny, Federica, 282

Moreau, Émile, 249

Morgan, J.P., 44, 52, 113, 119, 248

Morgan (J.P.) & Company, 53–54, 115

Morgan, Frederick, 401

Morgan, Jack, 115

Morgenthau, Henry, 253

Mori, Hirozo, 303

Moroccan Crisis of 1905–6, 79

Moscow, Battle of, 344, 345–46


American exports to Europe, 232–34

of Howard Hughes, 355

Mexican Revolution in, 109

World War I in, 137, 139

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 243

Mukden Incident, 301, 304

Munich agreement, 289, 330

Mussolini, Benito

and Ethiopian conflict, 275

fascist ideology of, 178

–Hitler pact, 273, 275, 276, 295

on New Deal, 292–93

persecution of Jews, 276

and “Third Europe” coalition, 271, 272–73

wartime leadership of, 335

Mustard gas, 101, 102

Myers, Oscar W., 381

Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 418, 421

Nagumo, Chuichi, 351, 367, 368

National Cash Register, 228

National Guard, 333, 334

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 252–53

National minorities

Armenian, 220–22

and citizenship regulations, 222–23

in Czechoslovakia, 286

postwar uprooting of, 220, 222

treaty protection of, 219–20

and Versailles Treaty, 219

National Recovery Administration, 252–53

Naval power

Britain, 60–61, 170, 213–14, 357

France, 377

Germany, 171, 269, 272, 317, 357, 400

Italy, 334

Japan, 170, 171–72

London Naval Treaty, 299

postwar buildup, 170–73

submarines in World War I, 110–11, 115, 116, 120, 169–70, 171

submarines in World War II, 313, 331, 349, 369

Washington Naval Conference, 8–9, 170–71, 173

See also
United States Navy

Nazi Germany.
Hitler, Adolf; World War II

Netherlands (Holland), 320, 321–22, 408, 414

New Deal, 49, 251–54, 268, 292–93

New Economic Policy, 149

New Zealand, 100, 214, 335

Ngo Dinh Diem, 306

Nicaragua, 224, 227

Nicholas II, Czar, 71, 140, 143, 145

Nichols, Robert, 78

Nicolson, Harold, 156

Nimitz, Chester, 393, 395–97, 404

Nomura, Kichisaburo, 307, 349, 350

Normandy, Battle of, 410

Norman, Montagu, 249

North African campaign, in World War II, 334–35, 376–78

North Pole, Peary's expedition to, 2, 61–62

Northwest Ordinance, 5, 37

Norway, in World War II, 317–19

Nuclear energy program, Nazi Germany, 319

Nuremberg trials, 264

Nzula, Albert, 202

Obama, Barack, 4

O'Connor, Richard, 374

Oil embargo, on Japan, 305, 349, 395

Okhrana (secret police), 140, 148

Okinawa, invasion of, 415–17

Olbricht, Friedrich, 413

Omdurman, Battle of, 1–2, 3, 38, 85, 328

O'Neill, Buckey, 26

Opel, Adam, 322

Open Door policy, 210

Operation Sea Lion (Battle of Britain), 326–30

Orlando, Vittorio, 157

Orteig, Raymond, 175

Orwell, George, 67

Ostend Manifesto of 1854, 16

Otis, Elwell, 31

Ottoman Empire, 154, 198, 220

Owen, Wilfred, 138

Pacific War

and atomic bomb, 417–18, 419, 421

Australian forces in, 393–94

battle map of, 364–65

Doolittle raid, 366–67, 391

Guadalcanal, Battle of, 368–69, 392–93

“Island Hopping” strategy in, 369, 393

Iwo Jima attack, 137, 415

Japanese defeats in, 394, 400–401, 404, 411

Japanese victories in, 362, 366, 370

and Japan home islands invasion plan, 417

MacArthur's command in, 363

Midway, Battle of, 367–68, 381, 397

military preparedness for, 307–8

Nimitz's command in, 395–97

Okinawa invasion, 415–17

outbreak of, 308, 350–51

in Philippines, 362–63, 362–66, 391, 405–6, 411–12

suicide tactics in, 416–17

surrender of Japan, 418–19

Palestine, 199–201

Palmerston, Lord, 50

Panama, 53, 57

Panama Canal project

Culebra Cut, 55, 56, 57, 58

opening of, 58

under de Lesseps, 49–51

under U.S., 51–58

yellow fever hazard to, 50, 54–55

Panama Canal Zone, 54, 57

Panic of 1873, 45

Papen, Franz von, 167, 257–58, 265

Paris, pre–World War I culture of, 76–77

Parrott, Robert, 119

Pasionaría, La (Dolores Ibárruri), 281

Passchendaele (Ypres), Battle of, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105

Patton, George S., 394, 395, 396

in Mexican War, 108, 109, 127

in North Africa campaign, 377, 378

removal by Eisenhower, 406–7

on Western Front, 412, 413

Paul-Boncour, Joseph, 167

Paulus, Friedrich, 398, 399

Pearl Harbor attack, 308, 349, 350–51, 396

Pearson, Drew, 407

Peary, Robert E., 2, 7, 61–62

Peck, Harry Thurston, 46–47

Péguy, Charles, 78

Pemberton, Francis, 123

Péralte, Masséna, 34

Pershing, John “Black Jack”

death of family, 127

in Mexican campaign, 107–8, 109, 127

military career of, 128

in Philippines campaign, 32–33

training concept and tactics of, 128–29, 131

in World War I, 91, 121, 126, 127, 128–32, 136, 137

Peru, 227

Pétain, Philippe, 104, 136, 325, 326

Philby, Harry St. John Bridger, 199


Pacific War, 362–63, 362–66, 391, 405–6, 411–12

in Spanish-American War, 17, 26, 30–31, 107

U.S. bases in, 299, 307, 348

U.S. intervention in, 30–33, 127, 223

Picasso, Pablo, 66, 69

Pilsudski, Józef, 164, 165

Pius XII, Pope, 361

Pizarro, 38

Planned Parenthood, 184, 186

Platt Amendment of 1901, 28, 30

Plekhanov, Georgy, 143

Poincaré, Raymond, 168

Poison gas, in World War I, 101–2

Poland, 289

extermination camps in, 387–88

independence of, 154–55, 219, 273, 312

Nazi invasion of, 270, 294–95, 296, 312–13

and postwar settlement, 402, 411

under Pilsudski, 164, 165

Warsaw Ghetto, 387

Warsaw Uprising, 389

Popenoe, Paul, 183, 195–96

Popular Front, 278, 280

Population planning, 194

Populists, 43, 48

Portal, Charles, 357–58

Portugal, 165, 219, 284

Potsdam Conference, 403

Potter, David, 16

Powell, Adam Clayton, Sr., 185

(“Truth”), 147, 148

Prieto, Indalecio, 279, 280

Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 278

Princip, Gavrilo, 81, 82


and Bolshevism, 143

Constitutionalism versus, 3–4, 11

and eugenics movement, 179, 180–81

of Hoover, 241, 249

and industrial control, 120

and League of Nations, 157

and Social Darwinism, 186

and tax policy, 48–49, 118–19

of Theodore Roosevelt, 47, 49, 117, 118

and warfare's social uses, 117–18

during World War I, 120, 124–25

of Woodrow Wilson, 116–19

Prohibition, 7

Property rights, and American exceptionalism, 5

Proportional representation, in Europe, 166

Protestantism, and American exceptionalism, 5

Protocols of the Elders of Zion
, 189–90, 200

Provisional Government, 145–46

Psychology, emergence of, 62–64

Public Works Administration (PWA), 252

Q-boats, 111

Quisling, Vidkun, 317

Rachkovsky, Pyotr, 189–90


and “blood” concepts, 194

of eugenics movement, 180–81, 183

and Holocaust, 329, 360, 383, 384, 387–90

in Japan, 297, 298

of Margaret Sanger, 184–86

and Nazi purification program, 386–87

See also

Raeder, Erich, 318

Railroads, 45, 72, 123

Rapallo Treaty of 1922, 169, 220

Rasputin, 140

Rathenau, Walter, 71, 215

Rauschenbusch, Walter, 117

Raw materials shortages

Japan, 300, 301, 311, 349

Nazi Germany, 268, 290, 311–12, 314, 372

Poland, 312

U.S., 304

Raynal, Abbé, 6

Reagan, Ronald, 4

Reche, Otto, 194

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 241, 250

Redman, John, 397

Redman, Joseph, 397

Red Terror, 144–45, 146

Reed, John, 107

Reed, Thomas, 31

Reed, Walter, 29–30, 54, 55

Reparations, German, 161, 214–15, 217, 256–57, 264

Republican Party

post-Civil War dominance, 42–43

and tax policy, 49

Resor, Stanley and Helen, 230

Revenue Acts, 118–19

Reynaud, Paul, 323, 324, 325

Rhineland, invasion of, 276, 313–14

Rhodes, Cecil, 197

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 295, 296, 297, 307

Rite of Spring
ballet, 68

Robles, Gil, 280

Rochefort, Joseph J., 397

Rockefeller, John D., 46, 119, 186, 187

Rockefeller, Nelson, 233

Rockefeller Foundation, 194, 226

Rodman, Thomas, 119

Roessler, Rudolf, 337

Rokossovsky, Kontantin K., 347

Romania, 222, 256, 271, 272, 273, 334, 402, 410, 411, 414

Rommel, Erwin, 323, 336, 374–75, 377, 378

Roosevelt, Franklin

background and career of, 250–51

and British alliance, 331, 347–48

and business, 11, 354

at Casablanca Conference, 401–2

death of, 413

Hitler's views of, 217, 292

and Holocaust, 390

Japan policy of, 305–8, 348–49, 395, 421

Latin American policy of, 223, 227, 233

on Lindbergh, 176

and military preparedness, 332, 333

and Nazi military expansion, 266

and Nazi persecution of Jews, 270

New Deal policies, 251–54, 266, 292–93

and Pearl Harbor attack intelligence, 349, 350

on Philippine bases, 348

at Tehran Conference, 402

wartime leadership of, 308, 363, 366, 376, 400

Roosevelt, Theodore, 3, 4, 7, 19, 44, 112, 137

American interests promoted by, 47–48

assassination attempt on, 82

business policies of, 45–47

and Caribbean/Latin American interventions, 33

as naval secretary, 16, 17

and Panama Canal project, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56

Progressivism of, 47, 48, 117, 118

and racial quotas, 180

in Spanish-American War, 26, 108, 128

Root, Elihu, 33

Rosenbaum, Ron, 262

Rosenberg, Harold, 76

Rosenberg, Isaac, 78

Rosenthal, Joe, 415

Ross, E.A., 180

Rotary International, 227–28

Rothschild, Edmond de, 201

Rothschild, Lionel, 249

Rough Riders, 26, 27, 29

Rüdin, Ernst, 194

Ruhr, occupation of, 169, 215, 265

Rupprecht of Bavaria, Prince, 93, 98

Ruskin, John, 197


anti-Semitism in, 189–90

Bolshevik seizure of power, 145–48

Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 127, 154, 173

coming of revolution, 73

Czarist reforms, 71, 72–73, 76, 140

–Japan wars, 59–60

Provisional Government, 145–46

in World War I, 106, 126, 140, 146–47, 154

See also
Soviet Union

Russian Revolution of 1917, 115, 126, 145–46

Ruth, Babe, 7, 12

SA (
), 257

Sagrada Familia, La (The Sacred Family), 67

Salazar, António, 165

Sanctity of life concept of war, 134

Sandino, Augusto, 234

Sanger, Margaret, and eugenics movement, 179, 184–86

Sanjuro, José, 281, 283

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 289

Sassoon, Siegfried, 138

Sauckel, Fritz, 185

Saudi Arabia, 199

Saud, Ibn, 199

Schacht, Hjálmar, 216, 249, 258

Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States
, 252–53

Scheer, Reinhard, 110

Schleicher, Kurt von, 257, 258, 265

Schley, Winfield Scott, 25

Schlieffen Plan, 81, 87, 92–99, 106

Schmundt, Rudolf, 321

Schröder, Kurt von, 258

Schuker, Stephen, 256

Schwab, Charles, 20, 120–21

Schwalbe, Julius, 188

Schwieger, Walther, 111

Schwimmer, Rosika, 113

Scott, C.P., 200

Scott, Robert Falcon, 2, 61

Sebold, William, 331

Sedition Act, 124, 125

Seeckt, Hans von, 258, 312

Segua y Sáenz, Pedro, 279

Selby Group, 374

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